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学习从本质上来说是一种知识建构。学习时形成三种记忆的过程离不开对信息进行选择、组织和整合。促使教学结果从重视保持走向关注迁移,关键是要花力气将机械学习转变为意义学习。为此,需要独辟蹊径,稳妥而扎实地推进教学改革。  相似文献   

记忆编码在高中化学教学中的应用举例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人们对事物、知识的记忆过程,是一个信息在头脑中编码的过程。美国心理学家加涅认为“从学习的观点看,信息最为关键的变化发生在它离开短时记忆而进入长时记忆的时候,该过程叫做编码。加拿大认知心理学家戴斯认为“当我们用已知的信息去解释新的或输入的信息时,编码就发生了。因此,编码视为“依照学习者原有的知识背景与学习经历,将新信息纳入原有知识体系,并重新进行建构”。  相似文献   

一、关注过程:科学学习的应然状态 现代认知理论把学习看作一个建构的过程,儿童在与同伴和教师一起学习的过程中,建构着自己的理解。在建构新知识的过程中,学习者会对信息进行有选择地思考,并且运用各种方法组织所选择的信息,如排序、分类、建立联系,形成新的事实性和概念性知识;还会将新知识与已有知识进行整合,扩大他们的知识基础。  相似文献   

建构主义教学论原则明确指出:复杂的学习领域应针对学习者先前的经验和兴趣。只有这样。才能激发学习者的学习积极性,学习才能是主动的。学习是学生主动建构知识的过程。学生不是简单被动地接受信息.而是对外部信息进行主动地选择、加工和处理。从而获得知识的意义。学生学习的过程是自我生成的过程.这种生成是别人无法取代的,是由内向外的生长,不是由外向内的灌输。它的基础是学生原有的知识与经验。知识或信息的获取是学生通过新旧知识、经验间反复的、双向的相互作用过程而建构的。不是简单由外部信息决定的。让学生通过自己的经验来学习、是学生从自己的经验中学会建构自己的认识。  相似文献   

本文从在线学习者的具体学习活动出发,对在线学习情境下学习者对教学内容的选择、阅读和知识的意义建构等学习行为特点进行研究和分析,应用知识建模方法对单元教学内容进行知识网络分析,设计专用在线学习平台对学习者的学习活动进行实时跟踪记录,对学习者的知识点选择和意义建构过程及其所形成的学习路径和选择性学习行为进行分析。研究表明,学习者在开放自主的学习环境下,能够主动参照教学目标的要求和教学内容的知识网络模型特点,依据自己的学习需求,选择合适的自主学习策略组织自己的学习活动。在线学习过程中学习者对教学资源的选择可以聚合成为一条较为稳定的学习路径,该路径体现了学习者在意义建构过程中对外部资源的意义建构需求。因此在线教学中依据教学内容知识网络特点设计合理的教学活动,有效应用信息技术实现个性化的教学内容信息推送,会促进在线学习者的学习效果和学习效率。  相似文献   

建构主义学习理论认为,学习不是由教师向学习者传递知识的活动,而是学习者自己建构知识的过程;学习者不是被动地吸收信息。而是主动地通过已有的认知结构对新信息进行加工和建构;教师不是知识的传授者和灌输者,教师的作用是组织、指导、帮助、促进学习者利用情境、协作、会话等学习环境要素充分发挥主动性、积极性和创造性,最终有效地实现对当前所学知识的意义建构。建构主义学习理论对军校任职教育教学实践具有重要的指导作用。本文通过对建构主义学习理论内涵的分析以及任职教育教学中存在的问题的剖析来探讨建构主义学习理论在任职教育教学中的应用价值。  相似文献   

瑞士心理学家皮亚杰认为 :“学生是在与周围环境相互作用的过程中 ,逐步建构起关于外部世界的知识的。”学习者与周围环境的相互作用涉及两个基本过程 :“同化”与“顺应”。同化是把外部的有关信息吸收进来并结合到学习者已有的认知结构之中的过程 ;顺应是指当外部环境发生变化 ,而学习者原有的认知结构无法同化新信息时所引起的原有认知结构发生重组与改造的过程。大量的研究和实践证明 ,学习者的积极主动在建构认知结构过程中具有决定性的作用。本文就生物学教学中如何创设教学情境 ,促进积极建构 ,谈几点作法。一、发扬教学民主 ,突出学…  相似文献   

一、情境式教学的基本原理   情境式教学是当前较为流行的一种教育模式,其核心思想是:学习者是学习过程的原动力,学习者将根据个体原有经验进行知识建构,教育工作者的职责就是为学习者创设进行情境学习的环境.同以往的学习理论相比,情境式教学主要有三个方面的特点:关注内部生成,“社会性”学习,“情境化”学习.  相似文献   

刘亚雄 《湖南教育》2005,(15):30-30
建构主义理论认为,学习不是由教师向学生传递知识的过程,而是学生主动建构自己的知识体系的过程。学习者不是被动的,而是在一定情境中,借助他人帮助,利用学习资料,通过意义建构的方式获得知识。情境、协作、会话和意义建构是学习环境中的四大要素。如果能用建构主义学习理论指导我们的语文课堂教学,必将大大提高教学效率。在情境中激发学习兴趣。建构主义认为,学习总是与一定的社会文化背景即“情境”相联系的。在实际情境下进行学习,可以使学习者利用自己原有认知结构中的有关经验去同化和索引当前学习到的新知识,从而赋予新知识以某种意义…  相似文献   

建构主义观点认为,学习过程是学习者通过新旧经验间双向的相互作用建构自己经验体系的过程。学习是学习者建构自己知识的过程,意味着学习者不是被动地接受刺激,他要对外部信息进行主动的选择与加工,主动地去建构的意义,每个学习者都会以自己原有的经验对新信息进行编码,形成自己的理解,原有知识又因新经验的进入而发生调整和改变。因此,学习不是简单的积累,还包括新旧经验冲突所引发的观念和结构重组。  相似文献   


Evidence shows flipped learning increases academic performance and student satisfaction. Yet, often practitioners flip instruction but keep traditional curricula and assessment. Assessment in higher education is often via written exams. But these provide limited feedback and do not ask students to put knowledge into practice. This does not support the tenets of flipped learning. For two years, the author flipped instruction but retained traditional curricula and assessment. However, on the author’s current course, all three aspects were redesigned to better support flipped learning. The aim of this research is to test the effectiveness of this redesign regarding student engagement and satisfaction. Thus, it is asked: How, on this course, can meaningful, continuous assessment be provided as well as effective, personalized feedback, while staying in line with the philosophy of flipped learning? Action research took place from September 2016 to June 2017. Quantitative data from a student survey, and qualitative data from a research diary and student focus group were gathered. What emerged is: a little-and-often assessment approach is effective for learning and engagement; tasks must be authentic and test demonstration of knowledge, not memory; quality, not quantity, is key for student learning; and students desire individualized feedback.  相似文献   

Participants in the present study were 87 college students who learned about botany using an agent-based instructional program with three different learning approaches: individual, jigsaw, or cooperative learning. Results showed no differences among learning approaches on retention. Students in jigsaw groups reported higher cognitive load during learning than students who learned individually; scored lower on a problem-solving transfer test than students in individual and cooperative learning groups; and were less likely to produce elaborated explanations and co-construct knowledge with their peers than students in cooperative groups. Students in cooperative groups reported higher situational interest than their counterparts. Implications for cooperative and individual meaning making in agent-based instructional programs are discussed and future research directions are suggested.  相似文献   

This paper describes an innovative use of Lesson Study (LS), an internationally used collaborative approach in which teachers develop their teaching knowledge and practices. It aimed to evaluate how EPs join teachers in LS teams, using working memory and other knowledge to inform the teaching of pupils with learning difficulties. The study uses a case study methodology to evaluate LS teams (three teachers and EP) in a primary, secondary and special school. The findings show how working memory knowledge is used in reviewing and planning research lessons, how the teams interact, including the teachers’ perceived EP contribution to the Lesson Study process. The paper illustrates the potential of an inter-professional LS study to embody collaborative reflective practice in order to improve the teaching of pupils with learning difficulties.  相似文献   

While online instructional technologies are becoming more popular in higher education, educators’ opinions about online learning tend to be generally negative. Furthermore, many studies have failed to systematically examine the features that distinguish one instructional mode from another, which weakens possible explanations for why online instructional technology can be beneficial. The current study isolates three benefits of the authors’ particular online instructional technology: (1) providing flexibility in how students learn, (2) offering immediate and targeted feedback and (3) increasing student participation and engagement with instructional material. Maximum benefits were observed when students used the online instructional technology to prepare for their face-to-face class – that is, students with this blended instruction learned twice as much content in the same amount of time in comparison to students with face-to-face instruction alone, without creating an atypically high workload.  相似文献   

In mathematics instruction, can a teacher implement surface features of instruction that foster self-regulated learning as well as achieve quality at the deeper level of instruction, that is, focus on higher-order thinking, problem-solving, and mathematical modeling? An educational reform effort in Switzerland, which is based on constructivist and sociocultural theories of mathematics learning, targets both these dimensions: self-regulated learning and conceptual understanding. We examined the realization of the two dimensions in classroom instruction in a video-based study of 79 eighth-grade math classes using three kinds of data: videotapes of mathematics lessons, student and teacher questionnaires, and achievement tests. As to the surface level of instruction, teachers reported how frequently they provided opportunities for self-regulated learning. With regard to the deeper level of instruction, teachers reported how frequently they provided opportunities for independent problem solving. In addition, we examined the extent to which teachers’ pedagogical beliefs reflected a constructivist orientation. The results showed that teachers implemented the two dimensions relatively independently of one another. Teachers’ constructivist-oriented beliefs influenced only opportunities provided for independent problem solving and did not affect opportunities for self-regulated learning. Opportunities for self-regulated learning had a positive effect on students’ learning experience. Professional development should encourage teachers to take greater account of both surface-level and deeper-level (quality) features of instruction.  相似文献   

Theories of human development and learning provide an essential framework in which to understand the mechanisms involved in the process of formal instruction as a specific form of teaching and learning in the school setting. The sociocultural theory of development, founded on the works of Lev Vygotsky, espouses the view that social interaction among two or more people is the greatest motivating force in human development. Communication, via the use of language, provides one of the most effective means of social interaction. By collaborating toward a common cultural goal, people co‐construct new knowledge by building on each participant's contribution. Based on the main tenets of sociocultural theory, the following eight interrelated principles for instruction are presented, namely, that it should be: mediated; discursive; collaborative; responsive; contextualized; activity‐oriented; developmental; and integrated.  相似文献   

在语言学习中主体如何对语言材料进行输入、中间处理和输出是一个重要的问题。而这个过程实际是记忆的过程。在此过程中必然出现的中介语是语言学习要克服的问题。了解清楚语言学习中记忆的心理机制有助于我们的语言学习。本通过批判性的献综述来研究语言学习中记忆的心理机制和语料在记忆中的陈述方式,为建立有意义的外语教学模式打好基础。  相似文献   

如何对数学学习困难儿童进行有效干预是很多教育工作者关心的问题。已有研究表明,工作记忆的缺陷是数学学习困难的根本原因。而基于认知负荷理论的教学设计正是针对人的工作记忆容量有限这一特点,利用多媒体来促进意义学习的完成。文章试图以工作记忆为桥梁,结合认知负荷理论,提出几条针对数学学习困难儿童的多媒体教学的干预措施,并指出了将来的研究方向。  相似文献   

In this paper, we identify beliefs about teaching and patterns of instruction valued and emphasized by science, technology, engineering, and mathematics faculty in higher education in the USA. Drawing on the notion that effective teaching is student-centered rather than teacher-centered and must include a balance of knowledge-, learner-, community-, and assessment-centered learning environments; we use qualitative interview data to explore how faculty's reported beliefs about teaching are associated with their consideration of these four types of environments. Findings indicated that although a range of beliefs about teaching emerged, most were firmly located in knowledge-centered learning environments, with little or no focus on the remaining three learning environments. Furthermore, even patterns of instruction that were heavily student-centered were situated within a knowledge-centered learning framework. We argue that for student-centered instruction to be truly successful, faculty must consider all four learning environments in crafting and facilitating the classroom environment.  相似文献   

"有效"是评价好课的一项重要指标。有效教学要求教师必须把握从"机械学习"到"有意义学习"的转化方向;在教学过程中抓住"知"与"情"两条主线的交融;处理好知识逻辑与心理逻辑,教学过程与学业成果,以及教师讲授与学生自主等关系。  相似文献   

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