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媒介素养与媒介   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在媒介素养越来越被关注,甚至成为一种时尚的今天,人们对媒介素养的认知及其未来发展的走向正在面临着一种潜在的困惑和危机。本文将根据英国电影学院多年的研究和实践就这个问题发表了自己的看法。  相似文献   

Ronald Gottesman and Harry Geduld (eds.) Guidebook to Film: An Eleven-in-One Reference (New York: Holt, Rinehart &; Winston, 1972 – ,$6.95/3.95)

C. Edward Wall (ed.) Multi Media Reviews Index: 1970 (Ann Arbor, Mich.: Pierian Press, 1971 – $19.50)

Dorothy I. Weil's (ed.) The American Film Institute's Guide to College Film Courses 1971-72 (Chicago: American Library Association, 1972 – $3.50, paper)

Raymond Fielding's The Technique of Special Effects Cinematography (New York: Hastings House, 1972 – $18.50)  相似文献   

传媒监督对社会政治、经济、法律、社会道德及整个社会生活具有积极的意义.但同时,由于它在市场经济中本身也是利益主体,如果只有监督而没有自律,那么对社会造成的破坏也是无法想象的.因此,传媒在发挥监督职能的同时,应加强传媒自律.  相似文献   

This study extends past research on news repertoires by examining how individuals combine news exposure across an array of media platforms and content. Results from a national survey reveal 6 distinct news repertoires. While some respondents have clear ideologically driven repertoires, others have repertoires that are best described as medium-centric. A closer look at socio-demographic factors and participation levels among the 6 news repertoires are also explored. Results shed light on the democratic implications of the high-choice media landscape and research on news exposure and effects.  相似文献   

Mark Hampton 《Media History》2013,19(3):239-246
During the first half of the twentieth century, colonial rule in the Indonesian archipelago was an important marker of international prestige for the Netherlands, which was merely a small power on the European continent, carefully guarding its neutral status against the Great Powers. After World War I, there was growing concern amongst several groups in Dutch society about criticism of the colonial regime in the foreign press. This article considers three organizations that aimed to set up an international information service about the Dutch East Indies in the 1920s. Although private individuals ran these organizations, they had close links with the authorities in The Hague and Batavia, indicating the emergence of a controlled media environment. Moreover, despite the fact that people involved preferred to use neutral terms to describe their activities, they aimed to provide the international public with propaganda supporting the Dutch colonial regime.  相似文献   

媒体人的媒介素养与媒体责任   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
姚治兰 《新闻界》2008,(6):88-89
在传播实践中,因缺乏媒介素养而造成了媒体责任的缺失,如媒介主体形象的失衡、以知情权的名义侵犯隐私权、“克里空”“见空就冒头”等等。媒体人应该从保持庄严的距离、质疑的精神、严格的自律等方面加强媒介素养。  相似文献   

媒介恐慌论与媒介恐怖论的兴起、演变及理性抉择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
媒介恐慌论和媒介恐怖论源于世界恐怖主义日益膨胀的威胁和媒介世界浓厚的暴力氛围.媒介恐慌论作为一种研究恐怖报道与恐慌心理关系的媒介理论,虽然可以在中国文字诞生时发现它的起源,在魔弹效果论中看到它的发展,但却是随着"9·11"事件的暴发才成为真正的学术话题的.媒介渴望发生大新闻的心理和对突发事件的大规模报道,极易引发社会恐慌,形成"恐慌文化"和非理性的直觉式的反应.鉴于恐怖主义和媒介之间经常具有一种相互提供养分的倾向,恐怖主义已演变为一种弱者反抗强者的非对称的对抗性手段,一种象征性的发言权和传播方式.媒介要确保不被恐怖组织利用,就必须以国家安全和社会稳定为首要考量,坚守社会责任、专业精神和职业道德,自愿遵守面临恐慌或恐怖事件时的报道原则,愿意以相互体认、相互理解的态度与危机处理者合作互动,以向公众提供全面、真实、安全、平衡的信息.  相似文献   

大众媒介的飞速发展使人类社会步入媒介化时代.如今,媒介已经成为人们社会政治生活和日常生活中不可缺少的东西,人们对大众传媒的依赖性越来越大.大众媒介具有巨大的影响,它缔造了人们所处的大众文化环境,制约了人们的认知与行为,这种无形的影响力被认为是产生媒介化的主要原因.伴随着媒介对社会无孔不入的渗透,受众对媒介的依赖也愈发增强,突出地表现为人对媒介的工具性依赖和内容依赖.  相似文献   

对电子文献与纸质文献的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从7个方面对电子文献与纸质文献进行比较研究,从而得出,21世纪电子文献与纸质文献将发挥各自优势,共存互补,共同发展。  相似文献   

William L. Rivers and Michael J. Nyhan (eds.) Aspen Notebook on Government and the Media (New York: Praeger Special Studies, 1973 — $3.95, paper)

Ray B. Browne (ed.) Popular Culture and the Expanding Consciousness (New York: Wiley, 1973 — price not known)

Dennis P. Forcese and Stephen Richer's Social Research Methods (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1973 — $7.95)

Arthur W. Lavidge's A Common Sense Guide to Professional Advertising (Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.: Tab Books, 1973 — $9.95)

John D. Burke's Advertising in the Marketplace (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1973 — $10.95)  相似文献   

Ray Eldon Hiebert, Donald Ungurait and Thomas Bohn's Mass Media II: An Introduction to Modern Communication (New York: Longman, 1979—$11.95, paper).

Mass Media and Man's View of Society: A Conference Report and International Bibliography (International Association for Mass Communication Research, c/o Centre for Mass Communication Research, Yniversity of Leicester, 104 Regent Rd., Leicester, LE1 7LT, Ynited Kingdom—price not given, paper)

Perception Development Communication (New York and Munich: E.G. Saur Publishing, 1978—$12.00, paper)

Joseph Turow's Getting Books to Children: An Exploration of Publisher-Market Relations (Chicago: American Library Association, 1979—$8.50, paper)  相似文献   

随着媒体介质尤其是网络传播的发展,人们的阅读方式发生了改变,从传统阅读向现代阅读方式转变。文章从几个方面介绍了传统阅读和现代阅读的特点。媒体和读者互动、交流增加了人们的阅读兴趣。传统阅读对现代阅读也有很大影响,人们可以继承传统阅读的优点,利用最新技术达到阅读的目的。不论采用哪种方式,吸取信息、增长知识、提高效率才是阅读的最终目的。  相似文献   

Stuart Ewen's Captains of Consciousness: Advertising and the Social Roots of the Consumer Culture (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1976---$10.00)

Wilson Bryan Key's Media Sexploitation (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1976---$8.95)

Jib Fowles's Mass Advertising as Social Forecast: A Method for Futures Research (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1976---$10.95)

James E. Combs and Michael W. Mansfield (eds.) Drama in Life: The Uses of Communication in Society (New York: Hastings House, 1976---$18.50/10.50)

Walter E. Hurst and Don Rico's How to Be a Music Publisher (Seven Arts Press, 6605 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, Calf. 90026---$10.00 paper)  相似文献   

本文对"绿色媒介生态"内涵与特征及其与媒介生态文化的关系进行了分析.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate the extent to which trust in media is affected by personal media use and the framing of politics as a strategic game. The study is based on a four-wave panel survey matched with media content data, which allows us to investigate not only correlations but also individual-level effects on media trust. In accordance with previous research, our analyses show that the use of specific media types leads to more trust in those specific media. The results also show that media framing of politics as a strategic game has a negative effect on trust in the media. The more citizens are exposed to game-framed news, the less they tend to trust the media, with the exception of tabloid newspapers. Overall, these results lend support to the assumption of contagious effects of game-framed news. In a concluding section, we sum up our results and discuss the implications of our findings.  相似文献   

在竞争中共同发展——论网络出版物与传统出版物的关系   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
匡文波 《图书馆》2001,(4):20-24
本文在阐释网络出版物概念、类型的基础上,论述了网络出版物的优越性,回答了传统纸质出版物不可能被淘汰的原因,指出网络出版物与传统纸质出版物将在竞争中共存与发展,它们既是竞争关系,又是互补关系。  相似文献   

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