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The shift towards competitive examinations within the public service in nineteenth century Ireland must be viewed against the background of Ireland's colonial status and the thrust for national independence. Although the introduction of competitive examinations undoubtedly increased Catholic and nationalist access to government positions, the transition was limited by inequalities of access in the Irish educational system and by the Northcote‐Trevelyan civil service structure with its emphasis on an elite first division. The latter was a source of considerable resentment to many second division Irish civil servants. As a result, while political independence in 1922 resulted in considerable continuity of personnel and procedure from the British‐controlled civil service, there was a substantially greater emphasis on promotion from within the lower ranks of the civil service and a consequential division between the civil service elite of the new Irish state and the university sector.  相似文献   

The origins of Roman Catholic voluntary‐aided schools are examined in order to explore how the British state has dealt with its largest labour migrant group: the Irish. The argument developed is that ethnic minority issues, in particular those of integration and segregation, were at the heart of the institutionalisation of religious schools as part of the state education system in Britain. The divisions of 19th century British society embodied in religion, class, and national identity were expressed as anti‐Catholicism and anti‐Irishness. In Liverpool between 1835‐41 an educational experiment took place to introduce the ‘Irish System’ to the corporation schools in the city. The defeat of this experiment by an Tory/Anglican alliance which powerfully linked hostility to Catholicism with the ‘Irish Question’ ended prospects for a national, interdenominational system of education. The resulting compromise ensured that the children of Irish Catholics were segregated and differentiated from the rest of the working class.  相似文献   

Education for Irish women and girls developed significantly in the period 1830–1910. During this time, formal state‐funded education systems were established in Ireland by the British government. Some of these systems included females from their inception and some attempted to exclude girls and women. This article charts the opening up of formal schooling and university to Irish girls and women, examining the points at which they were excluded, the alternative educational provision developed by Protestant women and Catholic religious, and the means whereby the case for female education was successfully made. Moving from the public/private paradigm which has dominated much of the discussion around women's education for the period in question, the article focuses on what was occurring in some political and social institutions of the period and identifies women's agency and autonomy within such institutions. Through ‘mapping’ this ground, the article notes women's success in gaining access to institutions previously dominated by men, and highlights areas that require sustained scrutiny by scholars.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the roles of Irish Catholic female religious institutes for teachers in the context of the recent debates about education and empire. Nineteenth century colonial South Australia provides an opportunity to examine such institutes, for example the Irish Dominicans from Cabra Dublin, the Irish Mercy Institute from Baggot Street, Dublin, and to a much lesser extent, the English Dominicans from Stone in England. The discussion canvasses the notion of the role of these religious teachers within three empires: the British Empire, the Irish church acting as a ‘Second Empire’, and within a third empire, the ‘Woman's Empire’. Key aspects in examining the flow or transference of education by these Sisters in a colonial setting, lie in their own histories, their spiritual focus, the schools they established for their students, and the curriculum they adopted in the social and geographic environments in which they found themselves.  相似文献   

The initial focus of this research centred on a study of the extent to which government legislation and action since 1965 has threatened or eroded the Catholic Church's influence over its schools within the maintained sector [1]. However, it became clear that this focus was based on the assumption that the Catholic Church in England and Wales had a clear set of educational principles which were not only distinct from those of the state but involved different policy outcomes. Moreover, during the course of the study, evidence emerged which indicated that the Church had not given as much attention to the principles underlying its educational policy as it had to the maintenance and numerical expansion of the schools themselves. It was also realised that the nature of Catholic education cannot be determined solely by examining the Church's official documents. Whilst official Church pronouncements indicate what Catholic education ought to be, they may not correspond to a reality of what a particular Catholic community has made of Catholic education. Therefore, this paper examines some of the beliefs and attitudes of a sample of Catholics involved in Catholic schooling.  相似文献   

马修·阿诺德是19世纪英国国民教育运动中一个很重要的人物。在他担任英国教育督学长达35年的漫长生涯中,积极投身于英国的教育改革实践,极力强调国家在教育发展中的地位和作用,作为中产阶级的代言人,马修·阿诺德对中产阶级教育目的、中产阶级教育的课程设置等问题进行了深入探讨并批判性地提出了自己的教育观点。马修·阿诺德关于中产阶级的教育思想在一定程度上促进了英国教育中等教育的改革和发展。  相似文献   

Broadcast material in areas of media studies has now been available to schools since the 1960's. The author describes the history of media education at secondary level in Britain, the potential influence of educational broadcasters in the field, and recent developments in media studies output by the broadcasting organisations.  相似文献   

An analysis of O'Connell's campaign for Catholic civil rights in the early nineteenth century demonstrates the use of antithetical, militant‐moderate, agitational strategies. By provocation and coercion he induced Parliament to accede to Catholic demands, while at the same time he controlled his turbulent followers with moderate strategies. O'Connell's rhetorical choices were effective because 1) he personified Irish needs and attitudes, and 2) his militancy coincided with English images of Irish disloyalty.  相似文献   


Recent research into the cultural construction of masculinity has shown it to be not a monolith, but multi‐faceted, contested, and changing over time. Masculinities are institutionalised and practised in many arenas of social life, but schools are especially important in endeavouring to shape and inculcate particular models and codes of masculinity. Historians of education in Britain and Australia have examined how Victorian boys' schools instilled an ideal of manliness, which changed markedly in the late nineteenth century. The English public school code of masculinity was a key feature of Australian boys' schools conducted by the Church of England and other English‐oriented churches and agencies.

This article examines some schools established by Scots through the Presbyterian Church, and by the Catholic Church which was overwhelmingly Irish. The period from the 1880s to the First World War is focused upon, to ascertain what distinctive ideals or models ofmanhood may have been transplanted through these ethnic traditions, and the extent to which they differed from, resisted, or adapted to, the prestigious Arnoldian English code, supported as it was by the popular cultural ideal of British Imperial manhood. The question of whether a distinctively Australian model of masculinity was emerging at this time, and which ethnic traditions contributed most to it, is also explored.  相似文献   

Changing relations between the English State and the Roman Catholic Church in the sphere of education policy are examined in two historical periods. Between the 1870s and the 1970s, despite initial anti-Catholic prejudice, the Catholic hierarchy was able to negotiate a favourable educational settlement in which substantial public funding was obtained without serious loss of autonomy and mission integrity for the Catholic schooling system. The existence of a liberal State, a voluntarist tradition in schooling and the relative social and political unity of the Catholic community all contributed towards this settlement. The inauguration of an ideologically 'Strong State' in the 1980s and 1990s, pursuing an interventionist strategy in education driven by New Right market doctrines, threatened the whole basis of this settlement. The Catholic hierarchy had to develop new strategies to respond to this situation, complicated by the fact that the Catholic community was now more socially differentiated and more divided on key education policy questions.  相似文献   

The upgrading of higher technical education which began in the 1960s marked the most influential intervention by the Irish government in the third-level sector since the establishment of the independent Irish state. A series of reforming initiatives extended educational opportunity and transformed the status of technical education at higher level. International pressures undoubtedly proved influential in stimulating policy change. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) encouraged far-reaching reforms through its critical evaluation of educational facilities for technical training in Ireland. But educational reform was not imposed by international agencies on a reluctant corps of national politicians and officials. International influences dovetailed with changing attitudes toward technical education within the Irish political and official elite. Leading politicians and public officials showed an increasing awareness that the previous neglect of technical education was untenable in an era of economic development and educational expansion. It was a timely combination of international scrutiny and domestic political re-appraisal, which triggered a radical restructuring and expansion of higher technical education in Ireland.  相似文献   

From its inception in 1922 the BBC pioneered a new medium in the education of children. This article traces the origins and development of a particular broadcast, Children's Hour Prayers, a short worship time for children (appended to Children's Hour) which began in wartime, and ended, along with the host programme itself, in the early 1960s. This article considers the ways in which adult–child relatedness is challenged and changed by the broadcasts, and how disputes over the best approach to teaching the young to pray affirmed the importance of treating children maturely, valuing their religious experience and communicating with them authentically. This paper concludes by arguing that the programme makers' straightforward approach in exploring religious ideas with children was a forerunner of pedagogical development in school RE, speculating whether the demise of Children's Hour Prayers is indicative of the incipient de‐Christianisation of Britain from the 1960s onwards.  相似文献   

This paper offers a historical perspective on government policies for the rationalisation of higher education (HE) in Ireland through a critical re-appraisal of the initiative for ‘merger’ of Trinity College and University College Dublin. The initiative launched by Donogh O'Malley in 1967 was the first significant attempt by an Irish government to transform the institutional architecture of HE. This study sheds new light on the rationale for merger. A key motivation for the merger was to overcome ‘the problem of Trinity College Dublin’: policy-makers sought to integrate Trinity College, long regarded as a Protestant ‘enclave’ in a predominantly Catholic society, within the Irish HE system. O'Malley's initiative sought to bring Trinity College Dublin (TCD) firmly under the control of the state and transcend traditional religious divisions, by circumventing the ‘ban’ on the attendance of Catholics at TCD imposed by the Catholic bishops. This paper also explores the emergence of proactive, interventionist approaches by Irish ministers and officials to policy formulation and implementation in HE.  相似文献   


This paper considers the theories of language educaation and infant pedagogy of Professor Timothy Corcoran, Professor of Education in University College, Dublin. He played a pivotal role in the debates on education at the 1920s. These opinions were to become decisive in the formation of the New Free State's education programmes and policies. He held that infant classes ought to be the prime agents in the revival of the Irish Language. As a result the National Programme of Primary Instruction (1922) required that all the work in the infant classes should be conducted through Irish. He castigated the enlightened principles of Rousseau, Pestalozzi, Froebel and Montessori arguing that Irish education should not give up its sane traditions for doctrines derived from ‘poisoned sources’. His antagonism towards the thinking of the progressive educational theorists meant that the infants of Ireland had to wait until 1948 for a revised programme that would be more in line with the thinking of the day.  相似文献   

吴钒珲 《柳州师专学报》2011,26(5):121-123,90
20世纪70年代以来英国就开始注重教师效能研究。分析英国教师效能研究的历史发展,基于教师效能研究的教育改革政策及英国教师效能研究的特点与政策取向,对我国教师质量的改善和教师教育改革具有积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

In this article, I trace the teaching of history in schools from the subject's establishment as a university discipline in the 1870s through the crisis in school history in the 1960s. A number of factors prompted this heart searching: the questioning of the heavy emphasis on British national history, the changing nature of the discipline, and the increasing emphasis on technical and scientific education. The response of history educators was profoundly influenced by the views of Bloom (1956) and his associates, with their concern for taxonomies of educational objectives, and of Bruner (1960), with his stress on the need for teachers and students to be clear about the underlying principles that give structure to the subject; these ideas provided the organizing structure for the main history curriculum development project of the 1970s, the Schools Council History 13-16 Project (SCHP). Research into children's historical thinking based on the Piagetian developmental framework, however, seems to suggest that the SCHP was setting itself impossible goals; children were not really able to construe history in the ways the project demanded much before the age of 16. More recent research, which has adopted a different methodology, has advanced a much more optimistic view and points to the potential of children for real historical thinking. I conclude by examining the recently imposed History National Curriculum and the extent to which its assessment arrangements are underpinned by research, and I speculate on the likely effects of the new regime on the teaching and learning of history in England and Wales.  相似文献   



Writing a little over a decade ago of developments in educational philosophy, R. F. Dearden remarked on the dearth of alternative approaches to that of conceptual analysis which predominated, at least in Anglophone cultures, at that time. One possible avenue of enquiry which he identified as conspicuously absent in this respect was the development of a distinctively Catholic approach to problems of educational philosophy, observing that a work of the mid‐war years, Maritain's Education at the Crossroads (1943), appeared to be well nigh the only modem effort in this direction. More than a decade on from this, in a climate no longer exclusively dominated by conceptual analysis – indeed, in which there is unprecedented interest in a wealth of different schools, traditions and approaches to philosophy of education – Dearden's remarks about the absence of a distinctively Catholic perspective still apply. In the following essay, therefore, the authors have undertaken, via a critical analysis of Maritain's educational speculations of half a century ago, to try to discern some of the principal issues and considerations which would need to be addressed in the interests of identifying a distinctively Catholic educational philosophy.  相似文献   

Roman Catholic schools represent an important sector in Hong Kong's education system, both in terms of number and historical significance. As in many colonies in other periods of history, the Roman Catholic Church, in addition to other Christian Churches, had a partnership relationship with the colonial government in the provision of education in Hong Kong. Was there any change in this relationship during the political transition to 1997? Did the prospective return of Hong Kong to the People's Republic of China (PRC) affect Catholic educational policies? This article examines these two questions in relation to the experience of other places in the world and in relation to the special nature of the Catholic Church in Hong Kong, namely its link with the Vatican and its relations with China where Church schools no longer exist.  相似文献   

The movement for the higher education of women in Ireland in the nineteenth century has traditionally been viewed as a Protestant initiative. Scholarship suggests that the Irish campaign developed along the same lines as the English movement, gaining from and growing out of the English advances. Leading Protestant schools for girls have been viewed as the driving force behind the concessions afforded Irish women. This paper challenges this assumption, suggesting that contemporaneous developments in Ireland were driven not by neighbouring reforms but by denominational tensions. The role played by the Catholic teaching orders during the nineteenth century cannot be overlooked. Although initially conservative in their approach to educational provision for girls, the Catholic teaching orders – the Dominican, Loreto and Ursuline orders in particular – were key players and stakeholders in women’s higher education in the latter half of the nineteenth century. This paper explores the objectives of the pioneers of Protestant and Catholic female education, examining the relative influence of the Church of Ireland and the Catholic Church. It explores the possibility that the movement for the higher education of Irish women found its impetus not in gender equality, but in denominational rivalry.  相似文献   

近代英国职业技术教育发展迟缓的原因探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
认为英国近代职业技术教育发展迟缓的原因与英国的经济状况、文化、历史传统等方面休戚相关。其主要原因在于:1)古典人文主义教育传统根深蒂固;2)职业教育制度纳入学制迟于德、美、日等国。3)对传统的学徒制度的固守;4)传统上英国对科学的理解。  相似文献   

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