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分面分析理论对现代情报检索语言的深刻影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分面分析理论对现代情报检索语言的深刻影响张帆关键词分面分析理论,情报检索语言情报检索语言也叫做情报语言、标引语言或检索语言,它是人们揭示、贮存、组织与检索文献信息的手段与工具,是联系浩如烟海的文献信息流与求学者需要的桥梁与纽带。在图书馆学情报学领域,...  相似文献   

因特网的高效使用及教育技术站点推介   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
被称为“第四媒体”的因特网目前已成为世界上最大的信息载体,它为我们提供迅速、快捷的信息服务,它的迅速普及正改变着我们的工作、生活和学习方式。因特网上信息资源巨大而丰富,各类教育科研信息尤为丰富。但由于因特网上的教育资源浩如烟海,信息处于无序、分散的状态,教育方面的站点良莠不齐,且网上信息增长变化的速度极快,许多教育科研工作者在不着边际的搜索中浪费了宝贵的时间,甚至丧失了利用因特网这一新兴科研工具的兴趣。因而,如何充分开发和利用网上信息资源,如何快速有效地查找到相关信息,提高上网效率,已成为摆在广…  相似文献   

数字图书馆是知识经济时代的产物,是传统图书馆寻求自身发展的有效途径,是下一代因特网信息资源的管理模式,它将从根本上改变目前因特网上信息分散、不便使用的现状。随着数字图书馆的发展,中小学校也纷纷建立了自己的数字图书馆。  相似文献   

因特网是人类至今最大的信息资料库,它有各种导航工具———网络搜索与检索工具,如搜索引擎、检索目录、在线图书馆、网友搜寻器和软件查询工具等。英语教师可充分利用这些搜索与检索工具,通过因特网全方位、无限制地接触英语语言和文化,及时了解国内外英语教学领域的发展动态,与世界同行交流,共享新的教学资料和科研成果,同时引导学生通过因特网参与国际交流,促进英语学习。一、因特网搜索引擎查询技巧因特网的信息纷繁复杂,为能高效率地获得最有用的信息,我们要优化使用搜索引擎的方法,以利于英语教学。进行关键词查询时,为了…  相似文献   

因特网是现代信息社会的重要标志之一。在因特网上,可以找到大量与数学竞赛有关的信息,其中很多信息是在国内正式出版物中找不到的。对于从事数学竞赛的师生来讲,充分利用因特网上的这些宝贵资源是十分必要的。  相似文献   

四、电子邮件的使用 我们学会了在因特网上查找信息以后,就可以进一步使用因特网和某个人进行快速的信息交流.在这个领域,最常用的就是电子邮件,它可以发送文字、图片、声音等几乎所有的数据与程序.  相似文献   

网络信息是新型的通信方式,有很大的发展潜力,将企业通信网用户接入因特网时作为公共网用户入网,享有与公共网用户同等待遇是发展趋势。通过对企业分机用户上因特网的技术方案和设备投资方式的探讨,比较了不同技术方案的优缺点及设备投资方式的可行性,为企业通信网入因特网探讨了一种新途径。  相似文献   

二、网址、网页、链接与浏览器 我们在使用因特网的时候,首先必须搞清楚这样几个问题:网址、网页、链接与浏览器。 网址其实就是一个网络(因特网)上的地址,又叫域名,它用来表示因特网上的一台电脑(又叫服务器),就像我们的家庭地址或是单位地址一样,有了它,就可以迅速地找到我们所需要的地址或信息,它的书写方式有两种:  相似文献   

二、网址、网页、链接与浏览器 我们在使用因特网的时候,首先必须搞清楚这样几个问题:网址、网页、链接与浏览器. 网址其实就是一个网络(因特网)上的地址,又叫域名,它用来表示因特网上的一台电脑(又叫服务器),就像我们的家庭地址或是单位地址一样.有了它,就可以迅速地找到我们所需要的地址或信息,它的书写方式有两种:  相似文献   

自上世纪60年代以来因特网技术在全世界的迅猛发展,人们在庆幸因特网给社会带来巨大进步的同时,也为因特网上日益增多的违法犯罪所困扰,它对社会、经济、政治、科学、教育、思想、化、国家安全等诸方面的存在和发展构成越来越大的威胁。揭示因特网上违法犯罪的种种表现,概括因特网上违法犯罪的主要特征,从技术、政治和社会等层面,认真探索在我国因特网上违法犯罪生成的具体原因。有针对性地提出了具有较强现实性的预防和打击因特网上违法犯罪的对策,对于我们更好地预防和打击因特网上的违法犯罪活动大有裨益。  相似文献   

网络环境下搜索引擎的使用方法与技巧   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着网络信息时代的到来,信息检索处于一个互联的网络系统之中,用户、信息检索技术、信息资源构成信息检索三个基本要素。主要通过Internet搜索引擎来介绍信息检索技术。  相似文献   

Web信息数据是网络上最庞大,也是最丰富的信息资源。工具通过C#编程实现,采用正则表达式手段,针对HTML的信息进行分析、过滤、整理、采集,实现了对Internet网络上WEB文档数据的自动化、无人值守的操作。软件模拟baidu“图片”频道,通过读取HTML信息内容,搜索出页面中的图片信息,并进行分类保存等操作。  相似文献   

网络信息检索是一种基于超文本方式的信息查询工具。通过对所要查询信息的关键词的索引,可以方便灵活地分类检索信息,各服务器之间通过关系链加以链接,构成表示特定内容的信息网络。  相似文献   

For the last three decades, the engineering higher education and professional environments have been completely transformed by the ‘electronic/digital information revolution’ that has included the introduction of personal computer, the development of email and world wide web, and broadband Internet connections at home. Herein the writer compares the performances of several digital tools with traditional library resources. While new specialised search engines and open access digital repositories may fill a gap between conventional search engines and traditional references, these should be not be confused with real libraries and international scientific databases that encompass textbooks and peer-reviewed scholarly works. An absence of listing in some Internet search listings, databases and repositories is not an indication of standing. Researchers, engineers and academics should remember these key differences in assessing the quality of bibliographic ‘research’ based solely upon Internet searches.  相似文献   

Parents whose children are diagnosed in an infant screening program are required to make some difficult choices about the management of the hearing loss at a time when they are emotionally vulnerable. They are required to evaluate information and outcomes regarding issues such as technology for hearing impairment, communication options, education, and rehabilitation. The World Wide Web has become an important resource of health information for both health consumers and practitioners. The ability to obtain accurate health information online quickly, conveniently, and privately provides opportunity to make informed decisions. However, little is known about the level of the use of the Internet to acquire health information, particularly in the case of parents of deaf children seeking information. This study confirms that searches for health information on the Internet are conducted primarily by mothers. In the Australian context, there is minimal online information available to families beyond early intervention. Information on education issues, mental health, and deafness or the day-to-day management of a child or adolescent with a hearing loss are neglected topics on Web sites. This study also revealed that the majority of respondents had never visited HealthInsite or Medline Plus, two gateway sites for reliable consumer health information, although the information on these sites is more generic in nature and unlikely to assist parents to make informed choices on complex issues such as communication options or education. However, the study suggested that half the parents have talked to their doctor or hearing professional about information they found on the Internet, which is an encouraging tendency.  相似文献   

This article offers a critique of Michael Young’s perspective on the Internet as it relates to the knowledge-driven curriculum he supports. I argue that the Internet is a site of both theoretical knowledge and everyday concepts which challenges the differentiation of knowledge that premises much of Young’s writing. Google searches from the perspective of a student and teacher show that theoretical knowledge with vertical links to subject and disciplinary communities as well as coherence built through links between concepts is fairly readily accessed on the Internet. The importance of information literacy for students, the critical need to curate content on the web, as well as the implications for the curriculum of framing ‘knowing’ as encompassing ‘being familiar’ and comprehending’ are highlighted.  相似文献   

College students use technology to gather information and conduct their daily lives. Textbooks increasingly relate course content to students through technology. An analysis of the top ten public speaking textbooks revealed the ways in which technology is addressed within information-gathering chapters. Seven areas of technology were identified: search engines/conducting searches, the Internet, general computing, non-computer technologies, technology applications, technology in general, and the provision of Website addresses. Chi-square tests showed significant differences in the coverage of the technology topics. Instructors can make more informed textbook selections as a result of this investigation. Technology is essential to the information gathering process, and this study suggests how its treatment may be more beneficial to both students and instructors.  相似文献   

The Internet is a powerful resource for research providing limitless access to information. This article considers an application in the undergraduate Bachelor of Education in Design and Technology course (B. Ed. [Hons] D&T ).

This four year course prepares students for the teaching of Design and Technology in secondary schools, focusing on the development of skills in design and problem solving. A project based approach is used within the course to encourage individual research activity and promote a student centred learning experience. As well as books and video resources, the students have access to the Internet through a network of Windows NT workstations. The potential for exploration via the Internet has been readily exploited by students and this article reviews the use made of this facility by students and their impressions of its value

Providing Internet access posed many technical and managerial challenges, some of which are considered in the article. The experience gained in its use has provided some interesting insights into other issues surrounding Internet access.

Student response to the Internet as a tool, experience of searches and some of their concerns about their experience in accessing Internet along with the perceived benefits are discussed in the article  相似文献   

We live at a time when the Internet is used increasingly for communication, for information, and for the exchange of goods and services. Questions arise about how people with learning disabilities make use of this new technology. In this article, Bjorn Harrysson, with two of his colleagues, A. Svensk and G. I. Johansson, from the Department of Design Sciences at the Lund Institute of Technology in Sweden, explores the opportunities and difficulties experienced by members of this group when navigating the Internet.
Harrysson, Svensk and Johansson observed seven people, aged between 15 and 44 and with mild to moderate developmental disabilities, as they navigated between different web pages using the general tools of Microsoft Internet Explorer Web Browser. The authors describe some of the strategies that were used for moving within and between web pages and for opening web pages, carrying out searches and finding preferred web sites.
The results of the study are partly optimistic. The people involved made good use of many of the features of the general software. They experienced greater difficulties when it became necessary to use text to navigate and explore the huge potential of the Internet. Harrysson, Svensk and Johansson close their article by making a series of recommendations for developments that would facilitate ease of access and independence in the use of the Internet for people with developmental disabilities.  相似文献   

"别拿X不当Y"是近几年来新兴的一种流行话语句式,它起源于演员范伟为某酒做广告的一句广告词——"别拿村长不当干部",此后广泛流传,在网络、电视、报纸等媒体上频频亮相,也有很独特的语用价值。根据该构式的语法、语义、语用的一些特点对其进行多维度的考察。  相似文献   

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