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苑春  郑小强 《出版科学》2013,21(3):57-60
图书盗版是制约我国出版业发展的重要因素,对图书盗版的治理迫在眉睫。盗版者、出版社和著作人三个利益主体在图书市场上互动,形成典型的三方博弈。本文分析博弈中不同纳什均衡的实现条件及其演化均衡性。研究表明:在打击盗版和奖励举报人力度上的差异会造成不同的均衡,加大对盗版的打击和对举报者的奖励会改善均衡结果。政府打击盗版力度的强弱、"追究盗版"的收益与成本之间的关系、盗版空间的存在状况会影响盗版的均衡。最后,总结全文并梳理相应的反盗版策略。  相似文献   

打击盗版的诉讼策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放20多年来,政府不断加大打击侵权盗版的力度,但图书出版业的盗版现象至今仍然十分猖獗,极大地损害了出版者的合法权益,扰乱了正常的出版秩序。图书盗版越来越危及出版业的生存与发展,是我们不得不正视的现实。为此,不少出版社也投入了大量人力、物力、财力,仍然收效甚微。面对许多图书批发市场上3—5折的盗版书的冲击,拥有专有出版权从事合法经营的出版社对此恨之入骨又对屡打屡盗、屡禁不止的盗版现状有些无可奈何。如何加大打击力度,有效地打击盗版,各家出版社都在探索。  相似文献   

“2007年在全国范围内开展的第三次打击网络侵权盗版专项冶理行动共办理网络侵权盗版案件1001件,是2005年、2006年两年办理案件总和的1.6倍,取得明显成效,达到了预期目标,净化了网络版权保护环境,有力地打击了网络违法分子的嚣张气焰,显示了政府打击网络侵权盗版活动、保护知识产权的坚定信心和决心。”  相似文献   

基于博弈理论,建立以国家、版权企业和侵权盗版者三者为利益主体的博弈模型,并分析其两两之间的博弈关系及均衡情况,在对博弈结果分析的基础上提出加大处罚、打击侵权盗版,联合维权、降低维权成本,加强宣传、提高全民版权意识,完善法律、修订“技术中立”原则等版权保护策略。  相似文献   

在书店经营的所有产品中,音像是与图书最受读者欢迎的相邻产品.随着国家打击盗版音像制品力度的增强,随着正版音像制品价格的逐步降低,音像制品越来越受到读者的喜爱.  相似文献   

图书作为传递知识的重要载体,在我国有着非常悠久的发展历史。但随着社会的高速发展,许多不良的商家以生产盗版图书作为获取利益的手段,对于知识产权的保护以及用户获取正确的信息知识造成了很大的负面影响,提升图书防伪技术,打击盗版是当前图书出版业需要重点关注的内容。本文对图书出版业中防伪技术的重要性进行分析,对当前图书出版业中的几个主要的防伪技术进行分析,希望我国图书防伪技术在今后能够取得更大的进步,杜绝盗版图书现象,从而达到尊重知识产权,保护消费者利益的目的。  相似文献   

牛盼强 《出版科学》2015,23(3):14-18
数字内容产业被列为我国的“重点文化产业”,近年来保持高速增长,然而盗版却成为其长期可持续发展的障碍.采用阶段博弈和无限重复博弈两种方法,同时对数字内容产品出版商和盗版商的行为策略进行研究.研究证明,第一,突击性的短期打击盗版等行为不仅缺少动力,而且效果差,反盗版必须长期坚持不懈.第二,单一性的反盗版手段效果差,需要把两个方面的手段结合使用,一个方面是降低出版商知识产权保护的技术成本和上诉成本,给予出版商一定的财税补贴;另一个方面是完善相关法制,出台专项措施加大对盗版的惩处力度,使政府的监管成为长效机制,同时还需要对政府的反盗版行为进行监督.  相似文献   

肖晖 《出版视野》2007,(2):29-29
重庆市新闻出版局联合市文化市场行政执法总队等相关职能部门,严厉查处制售盗版音像、计算机软件的加工窝点及游摊散户。2007年1至3月,市局共受理侵权盗版音像、计算机软件鉴定案件3件,完成了对1795个品种,516844张盗版光盘的审查鉴定,为打击侵权盗版活动提供了坚实的保障。该批涉嫌盗版的音像、计算机软件制品均无出版发行单位、版号及来源识别码,为典型的盗版光盘。市局还将与相关职能部门加强反盗版联动,加大对侵权盗版行为的行政处罚力度。在打击侵权盗版的同时,积极推动出版、制作单位多出社会效益和经济效益俱佳的正版图书、音像和计算机软件,营造保护知识产权、拒绝侵权盗版的良好社会环境。  相似文献   

图书盗版一直是出版行业面临的严峻问题,不仅侵害了作者的著作权和出版社的出版权,还扰乱了出版市场秩序,严重制约出版行业的发展,危害极大.尤其是随着互联网的飞速发展和数字技术广泛应用,新的侵权形式不断出现,打击盗版难度加大.因此探索解决图书盗版问题的有效路径迫在眉睫.本文简要总结分析了图书盗版的现状,进而审视和深入剖析了治理图书盗版面临的困境,在此基础上,突破治理图书盗版中的盲点、痛点和难点,探究图书盗版解决路径,助力新时代出版业的高质量发展.  相似文献   

正淘宝网与"京版十五社"联手打击盗版图书6月8日,阿里巴巴集团旗下淘宝网和北京15家图书出版社(以下简称"京版十五社")在杭州共同签订反盗版联盟图书版权保护合作备忘录。新闻出版总署、国家版权局、浙江省以及杭州市的相关部门领导也出席了此次双方签署合作备忘录仪式。签约仪式上,淘宝网正式对外宣布,为打击盗版图书,按照法律规定,今后在  相似文献   

This paper explores the topic of electronic books (e-books) and the effect that these digital devices and other new technologies has on the publishing industry. Contemporary society often claims that the publishing industry is dying and that the innovation of the e-book will eventually sentence the printed book to death. But this study will show that such is not the case. While it is true that the world is undergoing a digital revolution, publishers today have not been left in the dust, because these firms have embraced electronic publishing (e-publishing). The invention of e-books opens a world of opportunities and since the e-book market is still in its growth stage, there is much work left to be done. As with any new venture, the industry faces certain challenges, such as piracy, but with tools like encryption, digital asset management (DAM), digital rights management (DRM), and digital object identifiers (DOI), publishers are well on the way to a solution. While it is safe to say that the digital revolution has forever changed the face of publishing, e-books could actually revitalize the industry. No one knows what the future of e-publishing will hold, but developments affect publishing houses, authors, and consumers alike. And while the ultimate fate of the printed book is yet unknown, for now, it is here to stay.  相似文献   

Very, very little is known about the children’s book publishing industry of India. This paper looks at book production aimed at a predominantly young readership base and attempts to identify the success areas and the gaps. The absence of statistics within the industry is particularly telling: it indicates the existence of a non-traditional book business and also points to alarming levels of piracy. At the same time, the growth of the traditional publishing industry has been seen as spectacular and unlikely, and growth patterns are proving to be unpredictable. This paper attempts to map trends with the limited resources available. The scope of the study, given the geographical and demographic nature of India, is broad. The focus is on both quantitative and qualitative aspects of the industry.  相似文献   

Despite electronic book (e-book) piracy being viewed by many rightsholders as the greatest contemporary challenge to the publishing industry, there is little research evaluating different anti-piracy methods, and explaining how they work. This paper explores the technological methods that United Kingdom and United States publishers, and their representative bodies, are using to tackle the growing challenge of e-book piracy. Through interviews with industry experts (including consultants, publishers and representatives) and publishing case studies, this paper brings together knowledge previously published and considered separately. The systems considered include The Publishers Association Copyright Infringement Portal, and Digital Rights Management in its various forms. Through these systems, we can reveal a lack of nuanced understanding in the motivations and methods of illegal file sharing, which have led to unsuccessful blanket solutions to a complex problem. By teasing out these problems, this paper will act as a point of reference for current anti-piracy measures, and consider the future options for an industry increasingly using the World Wide Web to distribute content.  相似文献   

Due to its own cultures of publishing, distributing, reading, and life styling, the publishing industry in Thailand is much complicated to be penetrated. Our readers are changeable as always. It has been much difficult to predict them. So a newcomer in the industry has often been agitated by readers. Many have gotten left this business as soon as their first book have been never published. Since their book expected to publish was out of Thai readers interesting anymore. However, the industry has still been continuing on. Sometimes, it has been so peak in meaning of an outstanding industry is calling newcomers jumping in the game. Still, there were many hopes in this industry during a declining economic. So economic conditions may impact the sale of books but it is not a main reason for change in Thailand. The different distribution and reading culture in Thailand are main factors of the industry.  相似文献   

“红海”竞争背景下出版社作者关系管理浅议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
出版业是内容产业和创意产业,作者资源是出版业进行生产活动的必备生产要素。随着出版业的快速发展,优秀作者成为稀缺资源,掌控着合作性博弈的主动权。在这种背景下,作者关系管理的重要性日渐凸显,作者关系管理成为出版社管理工作的重要组成部分和龙头工作。本文提出出版社作者关系管理概念,探讨作者关系管理的重要性和管理定律。  相似文献   


The issues currently facing the book publishing industry are profound and the resolution of these issues will ultimately affect how the industry is defined in the future. One of the most important issues that the industry faces is the emergence of a whole range of new media which have created important managerial tensions within the book publishing firms. These tensions include defining what a book is in light of the multi‐dimensional content available as well as the development of new modes of delivery; whether to remain focused on producing great content or become a more technologically oriented company; and the best organizational approach. While these tensions may be viewed as creating turmoil, they have been catalysts of change and are creating opportunities that will ultimately enable the industry to regenerate its businesses, reach a new generation of readers, and create an environment that is more conducive to innovation.  相似文献   

Lebanon’s publishing industry is mainly turned towards export to the Arab market; subsequently, the analysis of the Lebanese book production can provide a fair overview of the state of publishing in the Arab world. And the picture is far from bright; however resourceful and dynamic, Arab trade publishers cannot reach the sales figures one would expect in a region of more than 362 million people. A relatively low purchasing power and the lack of efficient distribution channels, in addition to piracy and censorship, are endemic problems they have to face on a daily basis, not only in marketing their books throughout the region, but also in dealing with foreign publishers and agents. Indeed for many of these, the Arab market remains incomprehensible and not transparent. However, it is only through apprehending its reality that they can adapt their level of expectations to it in order to achieve successful licensing deals and establish sound partnerships in the region.  相似文献   

Conclusion The private book business in mainland China has developed for 25 years since 1980. With complete opening of the book distribution market, the Chinese government tried to address and to solve the structural issues in China’s publishing and directly related book distribution industries. We are optimistic that all sectors of the Chinese book publishing and distribution will have a brighter future.  相似文献   

With the continuous progress of technology, the publishing industry is in the important period of accelerating transformation and upgrading, integration of traditional media and developing new media. We have to face that the traditional book market has been strongly impacted by the e-commerce, on the other hand also respond to the new technology to bring the needs of the reader changes to the publishing process. Opportunities and challenges coexist. In this tide, Winshare based on years of traditional publishing and book distribution, is rapidly advancing and upgrading the digital publishing transformation. This article will focus on the four aspects of the integration of technology and publishing industry development, from the market environment, new technologies to promote industry changes, to meet the new needs of consumption, and the changing Winshare practice.  相似文献   

A strong copyright regime is crucial for the development of local print publishing industry. However, piracy and other acts of copyright infringement are prevalent in the print publishing industry which denies creators and right owners from fully enjoying the reward of their labor and investment. This study therefore seeks to explore the acts of copyright infringement; enforcement provisions in the Copyright Act, 2005, 690 [10]; assess publishers and stakeholders understanding of these provisions and to identify the challenges in enforcing copyright in the Publishing Industry. The study adopted both questionnaires and interviews as research instruments. Seven institutions and organizations were interviewed, and questionnaires were administered to 43 individual companies within the book trade. The research subjects were sampled using the purposive and stratified sampling methods respectively. Findings from the study indicate that acts of copy infringement in the book publishing industry in Ghana have caused tremendous financial loss to the rights owners. Evident from the analysis are the difficulties associated with enforcing the law due to lack of awareness of the law by the right owners, and lack of awareness and expertise by enforcement agencies. The study recommends public awareness campaigns for the public and stakeholders in the industry. It is also important that training is given to law enforcement agencies and the support of stakeholders enlisted in enforcing the law.  相似文献   

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