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目前高校德育工作中的常见问题是:偏于理论化、过于理想化;缺乏人性的、贴近的教育手段;对德育理论与工作方法的研究不够重视;遭受着社会性道德危机、信仰危机的冲击。对此,笔者认为应该让德育回归现实生活,立足社会实际,拓展高校德育课程;以学生为中心,真正做到教学互动;结合学校实际情况,将德育课程与社团建设相结合。  相似文献   

Information ethics: On the philosophical foundation of computer ethics   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
The essential difficulty about Computer Ethics' (CE) philosophical status is a methodological problem: standard ethical theories cannot easily be adapted to deal with CE-problems, which appear to strain their conceptual resources, and CE requires a conceptual foundation as an ethical theory. Information Ethics (IE), the philosophical foundational counterpart of CE, can be seen as a particular case of “environmental” ethics or ethics of the infosphere. What is good for an information entity and the infosphere in general? This is the ethical question asked by IE. The answer is provided by a minimalist theory of deseerts: IE argues that there is something more elementary and fundamental than life and pain, namely being, understood as information, and entropy, and that any information entity is to be recognised as the centre of a minimal moral claim, which deserves recognition and should help to regulate the implementation of any information process involving it. IE can provide a valuable perspective from which to approach, with insight and adequate discernment, not only moral problems in CE, but also the whole range of conceptual and moral phenomena that form the ethical discourse.  相似文献   

This article draws on a study investigating how 11–14 year olds growing up in England understand cyber-bullying as a moral concern. Three prominent moral theories: deontology, utilitarianism and virtue ethics, informed the development of a semi-structured interview schedule which enabled young people, in their own words, to describe their experiences of online and offline bullying. Sixty 11–14 year olds from six schools across England were involved with the research. Themes emerging from the interviews included anonymity; the absence of rules, monitoring and guidance and, the challenges associated with determining the consequences of online actions. The findings demonstrate the advantages of adopting a character-based moral theory to compliment rules and/or consequence based moral theories as the basis for future research into cyber-bullying. The findings evoke some wider implications for future research into cyber-bullying that might equally be applied to investigations into other Internet related moral concerns.  相似文献   

Our moral condition in cyberspace   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Some kinds of technological change not only trigger new ethical problems, but also give rise to questions about those very approaches to addressing ethical problems that have been relied upon in the past. Writing in the aftermath of World War II, Hans Jonas called for a new ``ethics of responsibility,'' based on the reasoning that modern technology dramatically divorces our moral condition from the assumptions under which standard ethical theories were first conceived. Can a similar claim be made about the technologies of cyberspace? Do online information technologies so alter our moral condition that standard ethical theories become ineffective in helping us address the moral problems they create? I approach this question from two angles. First, I look at the impact of online information technologies on our powers of causal efficacy. I then go on to consider their impact on self-identity. We have good reasons, I suggest, to be skeptical of any claim that there is a need for a new, cyberspace ethics to address the moral dilemmas arising from these technologies. I conclude by giving a brief sketch of why this suggestion does not imply there is nothing philosophically interesting about the ethical challenges associated with cyberspace.  相似文献   

雷娟 《科教文汇》2011,(36):1-2
道德认知发展理论和价值澄清理论对世界德育发展和我国德育改革都影响深远,本文试图通过分析和比较二者的内在联系与各自特色,从中得出有益于我国德育改革与发展的经验与启示。  相似文献   

孙莹 《科教文汇》2013,(24):15-16
德育课作为典型的人文学科,应当融合和体现人文方法,认真研究学生。在德育教学中,应当注重理论联系实际生活,与学生进行心灵的互动,关注学生的内心世界,关注学生情感体验,关注学生的道德人格养成。因此,探讨德育教学中的人文教育方法,对于引导学生逐步树立道德信仰,自觉践行相应的道德行为规范,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

自然主义伦理学内部有还原论与非还原论两个派别。以哈曼为代表的还原论和以斯德津为代表的非还原论展开了持久的争论,针对道德性质的解释力、道德副现象论等问题进行辩驳。这两个流派都是自然主义伦理学中极为重要的分支,因此对双方理论的探讨有利于深化学界自然主义伦理学的研究。  相似文献   

In this essay, I describe and explain the standard accounts of agency, natural agency, artificial agency, and moral agency, as well as articulate what are widely taken to be the criteria for moral agency, supporting the contention that this is the standard account with citations from such widely used and respected professional resources as the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, and the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. I then flesh out the implications of some of these well-settled theories with respect to the prerequisites that an ICT must satisfy in order to count as a moral agent accountable for its behavior. I argue that each of the various elements of the necessary conditions for moral agency presupposes consciousness, i.e., the capacity for inner subjective experience like that of pain or, as Nagel puts it, the possession of an internal something-of-which-it is-is-to-be-like. I ultimately conclude that the issue of whether artificial moral agency is possible depends on the issue of whether it is possible for ICTs to be conscious.  相似文献   

This paper considers the ways that Information Ethics (IE) treats things. A number of critics have focused on IE’s move away from anthropocentrism to include non-humans on an equal basis in moral thinking. I enlist Actor Network Theory, Dennett’s views on ?as if’ intentionality and Magnani’s characterization of ?moral mediators’. Although they demonstrate different philosophical pedigrees, I argue that these three theories can be pressed into service in defence of IE’s treatment of things. Indeed the support they lend to the extension of moral status to non-human objects can be seen as part of a trend towards the accommodation of non-humans into our moral and social networks. A number of parallels are drawn between philosophical arguments over artificial intelligence and information ethics.  相似文献   

刘颖  刘丽娜 《科教文汇》2012,(21):20-22
新时期我国高校大学生的思想道德素质呈现出多方面的问题,在能力培养上,只注重智育,轻视德育;社会公德素养欠缺,道德观念上,价值观念趋向功利化,贪图享乐及个人主义严重;心理健康问题日益突出。究其原因,主要是当代大学生思想道德教育没有遵循教育的内外部规律,德育过程管教分离且德育与生活脱节;德育方法过于简单。在这种情况下,本文提出以新的书院制管理模式代替传统的学生宿舍管理模式,促进学生德智体美全面发展。书院制更符合新时期大学生思想道德素质特点,实现学生知情意行的统一。  相似文献   

肇启伟  刘璐  姚露 《软科学》2012,26(6):137-140
在Catherine Casemate模型[1]的基础上,利用公司金融理论和委托代理理论,建立合理的数学模型,讨论了投贷联盟的两种模式中企业、风险投资机构和银行的准入条件,以及在引入道德风险和监督成本后准入条件的变化。结果发现,企业参与第二种模式的门槛较低,且风险投资机构在牺牲自身"超额收益"的条件下,可以适当控制企业的道德风险。  相似文献   

冯菊香 《大众科技》2011,(11):188-190
当下大学德育的一些现状令人堪忧,如新闻传播专业学生,作为未来的新闻传播预备人才,处在信息高度密集化、观念多元化的媒介环境中,很容易沉湎于表层信息而迷失方向,因此新闻传播专业学生的德育教育应引起高度重视。已有的关于非编实践教学论文多从技术层面展开研讨,文章试图从德育缺失的角度,对非编的选题策划、拍摄及使用设备、后期编辑、...  相似文献   

劳动教育是新时代党对教育的新要求,是高职院校落实立德树人根本任务的重要举措,对新时代大学生践行社会主义核心价值观、以劳动托起中国梦、培养德智体美劳全面发展的时代新人具有重要意义。思政课是培养大学生正确世界观、人生观、价值观的关键课程,因此,高职院校将思政课和劳动教育结合起来,共建协同育人体系,有利于发挥好思政课的价值引领作用,有利于马克思主义劳动价值观的形成。该文介绍了思政课劳动教育的重要意义,剖析了目前思政课劳动教育存在的问题,对思政课劳动教育实施路径进行了探究。  相似文献   

The effect of violent video games is among the most widely discussed topics in media studies, and for good reason. These games are immensely popular, but many seem morally objectionable. Critics attack them for a number of reasons ranging from their capacity to teach players weapons skills to their ability to directly cause violent actions. This essay shows that many of these criticisms are misguided. Theoretical and empirical arguments against violent video games often suffer from a number of significant shortcomings that make them ineffective. This essay argues that video games are defensible from the perspective of Kantian, Aristotelian, and utilitarian moral theories.  相似文献   

梁胜荣 《科教文汇》2014,(21):111-111
在新一轮课程改革的推动下,中职学校德育课教材由传统的说教性、灌输性向案例性、问题性和活动性转变。新课改要求中职德育教师转变旧的教学理念和方式,使用先进的教学方法。本文从“案例教学法”的含义、案例的编选以及案例教学中需注意的问题等几方面来阐述,强调中职德育课采用“案例教学法”有利于调动学生的积极性,激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的综合能力,并提高教学效果。  相似文献   

人性假设是管理理论建构和管理政策选择的理论前提。“和合人”是立足中国传统和合思想、反思西方管理人性观和因应时代变迁而提出的一种新的人性假设。和合人性假设是“经济人”与“社会人”、“工具人”与“目的人”、“理性人”与“情感人”、“经济人”与“道德人”、“现实人”与“理想人”的和合化生。和合人性假设为当代管理理论的融合创新提供理论支撑,为中国式管理理论的建构奠定人性基础,为中西方管理文化的会通确立思想前提,在当代管理理论与实践创新中具有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

栾子童 《科教文汇》2014,(17):17-17,55
深入辅导是增强高校思想政治教育工作实效性,促进大学生个性发展、健康成才的重要举措,是辅导员有效开展工作的必备能力。本文借鉴心理辅导的理论和方法,结合案例详细探讨了辅导员深度辅导工作中常见的三种典型问题,为辅导员有效、深入开展深度辅导工作提供新的思路。  相似文献   

It has been argued that moral problems in relation to Information Technology (IT) require new theories of ethics. In recent years, an interesting new theory to address such concerns has been proposed, namely the theory of Information Ethics (IE). Despite the promise of IE, the theory has not enjoyed public discussion. The aim of this paper is to initiate such discussion by critically evaluating the theory of IE.  相似文献   

We argue that a command and control system can undermine a commander’s moral agency if it causes him/her to process information in a purely syntactic manner, or if it precludes him/her from ascertaining the truth of that information. Our case is based on the resemblance between a commander’s circumstances and the protagonist in Searle’s Chinese Room, together with a careful reading of Aristotle’s notions of ‘compulsory’ and ‘ignorance’. We further substantiate our case by considering the Vincennes Incident, when the crew of a warship mistakenly shot down a civilian airliner. To support a combat commander’s moral agency, designers should strive for systems that help commanders and command teams to think and manipulate information at the level of meaning. ‘Down conversions’ of information from meaning to symbols must be adequately recovered by ‘up conversions’, and commanders must be able to check that their sensors are working and are being used correctly. Meanwhile ethicists should establish a mechanism that tracks the potential moral implications of choices in a system’s design and intended operation. Finally we highlight a gap in normative ethics, in that we have ways to deny moral agency, but not to affirm it.  相似文献   

Many philosophical and public discussions of the ethical aspects of violent computer games typically centre on the relation between playing violent videogames and its supposed direct consequences on violent behaviour. But such an approach rests on a controversial empirical claim, is often one-sided in the range of moral theories used, and remains on a general level with its focus on content alone. In response to these problems, I pick up Matt McCormick’s thesis that potential harm from playing computer games is best construed as harm to one’s character, and propose to redirect our attention to the question how violent computer games influence the moral character of players. Inspired by the work of Martha Nussbaum, I sketch a positive account of how computer games can stimulate an empathetic and cosmopolitan moral development. Moreover, rather than making a general argument applicable to a wide spectrum of media, my concern is with specific features of violent computer games that make them especially morally problematic in terms of empathy and cosmopolitanism, features that have to do with the connections between content and medium, and between virtuality and reality. I also discuss some remaining problems. In this way I hope contribute to a less polarised discussion about computer games that does justice to the complexity of their moral dimension, and to offer an account that is helpful to designers, parents, and other stakeholders. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the ACLA 2006 conference in Princeton, 25 March 2006.  相似文献   

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