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在分析知识论中,一个未曾被完善回答的重要理论问题是:知识论史上存在着知识三元分析的柏拉图传统吗?柏拉图首先提出了真信念加上第三要素构成知识这一问题;休谟认为恰当的信念构成了知识;康德则主张知识是有着客观充分性的信念;罗素强调知识与信念是种属关系,他更早地给出了葛梯尔型反例,并针对知识三元分析模式的缺陷提出了可能主义的解决方案。文章将分析知识论历史上溯到了柏拉图时期,沟通了知识的发生学研究与结构学研究之间的所谓"转变",实现了知识论与认识论的统一,奠定了葛梯尔问题的合法性基础。  相似文献   

葛梯尔问题的不可解性是当代知识论研究的一个共识。分离说主张,在知识三元分析模式中,信念成真项与信念辩护之间的分离是葛梯尔问题产生的原因。共变主义与同一主义致力于弥合信念成真项与信念辩护之间的分离,但它们自身也存在着缺陷。知识的信念假设是分离说的理论预设,它从根本上造成了信念成真项与信念辩护之间的分离是不可弥合的。信念知识论无法避免葛梯尔问题。无信念的知识论主张摆脱知识的信念假设,“知识优先”知识论与理解知识论是其两种主流进路。  相似文献   

20世纪大多数英美认识论者们将研究中心放在信念辩护的条件之上。阿尔斯顿的新书《超越“辩护”——知识评价的维度》则是在知识理论领域扭转这种长期争论的大胆尝试。他认为,知识论者们长达世纪之久的探索知识辩护、为其本性与条件寻求正确解释的努力,其实迷失了要义。因而他们对假定的信念客观属性的努力寻求如同对不老泉唐吉诃德式充满幻想的追寻。他呼吁知识论的信赖主义者、恰当功能主义者、证据主义者等等悬置各自所持有的知识辩护理论,放弃对知识辩护的寻求,停止有关知识辩护的谈论,在他全新多元主义的知识框架内重新构思,采取一条新的路径——对有可能被信念所认可的多样“知识欲求”的评价.走向知识信念。早在十多年前.阿尔斯顿就在一篇名为《知识欲求》的文章中主张应该放弃传统知识论对辩护核心解释的寻求,转而建构旨在试图理解知识欲求的全新多元的知识论。这本精致且重要的著作可以说是对他主张的详尽清楚的论述。此书既是对传统知识论的有力挑战.也反映了向早期哲学经典问题的回归。阿尔斯顿对认识论中许多基本问题有着独特见解.如运用信念的知识欲求重新诠释自己为批判和辩护不同的知识确证所做的论断等等。书中还涵盖了认识论中的许多重要主题,如;信念形成,解释,知识基础,智慧美德,内在主义和外在主义,感知.可靠性,怀疑主义,等等。  相似文献   

“确证”是当代英关知识论研究的中心问题域,围绕该问题,形成了内在主义与外在主义两大主流学派。近年来,内、外在主义之争成为当代知识论研究的焦点。内在主义强调,信念的确证在于认知主体对确证者的内在把握;外在主义主张,信念的确证主要在于信念与外在世界的内在关联。从论争的缘起、过程,趋势等三个方面对内在主义与外在主义的论争进行了评述。  相似文献   

"淹没问题"的提出是当代知识论"价值转向"的一个标志性事件,它主要用于攻击可靠论,认为可靠性的价值会被真的价值所"淹没"。为此,戈德曼和奥尔森提出条件概率解决方案,即可靠性的价值主要体现在它提高了未来真信念的概率。该方案失败的根源在于可靠论本身以及其背后所隐含的传统知识论分析路径。在威廉姆森的"知识第一"的知识论纲领下,一种新的条件概率解决方案是可行的,即根据证据概率表明,知识比真信念更持久,因此,更有价值。  相似文献   

从知识正统三元定义出发,知识和信念之间的蕴涵关系似乎为当代绝大多数的知识论学家所接受.在二十世纪六七十年代,蕴涵论题与反蕴涵论者之间进行了影响深远的争论.笔者认为,反蕴涵的两种路径都不构成对蕴涵论题的反驳,问题的关键在于误解了语用学在当代知识论中的运用.语言哲学的反蕴涵路径混淆了蕴涵关系的语义学与语用学差异;"不自信考生案例"路径所揭示的是辩护视角的内在主义与外在主义的分歧,本质上是知识论归因者语境主义的运用.  相似文献   

可靠主义是当代知识论中重要的理论形态之一,上个世纪70年代被提出开始一直是知识论学者讨论知识理论时运用的重要语汇.方环非的《知识之路:可靠主义的视野》这本著作首开国内研究可靠主义的先河,系统论述了可靠主义的发生、发展,其自身存在的问题与可能的解决路径,并对其在当代知识论中的地位给予客观评价.  相似文献   

基础主义是为解答“回溯论证”问题的关涉知识确证的理论,哲学需要基础主义。通过对斯特劳森的描述的形而上学思想的解读,有理由从知识论角度将其思想解读为一种特殊的“先验建构型”的基础主义。  相似文献   

随着盖梯尔反例的提出,知识是得到辩护的真信念这个经典知识定义受到强烈的冲击。如果知识不再是得到辩护的真信念,那么辩护为知识带来的额外价值就会受到质疑,“淹没难题”引发了对知识价值问题的重新思考。文章梳理了当代知识论中的“淹没难题”,重点论述索萨从德性知识论的维度,以表现规范性为基地对“淹没难题”的回应,由此揭示知识相对于真信念的规范性和价值。  相似文献   

30年代中期以后,张东荪的哲学思想发生了重大转向,开始从知识社会学角度讨论知识与文化问题。他通过分析文化对知识的制限作用,将知识论、逻辑学、哲学(形而上学)及道德伦理学融为一体,建构了一套以“文化主义知识论”为基础和核心,包括文化哲学、政治哲学和社会哲学在内的独特的思想体系。其哲学思想的转变虽然是从30年代中期开始的,但30年代初已经产生了许多促成其哲学思想转变的萌芽;对西方哲学问题的怀疑、受曼海姆知识社会学的启示及马克思的唯物史观某些观点的深刻影响,成为张氏哲学思想的转变的重要契机  相似文献   

本文试图从“表述危机”引述哲学上的从认识论到语言学的转向。通过简要分析语言学意义上的语言本身,从中得出后现代主义的相对主义倾向和建构倾向的语言学的依据。并进一步对认识论中的另一表述语言——科学作一分析,得出科学知识社会学在认识论上的后现代主义趋向,并且进一步指出,这一趋向是由于认识论中实在的不在场而造成的,是对世界的不一致性思考的结果。  相似文献   

钱学森以马克思主义哲学为指导,运用矛盾论、实践论、系统论的观点,创造性地建立了现代科学技术体系结构。它揭示了现代科学技术发展的整体情况,其内容几乎囊括了人类认识世界、改造世界的全部知识。钱学森实现了从科学认识论向科技认识论的跨越。他创建了交叉科学的认识论与方法论。此外,他还创造性地提出了复杂性科学的研究方法。  相似文献   

认识论研究在当代中国哲学的研究中长期处于领先地位。当代中国认识论的兴起有着深刻的实践背景和科学、哲学背景。二十多年来 ,当代中国认识论从基本范畴、命题、原理到研究领域、思维方式、研究队伍、研究成果等方面都取得了重大进展。不过 ,它依然面临着新全球化、新科技革命、知识经济等的严峻挑战。当代中国认识论要获得全面深入的发展 ,当前亟需妥善处理学科定位、范式转换、功能实现等问题  相似文献   

钱学森以马克思主义哲学为指导,运用矛盾论、实践论、系统论的观点。创造性地建立了现代科学技术体系结构。该体系揭示了现代科学技术发展的整体情况。其内容几乎囊括了人类认识世界、改造世界的全部知识。钱学森把科学认识论发展为科技认识论。他创建了交叉科学的认识论与方法论。此外。他还创造性地提出了复杂性科学的研究方法。  相似文献   

This article describes and discusses an epistemological approach to the education of science teachers that emphasizes similarities in knowledge and modes of acquiring it among children, scientists in their historical contexts, and student teachers. Advanced courses in science-teacher education aim to go beyond the attainment of scientific knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge toward the building of a guiding theory of action for teaching. This theory needs to be rooted in a broad understanding of what science is about, what is regarded as scientific knowledge, and how it is generated and evolves. These questions are of an epistemological nature. At the same time, theories of action for teaching science are also connected with questions on individual ways of learning and of acquiring meaning. Such questions are often answered by both cognitive and developmental psychologists. Even here epistemological consideration are essential. Constructivist epistemology, which describes the process of constructing knowledge both in individuals and among scientists, can serve as a basis for generating such a guiding pedagogical theory of teaching. Educating science teachers in the light of radical versions of constructivism can enhance this process. This article describes in detail a course entitled “The Growth of Thinking on Evolution,” which was taught to third-year student teachers and which illustrates the approach and discusses the rationale behind it.  相似文献   

西方认识论与现代性关系之探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
认识论和现代性两者之间存在着深层的、内在的关联。这个论题起码包括如下三个方面 :1、 17世纪的科学革命是作为第一哲学的认识论兴起的现代性背景 ;2、与古代认识论相比较 ,作为第一哲学的认识论体现了哲学自身的现代性 ;3、笛卡儿以来的认识论传统和西方现代文化的一些核心观念之间存在着复杂的相互支持的关系  相似文献   

George Sarton had a strong influence on modern history of science. The method he pursued throughout his life was the method he had discovered in Ernst Mach’s Mechanics when he was a student in Ghent. Sarton was in fact throughout his life implementing a research program inspired by the epistemology of Mach. Sarton in turn inspired many others (James Conant, Thomas Kuhn, Gerald Holton, etc.). What were the origins of these ideas in Mach and what can this origin tell us about the history of science and science education nowadays? Which ideas proved to be successful and which ones need to be improved upon? The following article will elaborate the epistemological questions, which Darwin’s “Origin” raised concerning human knowledge and scientific knowledge and which led Mach to adapt the concept of what is “empirical” in contrast to metaphysical a priori assumptions a second time after Galileo. On this basis Sarton proposed “genesis and development” as the major goal of Isis. Mach had elaborated this epistemology in La Connaissance et l’Erreur (Knowledge and Error), which Sarton read in 1913 (Hiebert 1905/1976; de Mey 1984). Accordingly for Sarton, history becomes not only a subject of science, but a method of science education. Culture—and science as part of culture—is a result of a genetic process. History of science shapes and is shaped by science and science education in a reciprocal process. Its epistemology needs to be adapted to scientific facts and the philosophy of science. Sarton was well aware of the need to develop the history of science and the philosophy of science along the lines of this reciprocal process. It was a very fruitful basis, but a specific part of it, Sarton did not elaborate further, namely the psychology of science education. This proved to be a crucial missing element for all of science education in Sarton’s succession, especially in the US. Looking again at the origins of the central questions in the thinking of Mach, which provided the basis and gave rise to Sarton’s research program, will help in resolving current epistemic and methodological difficulties, contradictions and impasses in science education influenced by Sarton. The difficulties in science education will prevail as long as the omissions from their Machian origins are not systematically recovered and reintegrated.  相似文献   

This article initially provides a brief overview of virtue epistemology; it thereafter considers some possible ramifications of this branch of the theory of knowledge for the philosophy of education. The main features of three different manifestations of virtue epistemology are first explained. Importantly, it is then maintained that developments in virtue epistemology may offer the resources to critique aspects of the debate between Hirst and Carr about how the philosophy of education ought to be carried out and by whom. Wilfred Carr's position—that educational practitioners have privileged access to philosophical knowledge about teaching practice—will in particular be questioned. It will be argued that Carr's view rests on a form of epistemology, internalism, which places unreasonably narrow restrictions upon the range of actors and ways, in which philosophical knowledge of and/or for education might be achieved. In declaring that practical wisdom regarding teaching is ‘entirely dependent’ on practitioner reflection, Carr not only radically deviates from Aristotle's notion of practical wisdom, he also, in effect, renders redundant all philosophical research about education that is not initiated by teachers in this manner. It is concluded that Aristotle's general approach to acquiring information and knowledge about the world might yet still offer a foundation for a more comprehensive philosophy of education; one that makes clear that the professional testimony and reflection of teachers, observation of teaching practice, and already existing educational philosophy, theory and policy can all be perceived as potentially valuable sources of philosophical knowledge of and for education.  相似文献   

Most of secondary school science curricula discriminate neatly between two types of activity: knowing the world, on the one hand, and reflecting upon this knowledge, on the other. Moreover, this knowledge is usually based on an empiricist epistemology. The conceptual structure of a part of a typical secondary school physics curriculum is analysed from this point of view. This epistemological rationale causes difficulties in the understanding of scientific concepts which are predictable from the standpoint of the assimilation theory of Ausubel (1978). The difficulties are a consequence of the arbitrariness and lack of intelligibility of the concepts and problems presented to the student. Finally, a different epistemological rationale is proposed: that provided by genetic epistemology.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on research that illustrates the important interplay between students' scientific epistemological views and their learning strategies. We address the problem of facilitating meaningful science learning as contrasted to rote memorization, which is practiced by many students and encouraged by instructional and evaluation practices. We show that when metacognitive tools are used to facilitate meaningful learning, positive consequences in learning of subject matter, attitudes toward science, and epistemological views can emerge. Positivistic epistemology continues to be the subtle enemy to encouraging meaningful learning and constructivist views of the nature of science and knowing. If you're a scientist, you can say that all knowledge is scientific and everything can be based on fact and experiment. I've taken so many science classes that I've started to believe that.  相似文献   

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