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2007年爆发的全球金融危机,凸显了非活跃市场下公允价值计量的“失灵”。国际上各界从如下方面改进公允价值运用:完善非活跃市场条件下的计量方法;修订金融资产减值模式;改进公允价值信息披露以提高透明度。这代表了后危机时代公允价值计量发展的趋势:完善是主流,全球治理是金融全球化必然的要求,会计与监管分离是双方目标差异的反映。虽然会计始于微观计量,但利益分割依据的本质决定了其具有宏观的经济社会后果,这要求在解决全球性会计问题时,应借鉴全球治理理念、弱化国家利益、立足全球价值观。  相似文献   

Five years after the global financial crisis, and trillions of dollars in stimulus spending later, the crisis not only remains unresolved, but risks entering a new deeper phase in southern Europe. The global turbulence, although experienced with differing degrees of intensity and dislocation around the world, manifests as high unemployment, industrial slow-down, extensive austerity measures and a range of health and financial pressures passed on to working and unemployed people. One response by governments has been a renewed emphasis on ‘skill’ as a means to work through the crisis and reposition the national economy for a post-crisis world. This paper questions this emphasis suggesting that if skill is the answer then the wrong question is being asked. The concept of ‘fixes’ is used to examine changes in production and work, before discussing the limitations of organized labour’s response to the crisis.

The crisis poses questions to the labour movement about its understanding of the changes taking place in the economy, and therefore work, and the alternatives it could be advocating for new less crisis-prone ways of governing the production of goods and services, and the education that might support that.  相似文献   

2008年金融危机的爆发对国际社会而言无疑是一场大地震,对国际格局和国际货币体系也具有深远的影响。战后国际货币体系的发展造成了美元一枝独秀和诸多制度性和结构性问题。这些都是造成本次金融危机爆发的客观原因。美国自由放任、寅吃卯粮的经济模式和消费理念则是2008年金融危机的导火索。面对金融危机,国际社会对国际货币体系的改革呼声甚嚣尘上。最后,中美两国在经历了2008年金融危机之后会走向何方?"中美国"之间的相互依赖和相互需要是否能够避免中美之间对抗升级的发生?这些都是笔者将要讨论的议题。  相似文献   

受2008年国际金融危机和国际市场油价暴跌的双重打击,俄罗斯经济中止了持续10年的高速经济增长,2009年国内生产总值出现负增长。针对支持俄罗斯经济10年高速增长的资源型经济发展模式,俄罗斯经济发展与转型问题再次引起各界高度关注。本文试图梳理后危机时代俄罗斯经济发展与转型的主要亮点,分析俄罗斯经济发展与转型中面临的现实挑战,研究俄罗斯经济发展与转型中的深层次问题。  相似文献   

文章通过分析2008年以来的金融危机对我国社会的影响.提出金融危机下解决社会纠纷的司法对策,即树立能动司法观念,加强事前控制,重视调解的纠纷解决作用,构建灵活的执行机制,建立与有关部门的沟通、联动机制,创新审判工作机制等。  相似文献   

This study aims to identify how uncertainty and insecurity in the post-2008 period have reshaped risk management in the university systems. The study scrutinises internal control in the contexts of the English university system and the State University of New York (SUNY) system. It utilises the concept of ‘risk’ by exploring ‘risk society’ theses. The paper argues that uncertainty, anxiety and distrust following the 2008 financial crisis did not reshape the risk management mechanisms in England and the SUNY system. The adaptive reactions of these university systems against the crisis were immediate responses to fiscal shortage, rather than reforming of their internal control mechanisms. This suggests that the uncertain environment may thrust the universities into a reflexive mode; however, it is not necessary to bring about substantial structural changes.  相似文献   

<正>The global financial crisis of 2008,is considered to be the strongest financial crisis after the 1930 Great Depression by many economists.It leads to the bankruptcy of many large financial institutions,depression in real estate markets and increasing unemployment rate all around the world.The causes might include incomplete housing policies,deregulatory legislation,  相似文献   

The number of people aged 60 and over across the globe is expected to double by 2050, reaching a share of more than 20 percent of the population total. Governments are therefore taking more and more policy actions to encourage ageing workers to extend their working lives and their employers to retain them. According to the OECD lifelong learning opportunities and inclusive labour markets will be essential to ensuring that workers of all educational backgrounds have the possibility of extending their working lives. This article examines the relationship between adult education completed after age 40 and the subsequent active participation of older adults in employment, using individual register data from Statistics Norway. The results show a substantial effect of upgrading formal education on subsequent labour market participation. Overall effects are quite similar for males and females. Attaining a lower level tertiary degree has the largest impact on labour market participation both for males and females. Completing a secondary education has a strong, long term impact among males. The results suggest that facilitating access to formal education among older workers may be an important contribution to extending working lives.  相似文献   

Inclusive rather than segregated schooling has been advocated in several significant international declarations during the past two decades. Even so children with significant intellectual disabilities are at greater risk of being excluded from mainstream education, unless particular efforts are made to support them in such settings. These children and young people are more likely to be educated in special schools or in special classes within mainstream schools. In the decade from 2003 to 2013, the Republic of Ireland enacted legislation and provided additional financial resources for pupils with special educational needs, although these were more constrained during the financial crisis that Ireland experienced from 2008 onwards. A national database, updated annually, is maintained of children receiving services from specialist intellectual disability services and this enabled comparisons to be made for the enrolments of over 8000 children aged 4–19 in mainstream and special schools following the introduction of legislation and availability of additional resources. The data showed a steady increase in children with significant intellectual disabilities attending mainstream classes and a decrease in the proportion attending special schools along with a much smaller but decreasing proportion in special classes. The profile of pupils with intellectual disabilities in mainstream and special schools also changed over the 10 years with higher proportions of males, of pupils with moderate disabilities and those of primary age attending mainstream schools, whereas special schools now tend to have higher proportions of females and those of secondary school age. However, there was marked regional variation in the proportions of pupils in mainstream schools which was attributed to the availability of special schools across the State. This study demonstrates how a national data-set can be used to track the impact that policy changes and legislation designed to enhance the development of inclusive learning environments had on the number of pupils availing of mainstream opportunities. It was also possible to identify prevailing trends in types of support provided within schools and the changing pattern of provision for pupils with different levels of intellectual disability. At the broader level of international trends in policy and provision aimed at establishing inclusive learning environments, this study demonstrates the need for a common frame of reference around which the national and international conversations on educational systems can take place.  相似文献   

随着各国危机拯救措施的落实,世界金融市场崩溃的危险已经解除,各国将先后步入后经济危机时代。在后危机时代,主要经济体在经济复苏和经济结构调整中遇到的国内难题,必将以各种形式表现为国际经贸冲突,这给中国出口带来诸多近患远忧。中国政府、企业对此必须高度重视,未雨绸缪,积极应对。  相似文献   

在运用国际金融与国际贸易有关知识的基础上,利用相关月度数据,从人民币汇率和信贷两个方面,分析了受此次金融危机破坏严重的危机肆虐部分时期和后危机时代,新疆金融在支持新疆外贸发展中的不同影响,得出了在后危机时代新疆外贸发展迫切需要获得金融相关支持的结论。最后基于汇率和信贷的视角,针对后危机时代新疆金融如何才能更好地促进该地区外贸发展提出了策略建议。  相似文献   

经济危机与世界经济格局变化有着内在的联系。这次起源于美国的金融危机必将对全球经济格局产生深远影响,它将牵动到全球经济的方方面面,引起投资、贸易、需求仍至全球产业链布局的变化。文章拟从经济增长、资本流动、需求结构、产业链重构、汇率变动、贸易形势等六方面加以阐述,全方位描述后危机时代世界经济格局变化的新趋势。  相似文献   

How do university students perceive the key relationship between their university education and the labour market? This article describes the perceptions that 827 Egyptian and Omani seniors—both males and females, studying commerce, education, and engineering—hold about that relationship. For these students, a major motivation for attending university is their perception that it will help them get better and more secure employment. They are also confident it will help them enter appropriate careers. However, they are less satisfied with the way in which university curricula prepare them effectively for appropriate careers. In addition, an analysis by nationality, gender, and field of study revealed statistically significant differences among the participants. The Omani students are more confident about their education than the Egyptians—who call for more reform of their curricula to fit labour market requirements. Women are more motivated than men to enter a career after university. The field of study had only a small impact on students’ perceptions of this key relationship.  相似文献   

Favourable graduate employment outcomes are critical for future enrolments in higher education. Enrolments fund higher education providers and ensure a continuous supply of graduates to enhance organisational effectiveness, national productivity and global competitiveness. Recent evidence suggests the global financial crisis has softened graduate labour markets. Stakeholder concerns for graduate career prospects and the adequacy of return on investment from studying at university prompt exploration of those factors which influence graduate employment outcomes. This study tests, using logistic regression, a model of job attainment in recent Bachelor graduates of Australian higher education providers using national data gathered in 2011 (n = 28,246) and 2012 (n = 28,009). Findings indicate employer selection criteria broadly align with our understanding of what constitutes graduate employability, including technical expertise, generic skill mastery and a successfully formed graduate identity. Labour market opportunities, however, are not based on merit alone with employers favouring those graduating from prestigious universities, part-time students and whose study incorporated elements of on-campus learning. There were also noted variations by discipline, age and residency status. The study enhances our understanding of which factors influence graduate employment outcomes and discusses implications for relevant stakeholders.  相似文献   

2008年以来,以美国次贷危机为导火索的国际金融危机迅速蔓延,到2010年,国际经济形势仍然不是十分明朗。尽管中国在应对金融危机方面取得了一定的进展,但是当前的大趋势仍然对我们国家的大学生就业工作提出了严峻的考验。在此形势下,我国大学生就业工作面临前所未有的困难,本文试图通过对当前大学生就业困难的一些分析研究,探索应对大学生就业困境的对策。  相似文献   

全球出版业经历了金融危机时期的急剧衰退后,迎来了企稳回升的后金融危机时代。我国出台振兴文化产业的国家政策、新一轮新闻出版体制改革以及全球出版业格局的调整等为后金融危机时代的我国出版"走出去"提供了难得的历史性机遇。在讨论后金融危机时代,我国出版"走出去"面临的机遇的基础上,重点分析探讨我国出版如何"走出去"。  相似文献   

2008年,美国次贷危机引发的国际金融危机迅速向全世界蔓延,不仅冲击了各国金融市场,也严重影响到世界实体经济的稳定和发展。如何保持经济增长和就业稳定,成为政府迫切需要解决和应对的问题。通过对外商直接投资与就业之间关系模型的建立,分析外商投资对河北省就业的影响,并在此基础上提出合理的对策建议。  相似文献   

后国际金融危机时代的政府与市场关系必须得到明确和界定,在经济领域应坚持市场为基础和主导、政府宏观调控为辅的关系模式,但要防止经济政策被滥用到社会政策上;社会领域应坚持政府为主导,市场调节为补充的关系模式,但在其社会政策运作过程中需要引入市场机制。中国的市场经济经受住了国际金融危机的考验,后危机时代应确定政府与市场关系的中国发展模式。  相似文献   

美国次贷危机引发全球金融风暴,导致全球实体经济损失惨重,我国中小企业深受其害。后金融危机时代,我国中小企业,尤其外贸出口型和劳动密集型企业面临诸多发展困境,它们应提升决策管理地位,建立灵活应对市场变化的管理机制,研究和制定应对影响企业发展的有关法律制度,完善行业组织管理,以应对金融危机的影响。  相似文献   

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