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身份认同问题是美国华裔文学研究的一个重点。通过着重分析华裔作家任璧莲的身份流动观,论证了身份认同的流动性特征。进而研究身份流动性在华裔文学中的体现,剖析本质主义身份观,探讨身份认同的反本质论根源。  相似文献   

居勰 《考试周刊》2011,(15):16-17
在华裔美国文学中,华裔的身份认同是一个复杂多变的问题,其定位在华裔美国文学史上屡经变迁。文章通过以华裔作家赵健秀的戏剧《龙年》为个案,分析华裔对中国食物的不同态度,揭示华裔身份认同的不同取向。  相似文献   

王刚 《考试周刊》2011,(79):20-21
离散是近年来族裔文学研究的一个重要内容。美国华裔作为一个离散群体,在文化身份认同方面表现出离散文化的特点。本文从离散理论的视角研究美国华裔作家任碧莲的《梦娜在希望之乡》中主人公梦娜的身份建构,试图说明任碧莲用梦娜不断变化的身份认同质疑族裔与文化身份的固定化和唯一性,从而提出华裔离散者身份建构的流变性与混杂性。  相似文献   

文化身份研究是华裔美国文学中一个重要的研究视角。在华裔美国文学史一个多世纪的发展过程中,各时期的华裔美国人对文化身份的认同并不是一成不变的,而是有一个逐渐变化的过程。他们在中美两个世界中对自我的认同经历了从固守中国到接受美国、到拥抱世界的过程。这种动态的思维对今天的文化发展与自我认同都有不可忽视的意义。  相似文献   

文化身份一直以来都是华裔美国文学中的主题,其定位在华裔美国文学吏上屡经变迁,即从文化认同、反认同再到否定的认同;或是像黄玉雪那样完全屈服于美国文化,或是如赵健秀对美国文化完全对抗,但是任碧莲却在其作品中表现出了文化身份定位的特殊性,超越了长期以来华裔作家在两种文化处境中苦苦挣扎的困境,展现给我们一个多元文化杂交的文化世界.  相似文献   

美国华裔文学。由于其特殊文化地位以及复杂的文化渊源,既是国内学术界文学研究的热点,同时也是文学阅读和接受中的盲点之一。本文结合当代后殖民及文化研究理论,试图从探讨国内外学者阅读视角问题出发,重新考虑美国华裔文学的定位及其意义:美国华裔文学,作为一种杂体文化的文学形式,是华裔作家坚持自我身份认同、表征自我杂体文化以及抵抗中关两种文化压力的有效途径。  相似文献   

华裔美国文学首推女性作家.汤亭亭,谭恩美,任碧莲分别是上世纪70年代,80年代,90年代华裔美国文学的典型代表.本文通过对比分析三位作家及其作品并将其置于华裔美国文学发展的背景之中,力图展示代表不同时代的三位华裔美国女作家对身份认同视角的转变.  相似文献   

小说《骨》是伍慧明的第一部作品,具有非常鲜明的中国文化隐喻特征,反映了华裔美国文学对西方话语霸权的隐性渗透。论文以身份构建理论为研究依据,以美国华裔作家伍慧明的小说《骨》为研究对象,围绕身份认同、华裔父辈的历史脉络和新一代华裔的自我和谐人格的构建进行论述,对小说文本进行分析,对两代人身份追寻之路进行梳理和解读,以加深对华裔美国作家身份主体性的阅读体验。  相似文献   

文化身份的探寻、中美两种文化间的冲突与融合一直是美国华裔文学最为关注的问题之一。伴随并推动了美国华裔文学发展的赵健秀与汤婷婷之间的"赵汤论争",从侧面反映出华裔在思索自我身份、寻求文化认同的过程中所经历的美国主流文化与少数族裔文化间的碰撞、冲突和交流。  相似文献   

由于历史断层和文化错位之类社会现象的逐渐普及和日益深化,对于文化身份的各种认同问题业已构成当代华裔美国文学的重要主题之一。本文运用当代文化研究思潮中身份研究的相关理论,分析小说《骨》中两代人的文化经历和身份经验,并在对“身份危机”的多重意义进行深度解读的过程中,以鲜活的文学经验不断加深对于华裔身份杂体性的认知视角和阅读体验。  相似文献   


A theoretical review of the literature was conducted to understand how environmental identity is currently being interpreted and applied so the construct can be extended to the classroom context appropriately. The review found three key foundational philosophies contributing to the interpretation of environmental identity in the field of education: Eriksonian identity theories, Meadian identity theories, and those grounded in the conservation movement that revolve around understanding and promoting environmentally responsible behaviours. As expected, these foundational theories were inconsistent in the emphasis given to the social versus physical context within which environmental identities develop. Social network analysis was used to analyse the network of literature reviewed. This revealed that Susan Clayton’s interpretation of environmental identity had greatly influenced the educational research reviewed. However, her definition of environmental identity and the environmental identity scale she developed greatly emphasise the physical context. This commonly referenced interpretation recognises nature as the social ‘other’ and leaves little room to recognise the human social ‘other’ in environmental identity development. The author calls for the consideration of both social and physical contexts in environmental identity research, as well as transparency in the interpretation of the construct for research purposes.  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate first-year student teachers’ teacher identities through their practical theories and ask what these practical theories reveal about their emerging teacher identities? This study approaches teacher identity from a dialogical viewpoint where identity is constructed through various positions. The empirical part of this study analysed the practical theories of 71 first-year student teachers in order to determine what kinds of positions are involved in their teacher identity at the beginning of their teacher education and what positions are emphasised. The results showed that when student teachers begin their teacher education, the majority of positions concern didactical issues, that is, how to promote pupils’ studying and learning processes. In addition, student teachers’ teacher identities as teachers strongly emphasise the moral nature of teaching. Contextual issues about school and society and matters related to content, such as the curriculum, had little representation in first-year student teacher identities. On the basis of the results, the role of teacher education is considered in the process of promoting development of student teachers’ teacher identity during their studies.  相似文献   

The emotional conflicts and evolving Identity of the first Druze women who turned to study in Israeli universities is explored in this paper. While the benefits of higher education are widely discussed, this article wishes to focus on the different, more complex effects of education on the lives and identities of women. The study examines the complex identity patterns of these pioneering women after returning to their villages on completing their studies – influenced by their uniqueness as the first women in their community to achieve academic degrees and by the intercultural transitions they experienced along the way. The narrative identity and emotional processes are derived through interview analysis of 34 first Druze women that entered universities. The findings are viewed in light of modern and postmodern psychological theories of identity discussing lacunæs in western identity theories that cannot entirely account for certain aspects of interviewees’ identities.  相似文献   

This article offers a new interpretation of Piaget’s decanting experiments, employing the mathematical notion of equivalence instead of conservation. Some reference is made to Piaget’s theories and to his educational legacy, but the focus in on certain of the experiments. The key to the new analysis is the abstraction principle, which has been formally enunciated in mathematical philosophy but has universal application. It becomes necessary to identity fluid objects (both configured and unconfigured) and configured and unconfigured sets-of-objects. Issues emerge regarding the conflict between philosophic realism and anti-realism, including constructivism. Questions are asked concerning mathematics and mathematical philosophy, particularly over the nature of sets, the wisdom of the axiomatic method and aspects of the abstraction principle itself.  相似文献   

This article takes stock of research methods employed in the study of racial and ethnic identity with ethnic minority populations. The article is presented in three parts. The first section reviews theories, conceptualizations, and measurement of ethnic and racial identity (ERI) development. The second section reviews theories, conceptualizations, and measurement of ERI content. The final section reviews key methodological and analytic principles that are important to consider for both ERI development and content. The article concludes with suggestions for future research addressing key methodological limitations when studying ERI.  相似文献   

铜仁学院是一所具有悠久办学历史的新建地方本科院校。在由专科教育向本科教育转型,实现内涵式发展的进程中,应充分认识办学资源的区域性、开放性、后发性等基本特点,在努力发掘、整合和扩大思想理论、教学、科研、人才、文化等资源的基础上,还应着力提升价值认同、制度认同、道义认同和绩效认同。  相似文献   

Considering data from a research project with two Gypsy communities (2010–2012) in South West England, this article explores issues of education and identity. The two communities have contrasting experiences within the education system. Informed by inter-disciplinary perspectives on identity and assimilation theories, the article explores these experiences within the wider context of the researcher’s work with Romani communities over the past two decades, exploring the impact of schooling on cultural identity and group membership. Questions are raised about theories concerning hybrid and multiple identities. Finally, the author emphasizes the need to acknowledge the heterogeneity of minority groups in formulating policy.  相似文献   

This article explores issues of the racial identities of young male supporters of the political far right in the North of England. Sociological identity theories are utilised in combination with ethnographic and retrospective interview data to inform the failures of anti‐racist education programmes. These failures include a naïve assumption that knowledge of and contact between racial groups will automatically reduce racism. They have also failed because of the ostracism of those very individuals the programmes are designed to engage with. The article argues that programmes must take as their starting point an acceptance of the fluid nature of racism and the necessity to maintain dialogue in a respectful manner with all concerned, even with those who espouse racist views. It is necessary for educators to offer trust and empathy to all young people before mutual recognition and understanding of all racial identities can be achieved.  相似文献   

目前有关同一性测量的研究,根据其理论依据的不同可以分为两种取向:一是以玛西亚理论为基础,在探索与承诺两维度下的不断延伸与补充;一是以新的同一性理论如认同风格理论、认同资源理论、认同过程理论等为依据的测量。虽然,其理论点与测量重点不同,但他们的相互配合和补充更能解释青少年同一性形成过程中的不同方面的问题。  相似文献   

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