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同步直播课堂是不同于传统课堂的新的教学模式,对缓解日益严峻的教育不均衡问题有重大意义。然而随着同步直播课堂越来越广泛的应用,其本身客观存在的由技术、师生分隔异地、实时交互困难等问题所导致的师生情感交流难题也随之而来。笔者通过文献研读、实地参与同步直播课堂试点实验,分析了同步直播课堂中师生情感交流问题产生的原因,进而从教师、学生、学习资源、师生交互设计等方面提出解决对策。  相似文献   

Classroom management and discipline are primary concerns of many teachers, especially beginners. The current reform movement in mathematics education advocates a classroom atmosphere and teaching strategies that are substantially different than those that characterize the traditional approach to school mathematics. This paper considers the problems involving discipline and control that arose in the course of a beginning high school teacher's acculturation into the school mathematics tradition. The analysis relates these discipline and control problems to certain tensions and contradictions in the school mathematics tradition and suggests how efforts to cope with these problems serve to reflexively validate the tradition. In addition, the paper suggests some possible reasons for why discipline and control, and not pedagogical content knowledge, are primary concerns for many teachers. Finally, the paper considers how the conditions that foster the emphasis on discipline and control in the school mathematics tradition stand as obstacles in the face of the current reform movement.  相似文献   

教师实践智慧:课堂教学的活力之源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
课堂教学需要教师的实践智慧,然而现今很多教师的课堂教学是缺少实践智慧的,教师实践智慧的缺失可归结为教育制度的规约和教师的自我束缚两方面的原因。对教师实践智慧的呼唤不光是课堂教学本身的需要,也是作为教学主体的教师和学生的迫切需要,它是让课堂教学焕发出生命活力的源头活水。  相似文献   

关于大学教师课堂教学风格的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
课堂教学风格是教师在长期的课堂教学中形成的具有个人特色和创意的教学风貌,具有稳定性和独特性。大学教师经过追求和陶铸,完全可以形成个人的教学风格。然而,对这种教育现象以前研究较少。本文在把握大学教学规律和特点的基础上,提出了大学教师课堂教学风格的五种类型:理智型,情感型,幽默型,技巧型,自然型。这些类型既是许多教师教学经验和特色的总结与升华,又是大学青年教师应该追求和着力体现的教学特色。  相似文献   

课堂控制:一种社会学的解读   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
课堂纪律是维持课堂活动顺利进行的必要手段,教师维持课堂纪律的行为包括不同的形式,较为严重的体罚一般指向那些在班级中社会地位较低的学生,罚站不仅指向那些行为不良的学生,更多地是指向那些学业不良的学生。“关晚学”、贴标签、扣分、命令也是教师实施课堂控制的行为方式,表扬作为教师维持课堂纪律的积极方式,对学生也具有批评和纠正的作用。  相似文献   

Classroom discipline is a topic of international interest and teachers are bombarded with advice regarding how to and why they should manage children’s behaviour in their classrooms. This paper draws on data related to classroom discipline gathered from a detailed classroom observation schedule, teacher interviews, and field notes with four purposively selected kindergarten teachers working in Hong Kong with children aged 5–6 years. The findings of this qualitative case study show that the teachers were concerned about disciplining children to ensure good behaviour. They expected all children to follow the rules and used characteristic discipline strategies such as stating expectations and ‘praising the opposite’ to maintain good behaviour. The paper discusses these findings in light of the Westernisation of kindergarten teaching practices in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

课堂教学是学校教学工作的核心,课堂教学管理的好坏直接关系着教学工作的质量。在中职学校教学工作中,课堂教学管理工作是难点。文章从学生、教师、学校三个层面,对中职学校数学课堂教学管理工作中存在的问题进行解析,并对这些问题提出尝试性的建议。  相似文献   

The impact of teachers on their students’ academic achievement continues to be an area of inquiry. One area not fully explored is the relation between teachers’ behavior and classroom management (CM) skills, student motivation, and student achievement. We examined these relations using a multi‐level structural equation model. Data included Behavior Management subscale scores of the Classroom Assessment Scoring System for 247 fourth and fifth grade teachers, indicators of academic motivation, and end‐of‐year state standardized mathematics assessment results for 4,847 students from the National Center of Teacher Effectiveness Main Study. The results indicate teachers’ CM skills have a significant direct effect on student motivation and a significant indirect effect on students’ math achievement, suggesting that students in classrooms of teachers with better CM are more motivated to learn math and have higher math achievement scores. This underscores the importance of helping teachers increase their use of evidence‐based classroom management techniques.  相似文献   

Pupil control has been described as the major problem facing our schools. Teachers have been described as reluctant to adopt innovative practices in the classroom for fear of being charged as soft on discipline. This paper reports on research designed to test the relationship of biology teachers' pupil control and their classroom practices. A sample of 68 biology teachers was selected by a stratified randomized process for the study. Two groups of teachers were compared on the variables of the Biology Classroom Activity Checklist. Analysis of the results permitted the authors to conclude that those teachers who have a more humanistic pupil control ideology may be preferred to work with the BSCS programs than those teachers who have a more custodial pupil control ideology.  相似文献   

课堂文化是社会宏观文化的一种映射,是一种特殊的文化,它主要指在课堂教学过程中形成的并为师生所自觉遵循的思想观念、教学行为方式和教学思维习惯. 由于课堂文化的差异,虽然我国科学课程改革的理念、目标、口号、标准,甚至与国外科学教科书的学科知识结构非常相似,但培养的过程和结果却存在着巨大差异. 这种差异很多植根于课堂文化的差异,而课堂文化又有着深厚的社会基础,并受传统文化的影响,且课堂又是再生产社会和文化的重要途径. 课程改革牵动着文化与社会的神经,从课堂的文化的角度比较中瑞两国科学课程的实景差异,既有利于课程理解与对话,又能深入思考科学课程改革的本土化问题.  相似文献   

The first years on the job are very challenging for teachers (e.g., Fives, Hamman, & Olivarez, 2007; Goddard, O’Brien, & Goddard, 2006). Two of the main challenges are to learn to regulate the highly complex classroom situations (Jones, 2006) and to regulate their own emotional resources (Chang, 2009). Accordingly, in the present study, we investigated changes in teacher candidates’ classroom management knowledge as well as emotional exhaustion at the beginning of their teaching careers. We applied latent change models to a sample of 746 teacher candidates who were assessed twice during the German induction phase (the Referendariat). We found evidence for a significant increase in teacher candidates’ classroom management knowledge during the induction phase. Emotional exhaustion increased during the first year and decreased during the second year of the induction phase. We also investigated between-person differences in the changes. Classroom management knowledge was predicted by the teacher candidates’ cognitive personal characteristics (e.g., cognitive abilities and willingness to reflect), whereas emotional exhaustion was predicted by noncognitive personal characteristics (e.g., emotional stability) as well as variables related to the induction phase (e.g., perceived mentoring quality and teaching load). Classroom management knowledge and emotional exhaustion were only modestly associated.  相似文献   

Teachers can be seen as emotional workers often needing to be sensitive to the demands that their work makes on their emotions, and skilful in regulating their feelings, but few quantitative studies have examined this issue systematically. Using hierarchical regression analysis to examine this issue, this study investigates teachers’ perceptions of the relationships among the emotional job demands, emotional intelligence, emotional labour strategies and teaching satisfaction, with a particular focus on the moderating role of emotional intelligence. The results of a survey of 1281 Chinese teachers reveal that teachers’ perceptions of emotional job demands and emotional intelligence significantly predict the three emotional labour strategies. Emotional intelligence significantly moderates the impact of emotional job demands on surface acting and expression of naturally felt emotion but not deep acting. Even after controlling for emotional job demands and emotional intelligence, deep acting and expression of naturally felt emotion still have a positive influence on teachers’ teaching satisfaction. Deep acting and expression of naturally felt emotion are more effective emotional labour strategies for teachers. A teacher development programme is suggested to make teachers clear about these emotional demands and different emotional labour strategies, and enhance teachers’ emotional intelligence.  相似文献   

课堂是教师、学生及环境之间形成的多种功能的综合体,是一个充满生机和意义的整体,是焕发出师生生命活力的复杂系统。现代大学教育的发展表明大学课堂应该是激活智慧之灵泉、点燃思想之火种、提升自我之殿堂。  相似文献   

我国高校教学质量颇受质疑的主要而又隐蔽的原因,是课堂教学中学术精神的稀少或缺失,师生还不习惯于把教学上升到主动创造的学术层面。课堂学术在性质上属于模拟创造,课堂各要素相互作用,构成一种具有生成性的探索过程。高校课堂学术性应当采用智能生成教学模式来实施,教师在课堂教学的过程中促使学生运用智能并发展他们的智能。  相似文献   

Classroom discipline is a major concern of American teachers and why many leave teaching. A conventional view of learning is so deeply interrelated with schooling in the American culture it also drives the view of discipline, especially in urban contexts where students are disproportionately failed and excluded by the mainstream educational system. The purpose of this paper is to propose a critical social practice view of learning as defined by legitimate peripheral participation (LPP), providing a communities of practice framework to guide future research that sets out to transform conventional views of learning, particularly within the context of classroom discipline.  相似文献   

试论课堂管理三要素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
课堂管理是影响课堂活动效率和质量的重要因素,它包含的内容非常丰富,这里我们只简要地从三方面阐述课堂管理:课堂环境的管理、课堂纪律的管理与课堂气氛的管理.课堂环境的管理主要指对物质环境的管理,即从外界环境维度给课堂管理上提供物质保证;课堂纪律的管理这里主要是指制定一定规则,规范学生与教师的行为,从制度上为课堂管理提供保证;课堂气氛的营造是指在班集体营造某种积极的学风与教风,从内在心理层面为课堂管理提供心理保障.  相似文献   

翻转课堂是包含教学媒体、教师、课程、学生要素的结构系统,要素之间的相互联系形成三个子系统,即"教师-媒体-课程"的课程设计系统、"学生-媒体-课程"的学生学习系统和"教师-学习问题-学生"的主体互动系统,每个子系统内部都存在着表层结构和深层结构之分。有效的翻转教学需要教师理解深层结构的价值和意义,超越表层结构运行中容易出现的技术控制、知识取向、浅表互动等问题,实现学科思维方法的掌握、积极的情感交流与体验、批判反思意识的塑造等深层的学生发展目标。  相似文献   

在课堂管理中应当坚持人本观念。教师要通过协调课堂内的各种教学因素,来满足学生的多种需要,调动学生的积极性,从而有效地实现教学目标。以人为本的课堂管理需要营造和谐的课堂群体心理气氛,优化教学设计,制定和执行好课堂常规,正确应对课堂问题行为。  相似文献   

The study examined the unique relationship between multiple dimensions of classroom behavioral adjustment problems and salient social–emotional competencies for urban Head Start children. These relationships were investigated using a hierarchical model that controlled for the variance in social–emotional outcomes attributed to age, gender, and verbal ability. Classroom behavioral adjustment problems were assessed early in the year by the Adjustment Scales for Preschool Intervention (ASPI) across multiple, routine preschool classroom situations. Outcomes assessed at the end of the year included emotion regulation, peer play in the home and neighborhood context, and approaches to learning. Socially negative behavior in the classroom predicted emotional lability, maladaptive learning behaviors, and disruptive social play in the home at the end of the year. Withdrawn behavior uniquely predicted lower affective engagement in the classroom and disconnection from peers in the home context. Findings provide predictive validity for the ASPI. Implications for policy, practice and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

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