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袁丽霞  黄明睿  陈雯 《编辑学报》2014,26(4):372-374
青年编辑的健康成长不仅关系到其自身编辑水平的提高,还关系到科技期刊整体的发展。作为非编辑出版专业毕业的科技期刊青年编辑,信心的树立是其快速成长的基石。文章从3个方面,即正确认识编辑工作,做好职业规划;充分认识自己,发挥个人优势;重视学习,提高职业素养——探讨青年编辑如何正确树立职业信心,并尽快成长为一名合格的编辑。  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):296-323
This essay explores the relationship between epideictic discourse and war through the analysis of George W. Bush's August 20, 2005, address at the Naval Air Station near San Diego, ostensibly to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Allied victory over Japan. The case also serves as an exemplar for how Bush routinely interwove epideictic appeals with collective memories of World War II in order to promote the Iraq war and deflect criticism of his policies there. Bush praised the greatest generation and linked it to the current generation; blamed and dehumanized enemies of the past and present; advocated for war based on “lessons” from the past; and reinforced a shared identity to instill both obligation and confidence.  相似文献   

Peter Putnis 《Media History》2013,19(3):295-299
In response to Dr Silberstein-Loeb's assessment of the Reuters/British government relationship during the First World War, this article reinforces and enlarges upon the role of the British Foreign Office in securing control over Reuters. This control was obtained with the agreement of Reuters' senior management who were keen to secure government financial support. The government (contrary to Dr Silberstein-Loeb's assessment) played a leading role in developing a mechanism to achieve control. The importance it attached to this is evident in the creation of ‘share 999’, a special share held by government nominees which gave its holders a power of veto over board resolutions.  相似文献   

Kay Chadwick 《Media History》2015,21(4):426-442
This article focuses on representations of Britain to occupied France by the BBC French Service via its flagship programme Les Français parlent aux Français [The French speak to the French]. It first examines the establishment of the service and the formulation of a British propaganda strategy on occupied France. It then explores the service's efforts to foster French belief in Britain as France's friend and ally, and to rationalise key issues and incidents which challenged that narrative. Simultaneously, it positions French Service endeavours alongside the propaganda delivered on French national radio, known as Radio Vichy, in order to explore the exchanges about Britain between French propagandists who spoke on behalf of different Frances. In so doing, the article provides a close reading of the original French Service broadcasts which covers a larger corpus of material than has hitherto been documented in published collections, and which extends existing knowledge on the topic.  相似文献   

This article introduces a collection of original papers and research project reports considering the history of the BBC foreign-language services prior to, and during, the Second World War. The communication between the British government and foreign publics by way of mass media constituted a fundamental, if often ignored, aspect of Britain's international relations. From the 1930s onwards, transnational broadcasting, that is, broadcasting across national borders, became a major element in the conduct of Britain's diplomacy, and the BBC was employed by the government to further its diplomatic, strategic and economic interests in times of rising international tension and conflict. A review of the literature on the BBC's foreign-language broadcasts sets the stage for the presentation of the articles that compose this special issue of Media History.  相似文献   

With the passage of ownership of Curator: The Museum Journal from the California Academy of Sciences (CAS) to John Wiley and Sons, Inc., John Fraser has been appointed as the new Editor. His article summarizes the circulation growth of the journal since Wiley first began publishing the title. The expansion is visible in the number of libraries, the global distribution, and access at low or no cost to institutions in developing economies of the journal. The new editor envisions further growth, and plans a vibrant social media presence, enlarged editorial board, and a continuation of his predecessor's legacy.  相似文献   

伊拉克战争期间,我国分析美国传媒关于战争报道的文章很多,几乎所有文章都在努力证明美国传媒如何没有新闻自由。现在冷静下来查看当时的战争报道,实际情况与我们的简单判断差距甚远。本文从总体上统计分析了美国传媒战争报道倾向,认为新闻理念和职业伦理在其中起了很大作用,主要反映在传媒与公权力关系、平衡报道以及消息和言论分离三个方面。  相似文献   


Although most people know William Cullen Bryant as one of America's great nineteenth‐century poets, not many think of him as a leading editor of a New York newspaper. And few indeed realize that he was one of the leading public speakers of his time.  相似文献   

魏寅 《出版科学》2009,17(6):94-96
从时代眼光、办刊风格、编辑理念、服务意识和非凡魄力等方面,全面深入地发掘和再现美国杂志出版史上的杰出编辑——《纽约客》首任主编哈罗德·罗斯的出版活动和编辑风采。  相似文献   

The journal impact factor is widely used as a performance indicator for single authors (despite its unsuitably in this respect). Hence, authors are increasingly exercised if there is any sign that impact factors are being manipulated. Editors who ask authors to cite relevant papers from their own journal are accused of acting unethically. This is surprising because, besides publishers, authors are the primary beneficiaries of an increased impact factor of the journal in which they publish, and because the citation process is biased anyway. There is growing evidence that quality and relevance are not always the reasons for choosing references. Authors' biases and personal environments as well as strategic considerations are major factors. As long as an editor does not force authors to cite irrelevant papers from their own journal, I consider it as a matter of caretaking for the journal and its authors if an editor brings recent papers to the authors' attention. It would be unfair to authors and disloyal to the publisher if an editor did not try to increase the impact of his/her own journal.  相似文献   


On the transition between editors, Charles Popovich reflects on his more than ten-year tenure as the third editor of the Journal of Business&;Finance Librarianship (JBFL) from 1996 to 2005. Among his contributions as Editor are a regular and predictable publication schedule; special thematic issues; business and information professionals from multi-type information settings as authors, contributors and column editors; and broad dissemination of content. This interview seeks to capture Charles Popovich's unique perspective on business librarianship publishing. It also documents some history of Haworth Press' Journal of Business&;Finance Librarianship, established in 1989.  相似文献   

This essay examines the gendered explanations for the prisoner abuse scandal at Abu Ghraib. Specifically, I examine how mainstream news media's selective focus on Lynndie England encouraged the public to read Abu Ghraib primarily as a gender crisis rather than as a crisis in US military culture. This framing not only deflected attention away from the other soldiers involved in the scandal (particularly the men who were involved) but also diverted criticism away from more comprehensive discussions regarding the US military's use of abuse and torture, the unlawful detainment of suspected terrorists, and the erosion of civil liberties in the post-9/11 era. Moreover, these representations of Abu Ghraib as a gender crisis prompted new criticism regarding gender integration in the military and constructed feminism as the new villain in the American melodrama.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(1):81-95
Despite the central role of the paper in Marxist–Leninist strategy, the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) had little confidence in either professional journalists, including those who were Communists, or journalism practices, even though journalism, like culture, was recognized as “a weapon in the (class) struggle”. While George Allen Hutt (1901–73) was a leading professional party journalist, his career hit a “glass ceiling”, even as he met the three criteria of Communist journalism theory and earned an international reputation as a newspaper designer. In spite of opposition to his role on the executive of the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) because of his party membership, he became the longest-serving editor of the NUJ's periodical, The Journalist. As both a loyal, lifetime Communist and the consummate professional journalist, Hutt's career provides a salient example of the ambiguous position of the middle-class journalist in the proletarian-dominated Communist Party. It was the emphasis on his “technical” ability that appears to have disqualified his candidacy for the Daily Worker's top editorial positions and to have justified support for his editorship of The Journalist.  相似文献   

蔡姗 《出版科学》2010,18(2):106-111
综述著名编辑家林穗芳的编辑学理论研究,包括明确编辑基本概念,研究编辑基本范畴,探讨编辑基本规律,阐明编辑史研究基本观点,并分析林先生学术研究的特点。  相似文献   

邹莉 《出版科学》2011,19(1):89-92
爱德华·W·鲍克是美国著名编辑、政论家和慈善家。本文回顾鲍克一生取得的成就,探讨他独具特色的编辑思想和风格,以及他担任主编的《妇女家庭杂志》成功的原因。  相似文献   


《Journalism Practice》2013,7(2):265-278
The press of World Wars I and II depicted patriotic mothers as Spartan-like in their support of the nation's war effort. During the Vietnam War, another maternal image emerged to share cultural space with the Spartan mother, that of the goddess Thetis who objected to her son's participation in the Trojan War. This alternative maternal symbol more closely resembles the archetypal image of the peacetime good mother, who cares for her children and resists sending them into harm's way. This study documents coverage of maternal opposition to the Vietnam War against the backdrop of coverage of US mothers of soldiers in the earlier world wars. The comparison suggests that the Great Father's failure to control the press and promote the war to US citizens provided an opportunity for Thetis' rising.  相似文献   

李雅 《出版科学》2012,(5):99-102
徐调孚是我国现代著名的编辑家,文章以其一生的编辑实践为主线,以他在开明书店的工作为重点,探讨了他作为一名学者型编辑、出版全才和作者知音的编辑特点。  相似文献   

This article describes the shifts and contradictions in British approaches to the control of print media in colonial West Africa between the 1920s and 1940s. Well before the Colonial Office's post-war interventions to create an ‘enlightened and educated’ West African citizenry through mass education, decades of independent newspaper production in the region helped to shape independent and critical readerships. For the British, however, an upsurge in African nationalist journalism in the mid-1930s coincided with a perceived Communist infiltration of ‘British West Africa’ to make censorship and surveillance more palatable than before to colonial officials in London, in spite of the new emphasis on public relations.  相似文献   

喻菁 《编辑学报》2012,24(5):429-431
通过分析论文发表对科研人员的作用和影响,认为编辑在与作者交流的过程中,若能本着服务科研的态度,体谅科研人员的苦衷,在稿件初审、同行专家评审意见整理、编辑加工和定稿等环节中帮助作者,不仅能及时制止学术不端行为的发生,而且可潜移默化地影响作者,让科研人员感受到关爱,这可为科研人员营造一种健康的学术环境。  相似文献   

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