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While many universities have taken steps to recognise teaching in academic promotions, debate continues on the teaching criteria to be used and their evaluation. This article analyses the 10 criteria that inform the evaluation of teaching and eventual promotion decisions at a South African university: rationale for teaching, teaching methods, postgraduate supervision, assessment, student evaluations, peer evaluations, ongoing study of higher education, developing courses, sharing teaching experiences and special recognition of teaching. The study investigated which criteria, if any, were significant in the overall evaluation of teaching and in academic promotion outcomes for different rank levels. The unexpected key finding was that each of the criteria demonstrated statistically significant correlations and differences with both teaching evaluations and promotion outcomes. While all 10 teaching criteria mattered in the evaluation of teaching and academic promotion outcomes, postgraduate supervision and sharing teaching experiences were especially important for those who were successful at the rank of full professor. A multidimensional approach that rigorously assesses multiple criteria in evaluating teaching at all rank levels, including the professoriate, contributes to its credence and currency in academic promotions. Analyses of actual assessments of teaching criteria and their relation to promotion outcomes can contribute to consensus on evaluating teaching.  相似文献   

In 1992 the binary divide between universities and polytechnics was dismantled to create a nominally unitary system of higher education for the UK. Just a year later, the first UK university league table was published, and the year after that saw the formation of the Russell Group of self-proclaimed ‘leading’ universities. This paper asks whether there are distinctive clusters of higher and lower status universities in the UK, and, in particular, whether the Russell Group institutions can be said to constitute a distinctive elite tier. Cluster analysis of publicly available data on the research activity, teaching quality, economic resources, academic selectivity, and socioeconomic student mix of UK universities demonstrates that the former binary divide persists with Old (pre-1992) universities characterised by higher levels of research activity, greater wealth, more academically successful and socioeconomically advantaged student intakes, but similar levels of teaching quality, compared to New (post-1992) institutions. Among the Old universities, Oxford and Cambridge emerge as an elite tier, whereas the remaining 22 Russell Group universities appear to be undifferentiated from the majority of other Old universities. A division among the New universities is also evident, with around a quarter of New universities forming a distinctive lower tier.  相似文献   


In the context of the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF), we examine academics’ perspectives on the discourse of ‘teaching excellence’ based on an empirical study with 16 participants from five post-1992 universities. The article reports the findings on academics’ views of the term and concept of ‘teaching excellence’, examples of what ‘teaching excellence’ may look like in practice, whether a distinction between ‘good’, ‘good enough’ and ‘excellent teaching’ can be made, and the measurability of ‘teaching excellence’. The research findings suggest we need a more nuanced inclusive interpretation of ‘teaching excellence’ which recognises the conjoined nature of teaching and research in higher education, and also rebalances a focus on outcome-related measures with understandings of purposes and development of the processes of learning.  相似文献   

Teaching is increasingly being considered for inclusion in academic promotions in a number of universities. This raises questions about how teaching is appraised in relation to research; and which teaching criteria contribute to promotions outcomes. This article investigates these questions from a gender perspective by statistically analysing the actual promotions outcomes by rank levels at a South African university where teaching and research have been equally evaluated in academic promotions. The findings show that, overall, there was no statistically significant difference in promotions success rates between males and females and that more females achieved excellence in teaching with higher scores than males. Two of the 10 teaching criteria analysed – ‘ongoing study of tertiary education’ and ‘special recognition of teaching’ showed statistically significantly higher scores for females with high effect sizes, pointing to the importance of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in academic promotions for women. This study has implications for closing the gender gap in the senior ranks of universities.  相似文献   

With an academic workforce undergoing transformation, it is vital that universities rethink how they define and value scholarship through their processes for academic promotion. A key part of this rethink is to review and refine existing documentation about promotion to reflect changing conceptions of scholarly work, in a way that enables scholars from non-traditional academic pathways to be valued equally through the promotion process with their more traditional counterparts. This process of reviewing scholarship was the aim of a promotions review project which began at the University of Wollongong in 2011 and concluded with the production of an Academic Performance Framework (APF). This framework outlines a new way of articulating performance expectations in order to recognise scholarship more broadly, as well as to emphasise more clearly the imperative for academics to be able to articulate evidence of the impact of their work.  相似文献   

近年来,在学生规模扩大、教育问责强化、财政资助缩减等压力之下,加拿大安大略省将引入教学轨教职作为提高教育质量的重要改革举措。与传统的终身轨教师相比,教学轨教师主要从事教学和学习活动,与兼职或临时讲师相比,教学轨教师对教学和学生的投入更多,与学校的聘任关系更加稳定。作为与终身轨教职平行的职业发展轨道,教学轨教职的评价标准主要侧重考察教师在教学技能、教学计划与课程发展、教学领导与成就等领域的贡献。教学轨教职的引入对大学而言是一次机会,可以重新审视教学与研究之间的关系,探索教学使命和研究使命如何相互促进。在当前的教师岗位分类改革中,我国高校可从教学模式和课程体系、聘任与晋升评价体系、晋升与岗位转换通道、教学荣誉体系等方面提高教学为主型教职的认可度,促进教学为主型教师队伍的职业发展。  相似文献   

An audit of economics provision shows that over the past decade economics has disappeared from large parts of the UK's higher education landscape, especially the post-1992 universities. In the north of Britain the binary system has effectively re-emerged leaving many potential students unable to study key subjects such as economics. Post-1992 institutions appear to have responded to forces in the higher education market by retreating from key subjects. The experience of economics shows how universities exercising their autonomy deal with complex issues such as the link between research and subject provision and the stratification of applicants along social class lines.  相似文献   

This paper asks whether the institutional hierarchies defined by ‘golden triangle’, other Russell Group, other pre-1992 and post-1992 universities in England, and by ancient, old and new universities in Scotland, have become weaker since the 1990s. Using indicators constructed from Universities and Colleges Admissions Service data for 1996–2010, the article finds a stable hierarchical relationship among the sectors within each country, with some indicators showing a slight widening of status differences between sectors towards the end of the period. The main exception was a slight ‘upgrading’ of new (post-1992) universities in Scotland early in the period. There was little change in the association of institutional sector with social class, but in England the association with private secondary schools became slightly stronger and the association with ethnicity weakened.  相似文献   

十所英国新建大学的办学定位与特色研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新建大学应该走出建设教学型大学的误区,强调研究与教学并重;新建大学的教学和研究都要面向应用,服务地方,解决现实问题;新建大学的研究要强调为本科教学提供充分的支撑,强调为提升教师学术水平服务,研究领域要尽量与本科教学保持一致;新建大学的人才培养工作应紧贴地方需求,培育自己的办学特色,与一流大学实现错位发展。  相似文献   

This article provides a comparative analysis of the discourses of widening participation used in the prospectus documents and websites of six English higher education institutions (HEIs). Taking 2007 and 2011 as snapshots, the article considers the nature of the messages being communicated to prospective students by the different HEIs in the context of the changing policy landscape. Critical discourse analysis is used to interpret the ways in which the case-study HEIs discursively positioned themselves and their prospective students – and the potential implications of this for widening participation practice. In 2007, the findings suggested sharp demarcations between the discourses chosen by the elite pre-1992 and the more accessible post-1992 institutions. By 2011, however, statements of commitment to widening participation were less overt in the post-1992 institutions, whilst there was some evidence of a shift towards a more inclusive tone by the elite universities.  相似文献   

高校酒店专业的教育与社会需求之间存在一定差距,反映为酒店专业学生毕业后多数并未选择到该专业领域就业。而"90后"新生将是未来酒店行业的重要从业人员,研究他们的职业感知对酒店专业的教学改革具有重要意义。调查发现,虽然酒店专业"90后"新生对酒店职业的发展比较乐观,但是也存在认识片面的问题。建议学校加强酒店专业教学中的职业认知教育和引导,帮助学生做好职业规划,促进酒店专业学生在酒店行业充分就业。  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》2001,14(4):325-342
Similarities and differences are explored between academic staff in four different types of Australian universities. Despite an overall high degree of homogeneity amongst academics, those in pre-1987 universities, especially Go8 universities, are better qualified, have appreciably better publication records, spend more time on research and writing, and show more interest in research than academics in post-1987 universities. Pre-1987 universities are more likely than others to have academic organisational units headed by professors and associate professors. Academics in pre-1987 universities have distinctively different views with regard to research funding and the place of research, as well as about academic standards and recent expansion in student enrolments. While post-1987 universities have pockets of research strength, these are small and relatively small proportions of academics produce the bulk of research output. The views of academics generally coincide with those of their institutions on key differentiation issues.  相似文献   

Ratings awarded to university departments in the UK Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2001 were analysed to determine whether they were influenced either by the status of the university (pre‐1992 or post‐1992) or by whether the university was represented on the panel that determined the ratings. There was little evidence that panel membership has any effect on ratings, but an analysis of covariance also showed that, among universities not on the panel, pre‐1992 universities were more favourably assessed, relative to post‐1992 universities, than would be expected on the basis of their ratings in the 1996 RAE. This finding, along with the preponderance of pre‐1992 universities on all panels (even those where the majority of the research is conducted by post‐1992 universities), is used to urge strongly that in future RAEs, panel membership should be made much more representative of higher education in general and of the institutions submitting the research considered by each panel in particular.  相似文献   

This paper analyses data from the National Students Survey, determining which groups of students expressed the greatest levels of satisfaction. We find students registered on clinical degrees and those studying humanities to be the most satisfied, with those in general engineering and media studies the least. We also find contentment to be higher among part-time students, and significantly higher among Russell group and post-1992 universities. We further investigate the sub-areas that drive overall student satisfaction, finding teaching and course organisation to be the most important aspects, with resources and assessment and feedback far less relevant. We then develop a multi-attribute measure of satisfaction which we argue produces a more accurate and more stable reflection of overall student satisfaction than that based on a single question.  相似文献   

教学质量提升是高等学校可持续发展的根本问题,新建本科院校要实现教学质量的稳步快速提升,必须有符合自身特色的教学质量观,并通过一系列的保障措施,最终形成自身特色品牌。围绕地方新建本科院校教学质量提升进行分析探讨,提出了新建本科院校教学质量建设的关键在于理顺学科专业设置、修订完善培养方案、重视实践教学、落实教学的中心地位、注重师资队伍建设、抓"教学质量工程"项目,强化特色品牌建设。  相似文献   

The transition between school or college and higher education can be a challenging time for a student. Schools, colleges and universities work together in a number of ways in order to try and ease this process. However, many students still find their first-year experience difficult to adjust to, which can impact on their own development and achievement. This article documents critical reflections on a case study of a teaching, learning and research partnership currently being undertaken between a secondary school where students are taught AS and A Level psychology and a department of psychology in a post-1992 university in England. Drawing upon a social constructivist framework together with Healey’s model of the link between research and teaching, the aims of this study were to explore how undergraduate dissertation students can work with AS and A Level students on their dissertation projects. The study showed that the AS and A Level students found it an enjoyable practical experience, which they felt enhanced their understanding of university studies. The dissertation students found that the experience might be useful for postgraduate studies and future employment. This article highlights the benefits of the process but also the challenges for those involved, particularly if it was to be conducted on a larger scale.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to determine the perceptions of expectations and practices that contribute to decisions regarding promotion and tenure for counselor educators. Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs liaisons for 74 counselor education programs responded to an Internet‐based survey about perceptions of promotion and tenure practices in their programs and institutions. The responses indicate that relatively equal emphasis is placed on teaching, scholarship, and service. Implications for defining promotion and tenure criteria are discussed, and recommendations for further research are provided.  相似文献   

The assessment of teaching quality has been high on the agenda of higher education institutions in South Africa since the beginning of the momentous transformation of that society and the attendant relatively sudden changes in the student constituencies served by those institutions. The University of Natal has accepted the need to recognise and reward quality in teaching, and since 1994 has implemented a new route to academic promotion through teaching, based on committee evaluation of a candidate's teaching portfolio. In this paper, the process of development and the actual model of the assessment of quality in teaching, including the evaluation criteria used in assessing teaching portfolios, is explored, described and evaluated. The successes and the problems inherent in the system are highlighted, and suggestions are made with respect to possible reconsiderations. Finally, the possibilities for generalising the model for use in other institutions are explored.  相似文献   

Many previous time allocation studies treat work as a single activity and examine trade-offs between work and other activities. This paper investigates the at-work allocation of time among teaching, research, grant writing and service by science and engineering faculty at top US research universities. We focus on the relationship between tenure (and promotion) and time allocation, and we find that tenure and promotion do affect the allocation of time. The specific trade-offs are related to particular career paths. For example, full professors spend increasing time on service at the expense of teaching and research while longer-term associate professors who have not been promoted to full professor spend significantly more time teaching at the expense of research time. Finally, our results suggest that women, on average, allocate more hours to university service and less time to research than do men.  相似文献   

新生入学教育是高校教育教学工作的重要组成部分,随着入学教育对象向90后的转变,我国高校的入学教育呈现出新的现状。从高校90后入学教育体系的现状入手,着力从教育主体、学习者、教育形式三个方面对高校90后大学生入学教育体系的构建。  相似文献   

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