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本文从时代背景及教育现代化发展需求 ,探讨如何结合外语教育目的、语言学习特点及学校的实际 ,构建多媒体语言教学环境  相似文献   

从欧洲语言教学与评估所共同参考的水平整体分级中,语言学习者可以做到自我评价。根据欧洲语言档案的执行模式,语言学习者能在学习中提高自主性、多元文化意识,促进反馈学习,也能记录学习者的熟练程度和语言经历。在我国的外语教育中可尝试使用这两种标准,促进外语教育的国际化,而对于学习者应树立多元文化的语言教育理念,拓展外语学习环境,更好地发挥外语的作用。  相似文献   

外语教育是大学教育的重要组成部分。综合性大学外语教育由基础外语教学、专业外语教学、非外语专业课程的双语教学以及相应的语言应用氛围等部分构成。综合性大学担负着高级创新研究人才的培养任务,理应将外语教育置于学校教育的重要地位。语言的功能不仅体现在人的思维和社会的交际等方面,在学校教育中,语言有着知识传递和思想交流功能,语言的学习与运用对学生的文化素养有着熏陶作用,对学生的思维模式产生直接影响。外语教育通过课堂教学和相应的语言活动及交际环境,有利于学生的研究思维能力和文化素养的提高。学校在外语教育规划中应注意语言教育功能的体现,注意语言教育的多层面和语言的多元化等的相互结合问题。  相似文献   

欧洲外语教育政策是欧洲一体化的一个直观反映。近年来,欧盟一直致力于语言多元化的推进和完善。北欧国家既希望通过一体化融入欧洲,也尽力避免以英语为代表的欧洲优势语言对本国语言母语人群的侵蚀。瑞典和挪威通过一系列的外语教育政策和实践,努力推进欧洲语言多元主义和语言学习多样化。  相似文献   

本文从时代背景及教育现代化发展需求,探讨如何结合外语教育目的,语言学习特点及学校的实际,构建多媒体语言教学环境。  相似文献   

欧洲小学外语教学趋势简介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧洲委员会在1995年发布的《教育和训练:以学习化社会为目标》的白皮书中明确指出,为消除社会变革力可能造成的不良后果,要实施一系列行动纲领和对策,其中之一就是使欧洲公民熟练掌握三种共同体语言,并以此为“素质标签”。为达到这一目标,白皮书建议“最好在学前阶段就开始第一门外语学习,在小学阶段打下系统坚实的基础,在中学便开始第二门外语学习”。在这一号召下,欧洲各国纷纷修改调整教育大纲,将小学外语教学作为基础教育改革的重点对象,赋予小学外语教学极重要的战略地位,使之与学校自主运动、素质发展评估运动,计算机辅助外语学习运动等并驾齐驱。在这种背景下,欧洲小学外语教学出现了许多新趋势:  相似文献   

外语教师教育是欧洲实现多元化发展战略目标的重要内容之一,也是欧洲一体化进程中的重要挑战。《21世纪欧洲外语教师教育纲要》总结了欧洲在促进外语教师流动性、开展外语教师专业资格认证、外语师资培养和学校教育政策规划方面的经验。  相似文献   

制定国家外语能力等级量表是建设国家外语能力测评体系的基础。要基于我国外语教育教学实际并着眼于国家未来发展对外语能力的要求,依据先进的语言教学、学习和测试理论,对语言能力进行科学合理的界定,并在实证研究的基础上科学地分级描述。量表要兼具实用性和可操作性,为各级各类外语教学、测评提供参照标准,为外语学习者、学校及社会提供服务。  相似文献   

陶行知先生提出"生活即教育,社会即学校",以此观点评测中国人学习外语,所欠缺的正是这样一个充足的学习时间和浓厚的学习氛围,致使出现外语学习效率低下不高的现象。笔者认为,营造一个类似第一语言、母语的外语学习环境是至关重要的问题。  相似文献   

教育民主、国际理解、回归生活、关爱自然、个性发展是主导基础教育课程改革的五种理念,也是学校进行课改的基本追求。教育呼唤平等与交流,课改寻求学校课程、家庭课程和社区课程之间的内在整合和相互作用,追求学习者的个性发展。学习外语不只是为了掌握一种语言工具,更主要的是为了让学生把外语运用到其它学科中,用于社会生活的实践中。这样,学科知识的教学与外语的应用性教学就自然的融合为一体了。 "双语主题活动课"把学科知识与英语语言学习有机结合起来,能较好地让学生实现从知识向语言能力迁移的教学目标。  相似文献   

Multilingualism has witnessed growing interest as a subject of academic study and as a state to aspire to for many of the world's citizenry. In tandem with this growing interest, countries around the world have started to implement foreign language curricula at schools that seek to prepare the coming generations to thrive in an increasingly multilingual global environment. In this respect, language teachers are likely to play a pivotal role in promoting the learning of multiple languages among students, with their beliefs about multilingualism informing their practices. This study reports on the beliefs of 460 secondary school teachers of English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Chinese in Norway and Russia regarding the benefits of being or becoming multilingual, the affordances of multilingual teachers, and the promotion of multilingualism in their respective countries. The findings indicated statistically significant differences between the participants based on the number of languages they taught and, to some extent, their country of residence. The observed differences hold important implications for teacher education programs and initiatives promoting the use of multilingualism as a resource in language education.  相似文献   

A multilingual approach to facilitating inclusion: Educational commitment and dynamics – In the school context, the first steps in the process of learning a foreign language require commitment and motivation on the part of the learner, as well as a commitment from the teacher to include all students. This raises questions about the inclusiveness of education and the educational achievement of multilingual and/or immigrant students in predominantly monolingual classes. The author draws on a corpus of research to explore a number of parameters involved in the implementation of a multilingual and inclusive approach. She links the foundations of a multilingual approach to the institutional framework and the positions of the actors in the didactic relationship, as well as in their relationship to languages. The article then gives an overview of the characteristics of the metacognitive strategies employed by multilingual learners and, in conclusion, proposes some innovative methods to go beyond the monolingual principles in learning and foster exchanges that are both multicultural and multilingual.  相似文献   

Most countries in Africa have introduced the use of local languages as the language of learning and teaching for the first few years of schooling. Meaning that for the first few years of learning, learners learn mathematics in their local languages. In response to this, most research has focused on the challenges of using local languages in multilingual mathematics classrooms in schools. Not much research focuses on how the teacher educators prepare the prospective teachers to teach mathematics in multilingual classrooms. To further knowledge in the area of multilingualism in mathematics education, I, in this paper, present an analysis of the literature on multilingual teacher education in Africa. Specifically, I look at what it is that governments in interested countries are doing in teacher education programs in response to the introduction of local languages in schools. From the literature examined, I found that although there is awareness in a number of countries of the need for multilingual teacher education, not much has been done in order to train mathematics teachers on how to use local languages in the classroom. I therefore recommend that, for those countries that have implemented or planning to introduce the use of local languages in schools, some reforms should also take place in teacher education programs in terms of training the prospective teachers how to teach in local languages.  相似文献   

The Republic of Belarus is a bilingual country, its two principal languages being Belarussian and Russian. Knowledge of other languages is encouraged; indeed, a specialized higher education institution, the Minsk State Linguistic University, has been created to prepare multilingual specialists in various fields. In addition, several non-state higher education institutions have developed bi- and multilingual partnerships with Western higher education institutions.  相似文献   

随着全球化的发展,法国政府逐渐重视外语教育。法国的外语教育政策经历了保守封闭期、被动转型期和主动捍卫期,从不重视外语教育到逐步开设现代外语,再到提倡多语制的发展过程,走过了一条不同于其他国家的发展历程。研究法国外语教育政策的发展特点,有利于中国外语教育政策的制定。  相似文献   

近代安徽高等教育开始于维新变法运动之后兴办的求是学堂,安徽高等外语教育也是在求是学堂阶段起步的,在安徽大学堂时期就有比较完整的外语课程设置,特别是在严复执掌安徽高等学堂时,安徽高等外语教学改革与发展取得了明显的成绩。安徽高等外语教育在启蒙阶段的特点主要体现在:起步并不晚,但由于生源、师资和资金等因素制约,发展并不令人满意;但安徽高等外语教育还是继承并发扬了历史上桐城派"尊师重教"的优良传统,为安徽的发展培养了人才。  相似文献   

This study investigates the linguistic attitudes of college students in Lebanon towards the languages that help define the multilingual character of the country, namely, Arabic, French, and English. One hundred seventy-six (n = 176) students completed a 31-item questionnaire that assessed their attitudes towards the utility of each of the 3 languages. The results of the study show that students perceived the foreign languages, French and English, as more useful than the native language, Arabic, in the domains of science, technology, and business. In addition, although the study shows no statistically significant differences in the attitudes of male and female students, it shows that the variables of religion and first foreign language studied at school influenced the linguistic attitudes of the participants. The results are discussed in light of the religious and socioeconomic composition of the Lebanese society.  相似文献   

随着教育信患技术的发展,网络环境为校园网构建外语学习提供了支持平台。本文结合高校外语课程教学改革发展的实际情况,略论建立校园网外语学习系统的特点及应用,对外语教学工作的积极推动影响作用。  相似文献   

This article suggests that religious education discourse in the future must be multilingual if it is to prepare people to participate in a postmodern world of religious diversity and secularism. Five “languages” are suggested, including those native to the religious education of particular religious communities, the language of interreligious education, the language of public religious education, a postreligion religious education language, and the language of academic religious education.  相似文献   

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