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At one time Einstein traveled all over the United States giving lectures. He traveled by car, and soon became quite friendly with the driver.The driver always listened to Einstein's lecture, which the great scientist gave again and again. One day, he told Einstein that he knew the lecture so well that he was sure he could give it himself. Einstein smiled and said, "Why  相似文献   

Liu Hua's father contracted a pond(承包了一个池塘). The pond was very big. There were many flowers around it. There were some trees behind the flowers. It was a very beautiful place to travel. There were many different fishes in the pond. Liu Hua's father fed them every day and they could swim freely in the water. The place was very quiet. The fishes came out at times. One day, some young men from the city found the place. And they began to have swimming in the pond. Liu Hua's father adviced them. But they didn't listen to him. He had to write two words on a big sign(牌子): No Swimming. The next Sunday some other young men came and had swimming in the pond, too. He could not stop them swimming in the pond. He was very angry. People swimming in the pond were not good for the fishes to grow. He worried about his fishes. One Sunday morning Liu Hua told his father he could stop the people swimming in the pond. He told his father not to go to the pond and he could stay there by himself. When Liu Hua was playing, three young men came to the pond. "What a nice place it is!"one of them shouted. Then he saw Liu Hua and he came over to him.  相似文献   

Socrates was born in Athen,Greece.He was one of the wisest and bravest teachers in the world.All his life he was poor because he never asked his pupils to pay for what he taught them.He taught for the love of wisdom,not for money.Unlike other philosophers,Socrates was interested in how ordinary people ought to behave and think.He did not just tell his pupils what he thought they should do,in face,he was fond of saying that he himself knew nothing.Instead,he would talk about their answers and make them talk too.  相似文献   

The Inspector of Schools arrived yesterday morning, and he spent the whole day examining the classes. The headmaster had told us a few days 1 that he was coming. I think the headmaster was very 2 about it, for every day, he came to all the classes, 3 the teacher over and over again what they must do and examined the boy himself to see 4 they were ready for the Inspector. He told us in our class that we were all fools and would be sure to 5 him lose face before the Inspector.  相似文献   

A Drinker's SuccessA heavy drinker realized the harm done to him by wine and made up his mind to give up drinking. One day he went shopping in the town near his home. He was determined to come back home without even sipping(呷)a drop of wine. Shopping over, he passed by a wine shop. "Here is a place to test myself," he thought, and went away. He felt encouraged with this first success . He came to another wine shop, and did the same, bravely. He was very glad. Finally he came to his favorite wine shop near his house. He went into it and drank happily to celebrate his success in abstinence from wine(戒酒)all day.  相似文献   

Once upon a time, there was a foolish boy who had a bag full of beautiful marbles(玻璃弹子). Now this boy was quite proud of his marbles. In fact, he thought so much of them that he would neither play with them himself nor would he let anyone else play with them. He only took them out of the bag in order to count and admire them; they were never used for their  相似文献   

Once,a gentleman was traveling in a train.He felt (1) and got down at a station in search of water.As soon as he reached the water tap[水龙头]the train started.He ran back,but(2) the train. He asked about the next train and knew that the next train was on the next day.So he decided to find a place to(3)the night.It was getting darker and he could not find a room.He was a little(4).  相似文献   

Once a farmer was put in prison. Even though(即使)this farmer was in prison,he wasn't a bad man. He hadn't done anything wrong. At this time the king's men were collecting money. The king needed money so that he could fight wars and the people had to pay a lot of taxes(税). Now this farmer didn't have any money. He told this to the king's men. When they came to his house,he said,"I can't give you any money. I am such a poor man that I've hardly got enough to live."The king’s m en laughed. …  相似文献   

A Jackdaw,watching some Pigeons in a farmyard(农家庭院),envied how well they were fed,and de-termined to disguise(伪装)himself as one of them. He painted himself white and joined the flock(群);and,so long as he was silent,they never sus-pected(怀疑)that he was not a pigeon.  相似文献   

An eight-year-old child heard her parents talkingabout her little brother.All she knew was that he wasvery sick and they had no money left.They weremoving to a smaller house because they could notafford to stay in the present house after paying thedoctor’s bills.Only a very costly surgery could savehim now and there was no one to loan them the money.  相似文献   

Sign Language     
An Englishman was once travelling in Italy. He could not speak Italian. One day he went to a restaurant and sat at a table. When the waiter came, the Englishman opened his mouth, put his fingers into it, took them out again and moved his lips. By doing these he meant, "Bring me something to eat." The waiter soon brought him a cup of tea. The Englishman shook his head and the waiter understood him to say that he didn't want tea, so he took it away and brought him some coffee. The Englishman…  相似文献   

The great American writer Jack London was often in great need ofmoney when he began to write his books.He worked very hard then,butit did not help him. Once he promised a New York magazine to write a story for it,but hewas busy at that time and could not keep his promise.The leader of the  相似文献   

During the 1920s,Dad worked hard tosupport our family, but there was very littlemoney left over. One day,I noticed the sole was almost off one of his shoes and he was putting a cardboard in its place so he could go to work. After he went to bed that night, I quickly took his shoes and went out to the  相似文献   

1. A young man once went into the town and bought himself a pair of trousers. When he got home, he went upstairs to his room and put them on. He found that they were about two inches long.  相似文献   

1. A young man once went into the town and bought himself a pair of trousers. When he got home, he went upstairs to his room and put them on. He found that they were about two inches long.  相似文献   

A David was a young man who worked in an office in a big city.He liked fishing very much,but did not often get a chance to go fishing. Then one summer he decided to have a holiday in a beautiful place in the mountains where there were a lot of streams."I will be able to have some good fishing there," he said to himself. The first morning after he arrived,he carried his fishing rod and walked to the nearest stream.He saw an old man standing beside the water,so he asked him whether it was a private (私人的) stream.The old man answered that it was not.Then he asked,"Well,then it won't be a crime (犯罪) if I catch some fish here,will it?"  相似文献   

There was a man who loved fine art. He loved it so much that he lived for it. It had become his whole life, and had literally engulfed him. He would work really hard to save up some money, just so he could buy another piece of fine art. He would buy Rembrandt's, Picasso's and many others' works of fine art.The man had been widowed some years before but he had a son. As he raised his son, he included him in his hobby of collecting art. As his son grew, he also became a great art collector. His dad was very proud of him.Collecting fine art was something that they both loved to do and it brought them very close together.Some years passed by and their country suddenly engulfed in a war. The son, like so many other young men, enlisted and went off to serve his country. He had been gone for some time, and then it happened.  相似文献   

阅读短文,根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。 David McConnell was a door-to-doorbook salesman. Most of the housewiveswere not interested in his books. Usuallybefore he had enough time to say anythingabout his books, the women closed theirdoors. But he didn't give up. McConnelldecided to bring each of them a present, asmall bottle of perfume(香水) he had made himself. He soon found that the womenliked the perfume better than the books. He…  相似文献   

黄斌 《今日中学生》2006,(33):30-31
Good luck Xiao Ming lived in a town. He worked in a big factory. There was a big park in the middle of the town. He often went to the park on Sundays. Xiao Ming went to the park on his bike yesterday. He was unhappy because his licence was taken back by the policeman the day before yesterday. He was thinking about it while he was riding. Suddenly a bike hit him. He and the other man fell off their bikes. The man hurt his face and Xiao Ming hurt his hands. He got up quickly and came over t…  相似文献   

A man was travelling abroad in a small red car. One day he left the car and went shopping. When he came back, its roof was badly damaged. Some boys told him that an elephant had damaged it. The man did not believe them, but they took him to a cirus which was near there. The owner of the elephant said, “I am very sorry! My elephant has a big, round, red chair. He thought that your car was his chair, and he sat on it!” Then he gave the man a letter, in which he said that he was sorry and that he would pay for all the damage.  相似文献   

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