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梁建军 《图书馆杂志》2004,23(12):17-20
本文简要介绍了专利信息利用的定量分析方法,通过专利数据库和专利分析系统对国内已公开的LED(发光二极管)技术专利进行各种指标的分析,从而揭示了该技术领域中一些非常有价值的情报信息,显示了竞争情报利用的分析方法。  相似文献   

期刊论文的引用行为能够体现学术文献间的知识关联,因而期刊引文网络已成为绘制知识图谱的基础素材.专利引用行为与期刊论文的引用行为在频次分布、学科领域分布、语种分布等方面存在明显的相似性,因而,期刊引文分析法被"移植"到专利计量领域,并用以揭示专利技术间的知识关联.但专利引用行为是受专利法约束、由垄断利益驱动并导致创造性毁损的复杂社会行为,专利引用主体包括审查员、发明人与其代理律师、社会公众等多方,这些差异决定了"简单移植"期刊引文分析法进行专利引文分析的不合理性和其将导致的结论误差.在研究发明行为特征和区分专利引用动机的基础上,对期刊引文分析法进行"改造性移植",将是后续的研究课题.  相似文献   

在网页排名和论文排名基础上,采用引用频次标准和引文网络计算排名数值,建立专利排名算法。分析美国专利和商标局的数据库中的数字图书馆相关专利,研究结果显示专利排名算法能够区分相同引用次数的专利排名。该研究是网页排名算法的一种新型应用。  相似文献   

张娴  肖国华 《图书情报工作》2005,49(10):119-121
在对美国专利与商标局于因特网上公开的专利信息特色资源进行简要介绍的基础上,指出利用网站提供的数据库及网站提供的其他专利信息相关服务,从多个途径检索美国专利引文信息、专利权属信息、专利文献中序列信息等内容的具体方法,并对每一种途径均分别提供相应的检索实例。  相似文献   

专利价值评估是近年来技术创新管理领域的研究热点,专利被引用次数与专利的法律状态信息是专利价值评估中的两项重要评估指标。文章尝试将这两项指标进行整合分析,通过测度专利的权利维持状态与专利被引用之间的关系,从细致微观的角度来揭示专利价值的变化趋势。文章研究发现,专利的权利维持对专利获得引用有着积极的作用。在进行专利价值评估时,如同时考虑专利权利的维持与专利的被引两项评估指标,可有效提高评估的准确性。  相似文献   

专利文献的引用行为表达的是技术之间的竞争关系,专利计量方法已经成为企业技术竞争情报研究的一种主要手段。本文选择《财富》杂志(Fortune)2009年评选的世界500强企业作为研究对象,利用《德温特创新索引》数据库中2000~2009年的专利数据,基于社会网络分析中全网络方法的思想,从专利的前向引用分析角度构造企业的全域专利共被引矩阵,然后运用信息可视化技术和社会网络分析方法对世界500强企业进行技术竞争的专利地图分析,包括聚类分布、Kernel插值分布、共被引网络分析,研究500强企业的技术群聚类、技术竞争结构,挖掘技术竞争网络中的关键企业。  相似文献   

学术期刊的编辑在审稿中通常需要查阅专利信息,以确定稿件所涉及技术内容的新颖性、稿件所引用专利内容的可靠性、稿件所引用专利发明人和专利号的正确性等。在网络技术快速发展的今天,获取专利信息的重要途径就是利用专利索引数据库——Derwent Innovations Index。该数据库的熟练使用一定会为编辑审稿的保质保量提供强有力的帮助。  相似文献   

专利引文评价是当前专利情报分析的主要手段之一,其基本原理是:依据某项专利被其他专利引用的频次来评价该专利的价值和影响力,依据某企业专利被其他企业专利引用的频次来评价该企业的行业地位,这当中所蕴含的基本假设是:专利被引频次与专利价值正相关。然而,通过实证研究在美国注册的中国专利2548项及其被引信息11522条,本文发现专利被引频次与专利价值基本不相关,高被引专利中仅有少数具有较高专利价值。同时通过实证研究31355条施引信息,本文发现专利施引频次与专利价值在一定程度上负相关。通过解读各国专利法对“引用”的相关规定以及对“引文”所赋予的法定功能,本文阐述了专利被引频次与专利价值不相关以及专利施引频次与专利价值负相关的可能原因。  相似文献   

概述专利引用分析方法和相关指标,并简单介绍引用分析工具。在此基础上结合情报研究实践,以分子设计育种领域为例,从国家、公司以及技术三个层面进行专利引用分析实证。在实证分析中,用专利引用时间间隔来揭示技术创新和技术吸收的速度;用基于自引和他引和组合分析来揭示机构的相对竞争态势;用交叉引用指数和共同引用指数来分析机构间的技术交叠程度;用专利引用树来揭示技术发展脉络。  相似文献   

基于专利分析的视角,调研了国内外专利信息资源的现状和特点,明确了用于专利分析的资源及其加工深度的不足,设计了预处理和深加工的方案,重点为专利清洗和专利中四类信息的内容标引:发明类型、技术主题、发明改进和应用领域。并以新能源汽车领域为例,对中文专利进行了深加工实证研究。结果显示,利用清洗和深度标引后的专利资源能有效提高分析的准确度和专利资源揭示深度。  相似文献   

高被引论文与“睡美人”论文引用曲线及影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的/意义]通过对潜在“睡美人”论文的引用分布分析,提炼其特征,以期为“睡美人”论文的预判研究提供思路。[方法/过程]采用引用曲线这一更为直观的反映论文引用分布的方法,以“天文学和天体物理”这一领域为例,构建其10的高被引论文、“睡美人”论文的10-20年被引用数据并进行引文分布的对比分析。[结果/结论]研究发现两类文献的引用曲线模式及特点——高被引论文的持续增长型、显峰型、双峰型、振荡型,“睡美人”论文的持续增长型、显峰型、双峰型、振荡型、稳定型等被引用曲线模式;针对施引文献、研究主题演化方向探讨了各模式引用曲线形成的相关因素,发现两类文献达到引用高峰的时间存在差异。  相似文献   


Citing webpages has been a common practice in scholarly publications for nearly two decades as the Web evolved into a major information source. But over the years, more and more bibliographies have suffered from “reference rot”: Cited URLs are broken links or point to a page that no longer contains the content the author originally cited. In this column, I look at several studies showing how reference rot has affected different academic disciplines. I also examine citation styles’ approach to citing Web sources. I then turn to emerging Web citation practices: Perma, a “freemium” Web archiving service specifically for citation; and the Internet Archive, the largest Web archive.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the extent to which patent citations to papers can serve as early signs for predicting delayed recognized knowledge in science using a comparative study with a control group, i.e., instant recognition papers. We identify the two opposite groups of papers by the Bcp measure, a parameter-free index for identifying papers which were recognized with delay. We provide a macro (Science/Nature papers dataset) and micro (a case chosen from the dataset) evidence on paper-patent citation linkages as early signs for predicting delayed recognized knowledge in science. It appears that papers with delayed recognition show a stronger and longer technical impact than instant recognition papers. We provide indication that in the more recent years papers with delayed recognition are awakened more often and earlier by a patent rather than by a scientific paper (also called “prince”). We also found that patent citations seem to play an important role to avoid instant recognition papers to level off or to become a so called “flash in the pan”, i.e., instant recognition. It also appears that the sleeping beauties may firstly encounter negative citations and then patent citations and finally get widely recognized. In contrast to the two focused fields (biology and chemistry) for instant recognition papers, delayed recognition papers are rather evenly distributed in biology, chemistry, psychology, geology, materials science, and physics. We discovered several pairs of “science sleeping”-“technology inducing”, such as “biology-biotechnology/pharmaceuticals”, “chemistry-chemical engineering”, as well as some trans-fields science-technology interactions, such as “psychology - computer technology/control technology/audio-visual technology”, “physics - computer technology”, and “mathematics-computer technology”. We propose in further research to discover the potential ahead of time and transformative research by using citation delay analysis, patent & NPL analysis, and citation context analysis.  相似文献   

Questions of definition and measurement continue to constrain a consensus on the measurement of interdisciplinarity. Using Rao-Stirling (RS) Diversity sometimes produces anomalous results. We argue that these unexpected outcomes can be related to the use of “dual-concept diversity” which combines “variety” and “balance” in the definitions (ex ante). We propose to modify RS Diversity into a new indicator (DIV) which operationalizes “variety,” “balance,” and “disparity” independently and then combines them ex post. “Balance” can be measured using the Gini coefficient. We apply DIV to the aggregated citation patterns of 11,487 journals covered by the Journal Citation Reports 2016 of the Science Citation Index and the Social Sciences Citation Index as an empirical domain and, in more detail, to the citation patterns of 85 journals assigned to the Web-of-Science category “information science & library science” in both the cited and citing directions. We compare the results of the indicators and show that DIV provides improved results in terms of distinguishing between interdisciplinary knowledge integration (citing references) versus knowledge diffusion (cited impact). The new diversity indicator and RS diversity measure different features. A routine for the measurement of the various operationalization of diversity (in any data matrix) is made available online.  相似文献   

基于CSSCI的中国引文分析的可视化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以“引文分析” 为检索词在CSSCI中检索到 1998 - 2007年间527篇文献,3 328条引文。对这些数据进行统计和引文分析,利用NETDRAW、CITESPACE等可视化软件,绘制引文分析领域的重要作者和重要文献图,反映引文分析领域的重要人物和重要著作,展现引文分析领域的知识结构关系。  相似文献   


Library and information science as a discipline is undergoing rapid and extensive change, driven particularly by new areas of research. Citation analysis and information literacy are widely researched and have a rich background of growth. Publish or Perish, Buzzsumo.com, altmetrics.com, and textalyser.net have been used to analyze all metrics associated with citation analysis, social networking, and keyword analysis.

The hypothesis of this study is: “There is no significant difference in the citation pattern of the three prominent citation journals: Journal of Information Literacy, Communications in Information Literacy and Nordic Journal of Information Literacy in Higher Education”.

The hypotheses of the study were tested by assessment of the degree to which each of the journals met set of objective criteria. 697 papers from the three journals were analyzed and the results showed that the citation metrics of the Journal of Information Literacy had the highest correspondence with the criteria. The information linked to the Journals of Information Literacy was moderately posted on social networking sites (SNS) and the highest frequency of the keywords: “Information”; “Information literacy”; and “Information literacy instruction” were found in one, two and three-word searches. Some recommendations have also been offered to improve SNS presence and for further research in this field.  相似文献   

Dynamic development is an intrinsic characteristic of research topics. To study this, this paper proposes two sets of topic attributes to examine topic dynamic characteristics: topic continuity and topic popularity. Topic continuity comprises six attributes: steady, concentrating, diluting, sporadic, transforming, and emerging topics; topic popularity comprises three attributes: rising, declining, and fluctuating topics. These attributes are applied to a data set on library and information science publications during the past 11 years (2001–2011). Results show that topics on “web information retrieval”, “citation and bibliometrics”, “system and technology”, and “health science” have the highest average popularity; topics on “h-index”, “online communities”, “data preservation”, “social media”, and “web analysis” are increasingly becoming popular in library and information science.  相似文献   

Do academic journals favor authors who share their institutional affiliation? To answer this question we examine citation counts, as a proxy for paper quality, for articles published in four leading international relations journals during the years 2000–2015. We compare citation counts for articles written by “in-group members” (authors affiliated with the journal’s publishing institution) versus “out-group members” (authors not affiliated with that institution). Articles written by in-group authors received 18% to 49% fewer Web of Science citations when published in their home journal (International Security or World Politics) vs. an unaffiliated journal, compared to out-group authors. These results are mainly driven by authors who received their PhDs from Harvard or MIT. The findings show evidence of a bias within some journals towards publishing papers by faculty from their home institution, at the expense of paper quality.  相似文献   

Abstract While critics have often asserted that museology is underdeveloped as a discipline and lacks a “core literature,” no empirical evidence has been introduced to support this claim. A citation analysis of journal articles and books published over the past several years shows clear evidence that a core literature is in fact evolving in the field. Highly‐productive and influential authors are easily identifiable, as are seminal works that have received large numbers of citations by other authors. The majority of those highly‐cited works belong to the discipline of museology itself, and sizable numbers of influential publications cluster around key unifying themes.  相似文献   

We have developed a (freeware) routine for “Referenced Publication Years Spectroscopy” (RPYS) and apply this method to the historiography of “iMetrics,” that is, the junction of the journals Scientometrics, Informetrics, and the relevant subset of JASIST (approx. 20%) that shapes the intellectual space for the development of information metrics (bibliometrics, scientometrics, informetrics, and webometrics). The application to information metrics (our own field of research) provides us with the opportunity to validate this methodology, and to add a reflection about using citations for the historical reconstruction. The results show that the field is rooted in individual contributions of the 1920s to 1950s (e.g., Alfred J. Lotka), and was then shaped intellectually in the early 1960s by a confluence of the history of science (Derek de Solla Price), documentation (e.g., Michael M. Kessler's “bibliographic coupling”), and “citation indexing” (Eugene Garfield). Institutional development at the interfaces between science studies and information science has been reinforced by the new journal Informetrics since 2007. In a concluding reflection, we return to the question of how the historiography of science using algorithmic means—in terms of citation practices—can be different from an intellectual history of the field based, for example, on reading source materials.  相似文献   

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