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以精密和超精密加工技术、柔性自动化技术、制造过程中信息技术的集成综合自动化为代表的先进制造技术,是实现制造企业的功能集成。先进制造技术的实施既要求技术对企业车间尤其是班组员工的适应性,更要求班组员工自身能对技术有所适应。  相似文献   

吴澄  熊光楞 《百科知识》1994,(12):40-41
计算机集成制造系统(Computcr Lntegrated Manufacturing Systems)也叫计算机综合制造系统,它是将孤立的局部自动化技术及其子系统(如数控技术、计算机辅助设计、计算机辅助制造、柔性制造单元、物料需求计划、工厂制造资源计划等),运用信息技术、自动化技术、制造技术,通过计算机及其支持软件集成起来的一项高新技术。该项系统对实现企业生产经营目标总体优化,适应市场竞争,大有助益。实施CIMS后,可缩短新产品开发及生产周期,使产品的质量更好、成本更低、生产效率更高。  相似文献   

自动化制造是一个动态概念,有着十分广泛和深刻的内涵.目前自动化制造技术的研究非常活跃,主要表现在制造系统中的集成技术和系统技术、人机一体化制造系统、制造单元技术、制造过程的计划和调度、柔性制造技术和适应现代生产模式的制造环境的研究方面.  相似文献   

CIMS是国家高技术研究与发展自动化中的一个主题,本文介绍了CIMS的组成,各分系统的功能及企业各分系统如何实现CIMS的集成技术。  相似文献   

王端旭 《科研管理》1996,17(4):35-37
计算机集成制造系统(CIMS)是世界制造业当前的发展方向和不来的生产模式。本文指出CIMS技术潜力的发挥需要合理的企业组织结构,较高素质的员工队伍与之相结合。企业在采用CIMS技术时必须重视调组织结构和提高员工素质。  相似文献   

徐坤 《中国科技纵横》2010,(20):244-244
柔性制造系统(FMS)系指具有自动化程度高的制造系统。目前所谈及的FMS通常是指在批量切削加工中以先进的自动化和高水平的柔性为目标的制造系统。随着社会对产品多样化、低制造成本及短制造周期等需求日趋迫切,FMS发展颇为迅速,并且由于微电子技术、计算机技术、通信技术、机械与控制设备的发展,也促使柔性制造技术日臻成熟,80年代后,制造业自动化进入一个崭新时代,即基于计算机的集成制造(CIMS)时代,FMS已成为各工业化国家机械制造自动化的研制发展重点。  相似文献   

数控机床是机电一体化的典型产品,是新一代生产技术、计算机集成制造系统等的技术基础。数控机床体现了当前世界机床技术进步的主流,是衡量机械制造工艺水平的重要指标,在柔性生产和计算机集成制造等先进制造技术中起着重要的基础核心作用。  相似文献   

20世纪以来,随着信息技术的发展,使各类企业从管理上、生产上等产生了巨大的变化。CIMS技术在制造型企业的应用正是制造业和信息技术融合的必然趋势。作为CIMS应用的支撑平台也随着Internet的迅猛发展不断完善提高,因而Web技术和企业Intranet数据的集成一直是人们关注的热点。本文在研究参考了多种Web技术和CIMS技术之后,通过一定程度的验证,提出了一种适合中小型企业应用的信息处理方案。  相似文献   

机械制造业的发展方向是将传统的制造技术与现代信息技术、管理技术、自动化技术、系统工程技术进行有机的结合,通过计算机技术是企业产品在全生命周期中有关的组织、经营、管理和技术有机集成和优化运行,在企业产品全生命周期中实现信息化、智能化、集成优化达到产品上市快、服务好、质量优、成本低的目的,进而提高企业的柔性、健壮性和敏捷性,使企业在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地.  相似文献   

CIMS与现代企业管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
年莉  庆胜 《科学学研究》1997,15(4):74-77
计算机集成制造系统(CIMS)是组织未来工业生产的一种模式,是现代企业的发展趋势。本文指出科学的管理是CIMS发展和应用的前提和保证,同时CIMS又对现代企业管理提出了更高的要求,CIMS技术的发展必须与先进的管理水平相配套。强调了CIMS与现代企业先进管理模式密切协调和配合的必要性、迫切性以及它们之间的辩证关系。  相似文献   

Industry 4.0, known as the fourth technological transformation towards digital-physical systems in manufacturing, creates a disruptive impact on industries. Manufacturing companies, especially small and medium-sized ones, are facing various challenges and must constantly innovate to remain competitive. One way to innovate is by implementing new technologies into company processes. In this study, we investigate how technology, company and industry related factors are associated with the implementation of Industry 4.0 in SMEs. We collect data via a survey with a focus on Industry 4.0 in SMEs. The results indicate that knowledge and expected benefits of technology are the drivers for the implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies. They also show that companies with high levels of process automation and high product variety are more likely to implement Industry 4.0 technologies. Our study creates a better understanding of the status, challenges and plans within Industry 4.0 implementation in SMEs, which will support the development of SME-friendly manufacturing tools and systems and craft managers’ and policymakers’ understanding of Industry 4.0 technologies.  相似文献   

新一轮科技革命正引发全球制造业转型升级浪潮,各国提出了不同的应对战略,其中以德国的工业4.0最引人瞩目。将工业4.0所追求的智能制造体系与精益思想进行了深入解读和对比,指出精益思想体现制造业的核心诉求,智能制造体系仍需落实精益思想,新科技手段为实现更高程度的精益提供可能。未来智能制造体系将为中小企业带来巨大机遇,但对于技术基础不足的中国中小企业也是巨大挑战。为此,建议中国中小企业秉承精益思想,踏踏实实"补课",认真练好基本功,全方位提升竞争力,以融入智能制造体系,支撑中国制造业转型升级。  相似文献   

构建知识管理-机制创新的二维分析框架,对传统企业、科技型中小企业、技术先进型服务企业、企业类新型研发机构4种企业组织形态进行对比分析,研究影响企业长期成长的因素及原因,得出推动企业可持续发展的经验。研究发现:(1)传统企业以获取短期盈利为目标,依靠规模化生产、降低运营成本来获取市场份额,内生创新动力不强,在成长性上不如研发型企业;(2)企业类新型研发机构是研发型企业最优组织形态,既能发挥科技型中小企业的知识管理优势,也能融合技术先进型服务企业的体制优势;(3)构建开放型嵌入式知识网络管理系统,采用低成本、开放式、共享化的资源配置机制,实施柔性化的人才引培机制是企业类新型研发机构实现可持续发展的关键。  相似文献   

To investigate whether there is a similar relationship between R&D intensity and growth in high-tech and non-high-tech small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), we examine two samples of SMEs in manufacturing industries, applying the two-step estimation method. Our findings are that R&D intensity restricts the growth of high-tech SMEs at lower levels of R&D intensity and stimulates their growth at higher levels. However, R&D intensity restricts the growth of non-high-tech SMEs regardless of the level of R&D. The relationships obtained between other determinants considered in the literature and the growth of high-tech and non-high-tech SMEs allow us to conclude that (i) smaller, younger, non-high-tech SMEs grow more quickly than larger, older, non-high-tech SMEs, which does not occur in the case of high-tech SMEs; and (ii) financing restrictions are especially important in financing the growth of high-tech SMEs, compared with non-high-tech SMEs.  相似文献   

突破关键核心技术对我国全局发展与推进国内国际双循环新发展格局具有重要的意义。本文以徐工和潍柴为案例研究对象,从“突破路径—技术创新能力—突破结果”的整合视角探讨装备制造业领军企业关键核心技术突破的演进路径和核心要素。研究发现:第一,装备制造业领军企业关键核心技术突破具有多项技术集中突破、多类产品集体创新的特点,其技术突破路径是从技术引进到改进升级,再到自主创新,最终实现技术与产品全球引领的过程; 第二,支撑装备制造业领军企业关键核心技术突破的技术创新能力由资金与技术、关键人力、研发与产业布局能力构成,并不断演进,实现由内部管理到外部治理,再到全面协同。本文研究结论为装备制造业领军企业关键核心技术突破提供了重要的见解。  相似文献   

To cope with the digital transition exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, managers of manufacturing small and medium enterprises (SMEs) need to adopt innovative practices to face uncertain scenarios and create long-term value, identified as transformational entrepreneurship practices. Among emerging digital technologies, digital platforms are shaping and outgrowing the e-commerce channel representing a potential opportunity for manufacturing SMEs to embrace digital transformation. Drawing on affordance theory, this research uses a mixed method approach to investigate how manufacturing SMEs’ e-commerce commitment and digital platform adoption stimulate the actualization of three e-commerce affordances: consumer knowledge generation, internationalization, and customer diversification. Based on survey responses from 165 manufacturing SME managers, we find that direct selling through owned websites actualizes consumer knowledge generation and internationalization, indirect selling actualizes customer diversification and internationalization, and agency selling through third-party platforms actualizes all three affordances. The relationship between e-commerce commitment and ecommerce performance is mediated by consumer knowledge generation and internationalization but not by customer diversification. A fsQCA analysis outlines seven configurations actualizing these e-commerce affordances by pairing different ecommerce approaches with degrees of e-commerce commitment. Finally, an analysis of open-ended questions from 24 respondents complements the study and deeply interprets the seven unique configurations outlined.  相似文献   

Over the last years, there has been a significant increase in the attention paid to the activities of knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS). KIBS produce and diffuse knowledge, which is crucial for innovation processes. The paper gives an overview of the role and function of KIBS in innovation systems and their knowledge production, transformation and diffusion activities. Focusing on innovation interactions between manufacturing small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and KIBS, the empirical analyses grasps KIBS position in five regional contexts. The analysis leads to the conclusion that innovation activities link SMEs and KIBS through the process of knowledge generation and diffusion.  相似文献   

This study highlights the role of knowledge management (KM) in enabling small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in a manufacturing industry in a developing country to engage in environmentally sustainable business. Drawing on the knowledge-based view of the firm, it argues that resource-constrained SMEs rely on their relational capital to augment their capability to innovate in order to find better and environmentally sound ways of doing business. However, SMEs need to harness their KM orientation in order to leverage the knowledge-based resources emanating from their relational capital towards building their innovation capability. This capability is essential in integrating effective environmental management practices in business. The findings from our analysis of data from a survey of 241 manufacturing SMEs in the Philippines support these hypotheses and underscore the importance of developing an organisational capability to engage in KM in order to adopt sustainable business practices. The implications of the findings are also discussed.  相似文献   

基于中小企业绩效的视角,借助组织变革相关理论,采用逐层回归模型等方法,对472家中小企业的智能制造情况进行实证分析。研究结果表明,智能制造的制造维和智能维对中小企业绩效均有显著的正向影响;同时,企业内部不同维度的组织变革对制造维、智能维与中小企业绩效之间的关系起着调节作用;并且,这种调节作用具有差异性,组织战略、业务流程变革与制造维匹配,组织结构变革与智能维匹配会对中小企业绩效产生更加显著的正向影响。基于以上研究发现,本文给出了中小企业实现智能制造的政策建议。  相似文献   

制造业转型升级的重要环节是激活中小企业的创新力量。技术学习难度增大、外部协同创新机制不完善、企业自身演化进程等因素共同决定了企业创新的必要性。我国制造业发展的阶段特征、产业特征、中小企业发展路径决定了现阶段中小企业自主创新能力具有特定的内涵和发展路径。在技术路线方面,不断积累模块化产品领域的技术能力,进一步发挥大规模制造的成本优势,利用信息技术和新兴工艺对传统生产设备和制造系统进行改造和提升;组织能力方面,借助区域创新系统、协同创新平台等渠道,通过自主研发、合作研发,整合外部前沿知识和核心技术,加快知识-技术-产品转化速度。  相似文献   

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