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Wu Hui 《现代企业教育》2014,(16):491-491
Since the reform and opening up,the rapid development of China' s national economic trends for decades to promote sustained,rapid and healthy growth of the show,attracted the attention of people around the world.This article aims to analyze the basic way China attracts foreign investment and policies,prompting foreign investors to understand China's trade policy,to provide a clear idea of China attracts investment,to promote bilateral trade to maximize and achieve more bilateral trade exchanges and cooperation.  相似文献   

Zhou Enlai's Historical Contributions to the Country during the 26 -year State Governing
WANG Hao (Huaiyin Normal University, Huaian, Jiangsu 223300, China)
Abstract: China's chief steward, the good people's prime minister, the major designer and organizer of the overall blueprint for new China's construction are classical evaluation to Zhou Enlai for his 26 -year state governing. However, from 1949 to 1976, the three versions - "Zhou Enlai made the greatest contribution" , "The three leaders are side by side", and "China's four Great men of the 20th century, did not make an aecurate evaluation of Zhou Enlai's historical contribution.  相似文献   

Lao ZiPs Political Thought of the Art of Government. "the Dao Emulates Nature", "Accumulate Virtue and Follow the Dao", "Small State with Few People" Abstract;Lao Zi thought that the key to rebuilding social order and political order is finding and following the nature of society and state. Specific schemes of state governance are not the most important things. This is the difference between Lao Zi and other think- ers. Dao represents the fundamental law of the whole universe including society and state. Accordingly, Lao Zi put forward his social and political thought "the Dao emulates na- ture". "Governing with Dao" is Lao Zi' s project of governing country which includes be- nevolent rule, paying attention to popular feelings, government by actionless activity. "Small State with Few People" is Lao Zi's Design of Utopia. All these thoughts bring pro- found effect on the development of Chinese political theories in later ages.  相似文献   

Under the background of traditional friendship and cooperative exchange between China and Africa, Zhejiang Normal University (ZNU) endeavored to develop, improve and deepen the China-Africa cooperation, initiated a road of China-Africa educational cooperation and exchange with its own characteristics. This road, guided by China's national policy for China-Africa educational cooperation and exchange, is based on the human and regional advantage of Zhejiang Province and the overall capability of ZNU. Researches on the present African higher education and its development are the starting point of this road, the Base for Education Aid and Development of Ministry of Education, the key research base of humanitarian social science in Zhejiang Province(discipline of Higher Education), and the Center for African Education Studies of ZNU all serve as a support to depend upon.  相似文献   

China's development road of the new era has experienced gradually the process from formation to spread and improvement: the CPC Central Committee taking Deng Xiaoping as the core brought order out of chaos and formed China's development road of the new period in the entirely reform; the CPC Central Committee having Jiang Zemin as the core spread China's development road of the new era in the overall layout and strategic steps, in spite of the international and domestic political turmoil; During Hu Jingtao as the general secretary, the CPC Central Committee improved China's development road of the new era in the world outlook and methodology, the overall goal of the layout and development goal and in the process of constructing a well-off society and accelerating the socialist modernization.  相似文献   

The Meaning, Content and Level of Needs of the People's Livehood
Needs of the peoples'livehood are the needs for peopleg living, thatg to say, people using various living conditions to safeguard and improve their own lives and to create a better life. Needs of the people's livehood is a comprehensive category combined with many-sided contents including Material needs, social needs and spiritual life needs and environmental needs including material needs, social needs, spiritual needs and ecological needs. Needs of the peoples' livehood is a need with directional trend, and it registers as the different levels from low to high, which can be divided into three basic levels: survival needs, enjoy needs and development needs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the contribution of psychological and social factors to the prediction of adjustment to college. A total of 250 first year students from colleges of education in Kwara State, Nigeria, completed measures of self-esteem, emotional intelligence, stress, social support and adjustment. Regression analyses revealed that all the independent variables predicted adjustments. Social support interacted with stress to predict adjustment. Implications for the counselors, parents and college authorities in enhancing students' adjustment to college were discussed. Further, the findings implicated the need for college authorities to integrate activities designed to improve students' adjustment into college co-curricular activities meant for youth development.  相似文献   

China is the largest solar water heater producer and market in the world. Despite the fast growth and an installed capacity that accounts for the majority of the global gross, China's per capita solar hot water capacity is still very low, implying a huge margin of market potential; and the recognition of the industry in the global market is handicapped by the scattered scale of production and inconsistent product quality. To ensure continued growth of China's solar water heating (SWH) industry, Chinese Government has established a series of national SWH standards, three national testing centers, and a certification program to lay the foundation for the development of the Golden Sun product labeling system. China General Certification Center (CGC) developed the Golden Sun product certification and labeling system on a pass/fail basis evaluating with established criteria. The system was designed to help manufacturers acclimate to explicit consistent requirements and to identify and fix the deficiencies in the design and execution of the program itself. Timely revision and integration of the national standards are recommended to accommodate the test procedures and requirements to new technologies and the evolving SWH ,market. Strict implementation of the Golden Sun certification and labeling system are suggested to avail improving the quality control and forging internationally reputable brands of Chinese solar water heating products.  相似文献   

张怡 《学周刊C版》2014,(11):74-74
I.Features of Chinese and American Infant Family Education
As we know, with the development of the world, the parents are required to establish a new scientific concept about family education of infants which includes the remodeling of par- ents' roles, proper construction of infants' in- telligence quality and proper attitudes towards infants' improper behaviors and habits. There are great different between Chinese and Ameri- can culture, thus the infant family education are also different. They have their own features in conception and educational ways. China is a long historical country, its deep educational culture influence the elements of infant family education. So the Chinese parents always em- phasis on social enlightenment, the parents take the social compatible enlightenment seriously. They often train their children under established forms, and lay down the broad road for their growth. Compared with Chinese, American par- ents provide the children an environment for growth resistant to them and foster their tena- cious capacity.  相似文献   

Different nations have different social cultures, and the social culture of every nation is developing with the development of the nation, language is greatly influenced by social culture, which enables language to possess national and historical characteristics. Word is the smallest, independent, meaningful linguistic unit of language. It can well reflect the national and historical characteristics. From synchronic aspect, the social and cultural influence on word meaning is mainly embodied in conceptual and associative meanings of word. The incorrespondence of word meaning is a phenomenon that exists in both conceptual and associative meanings of word among different languages. From diachronic aspect, the development of social culture causes some changes of word meaning to some extent. Therefore, social culture plays a key role in vocabulary learning and mastery of a language.  相似文献   

我国基本国策的内容及渊源   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
基本国策是国家规范全国范围内较长时期行为的总政策和在某一基本领域所实行的主要政策,在政策体系中处于最高层次,对国民经济和社会发展具有重要作用。但对我国目前到底有多少基本国策,其出处及以何种形式体现等问题,说法众多,并无一致的认识,造成了理论研究和实际使用中的混乱。经查证相关资料,我国基本国策的渊源和体现形式主要有以法律形式确定、以党的代表大会报告形式确定、以政府工作报告形式确定、以计划纲要形式确定、以政府白皮书形式确定、以政府规章形式确定和以领导人讲话形式确定等多种形式。其内容主要有计划生育、对外开放、保护耕地、长治久安、环境保护、一国两制(和平统一)、男女平等、保护资源和水土保持等九项内容。  相似文献   

于玲玲 《成人教育》2014,34(9):17-22
我国近代教育学家熊子容,对公民教育有着独到的思考与认知:公民教育的意义不仅是培养具有良好品质的个人,更是培养良好的公民以促进社会的发展;公民教育在原则上应注重"社会心理"、"道德训练"、"社会估值"、"社会团体"、"公民性质评价"、"民主主义"六大问题;公民教育实施方法包含有公民课程形式、公民课程设计、公民教学方法;民国时期的公民教育是以三民主义为指导,充实人民生活,谋求社会生存,发展人民生计,延续民族生命,以期实现民族独立、民权普遍、民生发展,促进世界大同。熊子容公民教育思想对现代思想政治教育仍具重要的启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

我国宪法规定国家尊重和保障人权,国务院制定实施《政府信息公开条例》既是建设服务型政府的需要,也是国家落实人权保障的举措。律师是推动政府信息公开的重要力量,只有在律师调查权得到有效保护的情况下,才能促进政府信息公开。保护律师调查权要从行政和司法方面采取有效措施。  相似文献   

近10年中国大陆的学校变革理论的共通的价值取向是理解和尊重生命,方法论是理论和实践的双向建构。在关系思维视野下,“新基础教育”、“理解教育”、“生本教育”、“主体教育”、“新教育实验”在变革的思维方式、变革路径和变革场域上有简单和复杂、开放与封闭、局部与整体的区别。中国教育学派将在理论和实践的互建中形成和成熟,为中国本土教育学有望发出一致的声音奠定综合的理论基础。  相似文献   

“新中国”是一个历史概念,它是相异于以皇权为核心的封建帝制的共和民主国.宋庆龄是孙中山共和国的坚决捍卫者,是毛泽东人民共和国的奋斗者和开创者之一.她为“新中国”奋斗的内容,一是中国人民团结起来反对帝国主义的侵略,维护领土主权的完整和国家的独立;二是实现社会民主,动员人民团结起来担负重建国家的任务;三是实现民生主义,改善人民的生活,鼓舞人民团结奋进,为建设一个强盛新中国而努力奋斗.宋庆龄为“新中国”奋斗的精神是中国政治文化的宝贵遗产.继承这种遗产,树立国民昂扬向上的坚强意志,养成讲奉献的社会氛围,鼓舞国民立志为国家、民族、人民服务具有重大的现实意义.  相似文献   

中华人民共和国60年史以及新民主主义革命所走的“复兴之路”,可用“3个30年”来划分;而1978年以来我国经济体制改革及社会变化,则可以1992年确立社会主义市场经济体制为界,划分为两个发展阶段。30年改革开放的历程其实就是以思想大解放促进生产力大发展的历程,其成功来自党的“解放息想、实事求是、与时俱进”的思想路线。当前要破除一切不符合科学发展观的体制和做法,把社会发展转变到科学发展的轨道上来。  相似文献   

“公共利益”是当代各国宪法和法律中常见的概念,我国宪法第二十条和第二十二条修正案分别规定了:“国家为了公共利益的需要,可以依照法律规定对土地实行征收或者征用并给予补偿。”“公民的合法的私有财产不受侵犯。”“国家依照法律规定保护公民的私有财产权和继承权。”“国家为了公共利益的需要,可以依照法律规定对公民的私有财产实行征收或者征用并给予补偿。”但我国宪法和相关法律并没有对“公共利益”作出解释;理论界至今也没有完整而权威的界定,甚至在国际公法学界也找不到精准的诠释,造成实践中“公共利益”的滥用。通过综述各种有代表性的研究成果,可以找出其中共性的结论,为描述我国宪法条文中的“公共利益”含义,以及限制其随意使用提供借鉴和佐证具有重要意义。  相似文献   

自新中国成立特别是改革开放以来,党中央和国务院、各级党委政府以及各级妇联组织,为促进男女平等进行了长期不懈的努力,我国妇女地位和作用日益彰显。但仍不同程度的存在着一些突出问题,导致两性地位不平等、社会角色不协调、进步发展不均衡、权利和机会被剥夺等不平等现象时有发生。今后,推进男女平等进程,需要落实基本国策、提高参政比例、解决妇女发展问题、建立健全相关机制、发挥妇联组织作用、营造平等社会文化环境。  相似文献   

研究了邓小平的经济战略思想,认为邓小平从当代中国的国情出发,结合中国社会主义现代化建设的实践经验,制定了切合中国实际的经济发展战略,形成了独具特色的经济发展战略思想。邓小平经济发展战略思想对于"后发式"现代化的中国所面临的一系列问题,给予了独创性的回答,指引中国在世界经济发展的大潮中独树一帜地走出一条具有中国特色的现代化发展道路。  相似文献   

农村养老保障制度是我国社会保障体系的重要组成部分。进入21世纪,中国养老保险面临严峻的挑战。不断出现的城镇养老基金缺口大、筹资难等问题,已使现有的养老保险制度力不从心;而农村传统的“家庭养老与土地保障”模式受到了市场经济的冲击。构建符合国情和深得人心的新的养老保险制度仍需完善,农村社会的养老保障问题显得尤为突出。结合调查数据,对中国农村养老保障制度的历史及现状进行分析、探讨,旨在为养老保险制度的发展提供思路。  相似文献   

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