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Much reference has been made to Paul Ernest??s ??philosophy of mathematics education?? to legitimise a strong fallibilist trend in mathematics education. This article presents the argument that: (1) This philosophy makes unwarranted assumptions that have been taken as ??given??. For example, that ??absolutist?? or ??Platonist?? views of mathematics necessarily imply the transmission model of teaching mathematics. (2) The very basis of this philosophy contains a contradiction: that mathematics cannot be separated from its social origins, yet mathematics has a logical necessity that is independent of its origin. (3) This philosophy downplays mathematics as a formal, academic system of knowledge in the attempt to promote a child-centred pedagogy or the mathematics of social practices. (4) Ernest??s attempt to semiotically reduce proof to calculation is flawed. This article explores what is meant by fallibilism in relation to the views of many educationalists who appear not to like mathematics as a formal, academic body of knowledge and draws out the educational implications of these views.  相似文献   

This paper raises the issue of what it is to be ‘critical’ in education studies and in social theory more generally. It argues that this idea has for a long time been associated with forms of social constructionism and sociological reductionism. These understand the idea that knowledge is social in terms of reducing it to the experiences and interests of the groups whose perspective knowledge is held to represent. In this way knowledge is conflated with knowing. This approach has the consistent problem of collapsing into a relativism that denies of possibility of objectivity in knowledge or an epistemologically independent basis for knowledge claims. This paper offers an alternative view based in critical realism that attempts to provide non‐relativist, though fallible, grounds for knowledge claims that restore a sense of autonomy to fields of knowledge production by understanding the sociality of knowledge in terms of emergent materialism. In this manner, the argument provides an alternative to both social constructionism and to Bourdieu's relationalism.  相似文献   

Garrison  Jim 《Science & Education》1997,6(6):543-554
An influential view of constructivism in science and mathematics educational research and practice is that of Ernst von Glasersfeld. It is a peculiarly subjectivist form of constructivism that should not be attractive to science and mathematics educators concerned with retaining some sort of realism that leaves room for objectivity. The subjectivist constructivism of von Glasersfeld also becomes entangled in untenable mind/body and subject/object dualisms. Finally, these dualisms are unnecessary for social constructivism. I will provide one example of a social constructivist alternative to social constructivism, that of the pragmatic philosopher John Dewey. In presenting Dewey's position I will appeal to Ockham's razor, that is, the admonition not to multiply entities beyond necessity, to shave off the needless mentalistic and psychic entities that lead von Glasersfeld into his subjectivism and dualism.  相似文献   

建构主义视角下的知识教学强调学生的主动建构,注重社会文化互动与个人意义生成,却潜存过度建构而否定知识价值、混淆教学活动与一般学习活动、阻碍学生主体性发展的危害。社会实在理论批判、超越并改进了建构主义的弊端,承认知识生产的程序客观性与社会性基础,并基于其内在统一性提出知识的社会实在属性,为澄清知识教学的范畴与内涵提供了理论基础。社会实在论视角下的知识教学以优选的客观知识作为教学的主要内容和逻辑起点;以知识生产的客观逻辑与社会情境作为教学过程的设计依据;以学生的思维发生与知识结构作为教学效果的评判依据。整合的知识教学观,有助于从整体上把握教学的本质及其改革方向。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provide an examination of the role tacit knowledge plays in understanding, and to provide a model to make such knowledge identifiable. To do this I first consider the needs of society, the ubiquity of information in our world and the future demands of the science classroom. I propose the use of more implicit or tacit understandings as foundational elements for the development of student knowledge. To justify this proposition I consider a wide range of philosophical and psychological perspectives on knowledge. Then develop a Model of Scientific Knowledge, based in large part on a similar model created by Paul Ernest (Social constructivism as a philosophy of mathematics, SUNY Press, Albany, NY, 1998a; Situated cognition and the learning of mathematics, University of Oxford Department of Educational Studies, Oxford, 1998b). Finally, I consider the work that has been done by those in fields beyond education and the ways in which tacit knowledge can be used as a starting point for knowledge building.  相似文献   

知识本质:内在、开放、动态——新知识观的思考   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
知识观即人们对知识的观念与看法,它包括知识的本质观、价值观和知识习得观等。在本质上讲,知识内在于人的主观创造,是建基于客观性上的主观构建;知识是一个开放的生态系统,知识与社会政治、经济、文化乃至各门知识之间有着广阔而丰富的生态关系;知识是一个动态的发展过程,是主体在实践的基础上对无限发展着的客观世界的动态认识。确立内在、开放、动态的知识本质观对于教学改革意义重大。  相似文献   

简述创造思维、审美创造思维的内涵。论述了培养数学审美创造思维的可行性和必要性。着重介绍了如何在教学实践中帮助学生形成知识组块、整体把握问题、提高审美意识水平,从而提高学生数学审美创造思维的关键要素数学审美形象思维、数学审美直觉思维、数学审美想象的能力。  相似文献   

路遥是当代文学史上重要的现实主义作家,他的文学创作观念既是自己长期崇尚风格的延续,又与个人的精神气质、生活经历有关,也受到了柳青的影响。他始终注重以社会历史视角关注现实生活,一方面强调真实客观再现社会现实,另一方面强调历史性。在对时代环境的描摹和人物活动的具体环境的呈现中,真正做到了环境的典型和人物性格的典型。路遥并不着意于现实批判,而是强调文学为人生服务。这种创作观既取得了巨大的成就.也存在一系列缺陷。对其研究和分析,有利于衡量路遥创作的得失。  相似文献   

郭沫若是个深受外国戏剧浸染的中国现代史剧作家。郭氏自称早期的浪漫主义史剧创作主要是受歌德的影响,但由于他对歌德的借鉴是基于对歌德的一种误读,实际上更接近于“席勒式”的纯主观的浪漫主义。40年代以后,郭氏的史剧理论与实践发生了向莎士比亚式的客观性的转变,可是由于当时的历史语境和主流话语的导控,其表现手法又在很大程度上偏离了莎士比亚。纵观郭氏后期的史剧创作,唯有《孔雀胆》是从精神实质上接近于莎士比亚的作品。本文试图从郭沫若的史剧观念与创作的衍变入手,论述歌德和莎士比亚对郭沫若的史剧理论与实践的不同影响,从中探寻中国现代剧作家接受反应的一些经验教训。  相似文献   

Mathematics cannot be treated solely as a logical construction or a matter of psychological interpretation. What is defined as school mathematics is shaped and fashioned by social and historical conditions that have little to do with the meaning of mathematics as a discipline of knowledge. To understand school conditions, the essay considers (1) the social and cultural issues that underlie the patterns of schooling; (2) the assumptions and implications of curriculum languages for teaching mathematics, and (3) the contradictory meaning of change and reform that underlie current efforts to improve instruction.  相似文献   

每部作品都有其创作目的,但类似森鸥外《舞姬》这样拥有众多而复杂创作目的作品却并不多见。《舞姬》与其他作品一样,具有展示作者文学才能及创造作品的社会意义等创作目的的共同性之外,还具有更多的对个人仕途的考虑,其中大多数是远远游离于文学范畴之外的。该文在参考诸位大家先行研究,尊重史料,肯定或否定其他学者对《舞姬》创作动机论述的基础上,对其创作动机的功利性试图做一接近客观的探讨。  相似文献   

叔本华的悲观主义人生观的生成与他的生活经历、社会阅历及社会经历密切相关,是有其社会根基的;另方面,叔本华以他的意志主义哲学开创了现代西方哲学的先河,其中的理论目标和中心环节是其悲观主义的伦理学,悲观主义几乎成为叔本华哲学的首要特征。叔本华是直接从他的形而上学的体系中推出他的悲观主义伦理学的,他的意志本体的确立是他的悲观主义人生观生成的形而上的根基,即理论基础。他的生存意志痛苦的悲观主义结论是其意志主义哲学内在的合乎逻辑发展的必然。  相似文献   

融化百花与断章取义——钱钟书用典研究之三   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文联系典故的性质、类型、特点及钱钟书的用典理论研究其在创作中的用典实践。钱钟书厚积薄发,学化为才,在创作中自觉或不自觉地把满腹的诗书故典与自己的生活阅历结合起来,化而用之,达到了一种隶事与否,读者不知,作者也不自知的境界。这是其学人小说、学人散文的一个重要特色,也是其运用典故的一种美学追求。  相似文献   

The author takes Ernest Boyer's four‐part paradigm of scholarship: the scholarship of discovery, the scholarship of integration, the scholarship of application, and the scholarship of teaching as his starting point for the redefinition of curricula in the social sciences in an effort to make them more effective in the search for solutions to major human and societal problems. Drawing upon his knowledge of university social science and humanities programmes, he proposes and analyses ten paradoxes regarding the ideals and the realities of such programmes in order to explain what is wrong with academic practice today and to propose a holistic reform.  相似文献   

New forms of mathematical knowledge are growing in importance for mathematics and education, including tacit knowledge; knowledge of particulars, language and rhetoric in mathematics. These developments also include a recognition of the philosophical import of the social context of mathematics, and are part of the diminished domination of the field by absolutist philosophies. From an epistemological perspective, all knowledge must have a warrant and it is argued in the paper that tacit knowledge is validated by public performance and demonstration. This enables a parallel to be drawn between the justification of knowledge, and the assessment of learning. An important factor in the warranting of knowledge is the means of communicating it convincingly in written form, i.e., the rhetoric of mathematics. Skemp's concept of logical understanding anticipates the significance of tacit rhetorical knowledge in school mathematics. School mathematics has a range of rhetorical styles, and when one is used appropriately it indicates to the teacher the level of a student's understanding. The paper highlights the import of attending to rhetoric and the range of rhetorical styles in school mathematics, and the need for explicit instruction in the area.This revised version was published online in September 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Constructivism has become a major focus of recent pedagogical reform in mathematics education. However, epistemological reform that is based on the constructivist referent of learning as conceptual change has a very limited viability in traditional mathematics classrooms because of its cultural insensitivity. By contrast, the social epistemology of critical constructivism addresses the socio-cultural contexts of knowledge construction and serves as a powerful referent for cultural reform. From this perspective, the social reality of traditional mathematics classrooms is governed by powerful cultural myths that restrain the discursive practices of teachers and students. The power of the repressive myths of cold reason and hard control is evident in the ways in which they act in concert to create a highly coherent and seemingly natural social reality. Epistemological reform of traditional mathematics classroom learning environments is, therefore, synonomous with cultural reconstruction. Critical constructivism, which has a central concern with discourse ethics and the moral agency of the teacher, draws on the social philosophy of Jurgen Habermas and argues for an alternative culture of communicative action to be established in mathematics classrooms. Teachers are expected to work collaboratively as agents of cultural change in forums beyond their classrooms.Religions, philosophies, arts, the social forms of primitive and historic man, prime discoveries in science and technology, the very dreams that blister sleep, boil up from the basic, magic ring of myth.(Joseph Campbell, The Hero With a Thousand Faces, 1968, p. 8.)  相似文献   

This comment attempts to identify different “semiotic perspectives” proposed by the authors of this special issue according to the problems they discuss. These problems can be distinguished as problems concerning the representation of mathematical knowledge, the definition and objectivity of meaning, epistemological questions of learning and activity in mathematics, and the social dimension of sign processes. The contributions are discussed so as to make visible further research perspectives with regard to “semiotics in mathematics education”.  相似文献   

Disability has long been considered a biological category. Our research and professional practice has traditionally reflected this perspective. Recent scholarship emerging out of the disability rights movements and grounded in disability studies promotes new understanding of disability as socially constructed and as social identity. In considering disability in the social-cultural context, the scholarly inquiry and professional practices in kinesiology and physical education must change. To do so requires an examination of the assumptions abut disability, the body, and physical activity. As we challenge these assumptions and traditional views of disability, our research can become more meaningful and relevant to individuals with a disability and informative to the body of knowledge underlying kinesiology and physical education.  相似文献   

海明威以单纯、简约的文体著称于世,对现代小说创作具有深远影响.他的著名小说《白象似的群山》是体现他女性声音与男性眼光的经典名篇.小说以独特的叙事模式展现了男女主人公的尖锐冲突,同时运用象征手法间接地表现出人物的心理感受、心理状态和情感欲望,用动物作为人物的心理象征,增加了小说的神秘色彩.  相似文献   

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