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数字故事帮助自闭症儿童增强学习能力讲故事是一种功能强大的表达方式,特别是对用普通方式表达难以被接受的观点。本文描述了我们与学校教育工作者一起创造数字故事的经验,尤其关注了在课堂实践中对自闭症儿童采用数字故事的教育策略。数字故事以短片或幻灯片的方式传达主要观点。数字故事不仅能有助于学校和教师个人构建并分享自己的真实叙述,打造科技创意明显的教学和学习案例,而且,对于自闭症儿童来说,数字故事显然受有吸引力。  相似文献   

采用故事叙述任务,以MLU为句法衡量工具,考察了汉语自闭症儿童和相匹配的典型发展儿童的句法生成能力.结果发现,汉语自闭症儿童生成的MLU显著低于典型发展儿童,表明汉语自闭症儿童的句法生成能力存在损伤.  相似文献   

同理心即共情,儿童心理危机干预中的同理心是指危机干预工作者进入儿童的内心世界,设身处地地体验儿童的想法与情绪,然后将体验与理解传递给儿童。同理心是儿童心理危机干预的"良药",教师需要了解、理解同理心,在生活中溶解同理心。  相似文献   

社会故事在提高自闭症儿童社会交往能力中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自闭症是一种广泛性的儿童发展障碍,在认知发展、语言功能、社会交往和适瘟方面出现显著困难。社会技能的缺陷是自闭症儿童最为根本的问题,指导自闭症儿童的社会性互动和交往,一直是相关领域学者研究的重点之一。社会故事是指导自闲症儿童社会交往的较新的方法之一,本文从社会故事治疗自闭症儿童的优点、方法、实施原则和治疗效果等方面较详细地介绍了其在儿童自闭症社会交往干预中的应用。  相似文献   

陆叶 《教师》2022,(9):78-80
由于自闭症儿童存在自身缺陷,传统的课程教学无法取得成效.因此,文章作者结合单一变量测试法,在生活化课程中运用PECS的六个阶段进行教学,并针对六个阶段提出教学反思、教学结论与建议.文章具体以一名二年级的自闭症儿童为研究对象,利用其视觉优势,引导该生通过图片交换沟通的方式表达基本生活需求,提高了有部分口语能力的自闭症儿童...  相似文献   

由于自闭症儿童存在社交交往和沟通能力方面的缺陷,导致他们难以融入社会。这不仅加重了他们家庭的负担,也增加了社会的压力,早期干预对自闭症儿童的预后非常重要。因此,应当采取适当措施提升自闭症儿童的社会沟通能力,通过创设合适的游戏环境,引导自闭症儿童参与游戏和互动,鼓励自闭症儿童充分表达自己,在评估的过程中,通过与个案结合,真正有效提升自闭症儿童的社会沟通能力,推动自闭症儿童的健康成长与发展。  相似文献   

杨静 《文教资料》2010,(12):137-140
作为一种神经病理障碍,自闭症的突出特点在于其患者封闭于自己的内心世界之中,无法正常地与周围世界互动、交流,这使自闭症儿童及其家庭的正常生活和生存同正常儿童及其家庭有或轻或重的差别。本研究以自编的患儿家庭治疗问卷为主要工具,对河北省99个自闭症儿童及家庭情况进行了调查,分析得出了家庭及社会为自闭症儿童创设的生存环境存在的问题和不足。本文最后有针对性地提出了几点建议,以期对改善自闭症儿童的生存现状有所帮助。  相似文献   

自闭症是一种精神发育障碍性疾病,具有广泛性,大部分起病于婴儿期或童年早期,由于病因比较复杂,其康复过程主要依赖于家庭。事实上,很多自闭症的孩子大都来自家庭功能缺失的不健全家庭,要实现对自闭症儿童的有效治疗和康复,单靠家庭功能已经无法实现,那么学校教育功能和社会教育功能对自闭症儿童的治疗和康复有着举足轻重的作用。本文基于对普通农村小学随班自闭症儿童在校行为习惯的现状了解,提出了几点帮助这些自闭症儿童的建议。  相似文献   

为减少自闭症儿童的课堂扰乱行为,应用沙盘游戏疗法对自闭症儿童进行干预,在结构化的系统观察基础上,开展沙盘游戏干预自闭症儿童课堂扰乱行为的自然实验。研究结果发现:自闭症儿童课堂扰乱行为的产生与其情绪表达障碍、行为控制能力较弱之间存在一定关联;沙盘游戏对自闭症儿童课堂扰乱行为的干预效果是较为明显的,经过干预,自闭症儿童的情绪表达、行为调控和课堂参与等多方面均有所改善。  相似文献   

陈锐 《当代教育论坛》2007,(11):111-114
同理心是人本主义心理学理论的重要概念,核心思想是"无条件积极关注";苏霍姆林斯基的同理心教育观提出同理心是"和谐发展的一般基础",要求教师不要忘了自己曾经也是孩子;同理心教育观包括对儿童认知特性的同理、对"差生"行为的同理、培育孩子的同理心三部分;同理心教育的最终意义是促进思维和情感的统一,培养全面发展的人。  相似文献   

共情缺陷是导致自闭症儿童社交障碍的重要因素。研究选取了28名3-7岁的自闭症和正常发展儿童,通过生理信号、面部表情和认知绩效等多模态数据的分析,探讨自闭症儿童共情过程中各阶段的特点,分析自闭症儿童共情缺陷的具体表现。研究发现,自闭症儿童的共情能力缺陷主要体现在较差的认知共情能力和较差的面部表情模仿能力;自闭症儿童的共情过程存在正常的自下而上的情绪分享过程和异常的自上而下的认知调节过程。因此,自闭症儿童共情能力的干预重点应聚焦认知调节过程中认知共情能力的提升和表情模仿能力的训练。  相似文献   

探讨剧本式病例情景模拟教学对护理本科实习生在儿科临床实习时与患者共情能力的影响.对照组按照广西医科大学护理学院及医院共同制定的教学大纲采取常规教学法,观察组在教学大纲范围内使用剧本式病例情景模拟教学,比较两组护生在入科、出科时的共情能力得分情况.两组护生在入科时共情能力得分、理论和操作考试成绩比较无统计学意义(P>0....  相似文献   

Attention, facial affect, and behavioral responses to adults showing distress, fear, and discomfort were compared for autistic, mentally retarded, and normal children. The normal and mentally retarded children were very attentive to adults in all 3 situations. In contrast, many of the autistic children appeared to ignore or not notice the adults showing these negative affects. As a group, the autistic children looked at the adults less and were much more engaged in toy play than the other children during periods when an adult pretended to be hurt. The autistic children were also less attentive to adults showing fear, although their behavior was not different from the normal children. Few of the children in any group showed much facial affect in response to these situations. The results are discussed in terms of the importance of affect in the social learning experiences of the young child.  相似文献   

箱庭疗法作为一种游戏治疗方法,以超越言语障碍的功能克服自闭症儿童的言语障碍,以模拟情境促进其心理理论的形成,以自然教学原理强调培养其主动自立和自控能力,激发其想像力、创造力,拓展其兴趣领域,从而为自闭症儿童的康复提供了可能性。  相似文献   

江西省75例孤独症儿童的现状调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本研究对75例江西籍孤独症儿童进行调查,分析其在基本信息与家庭情况、求医诊断、治疗康复、生活学习等方面的现状,调查结果表明:(1)本次调查的孤独症儿童城镇比例大、男童远多于女童,父母职业较稳定,文化程度相对较高,家庭收入情况多数不佳。(2)孤独症儿童家长自身建设待加强,康复训练的及时性与持续性不足。(3)教育系统配套措施与满足孤独症儿童入学需求尚存差距。(4)社会支持系统对孤独症问题介入不足。对此提出普及孤独症及相关发育障碍知识、提高家长自身素质、将孤独症教育落到实处、为成年孤独症人士建立社区精神康复机构、构建完善的社会支持系统等建议。  相似文献   

64 inner-city preschoolers' spontaneous story narratives that were examined directly after the Los Angeles riots of 1992 were compared with narratives told by a matched comparison group of 128 children living in other U.S. cities who had no direct exposure to the riots. Narratives were coded for length, complexity, overall thematic content, character behavior in the stories, number of aggressive words, and story outcome. Children were given language and pre-academic skill assessments, their classroom behavior was observed, and teachers rated children's social competence. Results indicated that there were significant group differences in the story narratives. Children who were directly exposed to the riots told more narratives with aggressive thematic content, aggressive words, unfriendly figures who engaged in physical aggression, and mastery of situations with aggression than did the comparison group of children who had no direct exposure to the riots. The findings suggest that children's narratives reflected their exposure to the violence and their expression of that experience.  相似文献   

The conceptual basis for referential word meaning in children with autism   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The purpose of this study was to examine the nature of the representation of substantive word meanings in children with autism. The subjects included 3 groups of autistic, mentally retarded, and normal children, who were matched on verbal mental age. The subjects participated in 2 experiments investigating their comprehension of words for basic level and superordinate level categories. The 3 groups were equivalent in their performance in both experiments. They also showed the same patterns of overextension and underextension errors that were related to a prototype representation of the underlying concepts. These findings suggest that semantic knowledge for concrete objects is represented and organized in similar ways in autistic, retarded, and normal children and that previous findings on cognitive deficits in autistic children are more likely related to their inability to use cognitive representations in an appropriate and flexible manner.  相似文献   

This article discusses the relationship between autism and teaching a foreign language (TFL) and explores how specific teaching styles may strengthen learners' motivation. Autism is simply considered to be a social disorder of development. Autistic people are often seen as having difficulty in learning a language other than their first language. This assumption has prevented autistic people as well as those who have difficulties with mental and physical development from accessing opportunities to learn a foreign language. Therefore, this article focuses on teaching Japanese to an autistic American university student in the United States. The purpose of the article is to examine how autistic learners are motivated in reaction to specific teaching styles. Based on my tutoring experiences with an autistic American university student and an interview with the student's mother, this study explores an effective method of TFL to autistic learners.  相似文献   

本研究通过“儿童饮食问卷调查表”对重庆市37名自闭症儿童及56名普通儿童的饮食情况及习惯进行了问卷调查和比较分析,研究结果表明自闭症儿童与普通儿童的母亲怀孕期营养水平及婴儿期的喂养方式存在显著差异,自闭症儿童较普通儿童存在日常饮食选食范围狭窄和更多具有异食癖现象。  相似文献   

自闭症儿童的社会缺陷及其早期干预研究的介绍   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
社会缺陷是自闭症儿童的重要特征之一。本文探讨了自闭症儿童的社会缺陷 :理论研究、社会反应、非言语交流、情感表达和自我认知等方面的研究 ,概述了近年来有关自闭症儿童与同辈、成人等社会交往的早期干预研究。  相似文献   

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