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白马湖作家群论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“五四”新文化大背景下的白马湖作家群,他们中有很多作家都是文学研究会的成员,也是一个内涵丰富、特征鲜明、成就卓著的作家群体。但是,当代的中国现代文学研究中,忽略了对他们进行群体性行为研究。文章从白马湖作家群中的与编辑出版相关的这一独特的视角出发,对这一作家群体的报刊、书籍编辑撰述经历作了新的考论。  相似文献   

当代"南京作家群"是一个历时的、开放的文学史概念,指的是自1949年新中国成立起,曾经或一直在南京生活的一大批作家.南京地域文化空间是命名的基本载体,文学精神与实践的趋近是命名的现实依据,作家及其文本气质和精神的切近是命名的精神渊源.当代"南京作家群"是南京地域文化的鲜明表征,这一命名将丰厚南京地域文化内涵.当代"南京作家群"的精神内涵是文学精神的高扬,命名会深化当下文学创作,推动文学研究和批评的进一步深化.  相似文献   

刘军 《高教发展与评估》2011,27(2):12-17,120
自华东师范大学建校以来,走出了诸多优秀作家,他们在当代文学园地里的辛勤耕耘,不断丰富着华东师大(尤其是师大中文系)的文化内涵,成为这所著名师范大学的美丽名片。"华东师大作家群"这一概念的形成,经历了几个阶段。这个作家群的形成与华东师大的人文传统、校园文化、时代风潮以及出版社、杂志社的辅助与支持密不可分。  相似文献   

"东北作家群"是一支在流亡之中形成的文学创作群体,在题材、主题以及审美倾向上表现出相近的走向。东北作家群因最早反映东北人民的抗日斗争而蜚声文坛,并且以独有的审美格调建构自己的艺术品格,他们有着相似的心灵撞击,有着相近的心境感受,亡国灭种的威胁,亡家亡国的灾难,使他们抒写着粗犷野性的生命之歌,雄健悲壮的风格,给读者带来了极富地域色彩的审美体验。  相似文献   

“南阳作家群”的崛起是新时期中国文坛出现的文学现象之一。它的形成主要与这一地域有着丰厚的历史文化积淀、优越的地理条件,以及家们的不断努力、积极进取等多种原因分不开。这批作家的作品也鲜明地带有南阳地域文化的特征;乡土性与当代性、对淳朴民风与崇高人格的赞美、对历史文化的展示等。这些创伤特征也成为南阳作家在中国当代文坛的立足之本。  相似文献   

近年来,美华文学研究逐渐演变为华文文学研究领域的一个热点,方兴未艾的世界华文文学研究出现了重心从东南亚向北美转移的趋势。本专辑讨论了美华文学研究的两个思路——美华文学文化主题的变迁与20世纪中国文学的互动关系,美华文学中的台湾作家群,当代美华女性文学,“白马社”与当代美华文学史,美华文学在异质文化语境下的文化传递以及美华文论对中国现代文学现代性的论述等问题。  相似文献   

白马湖作家群溯源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“白马湖作家群”有着鲜明的个性,该群体的作家有相近的文学风格,更有共同的理想张扬艺术、提倡美育,在教育事业和进步文化传播等方面做一些实际的工作;他们是一群志同道合、情趣相投的作家朋友,借了白马湖的灵性,以自己作品的独特艺术风格给人们留下了一种难以忘怀的文化印象。与其他一些文学群体一样,“白马湖作家群”也有其孕育的过程。追溯、研究该群体的源头,对于把握该群体的性质和流变颇有意义。  相似文献   

作为现代文学史上一个颇具特色的文化群体,白马湖作家群将中国传统精神与现代文化特质交融,对自己文学、教育、宗教等诸领域的活动进行了完美的融合,在这些融合中又不乏微妙的裂隙,从而对这些作家的生命意识、人生理念和创作风格等产生了较为复杂而深远的影响。  相似文献   

"‘红色’作家群"是中国现当代小说史中重要的作家群体,也是受到主流政治、文化所褒扬和肯定的创作群体,其历史观、价值观与审美倾向均代表了一个时代的文学主潮。然而他们在当代文坛的位置,就"群"的概念而言,不同时期又有所差异:"十七年",共性多于个性,是一大群在"中心",一小群在"边缘";"文革"期间,"红色"对于文化人,亦非护身符;跨入新时期,"集团军"的规模不再,零落的"红色"回归者,在小说变革的"新潮"中或执拗地恪守成规,或前卫地变革着自身,"群"的概念淡去,终以一人一面示人,如丁玲、李建彤、邓友梅、王蒙等等。他们的命运以及与历史文脉相连的新时期小说创作,均透视出这一群体在文学史上的起落蜕变的缘由与价值。  相似文献   

西部"大学作家群"是中国当下文坛客观存在的教育和文化现象。发轫于毛泽东5.23延安文艺座谈会上的讲话指导下的延安时期文学,光大于西安,西部各省地均有分布。尤以"西北大学作家群"最为突出。西部"大学作家群"之成因、研究推介现状等都值得认真探究。  相似文献   

我国正处于由传统社会向现代社会的转型时期,转型期利益的分化与整合,使利益集团的出现成为一种必然,由于实力的不同,我国的利益集团分为强势集团和弱势群体。在现实生活中,二者的政治参与行为存在巨大的差异。本文试从二者政治参与差异的不同表现,形成差异的原因以及消除差异的对策入手,来对这一现象进行分析。  相似文献   

Although group project concepts and skills have become a major component in most information systems (IS) academic programs, very little research has attempted to examine factors that may improve or undermine effectiveness of IS group projects. Accordingly, based on relevant literatures, this study develops and empirically tests a model of factors affecting IS group project effectiveness. The research model posits that group cohesion and group efficacy will have positive effects on group effectiveness (project success and expected impact), whereas perceived loafing is expected to have a negative effect on IS group effectiveness. Data collected from 104 students working in 29 groups to complete semester‐long projects in two IS courses revealed that group efficacy had positive impact on group effectiveness and perceived loafing demonstrated a partial effect. Contrary to expectations, the impact of group cohesion was nonsignificant. These results could be useful in evaluating groups' potential for success and creating conditions conducive to enhancing effectiveness and success of IS student group projects.  相似文献   

The paper reports the effect of motivational styles on group work and discussion-based teaching in an environmental science course. The students' motivational styles were explored by a questionnaire whose items were written to correspond to four motivational patterns: achiever, curious, conscientious and sociable. A total of 180 university students from an Elementary Teaching Department participated in this study. The results showed that achiever students tended to dislike being involved in group work. On the other hand, curious, social and conscientious students tended to prefer working in groups. Discussion-based teaching appeared to be attractive for almost all students, although they have different motivational styles. The implications of the results for teaching and learning are discussed.  相似文献   

This study aimed at investigating differential effects between group counselling and group guidance in conducting a ‘Coping with Stress Training Program’ for 24 Turkish university students. The dependent variables were coping with stress, irrational beliefs and optimism. A 3 × 2 design (treatment sequence by repeated measures) was applied. As a result of the treatment no significant difference was observed between the two experimental groups in any of the variables tested in the study; however, both experimental groups differed significantly from a control group in respect to coping with stress. With regard to the within-group comparisons, irrational belief tendencies in both experimental groups decreased significantly, while the level of optimism of the counselling group and the problem-focused stress coping tendencies of the guidance group increased significantly. Based on the findings, it was considered that the program for developing coping skills for stress might best be implemented in a group guidance format especially in Turkey where there are limited physical resources, a low number of staff to run programs and a high number of students in need of help.  相似文献   

Group emotional convergence refers to the phenomenon that group members come to consistent emotional experience in a group over the time. In the previous studies, group emotional convergence may be attributed to the following reasons: First, group norms dramatically allow group members to experience the consistent emotion; second, group members would consider questions from the perspective of a group rather than their own while group identity is induced, therefore experiencing consistent emotions; third, individuals in a group would simulate others’ emotion automatically; and finally, group members may compare their own emotion with others’ in the fuzzy situation to adjust their own emotion, trying to be consistent especially when being inconsistent with others. Such factors as individual traits, group characteristics, group tasks and initial emotional states are likely to affect the group emotional convergence. This research suggests that future research is needed to investigate the boundary conditions of the above-mentioned four mechanisms. It is also needed to explore the group emotional convergence in groups with larger size and in situations where members share strong emotional events.  相似文献   

设G,H是有限生成Abe群,G到H的群同态的集合为Hom(G,H)。文章主要研究G,H之间的群同态,给出了G到H的群同态的集合Hom(G,H)的一个完全的刻画。  相似文献   

导学群模式是山西电大总结出的一个宏观教学模式。公路电大在落实导学群模式的过程中,结合公路系统学员学习的特殊环境和特点,形成了以远程送教为主要方式的“移动的导学群”模式,并在实践中取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

贾平凹对当代商洛作家群的形成具有不可轻估的作用,在一定意义上,没有贾平凹就没有商洛作家群,就没有商洛文化的"名牌"效应.与此同时,商洛作家群的形成对贾平凹也产生了巨大的影响.而且这种相互影响给我们提供了这样的启示(1)任何一个作家群或文学流派的形成因素固然很多,但其中一个不可忽视的因素就是作家之间的相互影响,特别是大作家的榜样力量.(2)作家群的形成能极大地促进一个地域或更大范围文学的繁荣和发展;(3)一个作家的成熟及其成就的取得离不开他所依附的群体和所沉浸的艺术氛围.  相似文献   

“群体性事件”是新的历史条件下人民内部矛盾的突出表现,其产生有政治、经济、文化以及政府管理等多方的原因。科学解决“群体性事件”关系到社会主义和谐社会的建立,也是对政府施政水平的检验。为此,从当前“群体性事件”发展现状入手,结合构建和谐社会的政治理念,探求这一问题衍生的根源,并提出一些基本对策。  相似文献   

常将群的表示形式定义为一级矩阵,每个矩阵对应着群的单一操作,这些矩阵在其自身范围内按照群元素对称操作--组合的相同方式组合.这种数学意义上的矩阵(数学群)是群中对称操作的同构群.借助矩阵知识可以向学生将清楚特征标是如何来得,特征标表中各符号代表的意义以及群的性质.  相似文献   

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