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郭彤  边琰 《教育教学论坛》2014,(53):204-205
毕业设计是本科生一门非常重要的实践类课程,通过毕业设计,学生能够加深对理论知识的理解,增强实际解决问题的能力,也能对本专业发展前沿趋势有一定程度的了解。对于大学教育而言,毕业设计完成的好坏对专业教学目标的完成和本科人才培养的质量起到重要作用。本文主要探讨了目前大学教育中影响本科生毕业设计质量的普遍因素,着重从对指导教师的管理和指导教师对毕业设计各环节的监控和指导两方面浅析如何提高毕业设计质量,并详细介绍了如何从毕设选题、毕设要求、过程监控、毕设论文、毕设答辩及后期管理六个方面着手加强监督和管理,希望在整个毕业设计教学环节中通过教师和学生的共同努力,使本科生毕业设计整体质量有所提高。  相似文献   

毕业设计是学生在教师指导下综合运用所学知识解决实际问题的一次实践,因而毕业设计成绩的考核是对学生基础理论、实践技能、动手能力等方面的综合考核,客观公正合理的考核毕业设计成绩是完成毕业设计的重要一环.  相似文献   

郑娟  蒋军 《黄山学院学报》2009,11(3):125-127
毕业设计是教学计划中实现应用型本科人才培养目标的一个重要环节.电磁场与微波技术方向的毕业设计要求指导教师从毕业设计的目的和意义、选题的方法以及资料的筛选、实验的指导、提纲的拗定和论文的撰写等方面对学生加以指导,帮助其完成毕业论文,并通过论文的指导逐步培养起学生运用所学的专业知识来分析问题和解决问题的能力.  相似文献   

开放教育计算机专业专科学生毕业设计指导是提升开放教育计算机专业教学质量的重要环节,它不仅需要指导教师与学生的完美配合,更需要指导教师根据开放教育教学特点、教学目标、教学要求,结合开放教育学生特点、专业特点,科学运用指导技巧,引导学生按照科研规范完成毕业设计,保证毕业设计质量。  相似文献   

包装机械方面的本科生毕业设计要求学生独立完成包括几个执行工序的整机设计,执行机构多且复杂,时序性要求高。由于学生投入时间、精力不足,机械方面知识掌握程度和应用能力有限,且重视程度不够,使得毕业设计完成质量受到很大影响。加强毕业设计阶段教学管理和指导教师掌控强度,帮助学生安排合理计划,增加在评价毕业设计完成质量时学生进步程度和工作态度的比重等,将有利于包装机械方面毕业设计水平的提高和学生综合素质的培养。  相似文献   

从目前环保设备工程专业毕业设计完成质量的实际情况出发,阐述毕业设计完成质量的主要因素:指导教师水平和指导质量、学生自身素质,并对这些因素进行深入分析,提出提高毕业设计质量的方法和措施。  相似文献   

毕业设计是工科中专学校教学计划的一个主要的综合性实践教学环节。通过毕业设计这一教学环节的实践,培养学生综合运用所学的基础理论和专业知识,提高分析和解决工程实际问题的能力。保质保量地完成毕业设计,当然离不开教师的指导和学生的努力,然而更重要的是要有行之有效的对策,以提高毕业设计质量。几年来,自己在工民建专业毕业设计指导中尝试了一些做法,效果很好。一、毕业设计要求及实际困难首先,我校工民建专业毕业设计共需8周。学时安排是建筑设计2.5周,结构设计3周,施工组织设计2.5周。要求每位学生按具体要求完成各环节的训练,最后突出11张施工图(建筑四张、结构五  相似文献   

1.加强毕业设计的政治思想工作毕业设计是学生每人独立完成一个课题,即使在同一工厂内,学生也分散在不同科室或车间,而指导教师有限。所以,在毕业设计过程中应配备专职政工人员,和指导教师同时下厂做学生的思想政治工作。这样可保证实习任务的顺利完成。2.学生在毕业设计期间应适当参加  相似文献   

为了提高一般本科院校土木工程专业本科生毕业设计质量,解决一般本科院校本科学生毕业设计中出现的简单方案较多、创新方案较少、学生动手能力不强等问题,提出了毕业设计指导的“六八三二三”模式:严格过程控制,要求毕业设计指导时间、地点、座位、答疑教师、考核时间、考核成果的“六固定”;细化阶段成果,要求学生毕业设计成果分“八次提交”;优化资源配置“三结合”,即指导教师小组指导与指导教师指导相结合、指导教师的分散指导与专家教授的分阶段集中指导相结合、校内指导教师指导与校外指导教师的指导相结合;助推毕业设计,善用课程思政和设计类竞赛“两抓手”;推动持续改进,从而实现“三转变”,即毕业设计教师指导模式、学生学习方式和毕业设计成绩评定方式三个方面的改进与转变。  相似文献   

一、目前毕业设计环节中存在的问题目前毕业设计工作存在的问题涉及办学单位、教师、学生各方面。其一,办学单位不够重视,不能完全按国家教委的规定要求组织学生完成毕业设计环节。其二,少数学生对毕业设计不够重视,对毕业设计的重要性缺乏足够认识,没有按照要求,完整地完成该环节,达不到教学计划的基本要求。其三,部分毕业设计指导教师职责不清,没有完全履行指导教师所担负的指导任务,也有个别教师在指导工作中,对待函授生不如对日校生那么认真,从而使毕业设计的质量大打折扣。其四,毕业设计选题随意性较大,缺乏针对性。目前…  相似文献   

This paper reports the development and implementation of a multi-disciplinary course called ‘sustainable development’ within engineering education at the University of Technology Eindhoven (TUE). In this course, students of different disciplines have to cooperate with each other in a project, with the aim of finding (more) sustainable solutions for an environmental issue or problem put forward by industry or (governmental) institutions (e.g. a zero-energy dwelling). The educational form is based on project-oriented education. The project group, which consists of six to eight students from at least three disciplines, is responsible for the results and the project. During their project, the students can rely on a tutor, who is primarily a process guide. Together with the principal, the tutor advises on whether or not the proposed working plan is realistic and can be realized within the given time of 160 h (two half-days over 20 weeks). At the end, the students have to present and defend their work before a committee, which consists of the tutor, the principal and a subject expert. Experience has shown that multi-disciplinary project work has been an excellent teaching method and addition to engineering education curricula, so improving not only knowledge but also interdisciplinary thinking and skills. Environmental issues need a multi-disciplinary approach, and this course bridges the gap between disciplines, so stimulating interdisciplinary work within engineering education.  相似文献   

Supporting undergraduate students with their academic literacies has recently been a major focus in higher education in the UK. This paper explores the value of tutor mediation in the context of academic writing development among undergraduate business studies students in open and distance learning, following the dynamic assessment (DA) approach that has been developed within Vygotskian sociocultural theory of learning (Vygotsky, 1978). DA is an assessment approach that blends instruction and assessment. The data, which came from a pilot study of a larger research project, consisted of text-based interaction between a tutor–researcher and two business studies students across various drafts of two assignments in line with the DA approach. This interaction was mediated by computers mainly through emails. The analyses of such interaction suggest that DA can help to identify and respond to the areas that students need the most support in (in this study, managing information flow). Finally, we argue that a learning theory-driven approach such as DA can contribute to undergraduate students’ academic writing development by responding to their individual needs.  相似文献   

大学生是建设创新型国家的主体力量之一。培养并不断提升大学生科研创新能力是大学教育的重要目标,也是国家关注的重点。本研究通过构建科研创新能力影响因素模型,并采用问卷调查法探究自主性学习、导师指导和学校科研支持对大学生科研创新能力的影响。研究发现:自主性学习、导师指导和学校的科研支持均对大学生科研创新能力具有显著正向影响,但导师指导的路径系数稍低;导师指导与自主性学习、学校科研支持间均存在双向正影响。为此,高校应着力提升大学生自主学习能力、增强导师指导效果并加大科研支持力度,以更好地促进大学生科研创新能力的提升。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to create and evaluate personalised virtual learning spaces (PVLSs) in a course that was previously delivered face-to-face only. The study addressed three related questions: (1) Can a PVLS successfully be introduced into a course where IT has not previously featured? (2) Can the PVLSs be used to enhance the assessment from an extended essay to a higher-level empirical research project? (3) What are the perceptions of the students and the tutor of the PVLSs in terms of access, clarity and usefulness of the supervision of undergraduate research projects? Results showed that the introduction of the PVLSs into the course was trouble-free and that the PVLSs were able to enhance assessment. The vast majority of students and their tutor showed high levels of satisfaction, particularly with (1) the messaging tool, which allowed asynchronous, one-to-one communication with the tutor, and (2) the interactive web-forms, which provided structured guidance of how to conduct a small-scale empirical research project. The study concludes that the interactive web-forms and messaging tool can be beneficial functions of virtual learning spaces.  相似文献   

当前,各级电大正在积极筹建开放大学,提高教师综合素质、促进教师专业成长是其中一项十分重要的工作。以英语专业为例,我们可以依托QQ这一平台,创建学习型组织,从而促进基层辅导教师专业成长。  相似文献   

本科生导师制虽然已经实行了几个年头,但其效果仍然差强人意,导师制配套制度的供给不足应是造成其实施过程中出现各种问题的根本原因。通过规范导师选择、明确导师职责定位、合理规定学生义务、考核评价办法制订、实施有效激励、监控培养过程等配套制度的改革,建立一个完善的制度环境,才能从根本上提高实施本科生导师制的有效性。  相似文献   

This report describes a small study that analysed module marks of one cohort of science undergraduates from one academic year. It explored how group summative assessment marking affected the overall marks in comparison with individual assessment. A tutor allocated students to mixed ability project groups. Individual marks for the group work component were derived by tutor‐, peer‐, and self‐assessment weighting. The results showed that students with high individual marks obtained lower marks in the group component. Similarly, students with low individual marks obtained higher marks in the group component. Study limitations, results and conclusions are reported.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to compare the role of the tutor in an online and a face‐to‐face problem‐based learning (PBL) session to shed light on potential differences of the tutor role in both settings. In this practice‐based study we compared the two groups with the same tutor undertaking the same module. Students completed questionnaires about tutor performance, student characteristics and the module. Marks on the end‐of‐module test were analysed. The tutor was interviewed about his expectations and experiences. One session of each group was recorded and analysed qualitatively. Results show tutor tasks appeared to be comparable in both settings with regard to “content and pedagogical content knowledge,” “group dynamics,” “process instruction” and “intermediary between faculty and students.” The face‐to‐face group rated tutor performance lower than the online students. Students and tutor identified the absence of nonverbal cues as a limitation of online PBL. In online sessions the tutor additionally provided technical support and moderated the chat box. It is recommended to involve an extra person in online sessions who is responsible for technical issues. This person could also check the chat box for messages of students. Future research should focus on the necessity of an extra tutor training for online sessions.  相似文献   

Forty science students received training for 12 weeks on delivering effective presentations and using a tertiary-level English oral presentation scale comprising three subscales (Verbal Communication, Nonverbal Communication, and Content and Organization) measured by 18 items. For their final project, each student was given 10 to 12 min to present on 1 of the 5 compulsory science books for the module and was rated by the tutor, peers, and himself/herself. Many-facet Rasch measurement, correlation, and analysis of variance were performed to mine the data. The results show that the student raters, tutor, items, and rating scales achieved high psychometric quality, though a small number of assessments exhibited bias. Although all of the biased self-assessments were underestimations of presentation skills, the peer and tutor assessment bias had a mixed pattern. In addition, self-, peer, and tutor assessments had low to medium correlations on the subscales, and a significant difference was found between the assessments. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

传统的研究生导师侧重于指导学生的科研方向,而本科生导师则侧重于解决学生如何学习、如何对专业产生兴趣等问题。各大高校在历史前进的步伐中积极探索并尝试导师制,力图将人才培养模式推向一个新的台阶。然而现实却不尽如人意,普遍出现导师工作内容界定不清晰、师生匹配不对应、部分导师缺乏责任心和学生态度不够积极主动等问题。  相似文献   

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