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教师教育一体化课程体系创新的理论思考及实践探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创新教师教育一体化课程体系,是一项复杂而系统的工程。面对我国教师教育的新格局、新要求,就如何建立教师教育一体化的课程体系,鲁东大学对创新教师教育一体化课程体系进行了实践探索,从培养模式到组织重建、从职前教师培养到职后教师培训,学校和地方教育部门展开了全方位、多层次的合作,逐步构建了职前职后一体化的教师教育模式。  相似文献   

教师专业化与教育学科课程改革   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
教师专业化客观上要求教师教育专业化,而教师教育课程改革又是决定教师教育专业化的核心因素。在教师教育课程结构中,教育学科课程应定性于专业课程,这样就使教育学科课程有了新的身份并赋予其新的内涵。围绕教育学科课程性质的变化及其教师专业化的客观要求,教育学科课程设置的目标及其课程体系必须进行相应的改革,为推动这些改革,提供必要的制度保障又是必不可少的前提条件。  相似文献   

课程体系的创新是教育创新的核心。高职创新课程体系应追求人的全面、充分和自由发展,体现科学、技能和人文的融合,具有开放性与个性张扬等特征。创新课程体系应追求一种“融合”课程模式,即学科课程与技能课程的融合;分科课程与综合课程的融合;实践课程与体验课程的融合;显性课程与隐性课程的融合;校本课程与显性课程、隐性课程的融合。  相似文献   

During the Bologna process, from 2003 to 2006, degree programmes, including teacher education curricula, were developed in line with the two-tier system – the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) and modularization. The purpose of the present study is to contribute to the development of teacher education profiling measures by comparing the Finnish and Estonian curricula covering initial teacher education. The aim was to analyze and compare studies in the science of education as part of the class teacher education programs through the development of a sufficiently universal meta-structure. The written curricula were subjected to discipline-based content analysis, which covered the main elements of the curricula and the contents of the theoretical substance studies in the science of education. The resulting differences and similarities between the Finnish and the Estonian curricula are reported.  相似文献   

德国教师教育的新标准及启示   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
德国教师教育新标准的制定是为了确保学校教育的质量。标准不仅对教师职能的培养从教育科学角度提出了课程与方法的原则要求,同时从理论教育与实践教育的环节详细描述了教师职能的教学、教养、评价和创新四大领域与11种具体职能。它昭示了教师教育一体化以及教师的理论知识与实践知识整合的发展趋势。  相似文献   

黄芳 《教育研究》2012,(8):143-148
《科学教育框架》提出了新阶段美国科学教育的发展愿景,反映出美国人才培养方案的新动向,在对科学的理解上,实现从"探究"到"实践"的跨越,在科学教育方面,体现从"科学与技术"到"科学、技术与工程"的整合,在学科教育内容方面,体现从科学"概念"到学科核心思想的提升。推进我国中小学科学教育,应提高中小学科学课程地位、重视中小学科学教育在人才培养系统中的启蒙性和基础性作用;注重中小学科学课程的统整性、综合性与实践性,适应社会发展需求;充分重视科学教育研究及其成果运用。  相似文献   

Science education has an important part in developing understanding of concepts that underpin environmental issues, leading potentially to pro‐environmental behaviour. However, science is commonly perceived negatively, leading to inappropriate and negative models of science that do not connect to people’s experiences. The article argues that the cognitive and affective domains need to be explicitly integrated in a science education that informs environmental education, as a sense of relationship is essential for environmental care and responsibility leading to informed action. The features of such approaches to science education are discussed through analysis of the impact of modern and constructive postmodern science education models on environmental education, and possible strategies for making connections between cognitive and affective domains are proposed. The analysis incorporates the development of positive approaches to science and environmental issues through teacher modelling of biophilic behaviour, active learning through constructivist pedagogy, the politicisation of science education to address social and environmental issues, suitable experiences of natural environments and living organisms, and science curricula that emphasise conceptual integration to demonstrate complex environmental effects, including the environmental consequences of human behaviour.  相似文献   

Evidence shows that a focus on gender and power in sexuality/HIV education increases the likelihood of achieving positive sexual health outcomes, and international agencies have called for a shift to a gender-focused approach. However, questions remain about the implementation of such programmes, including how best to prepare teachers to deliver such curricula. In the development of the national school-based HIV prevention curriculum in Nigeria, several state governments partnered with feminist (or like-minded) non-governmental organisations to collaborate on teacher training. This case study, drawing on teacher interviews and classroom observations, explores the effects of that experience. Teachers reported that the 10-day training developed their competence, confidence, and commitment to foster students' critical thinking about gender issues. Specifically, they reported changes in their own gender attitudes, pedagogic skills and connectedness with students, particularly girls. The findings suggest that high-quality training can prepare teachers – including those in large, resource-poor school systems – to deliver the kind of gender-focused sexuality/HIV education that is proving most effective at advancing sexual health outcomes. Non-governmental organisations can be important partners for providing such training. Further research is needed to assess what additional social and educational outcomes may result from gender-focused sexuality/HIV education.  相似文献   

2001年启动的基础教育新课程改革已进入全面实施阶段;2003年全国100多所非师范院校共同提出挑战教师教育的宣言;2007年教育部直属师范大学恢复实施师范生免费制度.日益紧迫的教师教育新需要,将讨论已久的教师教育专门化及高等师范教育面对基础教育等问题,推到了非系统解决不可的前台上来.教师教育专业化,除体现为人才培养目标、培养模式等的"专门"性外,关键是要具有不可替代的"专门"课程和教学.建构教学科学、教学技术、教学艺术三位一体的教师教育课程与教学体系,及以此为核心的"三位一体教师教育新体系",是打造教师教育专业性,占领教师教育制高点,适应基础教育改革需要的明智之举.作为连接教学科学和教学艺术中端的"教学技术类课程"的建设,是其中最大难点和突破点.  相似文献   

An evaluation of an interactive media-based science education project is reported. One of the unique features of the evaluation is the application of a general program evaluation which stresses the assessment of contextual/environmental factors. The rationale is that without adequate facilitation and support from the context, large scale projects would have limited impact on education reform. The model was applied to a major, National Science Foundation funded, science teacher education project at Vanderbilt University. The findings revealed that a number of factors must come together for project success. They are: an environment conducive to innovation and development; strong administrative interest and commitment to further the cause of the project; faculty interest and commitment to be actively involved in the project and to integrate project ideas into their own practices. In addition, strong technical support is vital for research and developments efforts in technology-based science education projects.  相似文献   

In this article, we present results from an international research study on biodiversity education in pre‐service education of primary school teachers. The study was carried out between 2004–2006 in four teacher education institutions in Cyprus, England, Switzerland and Germany. We used document analyses and in‐depth interviews with 27 teacher educators and 22 student teachers to examine the integration of biodiversity into the pre‐service teacher education programmes, and the student teachers’ satisfaction with their respective education. In all teacher education institutions, aspects of biodiversity education were integrated mostly in the natural science modules which provided students at least with some information on the scientific aspects of biodiversity. Few modules included aspects of the controversial nature of biodiversity conservation in relation to economics, ethics, social and political concerns, and methodological approaches on how to deal with this. In the institutions in Cyprus, England and Germany the teaching focus was content‐oriented, whereas in Switzerland a situated method‐oriented approach was used. The student teachers in Switzerland felt more confident to teach about biodiversity in school. All interviewees thought it necessary to prepare primary school student teachers on how to address biodiversity in schools, and strategies on how best to achieve this are critically discussed.  相似文献   

教师教育与基础教育课程改革合流:反思、批判与重建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师教育与基础教育课程改革合流,是当代世界教育发展的共同趋势。其实质在于通过教师教育一体化和教师文化创新,提升学生的学习结果。在当前新课程改革背景下,为了推进两者的合流,需要创建"合作型"制度环境、开发课程与教学论"实验课"以及营造"学习型"校园环境。  相似文献   

This paper is about the process of developing integrated science curricula at junior secondary schools in the Peoples’ Republic of China in the past 20 years. The history has witnessed two stages of developing integrated science curricula during this period in China: one was at the provincial level in the 1980s/1990s, while the other was at the national level in the new millennium. Using the concept of curriculum emphases, this paper purported to investigate the advocated forms of integration and the reasons and causes behind them in integrated science curriculum during the period under study. Data were collected from two sources: curriculum documents related to the integrated science curricula, and interviews with key informants who were involved in designing the official documents of this kind of science curriculum. Two models of integration have been identified from the two stages respectively: one is ‘integration within science subjects’, while the other ‘integration beyond science subjects’. The social–political roots of the two models of integration have been traced. To meet the goal of scientific literacy, it is suggested in the final part of this paper that the model of ‘integration within science subjects’ should be abandoned while the model of ‘integration beyond science subjects’ should be advocated in the process of developing integrated science curriculum.  相似文献   

Nanotechnology has been touted as the next ‘industrial revolution’ of our modern age. In order for successful research, development, and social discourses to take place in this field, education research is needed to inform the development of standards, course development, and workforce preparation. In addition, there is a growing need to educate citizens and students about risks, benefits, and social and ethical issues related to nanotechnology. This position paper describes the advancements that have been made in nanoscale science and nanotechnology, and the challenges that exist to educate students and the public about critical nanoscience concepts. This paper reviews the current research on nanotechnology education including curricula, educational programs, informal education, and teacher education. Furthermore, the unique risks, benefits and ethics of these unusual technological applications are described in relation to nanoeducation goals. Finally, we outline needed future research in the areas of nanoscience content, standards and curricula, nanoscience pedagogy, teacher education, and the risks, benefits, and social and ethical dimensions for education in this emerging field.  相似文献   

The Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) provides data that seems clearly important to science and mathematics education in the U.S. TIMSS gathered extensive data on curriculum, textbooks, teachers, and instructional practices in science and mathematics education and some of these data are presented and discussed. Eighth grade achievement data show the U.S. to be somewhat above average in science achievement but consistently average or below in mathematics. U.S. official curricula cover comparatively many topics and are relatively unfocused. U.S. science and mathematics textbooks typically take a cautious, inclusive approach keeping traditional content while adding new reform topics. They thus lack. Teachers, without guidance to help them focus, typically divide their attention among many topics. Empirically, there is little agreement in the U.S. on what is truly basic judging by common topics among curricula and textbooks. U.S. teaching, at least in mathematics, is teacher and moves among many different activities, failing to tell a coherent story. We must face these as we seek to find ways to become what we want to be in providing science and mathematics education.  相似文献   

时代呼唤我国设置科学教育本科专业   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文针对经济全球化、教育国际化的时代背景,从我国当前基础教育课程改革、教师专业化发展趋势、科学教育学科建设以及科学普及事业的发展四方面论述了我国新一轮普通高等学校学科专业结构调整中设置科学教育本科专业的必要性。  相似文献   

Internationally, science curricula make specific demands on students for the achievement of some level of scientific literacy. The details of what this means, and how it is to be achieved, have often been left for the teacher to elaborate. This paper argues thatnarrative, as a valued component of scientific literacy, offers a structure that allows scientific concepts to be (1) more easily integrated into other conceptual understandings, (2) more easily recalled, (3) more easily ordered and structured in the mind, and (4) an important component of the what it means to be a Self. The paper ends with practical suggestions for the use of narratives in the science classroom. Specializations: language and science, science for nurses, narrative and science education.  相似文献   

Teacher education programs across North America are transforming. What were once piecemeal programs consisting of often unrelated courses are now becoming coherent and intertwined trajectories toward teacher certification. Part of this transformation can be attributed to the weaving of “signature pedagogies” throughout overarching program frameworks. A modern signature pedagogy within science teacher education is the integration of technology with science area content and effective pedagogy. In this article the author reports an action research study aimed toward promoting the “scholarship of teaching” of pre-service teachers through articulating changes in their maturing perceptions of the integrated relationship between technological, pedagogical, and science content knowledge.  相似文献   

工科院校人文社科课程设置比较   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文通过对世界上几所著名工科院校(专业)培养目标、课程设置和学时比例的比较分析,结合我国高等工科教育的现状,对我国高等工科教育中人文社科课程的课程门类和学时比例提出了具体意见。  相似文献   

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