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在经济全球化背景下,随着"一带一路"和"中国制造2025"国家战略的实施,教育国际化和高职院校国际交流与合作的步伐不断加快,加强国际交流与合作已成为高职院校寻求多元化发展的一项重要举措。从分析总结南方3所职业院校的国际化发展经验出发,结合北京工业职业技术学院国际交流与合作发展现状,初步探究该校国际交流与合作的发展道路。  相似文献   

高等职业教育的国际化是职业教育改革和发展进程中的必经之路。体现高职教育的“产学合作、校企结合、工学交替、国际交流”的办学特色,加强职业院校的国际交流与合作,学习和借鉴国外先进的职教理念,建立职业特色的国际交流与合作模式,在招生与就业日益激烈的竞争中彰显职业教育优势。  相似文献   

高等职业教育的国际化是职业教育改革和发展进程中的必经之路。体现高职教育的"产学合作、校企结合、工学交替、国际交流"的办学特色,加强职业院校的国际交流与合作,学习和借鉴国外先进的职教理念,建立职业特色的国际交流与合作模式,在招生与就业日益激烈的竞争中彰显职业教育优势。  相似文献   

《国家高等职业教育发展规划》明确提出,"加强国际交流与合作是高等职业教育适应经济全球化要求和国家‘走出去’发展战略需要的必然选择,对提升我国高等职业教育国际知名度和国际化水平具有重要意义."作为外语类职业院校,更有责任和义务发挥优势和作用,探索交流渠道,构建合作模式,为高职院校争得高校国际交流合作领域的一席之地.  相似文献   

云南省与东南亚高等教育交流与合作研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国与东南亚国际交流与合作正逐渐从政治经济文化层面扩展到教育层面,而云南省与东南亚高等教育国际化合作已逐渐成为双方进一步深化交流与合作的突破口。运用波特的菱形理论指导云南省发展高等教育国际交流与合作,有助于明晰云南省发展高等教育国际交流与合作的优势,明确加快高等教育国际交流与合作进程的对策:抓住高等教育国际化合作的机遇,坚持依法办学,营造良好的政策环境;发挥优势,突出特色;全面扩大高校教学与科研合作领域;加强师资队伍建设;加强国际化课程建设。  相似文献   

国际交流与合作是高职院校实现教育国际化的重要途径。目前,缺乏政府教育职能部门的统一管理和协调,交流合作模式单一、缺少高职特色及高职院校自身条件不足限制了国际交流合作的开展。探讨解决问题的对策和国际交流合作的模式对加快高职教育的国际化发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

<正>舒畅在《教育理论与实践》2015年第30期中撰文,以高职院校国际交流与合作为出发点,阐释了教育国际化的内涵,探讨了高职院校开展国际交流与合作的意义,分析了高职院校在国际交流与合作的过程中存在的问题,并提出了国际化视阈下高职院校开展国际交流与合作的对策。首先,作者阐释了教育国际化的内涵。教育国际化是利用本土和国际教育资源的优化配置,进行跨国界、跨民族、跨文化的多边交流与合作。高职教育教学是以促进就业为导向,培养具有国际意识、  相似文献   

正伴随着全球化的大趋势,我国基础教育的国际交流与合作需求不断升温,《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》第十六章明确指出,将扩大教育开放,加强国际交流与合作,提高我国教育国际化水平,提升我国教育的国际地位、影响力和竞争力,培养大批具有国际视野、通晓国际规则、能够参与国际事务和国际竞争的国际化人才。既然基础教育国际交流与合作已经成为必然趋势,如何开展国际交流与合作成为教育工  相似文献   

经济全球化背景下高校国际交流与合作的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
国际交流与合作,即指跨国界、跨文化的教育交流与合作.国际化的教育观念是高等学校国际交流与合作的重要前提.国际化人才的培养是高等学校国际交流与合作的重要目标.国际特色课程的构建是其重要的载体.拥有国际视野的师资是重要保障.建立多方沟通的平台是高等学校国际交流与合作的重要条件.  相似文献   

<正>杂志创刊于改革开放之初,现为半月刊,积极贯彻落实教育规划纲要,以"报道世界教育前沿、推动教育开放发展"为使命,服务中国教育国际交流合作暨港澳台教育工作。杂志主要发布教育外事工作的方针政策,提供世界教育改革发展的最新信息,报道中国教育国际化创新实践和典型案例,发挥引进全球优质教育资源、促进国际交流与合作、提高交流合作水平、推动区域教育国际化和院  相似文献   

我国远程教育史上开展的国际交流活动在20世纪80年代以后,得到了一个较大的发展。我国远程教育在国际中的地位和声誉在远程教育专业组织、国际会议、学术成果和跨国界合作几方面得到了较好的体现。总结国际交流的历史,我们应注意科学引进国际成果,把办出特色的远程教育作为国际交流的目的,且继续增强实力,才能实现远程教育的持续性发展。  相似文献   

郭丽 《考试研究》2013,(1):68-73
东京大学是日本乃至亚洲名列前茅的高等学府,它以世界顶尖大学为发展目标,力图在教育和科研方面均成为世界高等教育的领军者。东京大学强调开放性,鼓励跨学科、跨专业融合,注重校际交流以及与社会力量协同合作,积极推进国际交流与合作。在本科教育阶段,东京大学很重视通识教育,战后以来始终坚持通识教育与专业教育并重的培养模式。  相似文献   


Using William Golding’s Lord of the Flies as a stimulus, researchers from Norway, Pakistan and the United Kingdom explored the potential of a literary text to encourage intercultural dialogue. The innovative research method used was to combine Literature Circles and Google Documents to provide a platform for asynchronous online exchange between three cohorts of students in higher education. The authors’ analysis of the data suggested differences between those students who regarded the text as a living document speaking directly to their personal experiences of citizenship issues and those for whom the novel remained a historical document, removed from their lived experience. The authors contend that this research can contribute original and significant insights to the literature on teaching citizenship through literary texts such as the relationship between text choice and context, models of international collaboration at the higher education level and contrasting approaches towards citizenship and reading.  相似文献   

推进教育国际化是深圳现代化国际化先进城市建设的必由之路,也是推动教育事业科学发展率先实现教育现代化的内在需要。深圳推进教育国际化具有良好体制优势和基础条件,以新加坡为标杆,按照转变经济发展方式提升城市发展质量的要求,紧密结合城市发展战略,加强深港教育合作,引进国外优质教育资源,加强留学教育和人才国际交流,构建教育国际交流合作平台,扩大深圳教育输出能力,切实提高国际化人才培养能力,为推进教育现代化服务,为建设现代化国际化先进城市服务。  相似文献   

Drawing on a unique dataset that combines returnees’ survey data and their information on research publications extracted from the Scopus database, this study systematically examines whether and how international doctoral mentorship for Chinese students in European countries promotes research collaboration before and upon the return of these Chinese PhDs to China. The results show that a considerable proportion of European-trained Chinese PhD returnees had co-authorship with their supervisors during their PhD study, and most of them maintained this research partnership after returning to China. In addition to the co-authorship during doctoral study, some individual characteristics (e.g., gender and marital status) and organizational factors (e.g., country of doctoral study and current work unit) were also found to contribute to international research collaboration upon the return to China of these Chinese PhD holders. This study sheds new light on the mobility and research collaboration of international students and provides policy implications for promoting Sino-foreign student exchange and research collaboration.  相似文献   

This article presents a case study of Malaysia’s inroad in internationalising its higher education system for the past three decades and proposes recommendations and the way forward in internationalisation. Internationalisation is one of the critical agenda in Malaysia’s higher education transformation with an end target of becoming an international hub of higher education excellence by 2020. The country is no stranger in internationalisation as efforts in student mobility, academic programmes and international collaboration have started since the 1980s and 1990s. As with other higher education systems globally, it was the private sector that initiated and sustained efforts in internationalisation of Malaysian higher education. With the growth in international student enrolment, the country has established itself as a student hub; however, greater focus and clarity in direction should be set forward in accelerating Malaysia’s progress in internationalisation, with research and development as a potential catalyst. The article also questions Malaysia’s current standing with regard to internationalisation and the need in facilitating higher education institutions to build their capacity in internationalisation, highlighting the important roles of individual institutions at both public and private sector that drive the country’s internationalisation agenda.  相似文献   

The mobility of academic staff to South Africa is expected to benefit higher education institutions through teaching-research collaboration and capacity building. However, South African institutions do not always have the adequate organisational processes to facilitate host and international staff collaboration. Drawing on individual interviews with 16 lecturers from 12 different countries, all of them teaching in one South African university, this article analyses lecturers’ perceived contributions to their host university and the challenges they encountered. Recommendations revolve around the development of appropriate induction programmes and faculty forums to promote cross-cultural collaboration and the cross-fertilisation of ideas.  相似文献   

切实做好来华留学生教育工作的实践与思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
来华留学生教育工作是高等学校开展国际交流与合作的重要内容,章通过个案研究认为,明确办学思路和定位、提高教学质量、强化管理和服务等是做好来华留学生教育工作的保障。  相似文献   

高等教育的国际化是高校的新理念和发展趋势。要使学校的国际化成为推动学校总体发展的有利因素,应构建起一个学校国际合作与交流的体系。构建学校国际合作与交流体系对于提升学校整体国际意识、推动学校国际合作与交流工作实现良性发展、提高员工参与国际合作与交流工作的综合素质和能力等方面具有重要意义。体系的构建主要从健全参与行政机构层次、国际合作交流主体多元化、合作交流方式的多样性、以及校内国际合作与交流体系信息系统的建设等四个方面进行。  相似文献   

International exchange is an important part of China’s educational opening up, cooperation, and connection with other countries. It also serves as a unique strategic resource, helping to develop and consolidate mutual political trust, diplomatic exchange, economic and trade relations, cultural exchange and educational cooperation between China and other countries in the world, thereby enhancing China’s international image. We have seen positive contributions made to our progress towards peace among peoples, and noted the irreplaceable role played by China. International educational exchange is an important part of global international student flows. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, especially in the 40 years of reform and opening up, China has experienced a development process in education from language students to students at all levels and from quantity to quality. The change in the type of international students studying in China and of Chinese students studying abroad reflects the Chinese spirit and the broadening the appeal of China’s programs. It can be interpreted as the fulfillment of the “Chinese Dream,” contributing to national revitalization. The trade imbalance between exporting countries and destination countries in international educational exchange has been reduced.  相似文献   

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