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In this article, we describe the conceptual framework, development, implementation, and outcomes of an experimental professional preparation program. University students from preparation programs in general education, educational administration, school psychology, and special education formed transdisciplinary cohorts that were placed in school settings to complete a variety of activities designed to foster greater collaboration among disciplines in serving children and youth at risk. We describe what was learned throughout the project as well as its operational structure, outcomes, and future directions for transdisciplinary professional development.  相似文献   

This study examined the experiences of 13 graduate students enrolled in a closed, lock-step master's degree of the education cohort program. Interview and observational data, collected over 10 months and across four courses, were qualitatively analyzed to explore students' understanding of the meaning of cohort membership and how that membership both shaped their educational experience and the development of peer and instructor relationships. Results indicate that both the meaning and influence of cohort membership were fluid and evolved as students progressed in their program, changing from an inconsequential to a significant meaning and from a modest to a deep influence. Michelle A. Maher is an Assistant Professor of Higher Education and Student Affairs at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, South Carolina. She received her doctorate in higher education administration and her masters in industrial/organizational psychology from George Mason University. Her research interests include the role of graduate and professional education in adult development, uses of technology in educational settings, and educational research methodologies.  相似文献   

Lev Vygotsky's contribution to defectology became a significant part of his overall theoretical legacy. Within his general theory of child development, he created a comprehensive and practically oriented paradigm of educating children with special needs. This article discusses the following topics' relevance to contemporary special education and school/educational psychology: Vygotsky's views on the nature of handicapping conditions in children, the principles of psychoeducational evaluation of the disabled, and the issue of the compensation and education of children with sensory and cognitive impairments.  相似文献   

Given the relatively high intercorrelations observed between mathematics achievement, reading achievement, and cognitive ability, it has recently been claimed that student assessment studies (e.g., TIMSS, PISA) and intelligence tests measure a single cognitive ability that is practically identical to general intelligence. The present article uses three lines of reasoning to show that the outcomes of schooling can and must be conceptually distinguished from the intelligence construct. First, the conceptual differences between student assessments and tests of cognitive ability are delineated. Second, results from construct validation studies providing strong empirical support for the multidimensionality of the achievement measures applied in large-scale educational assessments are reported. Third, data supporting the differential development of educational outcomes in different domains are presented.  相似文献   

As part of educational reform, many institutions of higher education are undergoing accreditation processes. Based on interviews, observations, and the author's experiences in accreditation reviews, this discussion delineates three stages of planning for an accreditation process. Recommendations are organized by each stage of preparation into long- and short-term action plans with specific tasks. Analyzing the process of accreditation across institutions and programs led to the identification of common elements that can make planning an accreditation effective and efficient. This article maps the roles and responsibilities of accreditation stakeholders and the need for communication and collaboration throughout the process.Ann L. Wood earned a Ph.D. in educational psychology from The University of Michigan and a M.A. in special education and a B.A. in sociology, psychology, and education from Michigan State University. She is currently the Co-Principal Investigator for the Comprehensive Teacher Education Institute and an Assistant Professor in the Charter College of Education at California State University, Los Angeles. Her special interests are educational reform, urban education, lives of faculty and teachers, higher education, teacher development, and teacher induction  相似文献   

In the 1990s many institutions are faced with pressures to serve the needs of society while facing declining financial resources. This increases the need for institutions to properly plan for the future. The literature shows that many institutions have not embraced the need for strategic planning. This article reviews the systems approach to strategic planning as a method to enhance the planning processes. Planning models in the literature were examined, and a new model specifically oriented to institutions of higher education is presented. The model uses the concepts of the systems approach, combines elements of models in the literature, and shows the relationships and responsibilities of elements of the institution.Thomas S. Barker holds a B.S.B.A. from Christopher Newport University, an M.B.A. from Old Dominion University, and a Ph.D. in Higher Education from the University of North Texas. He is a principal in an educational consulting firm and has written on international education and technology transfer. Special interests include international education, developing countries, and cross-cultural ethics. Howard W. Smith is currently Professor of Higher Education and Interim Dean of the College of Education at the University of North Texas. He holds a B.S. in Education from Southwest Missouri State College and M.Ed. and Ed.D. degrees from the University of Missouri-Columbia. His current interests are higher education administration, planning, accreditation, and teacher education.  相似文献   

The Summer Institute for Teacher Education (SITE), a one-year program, emerged in response to a California State University directive to increase the number of credentialed teachers. This article explains the rationale and program approach, describes the participants of the first two cohorts—SITE 1999 and SITE 2000, and uses yearly program evaluations to discuss the program goals and outcomes. It concludes with implications for the preparation of teachers of color and the institutional conditions needed to promote sustainability and teacher effectiveness. Three goals differentiated SITE from the regular program: (1) to create a one-year credential program to increase the yearly number of credentialed elementary teachers, (2) to offer a program for training the growing number of California's emergency credentialed teachers, and (3) to provide the contextual conditions and?culturally responsive curricular content needed for successful sustained service to children, especially those attending high-poverty, low performing urban schools.  相似文献   

颜元是我国明末清初著名的一位教育家,针对当时八股教育的弊端和不足,一心一意改革教育,实现教育创新,为了实现其培养专门人才和通才结合的思想,提出了"实文、实行、实体、实用"实学教育思想体系,倡导"习行"教学方法,采取全面评价学生等教育思想。科南特作为美国著名的教育家,是一位以要素主义流派为代表的教育家,提出了中等教育改革、师范教育改革、大学通识教育等重要的教育思想,影响了当时美国教育改革。通过比较发现,两个教育家在教育经验、教育理念、教育目的、教育内容、教育评价等方面既有分歧,也存在一定的共同之处。在今天,两位教育家的教育思想对我们的教育家的成长有很大启示价值。  相似文献   

戴维·乔纳森博士现为美国密苏里—哥伦比亚大学教育学院杰出教授。自 1976 年取得坦普尔大学教育媒体与教育心理学博士学位以来,乔纳森先后在世界上多所大学任教,例如美国的宾夕法尼亚州立大学、科罗拉多大学、北卡罗纳大学,荷兰的特温特大学,巴西的巴西利亚大学,新家坡的南洋理工大学,挪威的卑尔根大学等。乔纳森教授发表了 27 本专著以及大量的文章、论文,其研究领域涉及视觉文化、认知风格、教学设计、基于计算机的学习、超媒体、建构主义、建构主义学习环境以及认知工具等。最近编辑出版的专著有:《学习环境的理论基础》(2000)、《学会用技术解决问题:一个建构主义者的观点》(2003)、《教育传播与技术研究手册》(2004)和《学会解决问题:教学设计指南》(2004)。乔纳森博士当前的研究主要关注认知建模与认知任务分析、问题解决、建构主义学习环境设计、学习中认知工具的开发等。乔纳森教授的个人网站:http://www.coe.missouri.edu/~jonassen  相似文献   

The present study was designed to investigate the longitudinal covariation of attitude toward subject matter and achievement during a course in general psychology. Five measures of attitudes toward psychology and five measures of achievement were obtained at intervals of 20 percent through the course. Subjects included 866 freshmen and sophomores at Colorado State University and the University of Missouri. The data indicated a consistent improvement in achievement throughout the course but relatively little change in attitudes. It was concluded that the cognitive and affective outcomes were independent of each other.  相似文献   

This article is a tribute to Graham Nuthall's contribution to classroom research from his early experimental studies through to his recent work on theory integration. It also explains the potential of the methodology, findings and theory building in our collaborative work to make a substantial positive difference for diverse students. The article explains the significance of, and need for, research linking learning to teaching processes (a scientific realist approach to putting ‘process’, socio-cultural context and theory building into a new process–product paradigm). Findings of student outcomes contrary to educational goals (for example, teaching designed to enhance appreciation of cultural differences triggering racist abuse) signal the importance of research that explains the impact of teaching on learner outcomes. The article also foreshadows the implications of the work that Graham and I did for teaching, teacher education, research and educational policy. The article concludes with Graham's view that the most important contribution his work would make, would be to initial teacher education.  相似文献   

We conducted a systematic literature review to analyze evaluations of conservation education programs on a global scale in order to better understand (1) temporal and spatial trends in conservation education program evaluations over the last 25 years, (2) patterns in the types of conservation-related issues addressed through these programs, (3) metrics that indicate effectiveness of conservation education programs, and (4) methods and timeframes used to draw conclusions about program outcomes. Findings indicated that there is a need to better connect the types of issues addressed through conservation education programs with metrics that would indicate success in addressing these issues and the actual outcomes measured and reported. As well, there is an opportunity to employ a variety of metrics and methods for evaluating program outcomes, particularly in developing countries, by focusing on cognitive and behavioral components as well as social and ecological ones. Finally, shifting to a more comprehensive strategy for evaluating multiple outcomes in different cultural contexts would provide opportunities for utilizing mixed methods and qualitative approaches in partnership with community stakeholders.  相似文献   

The discipline of neuroscience draws from the fields of neurology, psychology, physiology and biology, but is best understood in the wider world as 'brain science'. Of particular interest for education is the development of techniques for 'imaging' the brain as it performs different cognitive functions. Cognitive neuroimaging has already led to advances in understanding some of the basic functions involved in learning and raised implications for education and special education in particular. For example, neuroimaging has enabled scientists to study the very complex processes underpinning speech and language, thinking and reasoning, reading and mathematics. In this article, Professor Usha Goswami of the University of Cambridge Faculty of Education first reviews basic information on brain development. She provides a brief introduction to the tools used in neuroimaging then considers recent findings from neuroscience that seem relevant to educational questions. Professor Goswami uses this review to suggest particular ways in which neuroscience research could inform special education. In its closing sections, this article provides authoritative perspectives on some of the 'neuromyths' that seem to have taken root in the popular imagination and argues for increased dialogue, in the future, between the disciplines of neuroscience and education.  相似文献   

This article describes strategies for redesigning the University of Missouri's Statewide Cooperative Ed.D. Cohort Program in educational leadership. Results had suggested a need to redesign aspects of the program in order to achieve higher levels of cognitive learning outcomes inclusive of transformational learning. To help meet this objective, the areas targeted for redesign were the curriculum as it relates to issues of diversity and ethics, instruction as it relates to group dynamics and cohort models, and increased time and a forum for students to reflect on their leadership practices. This forum also allowed faculty to monitor and assess the transformational learning outcomes of their students. This article is meant to assist others who are interested in fostering higher levels of transformational learning outcomes within their programs. Meredith L. Mountford holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Illinois State University, a Master of Science degree in educational administration from Northern Illinois University and a Philosophy of Science degree in educational administration from the University of Wisconsin—Madison. She is an Assistant Professor and has served as Director for the Statewide Cooperative Ed.D. Cohort Program in educational leadership at the University of Missouri—Columbia.  相似文献   

教育独立性:蔡元培教育思想之魂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡元培是我国民国时期著名教育家,在教育理论与实践中都有诸多成就。从他的“五育并举”思想、大学理念和北大实践均可以看出其思想之深邃以及给后世产生的深远影响。教育独立性是蔡元培先生的教育思想之灵魂,从他对教育目的阐述、教育目的实现路径的探索均可以看出这一思想精髓。本文总结了蔡元培教育思想中的教育独立性,以期给今天的中国教育带来若干启示。  相似文献   

Sternberg's call for an educational focus on teaching wisdom can be viewed as part of a nascent trend to reorient educational psychology away from exclusive focus on the so-called algorithmic level of analysis. The thrust of his research program on wisdom, like those emphasizing rationality as a critical construct in educational psychology, is on aspects of cognition heretofore backgrounded: the goals and beliefs of the learner, thinking dispositions, values, morality, cognitive styles, and the evaluation of cognition in terms of normative criteria.  相似文献   

This paper discusses two important movements in higher education during the last decade: empirical analysis of educational outcomes and expansion of postsecondary educational opportunities for adults. Evidence is presented that indicates that many of the findings relating educational outcomes to background factors may not be important for adult open-learning programs. A discussion of the correlations that were significant is included as well as possible reasons why more significant findings did not arise. The paper then argues for a wider view of outcomes and a broader conception of success. Categories other than achievement, completion, interest, and satisfaction are presented. Among the student and institutional outcome measures discussed are educational and career development, personal development, community impact, and development of new knowledge.Much of this paper is based on an earlier presentation given at the AERA conference on correlates of success in nontraditional post secondary education in San Francisco, 1976. The author is particularly indebted to John Eggert for his substantive contribution and advice and council in the preparation of this paper. The University of Mid America (UMA) is Principally Funded by the National Institute of Education (NIE). The views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of UMA or NIE.  相似文献   

The propositions advanced and defended in this article are: (1) that it is more urgent for educators to reach agreement on their general purposes and goals than to specify in detail the outcomes they seek; (2) that insistance on detailed statements of educational objectives is questionable; (3) that teachers should be more concerned with developing a pupil's cognitive resources than with changing his behavior; (4) that criterion-referenced measures should supplement, not supplant norm-referenced measures; and (5) that conventional test statistics are appropriate for criterion-referenced tests if they are based on appropriate test responses.  相似文献   

Leaders in educational psychology are pointing out increasing opportunities for careers in educational psychology or in education-related work in universities and other settings. A program of graduate education in educational psychology is essential for preparing the current generation of graduate students for these careers. This article presents a procedure for determining the content of local graduate programs and suggests the desirability of identifying a common core of content to be included in all graduate programs. The future of educational psychology is assumed to depend on how well educational psychologists are prepared.  相似文献   

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