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为加快现代职业教育体系建设,应对工程类专业向应用技术型转型,文章结合多年教学经验和工程实践经验,以园林专业为例,将园林工程制图、园林工程、施工图设计等课程作为研究对象,以仿真教学为基础,构建出园林专业工程类综合实训"库"的教学模式,指出该教学模式的发展方向和存在问题,为仿真教学在工程类专业的应用提供参考依据。  相似文献   

新农业、新乡村、新农民、新生态赋予新时代农林工程教育前所未有的重要使命.N大学在前期发展过程中,其工程人才培养面临着一系列发展困境:教育教学体系陈旧,与科技发展相脱节;教育理念滞后,与行业人才培养诉求不契合;思政教育薄弱,与立德树人任务不匹配.在新农科建设背景下,为了更好地培养工程创新人才,N大学不断深化人才培养机制及模式改革,探索了农林院校工程教育的特色发展之路:聚焦人才培养质量,重构交叉融合的林业工程类专业教育教学体系;立足农林行业需求,建立融通创新的人才培养模式;强化教育思维改革,塑造林业工程教育新理念.面向新农科建设,确立以"知农林、为农林、爱农林"为特色的工程创新人才培养目标,N大学工程教育改革的实践探索为国内农林院校寻求工程人才培养的内生发展提供了有益的经验:加强学科交叉与跨界融合,重构农林类工程学科及关涉专业教育教学体系;建设"研-产-学"协同培养模式,加强学生素质能力培养;坚持立德树人导向,强化课程思政教育.  相似文献   

武汉纺织大学高分子材料与工程专业在"新工科"理念及工程教育专业认证标准的指导下,对专业的培养方案、人才培养模式、课程体系、多元化学业考核评价体系、持续改进体系、师资建设等方面进行改革与实践。通过这些改革举措,学生的专业基础知识越来越扎实,解决复杂工程问题和创新创业能力得到提高,就业情况明显好转,人才培养质量越来越好,满足了服务区域经济发展和纺织行业转型升级的需求。  相似文献   

初识庐山 林业工程类专业主要包括森林工程、木材科学与工程和林产化工三个专业。随着科技和社会经济的发展,各个学科之间相互渗透的加强,林业工程类专业逐渐涉及农业、建筑、机械、化学、生物医药等多个领域,并与之结合,生成了农业工程、风景园林、景观学等边缘性专业。至于就业方向,虽然到木材工业、家具制造企业从事木材加工为主流,但到规划设计、建筑工程、室内工程等领域的设计院、科研院所从事室内设计、城市规划、生态建筑的也不乏其人。  相似文献   

国民经济发展和工程教育认证对高校工科大类专业办学和人才培养模式提出了更高要求。实践表明:高校大类专业建设不但要实施专业招生、专业分流措施,而且更要注重统筹各专业协同发展,以培养宽口径的复合型人才。  相似文献   

在分析《工程教育认证标准》对食品科学与工程专业课程体系的要求基础上,结合教育部食品类专业教学指导委员会"食品科学与工程类专业本科教学质量国家标准"的要求,以安徽工程大学食品科学与工程专业为例,构建和优化了食品科学与工程课程体系,为快速提升食品科学与工程专业人才质量提供借鉴。  相似文献   

本文首先介绍金融工程专业的实践教学现状,然后通过分析金融工程专业实践教学的不足,提出了符合应用型本科院校发展的金融工程专业实践教学思路:科学地整合教学资源,从金融工程基本实践能力、专业实践能力、实践发展能力三方面努力探索金融工程实践教学体系。这种实践教学体系的构建,不仅有利于综合提高大学生实践创新能力,同时也有利于为同类院校的工程类专业实践教学提供可借鉴的体系。  相似文献   

随着我国水利水电行业持续发展,计算机、物联网、大数据、移动互联网、5G、区块链和人工智能等新一代信息技术与传统行业的快速融合,智慧水利已成为水利行业未来发展的必然选择。智慧水利是在智慧型基础设施建设中产生的相关先进理念,高新技术在水利水电工程规划、设计、施工等建设阶段及运行、维护、管理等运维阶段的创新应用。然而,国内现有水利类专业的人才培养仍以服务"工程水利"为主,对智慧水利建设的支撑明显不足。针对智慧水利背景下对人才培养提出的新要求,分析了水利水电工程专业现有培养方案的不足之处,在此基础上,系统探讨了智慧水利背景下水利水电工程专业培养方案优化的可行思路与实施途径。  相似文献   

为提高汽车工程类专业学生的工程实践能力,解决目前校企合作培养面临的困境,充分发挥了校企合作的优势,本文针对校企合作培养体系建设、实践教学体系建设等方面进行了研究,重点围绕汽车工程专业产教融合应用型人才培养模式体系建设、跨学院和跨专业汽车工程人才培养模式建立、汽车工程相关职业技能认证双导师培养体系建立、校企合作工程实践课程开发和教师队伍建设等内容进行了分析,为汽车工程类专业校企合作共建可行性及方法方式提供了理论与实践指导。  相似文献   

实践教学是地方应用型本科院校工程类专业教学的核心,以皖西学院给排水科学与工程专业为例,结合高等学校给排水科学与工程专业评估文件和本专业实践教学存在的问题,提出"1+2+3+4"的多维实践教学体系框架与"211"校企合作实践教学人才培养模式,着重分析了实践教学体系的实施途径和成效.结果 表明:皖西学院给排水科学与工程专业...  相似文献   

High skills are today seen as being of vital importance to economies, industries, companies and individuals. The engineering industry is no exception and the graduate engineer has a key position in this regard. In the research reported in this paper, the authors use in-depth interviews with industry experts to investigate the provision of undergraduate engineering education in the UK. The current and future skill needs of industry are examined. A typology of future engineering roles and their requisite attributes is proposed. Implications for undergraduate engineering are also discussed.  相似文献   

In this two part article I try to convey some of the variety and excitement involved in the application of mathematics to engineering problems; to provide a taste of some actual mathematical calculations that engineers do; and finally, to make clear the distinctions between the applied subject of engineering and its purer parents, which include mathematics and the physical sciences. Two main points of this article are that in engineering it is approximation, and not truth, that reigns; and that an engineer carries a burden of responsibility that mathematicians and scientists are spared. In this first part, I present my views on how engineering differs from mathematics and the physical sciences, and describe what I consider the workhorses of engineering calculations.  相似文献   

ZHAO Weibing;WANG Fei(b. School of Mechanical Engineering,Anyang 455000,China)  相似文献   

新工科建设的目标之一是培养符合新时代要求的新工科人才,而培养新工科人才需要工科学生具备扎实的数学基础。文章在新工科建设背景下,探讨了提高工程数学教学质量的六种教学手段,总结了新工科人才培养的教学改革手段和形式,为新工科人才培养提供可能的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

推动工程总承包和工程项目管理,对深化我国工程建设项目组织实施方式改革具有十分重要的意义。我们要在认真总结以往实践基础上,找出存在问题,制定切实可行具体措施,积极加快工程总承包和工程项目管理的发展。  相似文献   

Mental spaces are the domains that discourse builds up to provide a cognitive substrate for reasoning and for interfacing with the world (Fauconnier, 1997 Fauconnier, G. 1997. Mappings in Thought and Language, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Crossref] [Google Scholar], p. 34)  相似文献   

With funding from the UK' Royal Academy of Engineering, the University of Edinburgh has developed a series of truly interdisciplinary design courses aimed at improving penultimate-year students' ability to operate across disciplines and improve their preparation for industry. Led by a Visiting Industrial Professor, the course on hydropower design requires students to provide a full feasibility study of a small scheme in western Scotland tackling issues from hydrology through to grid connection. The course has had several very successful outcomes which include: appreciation of other engineering disciplines; experience of teams where different skills and expertise are available; demonstration of the links between engineering design and economic viability; introduction to non-technical areas essential to the UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence; and enhancing interest in the hydropower sector in technological and career terms. The key message from this project is the need to ensure balance across tasks, within groups and staff support across disciplines.  相似文献   

“化工原理”课程是化工、环境、制药等专业必修的基础课。为提高“化工原理”课程教学的质量,针对课程教学实践中存在的问题,结合我校课程教学实际,从教学内容、改进教学方法和手段、加强实验过程管理、加强工程思想培养等方面对“化工原理”课程教学进行了探讨。  相似文献   

文章针对现行规范中断层带在缺乏系统有效的历史监测数据情况下,只是笼统的给出拟建建筑离开断层带的"避让距离",导致建筑用地的浪费和影响城市规划的统一性,没有区别对待一些特殊问题这一情况,提出了对断层评价与处理新的方法和基本原则,旨在对待建建筑工程的规划与设计有所帮助。  相似文献   

This paper presents the preliminary work for developing guidelines to ensure that industry-sponsored projects in first-year courses aid, not hamper, retention of students. Specifically, the overall research plan includes the following steps: (1) investigating the appropriateness of industry projects in a required introduction to engineering design course (approximately 1000 students per year), (2) assessing the impact of industry-sponsored projects on first-year students' learning and retention, and (3) promoting an awareness of issues involved in successfully introducing industry projects in the first year. It is expected that the outcomes of this work will result in guidelines widely applicable by other institutions looking into or currently using industry projects in the first year, thereby addressing the recognized national need of increasing retention rates, especially amongst women and minorities.

This paper covers a review of potential factors affecting industry-sponsored projects' appropriateness at the first year, and related preliminary data.  相似文献   

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