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Unit 8 Mainly revision●单元知识点拨Ⅰ.动词be的缩写形式1.am,is,are与人称代词主格连用或与who,what,w here等疑问代词、疑问副词连用时,可以采用Im,you re,he s,she s,its,who s,whats,where s等缩写形式。例如:I am a girl.=Im a girl.我是一个女孩。Y ou are in C lass Two.=Y ou re in Class Two.你们在二班。W hat is your nam e?=W hats your nam e?你叫什么名字?W here is Jim?=W here s Jim?吉姆在哪里?2.下列几种情况下,动词be和它的主语不能缩写:1)在肯定的简略回答中不能用缩写形式。例如:—Is ita pen?[误]—Y es,i…  相似文献   

My Father     
My father works in a school near here.H e works hard andall his students say he is a good teacher.H e is very busy all day.At six o’clock,he gets up.Then hebrushes his teeth,washes his face and has his breakfast quickly.H e leaves hom e at seven every day.But he does not go to schoolby bike or by bus.H e walks.H e says,“I’m busy in the day andI don’t have m uch tim e for sports.So I m ust have som e sportson m y way to school.”H e likes walking.H e says,“W alking is agood sport.”H …  相似文献   

聚焦 people     
[焦点一]people作“人”、“人们”解时,表示复数意义;用作主语时,谓语动词须用复数形式。例如:W ho are these people?这些人是谁?W hat will people think of this?人们将如何看待这件事?[焦点二]口语中,people可作“家人”、“亲属”解,此时people也表示复数意义。例如:H ow  相似文献   

1.W here is your pen pal from?你的笔友从哪里来?(1)pen pal是“笔友”的意思,也可用pen friend。例如:I have an A m erican pen pal.我有一个美国笔友。(2)be from意为“从……来,是……人”,有时候可以和com e from互换,com efrom还强调“出生于……”。两个短语都表示某人来自某一地方或某一单位。例如:H e is from A ustralia.=H e com esfrom A ustralia.他来自澳大利亚。2.W here does he live?他住在哪里?live是不及物动词,“生活、居住”,表示住在某处时应加介词in,再加表示地点的名词。live也可作及物动词,表示“过着……生…  相似文献   

一、考查现在完成时的构成[考点小结]现在完成时态由“助动词have/has+动词的过去分词”构成,常和already,yet,ev-er,never,just,before,“since+时间点/从句”,“for+时间段”等状语连用。[中考题例1]H an M ei in this school since l999.She knows every teacherhere.(2003年北京石景山区)A.will study B.studies C.studied D.has studied[中考题例2]The Sm iths m oved to China ten years ago and here since then.(2004年北京东城区)A.has lived B.was living C.live D.have lived二、考查现在完成时的反意疑问句[考点小结]根据…  相似文献   

在英语中,hom e,fam ily,house都可以表示“家”的意思,但三者各异,“家”“家”有别,侧重点有所不同。hom e指“家园”、“住所”,侧重个人出生或居住的地方——一家人共同生活的环境/处所(也许不是房屋,而是帐蓬或船等),而且hom e一词常常带有感情色彩。例如:—W here s X iao Chen s hom e?小陈的家在哪里?—H is hom e is in K aifeng.他的家在开封。H e doesn t like to stay at hom e.他不喜欢呆在家里。Eastor w est,hom e is best.金窝银窝,不如自己的草/穷窝。fam ily主要指“家庭”、“一家人”,侧重于表示组成家庭的成员,不指…  相似文献   

Unit4 Where's my backpack●单元知识梳理句式(1)—W here is...?—It蒺s in(on/under/behind)....—W here are...?—They're(on/under/behind)....例句:—W here is m y dictionary?我的字典在哪里?—It蒺s in your backpack.在你的书包里。—W here are his books?他的书在哪里?—They are underthe table.在桌子下。句式(2):Can you...?“C an you...?”句式用来请求他人做某事或询问某人是否有能力做某事,意为“你能……吗?”。例如:Can you help m e?你能帮我忙吗?Can he speak E nglish?他会说英语吗?●课文疑难解析1.com put…  相似文献   

Time Is Money     
A s w e all know,tim e is m oney,but I think tim e is m ore valuablethan m oney.W hy?W hen the m oney is spent,w e can earn it back.H ow ever when tim e is spent,itw illnever return.W e can not keep“yes-terday”back.O ne s life is lim ited,so one m ust not waste his tim e.Itis apity that som e people can t realize the im portance of tim e.They don tm ake full use of their tim e.So they often spend their tim e sm oking,drinking,playing com puter gam es,and so on.In fact,wasting tim e is was…  相似文献   

Unit1 Where's your pen palfrom?1.W here is your pen pal from?(P1)你的笔友是哪儿的?1)pen pal意为“笔友”,可以用pen friend替换。2)be from意为“是……地方的人”或“来自于……”,可以用com efrom替换。例如:W here are you from?(=W here do you com e from?)你是哪里人?2.She蒺s from Japan.(P1)她是日本人。1)此句可以用“She com es from Japan.”替换。2)注意:“She蒺s from Japan.”的否定句应为“She isn蒺tfrom Japan.”,而“She com es from Japan.”的否定句应为“She doesn蒺t com e fromJapan.”。3.W hatlang…  相似文献   

课堂笔记本1.W hatis schoollike?(P18)上学怎么样?[透析]W hat’s…like?句型是用来询问对方对有关人或事物的评价或感想,或要求对方描述有关人或事物的外貌或人品。例如:—W hat’s the film like?那部电影怎么样?—W onderful!好极了!—W hat’s the young m an like?那个年轻人是什么样的?—H e’s talland handsom e.他高大英俊。[相关链接]这个句型有时可与W hatdo you think of…?或H ow do youlike…?互换使用。例如:W hat do you think of this book?你认为这本书怎么样?2.W e can even bring in books andm agazines from ho…  相似文献   

现在完成时是初中重点语法项目之一,也是中考命题热点。本文拟结合中考题对现在完成时考点进行简要分析,希望对同学们的学习有所帮助。一、现在完成时的基本知识㈠构成:现在完成时由“助动词have/has+动词的过去分词”构成。have和has无词义,在人称代词后面have和has可分别缩写为’ve和’s。过去分词同过去式一样,一般在动词词尾加ed。不规则变化则要认真记住。㈡用法:①表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果,常与already(已经),ever(曾经),yet,just(刚刚),before(以前)等词连用。例如:W e have played gam es.我们已经做了游戏。②表…  相似文献   

M other蒺s day is celebrated in the U.S..It蒺s also a holiday in som e othercountries.It蒺s on the second Sunday in M ay.It蒺s a day to thank m others.Onthatday m others usually receive flowers and cards.On the cards,Children willwrite“Thanks,M um”,“To the bestm other in the world”,“Bestwishes form other蒺s Day”and so on.W here dose this idea for the holiday com e from ? W e should thank M issAnna M .Jarvis.She brought up the idea of having such a day.She lived inW estvirginia.H…  相似文献   

[焦点一]什么是现在进行时?现在进行时表示说话时(瞬间)正在进行的动作,或表示现阶段一直在进行的动作。现在进行时表示“正在做某事”的意思。例如:I蒺m watching TV.我正在看电视。She is cleaning the blackboard.她正在擦黑板。W e are talking aboutthe new film.我们正在谈论那部新电影。[焦点二]现在进行时的谓语是怎样构成的?现在进行时的谓语由“助动词be(am,is,are)+动词的现在分词”构成。动词现在分词的构成规则如下:1.一般情况下在动词词尾加-ing。例如:wait waiting,talk talk鄄ing等。2.以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,要先去…  相似文献   

Thanks very m uch.W ho can drew a fish?W here are you going?W ho is it?1 2W hat are you doing here?Is it w et today?3 4W hat do youwant,sir?G ood m orning.A .M e, sir. B.You re welcom e. C.Good m orning, Peter.D .Its m e, John. E.Tea, please. F.Shopping.G .W aiting for the bus. H .N o, its dry. ( )●答 案 :1~8 BA FD G H C E7 8对答如流(英文)@刘碧群…  相似文献   

1.live,staylive,stay这两个词都有“居住、停留”之意,但它们在用法上有所不同。live是“长期居住”,“家住某处”的意思。例如:—W here does she live?她住在哪里?—She lives in M exico C ity.她住在墨西哥城。They live in the next room.他们住在隔壁房间。live还有“生活”的意思。例如:D o you live with your parents?你和你的父母生活在一起吗?W e live on the earth.我们生活在地球上。stay是“停留”,“短期逗留”的意思。例如:W e stay at hom e on Sundays.每个星期日我们都呆在家里。W hy not stay for lunch?为什么不…  相似文献   

代词是初中英语学习中的一个难点,也是中考英语中的一个考查热点。本文以2005年全国部分地区中考英语试题为例,拟对代词的八大考查热点作一归纳和简析,供同学们学习时参考。[考点一]考查人称代词和物主代词的用法[试题精选]1.M y sister is a clerk.w orks in a bank near here.A.She B.H e C.I D.Y ou(北京市海淀区)2.W hen Y ang Liw ei cam e back from space,m any reporters interviewedand gotsom e first-hand inform ation from him.A.he B.him C.his D.him self(上海市)3.—H ave you heard of the accident aboutLucy and…  相似文献   

请看下面这一组问句:1.H ow is he?2.W hatis he?3.W ho is he?4.W here is he?5.W hatis he like?6.W hatdoes he like?7.H ow does he look?8.W hatdoes he look like?9.W hatabouthim?上面这些都是特殊疑问句,用不同的特殊疑问词可以询问不同的情况。下面分别作一简析。1.“H ow is sb?”常用来询问某人的健康状况如何。例如:—H ow is your grandfather?你爷爷身体好吗?—H e is fine/very well,thank you.很好,谢谢。2.“W hatis sb?”主要用来询问某人所从事的职业。例如:—W hatis your father?你爸爸是干什么的?—H e is a do…  相似文献   

1.—W here is G eorge?H e said he would m eetm e here at3o clock.—H e seem s with M r Brow n in the office.A.to talk B.to be talkingC.to have talked D.talking2.Itw as so large a room thata hundred people looked in it.A.losing B.lost C.to lose D.having lost3.I tried hard to get som e inform ation about the new technology out ofhis m outh,but he rem ained.A.quiet B.secret C.silent D.calm4.A m erica w as was first called“India”by Colum bus.A.that B.w here C.w hat D.the place5.The flo…  相似文献   

Unit1 Where’s your pen pal from?●单元知识点拨Ⅰ.本单元主要谈论国家名称、语言种类和首都。可归纳为下表。国名语言首都国名语言首都C hina C hinese B eijing France French ParisJapan Japanese TokyoC anada E nglish andA ustralia E nglish C anberraFrench O ttaw athe U nitedStates E nglish W ashington Kth ien gUd nomit edE nglish London●课文疑难解析1.—W here is your pen palfrom?—H e s from A ustralia.(P1)①pen pal中的pal为口头语,意思为“伙伴”、“好友”,pen pal意为“笔友”,相当于“penfrie…  相似文献   

"Who's calling?"was the answer to the telephone.“Watt.” “What is your name,please?” “Watt’s m y nam e.” “That’s w hat I asked you.W hat’s your nam e?” A long pause, and then, from W att, “Is this Jam es B row n?” “N o,this is K nott.” “Please tell m e your nam e.” “W ill K nott.” Then they both hung up and got puzzled.N otes: 1.W ho’s calling?你 是谁?(打电 话用 语) 2.W att’s m y nam e.我叫 瓦特。 对方 理解 为:W hat’s m y nam e? 3.a long pause 停了很 长时 间 4.N o,…  相似文献   

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