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In 1989 and 1990 the University of Sydney announced awards for excellence in teaching to 12 members of its academic staff. This paper reports the results of an attempt to analyse two aspects of the award‐winners’ self‐efficacy regarding teaching: their perceived influence over their students’ learning, and their self‐rated competence on a set of teaching tasks. The award‐winners were found to score higher on both of these than comparison groups of less experienced university teachers, though the latter rated themselves higher on a research related teaching task.  相似文献   

Do teaching awards affect the growth in income of teachers recognized for excellence? Our study is one of the firsts to use income as the primary indicator of success when evaluating the impact of an award. Taking the case of Metrobank Foundation Award for Outstanding Teachers in the Philippines, our analysis reveals that the award had a higher impact on the income of winners who were in the middle of their career when they received the award. This implies that timing as to when an award is received matters. Relatively younger winners, in their mid-career, have more years in their professional career to capitalize on the award.  相似文献   

We examined web‐based ratings and open‐ended comments of teaching‐award winners (n = 120) and research‐award winners (n = 119) to determine if teaching‐award winners received more favourable ratings and comments on RateMyProfessors.com. As predicted, students rated teaching‐award winners higher than research‐award winners on measures of teaching quality (i.e. helpfulness and clarity). A higher percentage of teaching‐award recipients relative to research‐award recipients received positive open‐ended comments about competence, use of humour, clarity, appearance and personality as well as both positive and negative open‐ended comments about level of course difficulty. We discuss implications of these findings for lending credibility to the RateMyProfessors.com indices and for promoting published faculty evaluations at post‐secondary institutions more generally.  相似文献   

As we approach the second decade of the new millennium, there is a renaissance of innovation in education, a resurgence of interest and experimentation that begs for analysis and review. To that end, the League for Innovation in the Community College proposed to conduct a national study on the nature of innovation in the community college using recipients of its Innovation of the Year award from 1999 through 2008 as a data set. With funding from MetLife Foundation, researchers examined these innovations and explored the perspectives of the winners of these awards. In September 2009, a survey created by the researchers with assistance from a focus group—field-tested on a sample of winners not included in the project and vetted by a national advisory committee—was distributed electronically to the 400 award winners; 117 respondents returned surveys for a return rate of 29%. In addition to the survey, more than 40 of the award winners were interviewed using interview questions created by the researchers and vetted by the national advisory committee. The full report and all project findings can be accessed at www.league.org/natureofinnovation. Based on the findings from this national study on the nature of innovation, this article addresses the challenge of creating a culture of innovation in the community college. The characteristics of a culture that support and encourage innovation and the role of leaders in shaping that culture are featured in the article.  相似文献   

The study examined relations between intelligence and academic achievement scores at different levels of socio-economic status and refined family environment measures for English children from three different age cohorts. Data were collected as part of a national survey of 11-, 12-, and 15-year-old schoolchildren. Regression surfaces were constructed from models which examined possible linear, interaction, and curvilinear relations between the variables. The Jackknife technique was used to adjust the significance levels in the investigation. At each environment level, increments in intelligence test scores are associated with increases in academic achievement, while there are differential gender relations between the measures of family environment and achievement at different levels of intellectual ability.  相似文献   


Although there is no agreed definition of teaching excellence, ‘excellent teaching’ is an accepted notion. However, recent discussion about the recognition of quality teaching and the rise of standards frameworks has challenged the notion of teaching excellence as rewarded in teaching excellence schemes. It has raised questions about how we evaluate quality teaching and whether, and how, excellent teaching, as awarded in such schemes, differs from good teaching. Applicants for teaching awards are required to present themselves and their teaching for judgement in a prescribed genre. This article analyses two national teaching excellence award schemes which were established as comparable in geographical, temporal and socio-political terms. Erving Goffman’s theory of presentation of self is used to investigate the way in which university award winners have responded to the criteria required by the schemes. The task for the teachers is dual in that they must present themselves as excellent teachers and provide relevant evidence in a compelling presentation of self. The research approach was primarily interpretive, involving the close analysis of award winners’ texts from a period of five years. Discourse analysis was undertaken of both the criteria required for excellence and the response of applicants to the criteria in their presentation of self in the citation which accompanies the application. Adherence to the prescribed genre and skilful presentation of self are revealed as key determinants of the recognition of award-winning teachers as excellent teachers. Paradoxically, while the awards are for excellence in teaching, the mediation of the written word in skilful presentation of self is essential in order to receive an award.  相似文献   

选取2000-2011年使用SCL-90量表调查普通中学教师的76个研究,采用元分析方法对报告的数据进行处理和分析,以全面考察21世纪前12年我国普通中学教师心理健康的整体状况及其发展变化与亚群差异.结果发现,普通中学教师心理健康水平极其显著地低于金华等的全国常模,躯体化、焦虑、恐怖得分非常显著地高于唐秋萍等的合并常模;后6年,人际敏感、抑郁、焦虑、恐怖得分显著上升;女教师焦虑与恐怖非常显著地高于男教师;除人际敏感与偏执外,兼任班主任的教师各因子分均显著高于非班主任.可见,普通中学教师心理健康状况较差,须特别关注女教师与班主任教师的心理健康;金华等1986年的常模与21世纪的教师已不具有可比性.  相似文献   

In this exploratory study, 185 middle school students were administered the Almost Perfect Scale‐Revised and the Behavioral Assessment System for Children‐Self Report. Self‐reported grade‐point average was also obtained. Students who established high personal standards but nonetheless recognize their limitations (adaptive perfectionists) reported significantly higher (i.e., more positive) scores on a number of academic, intrapersonal, and interpersonal variables. However, the perceived inability for some students to consistently meet their high standards (maladaptive perfectionists) was significantly and negatively related to perceptions of school and family relationships, and greater emotional distress. Implications of these findings and future research and clinical suggestions are provided. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 40: 677–689, 2003.  相似文献   

中学生学校生活质量特点研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章运用问卷法对431名中学生的学校生活质量进行测量,考察中学生学校生活质量的特点并比较了不同亚群中学生学校生活质量的差异。结果发现:(1)中学生在七个学校生活质量维度的均值排列顺序由高到低依次为:师生关系、机会、社群关系、整体满足感、经历、成就感、负面情感;(2)学习成绩为下等的学生负面情感显著多于学习成绩为上等的学生;人缘越好的中学生负面情感越少;中学生在除负面情感以外的各学校生活质量维度上呈现出人缘越好生活质量越高的特点;(3)不论在何种家庭类型的学生亚群体中,均呈现出负面情感随家庭关系融洽程度的提高而减少,其他维度的生活质量随家庭关系融洽度的提高而提高的总体趋势。在家庭关系为不融洽、一般和融洽的学生亚群体中,核心家庭的学生都倾向于对其学校生活质量做出较高的评价。在家庭关系很融洽的学生亚群体中,几代同堂家庭的学生倾向于对其学校生活质量做出较高的评价。  相似文献   

The Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) has been a successful and popular initial teacher education (ITE) programme since the 1950s, with the masters level PGCE being successfully embedded within universities in England since 2007 and having high levels of student satisfaction. Recent White Papers, policy and reviews have undermined the academic award in ITE, however, favouring school-led initial teacher training and the minimum, essential professional award. Located within the Secondary ITE phase in two English universities, this article presents the value of studying education and the academic award at pre-service level via key stakeholder perceptions from interviews with teacher–educators and student–teachers within a case study. Findings highlight improvements to student–teachers’ knowledge and practice; enjoyment in working at a higher academic level; improvements to the ITE programme overall, including student–teacher support and student–teachers’ articulation of knowledge and practice; and enhanced opportunities for employability, career advancement and gaining a Master’s degree.  相似文献   

采用SCL-90问卷对332名天津市机械类技能型人才心理健康状况进行调查。结果显示:技能型人才心理症状均值低于全国常模,具有轻度躯体化、强迫症、人际敏感、抑郁、焦虑、恐怖、偏执和精神症。不同性别、年龄段的技能型人才心理症状存在差异。男性比女性技能型人才具有轻度的敌对和精神症。老年比青年技能型人才更具有轻微的躯体化、强迫症状。  相似文献   

特殊教育教师心理健康状况的调查研究   总被引:13,自引:7,他引:13  
本研究运用SCL - 90调查了北京市 5所特殊学校 1 99名教师的心理健康状况。结果表明 :特教教师心理健康问题检出率较高 ,具有轻度及其以上心理问题的教师占总数的 2 5 6% ;SCL - 90的得分显著高于全国常模 ;总体上特教女教师的心理健康状况比男教师差 ;特教教师的心理健康水平随年龄和特教教龄的增长不断提高 ;高学历特教教师的心理健康问题比较突出 ;培智学校教师的心理健康水平比聋校和盲校的教师差。  相似文献   

Relations between academic performance and 3 aspects of social competence--socially responsible behavior, sociometric status, and self-regulatory processes (goal setting, interpersonal trust, and problem-solving styles)--were studied. Based on a sample of 423 12- and 13-year-old students, correlational findings indicate that each aspect of social competence is related significantly to students' grades. Results from multiple regression analyses suggest that when accounting for students' IQ, sex, ethnicity, school absence, and family structure, socially responsible behavior mediates almost entirely the relations between students' grades and the other 2 aspects of social competence. Socially responsible behavior and peer status appear to be related by way of their joint association with goals to be socially responsible, interpersonal trust, and problem-solving styles. Similarly, relations between socially responsible behavior and the background variables are explained by joint relations with the self-regulatory processes. The social nature of learning and the role of self-regulation in both interpersonal and behavioral aspects of social competence are discussed.  相似文献   

当代大学生人际关系初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会的进步与变革使得人际关系在社会生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色。本文从大学生自身特点及学校、家庭、社会等因素分析大学生人际关系现状,并提出了关于帮助大学生建立良好人际关系的几点策略和思考。  相似文献   

倾斜性招生政策是近年来我国面向贫困地区弱势学生实施的重要举措。使用国内某“双一流”大学追踪调查数据,分析国家专项与高校专项两类学生的在学发展情况。研究发现,两类专项学生受惠于倾斜性招生政策得以被录取,尽管高考成绩显著更低,但在各类能力自评得分方面没有劣势。不过,进入大学后,国家专项学生在自我认知方面和高校专项学生在批判性思维发展方面的自评得分均存在显著劣势。此外,高校专项学生入学时的毅力优势也在大三消失。在学业成绩方面,受学业基础较差影响,两类专项学生大一课业成绩显著偏低,且均在人文学科方面表现不佳。国家专项学生所获得的高考降分越多,大一挂科率和挂科数均显著越高,平均成绩显著越低,且在人文学科中尤为明显。研究认为,“双一流”高校在制定和实施国家专项招生政策时,应根据各自往年生源情况科学分配各学科专项招生名额,给予专项生更多的志愿填报指导,尝试放宽专项生转专业限制,并为专项生提供富有针对性的发展支持,在保障弱势学生入学机会的同时,更好地促进其在大学期间的良性发展。  相似文献   

Background: The classroom is a social system in which the teacher and the students interact as organizational members. The quality of classroom relations is dependent on the activities of both the instructor and the students. Several environmental conditions and circumstances often tend to either improve or depress the academic performances of students in defiance of their natural academic endowments. Aim: This study was to identify the relationship between teacher–students’ interpersonal relationships and students’ academic achievements in social studies. Methods: The work used the ex post facto design and a sample of 1954 Junior Secondary School (JSS) III randomly drawn from 50 Government Secondary Schools in Calabar Educational Zone of Cross River State, Nigeria. Two instruments were used: The Teacher–Students’ Relationship Questionnaire and a 50-item multiple choice questions in social studies set using the JSS social studies syllabus and validated by test experts. The data were analysed using the Pearson product moment correlation analysis (r). Product moment correlation analysis (r) is used in finding the relationship between two variables X and Y, if these variables are continuous and are obtained from the sample. Outcomes: There was a significant relationship between teacher–students’ interpersonal relationship and students’ academic achievements in social studies. As a researcher, this means much for me. Students themselves are classroom observers. They are aware, to a great extent, of their own academic standing in the classroom as well as those of others. Some examples of the strategies students use to evaluate their own academic standing include the tasks they are given, grouping strategies implemented in the classroom (e.g. ability grouping) teacher feedback and information regarding ability, the responsibilities that teachers provide students with and the quality of teacher–students relationships. Conclusions: The major conclusion forwarded by this research was that there was a significant relationship between the teacher–students’ interpersonal relationship and students’ academic performances in social studies. This has a serious implication for me and others, viz, a good human relationship is one of the lubricants of high productivity. Teachers should therefore galvanize cordial relations between themselves and students. All teachers, including this researcher, should bear in mind that a healthy interpersonal relationship is one indispensable instrument of high productivity and achievement in all fields of human endeavour including the education industry.  相似文献   

The academic achievement and social functioning of children with learning difficulties (LD) and children without LD (7–12 years old) was examined. Attainment scores in mathematics and English were obtained for each child, and a sample of children without LD was further classified as low achieving (LA) or high achieving (HA) on the basis of these scores. Sociometric and peer behavioural attribute scores were collected for each child. Findings indicated correlations of attainment with sociometric status and also with behaviour attributes. Boys and girls differed on the proportion of variance in sociometric status accounted for by academic achievement and also by various behavioural attributes. HA children scored higher on positive sociometric status than children with LD, and higher on positive behaviours than both LA children and children with LD. Children with LD scored higher on negative behaviours than both HA and LA children. The findings are discussed as indicating a relationship between academic achievement and social adjustment, suggesting that intervention strategies need to target social relationship difficulties in LA children as well as children with LD, while also accounting for possible gender differences.  相似文献   

The study examined conflict and facilitation in work–family relations among working mothers of children with learning disorders (LD) or with typical development. The study also focused on three maternal personal resources (maternal anxious/avoidant attachment security, affect and sense of coherence) as antecedents of these work–family relations, and examined outcomes of such conflict and facilitation between the two life domains, as they affected patterns of close relationships within the family (child attachment and family cohesion). The sample included 96 mother–child dyads: 48 mothers and their children with LD; and 48 mothers and their typically developing children. Children’s ages were 8–12 years. All attended public elementary schools in urban areas of central Israel. Significant group differences emerged on mothers’ family to work conflict and on mothers’ work to family facilitation. Findings indicated that several maternal personal resources were antecedents of these relations and also contributed to differences in mother–child attachment relationships and family cohesion. Discussion focused on understanding work–family relations among these mothers of children with LD, as well as the influence of maternal personal resources on patterns of close relationships (i.e., child attachment, family cohesion).  相似文献   

This study tests several hypotheses concerning the effects that family structure has on an individual's personality development and its influence on his success in a science or engineering curriculum. One of the principal ideas tested is that success in college in science or engineering requires that the student develop strong feelings of independence and consequently be free from over-concern with interpersonal relations. Data were gathered on sixty undergraduates at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Two groups of thirty students each were selected: one a "successful" group and the other an "unsuccessful" group. Success and lack of success were defined in terms of academic performance. In general, the successful students come from homes in which the power structure and the roles of the parents are more clearly defined, thus allowing these boys to have a stronger identification with their fathers. The successful students are also found to be less concerned with interpersonal relations. The low achievers showed a stronger preference to work with people than did the high achievers. To explore further the origins of concern with interpersonal relations, two deviate subgroups, one from each sample, were studied in depth: the high achievers who preferred to work with people, and the low achievers who preferred not to work with people.  相似文献   

湖南城乡中学生心理健康状况的调查与比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据深入开展城乡中学生的心理健康教育的需要,调查湖南城乡中学生的心理健康状况。运用SCL—90量表随机对1570名中学生进行团体施测。结果表明城乡中学生心理问题的总检出率为10.56%,其中严重心理问题学生有3.69%。比较显示,农村与城区中学生心理健康状况中心理问题的总检出率无显著差异,但城乡中学生各年级间心理存在显著差异,农村中学生中心理问题的高发期是初一和高一,而城区中学生中心理问题的高发期是初三和高二。城乡中学生的心理健康状况既不容乐观,也不宜悲观。各因子分中,农村中学生人际关系敏感和敌对两因子显著高于城区中学生,抑郁和精神病性两因子也显著高于城区中学生。与全国中学生常模比较,湖南城乡中学生各因子分明显低于常模,心理健康整体状况高于全国中学生心理健康平均水平。与全国青年常模比较,湖南城乡中学生各因子分明显高于常模,心理健康整体状况低于全国青年心理健康平均水平。  相似文献   

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