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卡夫卡的作品常常给人一种怪诞的感觉,分析其作品中的怪诞,不能脱离他所运用的独特的叙事技巧。在《变形记》中,叙述态度、叙述视角和叙事空间的独特性,使小说的怪诞内涵得到了淋漓尽致地体现,从这三个方面把《变形记》的叙事形式与怪诞内涵联系起来,更容易体会卡夫卡作为一个孤独者近乎冷漠的叙事风格。  相似文献   

"叙事"有言语成品和言语过程两种含义,相应地"叙事研究"就有"对叙事研究"和"通过叙事研究"两层意蕴。教育技术领域讨论的叙事研究大都是"通过叙事研究",在讨论中要明确这种研究方法的背景以避免对叙事研究的矮化和泛化,同时应加强对叙事进行研究的实践形式。  相似文献   

This paper compares two theoretical frameworks for understanding the relationship between individual narratives of experience and the wider social and cultural narrative context. The two frameworks are the narrative landscape model of Connelly and Clandinin and a tool-based framework derived from a neo-Vygotskyan perspective that draws particularly on the work of Wertsch. The paper explores the effects that the fundamental structuring metaphors of landscape and tool have on how we might think about the relationship between individual narratives and social and cultural narrative context. The paper argues that we need to be critically reflective about the metaphors we use and not allow them to become naturalized. It also argues that this is best achieved by exploring alternative metaphors.  相似文献   

This essay argues that Coleridge’s ‘Kubla Khan’ is a poem about narrative and specifically focuses on the narrative construction of possible worlds, or even utopian worlds. It notes two pairs of narratives. In pair one the utopian narrative of the monarch’s decree which seeks to build a space of pure pleasure is in opposition to the narrative of a prophesy of war. In the second pair the Abyssinian maid’s lyric is undermined by the narrative of amnesia where the speaker is unable to recall the lyric. The poem concludes, the essay suggests, with the idea that a possible world can be created only if we can recall the narrative foundations of this world.  相似文献   

When writers use hypertext — the technology that makes possible nonsequential, fully electronic reading and writing — to produce a fictional narrative, the result is interactive hyperfiction. This article charts what we know about electronic non-linear narrative: its origins, literary precursors and distinctive features. It also explores the potential of hyperfiction in the English classroom. Finally, it examines some of the difficulties associated with the use of hyperfiction as well as the hype that has surrounded its introduction into educational settings.  相似文献   

Throughout the world people face confusion in their thinking about love, sex and marriage. Since the problem is universal, it is useful to examine its scope in a limited or local sense. This paper examines a story of one person in the hope of shedding light on a problem that exists for all. The method we use is to record a narrative told by one woman as she seeks resolution and clarification of the problems that she identifies in her story. We use the narrative to present the magic realist approach where the story begins as it ends.  相似文献   

《最后一幕》是美国当代著名的后现代主义作家约瑟夫·海勒继后现代主义经典《第二十二条军规》之后的续集。如果说《第二十二条军规》以黑色幽默的形式揭露了第二次世界大战期间美国资本主义统治集团的腐败与荒谬,那么作为续集的《最后一幕》更以幽默诙谐的后现代主义叙事艺术形式,揭示了荒诞病态的美国现实世界,并且直接表现出"第二十二条军规"在90年代的美国社会更加肆无忌惮,疯狂肆虐,最终会使人类走向灭亡。从叙事视角、叙事结构、叙事语言和黑色幽默等方面探讨《最后一幕》独特的后现代主义叙事策略以及作品蕴涵的对当代美国"混乱""荒诞"病态现实的嘲讽,有着重要意义。  相似文献   

目前教育叙事研究作为一种质的研究方法被广泛运用于教育研究领域.然而对于教育叙事研究是什么却存在着误解.教育叙事研究与教育叙事的本质区别在于其具有的研究气质.本文对如何做教育叙事研究的一般操作步骤进行了论述,一般而言做教育叙事研究有三大步骤:做好准备工作走进参与者生活——收集整理叙事材料——撰写研究文本.此外,做好教育叙事研究还要注意以下几点:由理论语言到生活化语言;研究者要与参与者保持交互主体关系;保持做研究的科学严谨态度.  相似文献   

在《红楼梦》广阔而宏达的叙事中,曹雪芹利用"神道设教"的民族叙事传统诗意地搭建了《红楼梦》的叙事架构,确立了多元的叙事权威,完成了人物设计和情节设计,传达了自己的生命感悟,使《红楼梦》成为抒情体小说经典。透过宗教叙事、诗性叙事,我们发现,曹雪芹关注的焦点是情性和生命。曹雪芹利用"神道设教"完成了小说的时间设置和空间设置,将所有人物聚集于大观园,将所有人物的生命律动聚焦于贾宝玉的诗意体验和悲剧感悟,通过"降凡"、"历劫"到"回归"这样一种心路历程,传达出作者对人性的掌控和对悲情的关怀。  相似文献   

The narrative paradigm, recently proposed as a model for rhetorical criticism, is problematic because of internal contradictions and inconsistencies. In the paradigm, the status of traditional rationality and the extent to which it is to be applied are unclear. The conditions in which the universal audience, the particular audience, and the critic are to serve as the source for critical judgment are also unclear. When we have only the immanent facts of the text (its narrative) and the personal judgment of the critic to rely on, we lack independent sources for judging the adequacy of a critic's claims about the text.  相似文献   

In this article, we focus on narrative practices in adult education in Flanders (the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium), and reflect on a current project in a multicultural neighbourhood that is socially and economically marked by poverty and where turbulence and conflict are rife amongst local inhabitants. While adult education aims to energize the process of learning to live together in this urban context by making sense of individual narratives of local inhabitants, there is a lack of insight into the actual dynamics that are stimulated. We explore how narrative practices can open up and shape an educational space in which citizens can express their ambivalence about living together in diversity and plurality. Inspired by Paulo Freire, we argue that these narrative practices can create possibilities for the reinvention and re-imagination of a democratic society.  相似文献   

当代西方学术界兴起了新修辞学,不仅研究如何更好地表达已存在的思想,而且研究如何表达应该传达的思想,其内核就是追问人类为什么要使用隐喻;隐喻能否传达真理。隐喻研究的学术理念就逐渐从修辞隐喻学、认知隐喻学发展到叙事隐喻学。叙事就是对世界一种隐喻地阐释;任何一个叙事文本都是关于世界存在的隐喻文本。人“诗意地栖居”在叙事隐喻的寓所,传达对于世界存在的认识,隐喻地揭示世界存在之后的“真”。  相似文献   

相对于1980年代诗歌的"宏大叙事",1990年代的诗歌则是"边缘叙事"."边缘叙事"与1990年代特定语境中诗人及诗歌的不断边缘化有关.它带来的最直接结果就是诗歌的"向内转"及对"当下性"的强调."边缘叙事"的策略效应呈现为三个放逐:对抒情性的放逐,对主流叙事话语的放逐,对精美语言的放逐.  相似文献   

This article is located at the crossroads between two distinctive human traits, empathy and rational thought, with narrative emerging as a particularly powerful means to enable young readers to bring them together. Specifically, we discuss the role that critical literary exegesis plays in the development of empathic consciousness in literary readers. The discussion is conducted through the critical narrative discourse analysis of a short story that is widely read by Portuguese young students. The story deals with what has become a living experience for many students – emigration – and puts opposing social ideologies about this experience in a subtle dialogue. Narratological critical analysis provides an essential tool for readers to turn those ideologies inside out. It enables them to escape the main character’s conformist positioning and develop a liberating empathy, and hence a more sensitive perspective about the social reality that the narrator offers for our consideration.  相似文献   

How has philosophical reflection contributed to the ways that we think about teaching? In this paper I explore two forms of narrative reflection on teaching—genealogies and portraits. Genealogies tell a story about the origins of teaching; portraits find expression in myths and other narrative forms. I explore two genealogies of teaching—one deriving from the sophist, Protagoras, in which teaching is viewed as a technical skill employing methods of instruction; the other, deriving from Plato, in which teaching is seen fundamentally in terms of a special relationship between teacher and pupil. The Platonic account of the origins of teaching that finds expression in the myth, recounted in the dialogue Phaedrus, gives rise to a tradition of pedagogic portraiture that views the teacher/pupil relationship as foundational and presents the teacher as a wounded healer. This paper explores the grounds of this image and suggests that a tradition of portraiture in which the teacher is represented as a wounded healer can be traced back from Plato to the myth of Chiron and forward to St Augustine, Rousseau, and Nietzsche.  相似文献   

赵学存 《重庆师专学报》2013,(6):124-128,133
中西叙事文学比较研究的发展和深入需要一个构架来统摄,吴家荣教授的新著《中西叙事精神之比较》对构想叙事文学比较研究的框架、建构研究体系的意识、各种文体研究与叙事理论研究的统一、跨异质文化意识、客观公允的中西态度等方面有重要示范作用.受其启发,本文拟出一个关于中西叙事文学比较研究的初步构想.  相似文献   

In 2014, Scottish Book Trust (SBT) published and distributed classroom sets of a graphic novel about the life of pioneering environmental activist John Muir to all secondary schools in Scotland, where he is still relatively unknown. This paper outlines the collaborative process SBT used in producing the graphic novel and sets out to trace the impact of this intervention through teacher and pupil surveys. The former survey reveals that not all teachers were able to make use of the classroom sets but that those who did found it useful in bringing up environmental issues in a range of disciplinary and cross-disciplinary contexts. The book served as a narrative resource for some teachers in designing lesson plans and even in designing entire courses. The pupil survey found significant mean shifts in the New Environmental Paradigm Scale for Children and the Inclusion of Nature in Self Scale in participating classes and across all classes. Building on insights from narrative therapy and narrative ethics, we argue that shifting attitudes and values requires new narratives alongside new experiences and the space in which to dialogue about the two in community. Further research into reading and environmental education is advocated.  相似文献   

文章要重点探讨叙事视角的切入方式,看似是故事的行为者在行动,实际上是作者与文本中的行为者在构建文本叙事,其中两者的叙事视角的相互作用决定了叙事的方式,进而构建了叙事张力。叙事张力通过各种叙事策略,尤其是通过多重叙事视角来完成叙事,从而激发阅读的欲求。  相似文献   

自1990年代以来,当代诗歌叙事性特征日盛。立足于中国新诗史,对比现代诗歌与当代诗歌中的叙事性特征,指出叙事在当代诗歌中作为一种修辞手段和探索途径,使当代诗歌表现出日常生活化、情感隐蔽化、对象小不点化等特征。对当代诗歌的叙事性特点进行分析,有利于对中国诗坛做一次阶段性的总结与前瞻性的观察。  相似文献   

卡夫卡的作品素以其独特的叙事手段来表现世界的荒诞性而著称,文章从古希腊诡辩家芝诺的物体运动的著名论断入手,通过分析这一论断在卡夫卡作品中的运用,以及因此所形成的目的对过程的"逃离",和因这种"逃离"意识引发的遗忘与重复的存在,得出了生活本身就是对人的异化这一结论,从而在某一方面阐释了构筑卡夫卡世界荒诞性的原因。  相似文献   

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