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This article presents a critique of two arguments made by S.P. Morris in his recent piece ‘The Trouble with Mascots’. The first argument is that the wrong of mascots is rooted in the falsity of the stereotyping generalizations that they create and perpetuate. The second is that when the group provides the name to itself (as with the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame), it is, in light of that fact, no less morally objectionable. These two arguments are related, for the second would be correct if falsity were in fact the issue. As I argue, however, if we take a different view of the problem that generalizations present, the moral relevance of who does the naming becomes clear.  相似文献   

It is sometimes claimed that formalism and the logical incompatibility thesis together imply that fouls cannot be part of the game. Some philosophers think this proves that therefore strategic fouls are always morally wrong, but other philosophers think this result undermines formalism itself, since strategic fouls clearly are part of the game and are at least sometimes morally permissible. I show that formalism in fact does accommodate strategic fouls and that it is neutral about whether strategic fouls are morally permissible or not.  相似文献   

奥运会吉祥物的起源和发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
奥运会吉祥物一般以东道国有代表意义的动物形象为创作原型。吉祥物首次出现于1968年法国格勒诺布尔第10届冬季奥运会,而夏季奥运会吉祥物首次出现在1972年的慕尼黑奥运会上。此后,吉祥物便成了奥运会的传统并不断发展成为奥运形象的主导因素之一,它归属于视觉传达系统,成为奥运文化的重要载体,阐述了奥运会吉祥物的起源和发展。  相似文献   

Stephen Mumford argues that aesthetic and moral values in sport are interdependent, focusing on cases where immorality taints beautiful performance. This interdependence thesis is insightful but, I argue, in need of refinement, as its normative implications are unclear and perhaps implausible (e.g. the Nazi aesthetics problem). I also challenge Mumford’s perspective on the infamous Dynamo Kiev death match. Whereas Mumford claims that the match’s morally oppressive circumstances detract from it so that ‘it was not something knowingly we should have admired aesthetically’, I argue that, on the contrary, and in light of what Mumford says about other cases, such circumstances actually enhance the game’s aesthetics such that it would be wrong not to appreciate it aesthetically.  相似文献   

Herein I address and extend the sparse literature on deception in sports, specifically, Kathleen Pearson’s Deception, Sportsmanship, and Ethics and Mark J. Hamilton’s There’s No Lying in Baseball (Wink, Wink). On a Kantian foundation, I argue that attempts to deceive officials, such as framing pitches in baseball, are morally unacceptable because they necessarily regard others (e.g., the umpire) as incompetent and as a mere means to one’s own self-interested ends. More dramatically I argue, contrary to Pearson and Hamilton, that some forms of competitor-to-competitor deception (which Pearson labels ‘strategic deception’) are similarly unacceptable. Specifically, I offer a ‘principle of caustic deceit’ according to which any strategic deception that divorces a game from its constitutive skills is morally untoward and ought to be met with negative social pressure at least, and/or legislated out of existence. The problem with these forms of strategic deception is that they treat one’s opponents, again in the Kantian sense, as a mere means to one’s own self-interested ends.  相似文献   

北京奥运吉祥物“福娃”彰显了中华民族悠久的灿烂历史文化,体现了世界各国人民共有美好家园、共享文明成果、共创和平未来的和谐思想,反映了北京奥运“人文和谐、绿色生态、科技进步”的核心理念。表达了一个正在阔步迈向现代化的伟大民族坚决执行奥林匹克精神的和关心声,传递了国家和顺、民族和睦、世界和平的和谐价值,从全球视野中准确地把...  相似文献   

主要采用问卷调查法抽样调查了民族高校的大学生在公体课跳远技术学习中出现的错误动作,找到了易犯错误的技术环节,分析了出现错误运用的原因,提出了预防和纠正措施,为教师在跳远教学中抓住重难点找到了依据。  相似文献   

In two recent articles, Nicholas Dixon has argued that the intent to hurt and injure opponents which is essential to mixed martial arts (MMA) makes the sport intrinsically immoral. Although bondage, domination, sadism, and masochism (BDSM) also involves the intentional infliction of pain and injury, Dixon argues that it is morally permissible in many cases. In this paper, I examine the principle underlying Dixon's differentiation of MMA and BDSM. I argue that, when properly elaborated, that principle does not in fact condemn MMA as intrinsically immoral, but rather implies that the attitudes and actions of most autonomously consenting amateur MMA fighters and some autonomously consenting professionals are prima facie morally permissible.  相似文献   

This essay analyses and contextualizes a group of paintings by George Catlin (1796–1872) that depict Choctaw tribe members involved in the sport of ball-play or lacrosse. Whereas previous scholars have used these works to emphasize the ethnographic nature of the artist's work, it contends that the series speaks to contemporary issues that the Choctaws were confronting at the time. Completed in 1834–35, Catlin's series of ball-play scenes represents a powerful statement regarding the removal of the Choctaws from their homelands in Mississippi to the newly-designated Indian Territory. His paintings create the impression that Native American habits and play had not been adversely impacted by the increasing presence of Euro-American settlers in the West. Thus, they had the ultimate effect of forestalling potential moral outrage against those responsible for degradations against Native American culture. Situated in this historical context, images of Native American ball-play should be seen less as romanticized records of tribal life and more as highly polemical statements about contemporary interactions between native peoples and the dominant culture. Not only did ball-play provide Catlin with an ideal subject to engage with the public's simultaneous fascination and repulsion with ‘primitive’ tribal cultures, but it also acted as a perfect metaphor for cultural conflict.  相似文献   


The relationship between organ weight and swimming capacity was determined in 42 male albino rats. Upon completion of a 4-week training program, the animals were forced to swim to exhaustion with 2 percent of the body weight attached. They were sacrificed and specific gravity and organ weights determined. The results warrant the following conclusions: A significant (p < .05) but low correlation exists between the relative weight of the spleen and lungs with swimming performance. The correlation of relative heart weight and swimming performance approached statistical significance (p < .06). Attaching a weight proportional to the body weight to increase the energy cost of swimming penalizes the heavier animals. Correcting for the inverse relationship between body weight and swim time does not alter appreciably the relationships between organ weights and swim time.  相似文献   

反馈,在运动技术学曩过程中的作用非常关键。运动技术教学中,反馈来自两个方面:一个是来自于个体自身的感觉系统,另一个来自于个体自身以外的人和事物给予的追加反馈。追加反馈的作用更显重要,反馈的信息可以引导学习者改正错误动作,掌握和巩固正确运动技术。在技术教学中应用运动技术即时反馈系统,可以快速且准确的完成教学信息反馈,即时记录和回放技术影像,协助学生认知自身运动技术掌握水平,有效提高学习的效率和质量。  相似文献   

对大学生篮球裁判员错漏判成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对韶关学院部分二、三级学生篮球裁判员调查访谈,结果显示:大学生篮球裁判员临场执法的错漏判主要成因是对竟赛规则理解不透彻、基本功掌握不扎实、移动跑位不到位、对篮球技战术理解不透、校内外临场实践机会较少、执法时缺乏自信心等.通过分析此因,为今后大学生篮球裁判员在执法中减少错判、漏判,进一步提高大学生篮球裁判执法水平提供...  相似文献   

Practical, running-based treadmill tests of anaerobic capacity are needed and welcome, as long as they are validated against appropriate running performance. It is fundamentally wrong to validate them against the cycling-based Wingate Anaerobic test regardless of its proven validity and reliability.  相似文献   

当前课外体育锻炼在广大大学生中非常普及,大学生对体育锻炼也逐渐重视。但是由于目前大学生只注重了锻炼本身,忽视了与运动相关的科学知识,形成了许多错误的习惯,对体育锻炼带来了非常大的负面影响,有相当一部分学生在体育活动中存在错误的习惯,并由此对学生造成了较大的危害,本文通过对非体育专业学生体育锻炼习惯的现状调查,试图提出一些针对性建议,使大学生的课外体育锻炼更加科学、合理、高效。  相似文献   

The issue of sports mascot loyalty, especially to those mascots considered offensive, was investigated through fan identification theory, and applied to the mascot controversy at a large university in the United States. Replicating a previous university survey on the mascot question, a survey of current university students (N = 3616) revealed a strong relationship between mascot loyalty and fan identification, particularly related to one’s perceptions of ‘belonging to the university sports family’, and ‘associating with sports fans’ of the university. Other important findings include age differences and the marginalization of Asian-American fans. The implications and applications of these findings were discussed.  相似文献   

改革、创新教学方式方法,是每一名教师应努力研究的课题。采用念动教学法,让学生在学习技术动作中反复想象所学技术的动作结构、要领、过程、边想边练,不断纠正错误动作,从而提高教学质量,缩短教学时数,使技术动作规范化。  相似文献   

关于北京奥运会吉祥物"福娃"英译的得失与修正,一直以来百家争鸣;与"Friendlies"不同,北京奥运会火炬"祥云"自出炉之日起就享有盛誉,其英译"Lucky Cloud"也似乎顺理成章,而此英文内涵是否理想的议题却迟迟无人问津。文章通过对比中西方"云"意象的差异,指出这一译法的不等值,并运用目的论进一步探析直译"Cloud"与音译"Xiangyun"的取舍,从而建议奥运文化负载词趋向音译的翻译方法。  相似文献   

青少年足球运动员的身高体重选材理念一直存在争议。学界和足球管理部门大多认为足球运动员的身高体重与运动成绩存在正相关,然而国内国际足球发展的实际表明并非完全如此,运动生物力学结合足球专项特征的分析表明高的身材和体重指标对运动员的平衡能力和快速移动身体的动作能力可能构成负面影响;在足球早期选材阶段对运动员的未来身高进行遗传估计完全多余,因此足球选材理念在身高体重指标方面可以尝试多元化。  相似文献   

网球运动所引起的常见伤痛及其预防措施   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
网球是当今最流行的体育运动项目之一。它可以培养人们的动作速度、力量、耐力、灵敏等诸多运动素质。由于网球运动的特点,在练习过程中,不正确的训练方法易导致运动损伤。因此,预防措施是每个网球爱好的必备常识。  相似文献   

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