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Early childhood poverty is a prevalent social issue, both in the United States and in the wider international community. It has been well established that factors associated with poverty, including familial income and parental education level, can negatively affect children’s language and cognitive development, which can result in academic achievement deficits that compound across the lifespan. Additional environmental factors, specifically maternal and children’s own social–emotional development, have also been shown to impact these sensitive early childhood developmental processes. Although individual components that relate to language and cognitive development in young children have been identified, additional examination of potential associative relationships between these components is warranted. Therefore, this study explored socio-economical, health, and developmental relationships between 122 caregiver–child dyads enrolled in an Early Head Start Program where children were 1–36 months old. Results indicated strong bidirectional correlations between children’s cognitive and language development. Multiple linear regression path analysis indicated that children’s cognition and social–emotional wellbeing have a significant direct effect on their language development. Additionally, language and fine motor development were found to have a significant direct effect and social–emotional wellbeing mediated an indirect effect through language on children’s cognitive development. In light of socioeconomic and sociocultural challenges, the importance of nurturing children’s social–emotional development in relation to language and cognitive development is discussed.  相似文献   

Children with emotional and behaviour problems provide a daily challenge for parents, teachers and the wider community. The perception of this challenge and how to address it varies according to the assumptions made about the underlying causes of the problems. In this paper the nature of emotional and behaviour problems will be explored with a brief outline of traditional interventions adopted when difficulties arise within the context of school. The conceptual approach of systems theory is then outlined. This is followed by a critical examination of its relevance for teachers as a theory, as a language for dealing with difficulties and as an approach to intervention.  相似文献   

This essay discusses how Wesker conveys his central intuition about the limitations of language by employing verbal and visual games and rituals that function as narrative, analogue, symbol, and subtext in The Trilogy. These games take the form of playfulness to indicate emotional solidarity, of everyday rituals with archetypal or religious undertones, or of games about the acquisition of language itself.  相似文献   

著名语言学家邢公畹先生在汉藏语系发生学研究和汉语研究方面成绩卓著,耄耋之年仍孜孜不息地进行着深入的研究,而且关注当前语言文字的应用状况,并发表了精辟的见解。  相似文献   

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When we talk about literacy in its usual context, we think about literacy with regard to print, and the verbal aspects of language. A literate person is usually one who can read and write, using the signs, symbols and cultural codes in at least one language. In the modern world, verbal literacy is not only an indicator of an individual's education and potential effectiveness in his culture, but nations are spoken of and respected in terms of the percentage of literacy in their populations. Literacy has become a mark of social enlightenment, a mark of progress and of ability to function in the industrial and post-industrial societies.  相似文献   

Child maltreatment has been associated with a wide range of negative developmental outcomes for children and families as well as significant economic consequences. While efficacious intervention strategies have been demonstrated to reduce symptoms of trauma and to improve behavioral and emotional functioning, these models have not been widely adopted by clinicians. The challenges associated with exporting evidence-based interventions into community settings are discussed, along with an example of a preventive intervention program for young mothers, successfully implemented through a partnership of community agencies and funders.  相似文献   

Norman Geschwind had a profound effect on behavioral neurology, not only on the basis of his research and theories expressed during his lifetime, but also through the impact that he had on colleagues privileged to train under him or have their work personally influenced by him. My work falls into the latter category. Novel associations between brain function/structure and behavior characterized his professional contributions, and offer a model for those who follow in his footsteps. He correctly predicted that like aphasic disorders, developmental dyslexia might be associated with deficits in color naming expressed currently as deficits in Rapid Automatized Naming. He stimulated anatomic research regarding patterns of asymmetry and microscopic architecture leading to the establishment of the Orton Dyslexia Neuropathology Laboratory at Beth Israel Hospital, Boston. He predicted an association between autoimmune disorders and reading disorders, an association that proved to be of genetic origin. He further predicted that reading disorders, like language disorders, would be cross-cultural and, similarly, their mechanism of production would be cross-cultural, although affected perhaps by the structure of the language to be learned. His suspicion that the clinical impression of male gender preponderance in dyslexia was accurate and carried biologic significance has recently been reconfirmed by colleagues at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Finally, with respect to dyslexia, one should not be surprised that since affect is influenced by brain architecture, developmental disorders characterized by altered brain architecture might be associated with affective or other psychiatric phenomena. My own work suggests that the altered neuroanatomy in dyslexia may be accompanied by altered clinical neurophysiology, offering the possibility that in some developmental disorders, behaviors, including academic aptitude and cognitive function, might benefit from medications designed originally to lower the risk of clinical seizures. Perhaps Geschwind’s greatest lesson is to not assume that all we have been taught as dogma is truth. Rather, we must have a willingness to make clear perceptions and draw conclusions that come closer to the reality of the causal relationship between brain and behavior.  相似文献   

Conclusions Sex differences exist in the prevalence of dyslexia as well as in overall verbal ability. These sex differences may reflect sex differences in hemispheric specialization: males show strong left hemisphere specialization for verbal processing and strong right hemisphere specialization for spatial processing whereas females show greater bihemispheric participation in both verbal and spatial processing. The greater hemispheric specialization observed in males may have implications including: (1) lower verbal ability than in females, (2) higher spatial ability than in females, (3) reduced potential for shifting language to the right hemisphere after early life left hemisphere injury, and (4) diminished capacity to compensate for unfavorable left-right anatomic asymmetries of the posterior language zone. Lower overall verbal ability as well as an inability to spare certain language skills effectively in the face of either unfavorable cerebral asymmetries or early life left hemisphere insults may partially explain the excess of developmental language disorders (and dyslexia in particular) in boys. Dr. Hier is a neurologist at the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Hospital, an Instructor in Neurology at the Harvard Medical School, and Clinical and Research Fellow at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. The work reported in this paper was supported in part by NINCDS Fellowship NS05917-01 and presented at a meeting of the New Branch of The Orton Society in October 1978.  相似文献   

The purpose of this longitudinal case study was to closely examine one deaf child's experience with a cochlear implant and his speech, language, and communication skills from kindergarten through middle and high school using both developmental and sociocultural frameworks. The target child was one of the first children to receive a cochlear implant in the United States in 1988, when he was 5 years of age. The developmental analysis revealed that prior to receiving a cochlear implant the child demonstrated profound delays in speech and language skill development. His speech and language skills grew slowly during the first 3-4 years following implantation, very rapidly from about 5 through 7 years postimplantation, then slowed to rates that were highly similar to same-age peers with normal hearing. The sociocultural analysis revealed that the child's communicative competence improved; that he used sign language but use of sign language decreased as his oral communication skills improved; that as his oral communication skills improved, the adults talked and directed the topic of conversation less frequently; and that topics became less concrete and more personal over time. The results of this study indicate that we may learn more about how to support children who use cochlear implants by examining what they are saying as well as how they are saying it.  相似文献   

Research has suggested that young children who experience chronic middle ear disease (otitis media) in early childhood may display some initial developmental delays in language development as well as later problems in school. This association between otitis media and developmental problems is hypothesized to be linked to the hearing loss that accompanies frequent or long bouts of otitis media. Recent interest has focused on whether otitis media may be linked to behavioral changes in children, making them less responsive to the environment even when well. This study examined the relation between early otitis media in day-care-attending children and their subsequent behavior in the day-care classroom when the children were well. Findings suggest that day-care-attending children with chronic otitis media in the first 3 years of life play more often alone and have fewer positive and fewer negative verbal interactions with peers than nonchronic children in day-care. There were no differences between chronic and nonchronic otitis media children in their nonverbal behavior. Results may also contribute to our understanding of the development of the socially withdrawn child.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of a multicomponent social communication intervention to promote language learning and peer‐directed social interactions in preschool children with disabilities. Participants were eight children with developmental disabilities who met the specified criteria for the study. The intervention consisted of three components: (a) a planning period for instructional purposes, (b) a play session to practice skills, and (c) a brief reporting period to review skill performance. A multiple baseline design across two dyads replicated across two additional dyads was used. Results indicated an increase in peer‐directed requests, verbal requests, and word diversity for 6 of the 8 participants postintervention. Implications of the results are discussed. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

诗贵在简洁.然而在诗歌语言中,词语的重复并不少见.词语的每一次重复都会产生新的联想意义.运用词语的重复能够弥补诗歌语言的不充足性,表达言语无法充分表达的强烈情感.华兹华斯在<丁登寺旁>中成功地运用大量的词语重复,把重访怀河的这个重复事件重新体验一次,向读者传达了自然美景时他心灵的巨大影响以及他对大自然的神秘体验和无限热爱.  相似文献   

Development of speech and language is rapid in early years, yet if developmental problems in speech and language are not addressed they are likely to continue and impact negatively on a child's overall development and their life trajectory. Children who have experienced abuse and or neglect are particularly vulnerable. The aim of this study was to develop a tool to assist in identifying a child's need for assessment by a speech pathologist so that there could be early identification of problems. A culturally sensitive tool was developed to be completed by the child's carer included questions on language, speech and hearing, voice, fluency, understanding sentences, vocabulary and expression. Sixty-five children aged between 4 and 8 years, who had experienced abuse and/or neglect participated in the study. Fourteen percent were Aboriginal. A speech pathologist undertook an assessment for each child and the results were compared with the information on the Small Talk tool. The Tool was found to be high in sensitivity but low in specificity, requiring further refinement. However, it has the potential to assist non speech pathologists to identify a child's need for speech and language assessment with the findings identifying the Tool as promising practice.  相似文献   

This study examined (a) the extent of heterogeneity in the patterns of developmental trajectories of language development and academic functioning in children who have experienced maltreatment, (b) how maltreatment type (i.e., neglect or physical abuse) and timing of abuse explained variation in developmental trajectories, and (c) the extent to which individual protective factors (i.e., preschool attendance, prosocial skills), relationship protective factors (i.e., parental warmth, absence of past-year depressive episode, cognitive/verbal responsiveness) and community protective factors (i.e., neighborhood safety) promoted the development of resilient language/academic functioning trajectories. Longitudinal data analyses were conducted using cohort sequential Growth Mixture Model (CS-GMM) with a United States national representative sample of children reported to Child Protective Services (n = 1,776). Five distinct developmental trajectories from birth to age 10 were identified including two resilient groups. Children who were neglected during infancy/toddlerhood or physically abused during preschool age were more likely to be in the poorer language/academic functioning groups (decreasing/recovery/decreasing and high decreasing) than the resilient high stable group. Child prosocial skills, caregiver warmth, and caregiver cognitive stimulation significantly predicted membership in the two resilient academic functioning groups (low increasing and high stable), after controlling for demographics and child physical abuse and neglect. Results suggest that it is possible for a maltreated child to successfully achieve competent academic functioning, despite the early adversity, and identifies three possible avenues of intervention points. This study also makes a significant contribution to the field of child development research through the novel use of CS-GMM, which has implications for future longitudinal data collection methodology.  相似文献   

This article reports on a case study of a young child (aged five) at a very early stage of his journey as a writer, evidencing ‘pre-alphabetic tendencies’, who has not yet internalised the construction of his name. Analysis of a ‘baseline’ piece of Daniel's writing demonstrates his awareness that the production of random letters conveys a simple message. However, Daniel does not recognise yet the relationship between spoken language and the corresponding grapheme–phonemes. At present he is not making the connections between his aural, oral and visual concepts of how words as text are constructed. In addressing the development of early years writing, the practitioner should be aware of the learning needs of the child as the child develops as an emerging writer in a highly complex problem-solving activity. The complexity of the structural and developmental processes needed to become a writer requires that the child is taught not within a predominantly whole-class structure with its demands for completion within fast-paced time limits. The emerging writer requires sustained recursive opportunities to engage with the experiences, which take the child from the steps of ‘mark making’ to the abstractions of written composition. The decision was made to use the strategy of socio-dramatic play as the framework for the intervention with Daniel. The use of a play/literacy connection (socio-dramatic play) serves to unlock and support the child's writing/spelling development. The child is being supported in his development by the teacher strategically easing the cognitive load, i.e. in this case, through scribing for the child.  相似文献   


Children with emotional and behaviour problems provide a daily challenge for parents, teachers and the wider community. The perception of this challenge and how to address it varies according to the assumptions made about the underlying causes of the problems. In this paper the nature of emotional and behaviour problems will be explored with a brief outline of traditional interventions adopted when difficulties arise within the context of school. The conceptual approach of systems theory is then outlined. This is followed by a critical examination of its relevance for teachers as a theory, as a language for dealing with difficulties and as an approach to intervention.  相似文献   


Approximately two-thirds of community college students nationwide are considered to not be ready for the demands of college and are therefore required to enroll in at least one developmental education course. Unfortunately, researchers have found that enrollment in developmental classes often has adverse effects on community college students and that developmental courses are time-consuming and often result in delay or prevent the completion of a degree. With a significant number of underprepared community college students, it is important to develop effective methodologies to help students acquire the skills that they will need to succeed in college and future employment. It is also important to determine how a student’s experience impacts academic progress, as well as motivation to continue in college credit courses. Unfortunately, a limited amount of research exists on the use of Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) in developmental reading courses at the community college level. The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of a computer-based reading intervention, MindPlay Virtual Reading Coach, on the reading and spelling achievement of community college students, and to explore whether or not students’ perceptions and attitudes changed after participation in this program. Findings demonstrated statistically significant results in both reading and spelling, as well as an increase in reading enjoyment.  相似文献   

Children with emotional difficulties often experience problems at school in terms of academic progress and within peer relationships. They are also more likely to continue to experience emotional problems in their adult lives. Nurture groups (NGs) were developed in the 1960s by the educational psychologist Majorie Boxall and their aim is to improve the emotional well-being of children who are struggling, through providing them with reparative attachment experiences. This review aims to evaluate the effectiveness of NGs. Eleven papers examining the effectiveness of NGs were included, as well as two papers which explore the particular communication styles adopted by NG teachers. There was evidence that NGs are effective in improving the emotional well-being of children, but there is a need for higher quality and longitudinal research. There is a paucity of research into secondary school NGs. The review highlighted the NG teachers’ use of more positive verbal and non-verbal behaviour. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   


Many students in Australian schools today experience difficulty understanding read text beyond Year 3 despite early intervention and rich learning experiences. Often the first indications that such students may have reading comprehension difficulties is from poor performance on comprehension tests in fourth grade. After Year 3 the written text becomes more complex and there is an increasing emphasis on reading comprehension. Less skilled comprehenders experience difficulties because they often use inefficient memory strategies and do not normally visualise story content. Readers with comprehension difficulties can be taught to construct mental imagery that will enable them to link verbal and imaginal information more efficiently into their working memory by reducing the cognitive load. The indications are that engaging readers in elaborative questioning and discussion of the text improves reader's own language and mental imagery as well as enhancing comprehension of read text. For readers who have struggled for years and have developed a resistance to reading, a literacy tutoring intervention framework that focuses on a personalised responsive relationship‐based approach to reading, combined with interesting text and student choice of appropriate material, can facilitate improved reading. The Comprehension of the Narrative intervention program is an example of a multiple strategy training intervention program that utilises explicit strategy instruction in a framework of measured stages while also increasing the level and complexity of the reading texts used. It has been shown that participating students are enabled to build on previously mastered skills and develop more effective higher order comprehension outcomes through focused dialogue with trained tutors.  相似文献   

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