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一闪,一闪,小小的星!你是啥呀我说不清,远离着地球挂得高,像颗钻石在天空照。  相似文献   

介绍计算机用于编制任一年代恒星图表的方法及其特点.  相似文献   

HOT STAR IN 2014     
在年初开始播放的大河剧《军师官兵卫》中可以常常看到他的身影,而由他主演的电影《疆鼠之歌》也将于2月15日上映。电影中的大尺度搞笑表演,也是他在演绎路上的一大突破。  相似文献   

首先,我得瀑布汗地承认,这是本人职业生涯中有史以来最惨不忍睹的一次采访。到开始写这篇文章的时候,我都只见过她一次面,没有说过一句话。很偶然见到她和她的团队,是某个时候在某个单位的某个地方举行的某次活动上,一群少男少女,身着"奇装异服",肩背翅膀,裙袍曳地,假发飘飘,色彩华丽,在现场非常"穿越"。那时那地,她是主角,我是看客。吸引我的是一个"白发魔女",她不时指挥这个,安排那个,掌控舞蹈,调动全场。演出很成功,掌声在那个现场大厅里到处欢蹦乱跳,还有些兴奋过度直接蹦出了窗子,当当作响地砸到了外面10多层楼下的大街上。  相似文献   

The Rising Star Scholarship program of the Dallas County (Texas) Community College District (DCCCD), is a unique approach to financial aid. The program is the brainchild of R. L. Thornton, III, the DCCCD Foundation Board Chairman. He wanted every high school graduate in Dallas County to have the opportunity to attend college regardless of financial circumstances. He took his cause to the business community of Dallas County with the goal of establishing a scholarship program that would be available to students with the academic ability to achieve in college, but without the financial means. In three years the Rising Star Fund has reached over 33% of its goal of $30,000,000, which is needed to ensure its availability to high school graduates into perpetuity. Contributors run the gamut from individuals giving less than $100 to Foundations giving $1,000,000. In between are a variety of other amounts from foundations, businesses, and individuals. In addition to a diverse funding source, another unique aspect of the Rising Star Program is its availability to those who do not meet financial need levels of federal grants.  相似文献   

<正>银河系崛起了一个黑暗政权——第一秩序,他们制造了一件比死星更强大的超级武器——弑星者基地。弑星者基地具有摧毁一颗恒星的威力。与此同时,贾库星球的拾荒者蕾伊、第一秩序的逃兵芬恩、"千年隼号"的船长汉·索洛、抵抗组织的飞行员波·达默龙、抵抗组织的领导人莱娅·奥加纳将军等新老英雄齐心协力,粉碎了第一秩序的邪恶阴谋……  相似文献   

李敏镐 STAR1 老奶奶Fans 虽然曾经在机场被Fans掐过屁股,还曾经被Fans像对待宠物一样揉了下巴,甚至脸颊也难逃一劫,但是李敏镐最感谢也最觉得安慰的,还是Fans对他的支持。  相似文献   

如果不是因为一个人,利物浦足球俱乐部(Liverpool Football Club)就不会诞生。1892年,埃弗顿(Everton)因为租金的争议而离开安菲尔德(Anfield),留给俱乐部主席约翰·霍丁(John Houlding)只有3名一线队的球员和一大批的球迷。虽然很艰难,但是主席霍丁决定让足球继续在这块场地上滚动。他从头开始,成立一个全新的俱乐部,选择利物浦(Liverpool)为队名,也从此开始创造传奇。就算是约翰·霍丁本人也无法预见俱乐部将会取得什么样的成就。100多年过去了,没有任何一支英格兰俱乐部的荣誉册能够和利物浦的相比。18次联赛冠军、7次足总杯冠军、7次联赛杯冠军、5次欧洲冠军杯冠军(欧洲冠军杯European Cup包括改制后的欧洲冠军联赛UEFAChampions League)和3次欧洲联盟杯冠军(UEFA Cup)。  相似文献   

教育评价是教育活动的重要内容,对于教育的导向、诊断、鉴定和改进具有重要的作用。本文选取了在美国田纳西州开展的师生成就比率研究即SATR 计划为教育评价的案例, 在对STAR 计划进行概述的基础上, 从教育评价的视角, 分析了STAR 计划的优点以及可能存在的问 题,并在此基础上提出关于该计划改进措施的建议。  相似文献   

中国中央电视台“希望之星”英语风采大赛是目前我国影响最广泛的英语赛事,由强势媒体中央电视台主办,已连续举办十届,武汉已连续举办了八届,每年直接影响三千万人,深受全国青少年学生和广大英语爱好者的欢迎。  相似文献   

为了振兴经济,提高教育质量,应对入学人数减少,在选民的强烈要求下,20世纪八十年代美国田纳西州进行了迄今最具权威性的小班化教育改革实验STAR计划。它耗资1200万,历时4年,实验学生达12,000名,被誉为美国历史上最伟大的教育实验。STAR计划及后续研究表明,小班化教育有利于学生学业成就的提高,尤其对处境不利学生更具优势,并且这种优势具有累积性。  相似文献   

Understanding the effects of class size reduction (CSR) has been an enduring issue in education. For the past 3 decades, Project STAR has stimulated research and policy discussions regarding the effects of CSR on a variety of outcomes. Schanzenbach (2007) reviewed STAR studies and concluded that small classes improved student academic outcomes. Since her review, however, some research has challenged this conclusion. This paper reviews these recent challenges, comparing past and recent studies. This review is considered together with studies on large-scale CSR policies in the US and CSR studies outside the US. We conclude by suggesting a direction for future research.  相似文献   

DVX、SDLX and STAR Transit是电脑辅助翻译领域中三种常用的辅助翻译软件,在术语管理、翻译记忆库管理和翻译管理方面各有优劣。本文从三个方面对三种翻译软件进行了对比,以便翻译者或客户做出合适的选择。  相似文献   

As knowledge for competitive advantage develops beyond the transfer of simple data and information to focus on knowledge that has meaning, values, purpose and a more integrated aspect, higher education is required to graduate students able to operate in a more worldly manner across disciplines. Government's response to this need has been to demand that universities adhere to more rigorous quantitative output measures of the quality of research and teaching. The response from universities has been mixed. While some academics are exploring teaching innovations to develop students' knowledge, research and problem-diagnostic skills through actively engaging them in authentic professional challenges, others are focusing on increasing discipline-linked research outputs. This is leading to a renewed debate as to the relative importance and contribution of teaching and discipline-based research. This paper argues that, rather than re-open this old division, a new framework is needed in which multi-directional interactions between discipline-based research, teaching-as-practice and scholarship of teaching are recognised. A conceptual Scholarship-Teaching-Action-Research framework is presented to provide focus for further discourse.  相似文献   

为了提升研究生课堂教学效果,论文引入了"STAR财富"学习循环圈的教学模式,以现代数据处理课程为例,从课程任务分配、研习探究、公开交流和反思提高等环节细划了教师和学生的分工、组织形式和实施策略。实践表明:该模式有利于研究生的合作学习、解决问题及创新思维的培养。  相似文献   

Most evaluations of education policies focus on their mean impacts; when distributional effects are investigated it is usually by comparing mean impacts across demographic subgroups. We argue that such estimates may overlook important treatment effect heterogeneity; in order to appreciate the full extent of a policy's distributional impacts one should also exploit alternative methods. We demonstrate this using data from Project STAR, where we find evidence of substantial treatment effect heterogeneity across achievement quantiles. While all children appear to benefit from being placed in small classes, the largest test score gains are at the top of the achievement distribution. This result seems to be at odds with previous evidence that smaller classes benefit disadvantaged children most, but the discrepancy is reconciled by the fact that there are similar patterns of treatment effect heterogeneity within demographic groups, and that gains for disadvantaged students are larger throughout much of the achievement distribution.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight third graders were administered the Peabody Individual Achievement Test (PIAT) during the middle third of their third-grade year. Their scores on all subtests of the PIAT were correlated with their Total scores obtained on the Screening Test of Academic Readiness (STAR), which had been administered to them prior to their kindergarten year of school. Results show that the STAR is a useful instrument for predicting third-grade achievement.  相似文献   

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