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Techniques used to prepare clinical samples have been perfected for use in diagnostic testing in a variety of clinical situations, e.g., to extract, concentrate, and purify respiratory virus particles. These techniques offer a high level of purity and concentration of target samples but require significant equipment and highly trained personnel to conduct, which is difficult to achieve in resource-limited environments where rapid testing and diagnostics are crucial for proper handling of respiratory viruses. Microfluidics has popularly been utilized toward rapid virus detection in resource-limited environments, where most devices focused on detection rather than sample preparation. Initial microfluidic prototypes have been hindered by their reliance on several off-chip preprocessing steps and external laboratory equipment. Recently, sample preparation methods have also been incorporated into microfluidics to conduct the virus detection in an all-in-one, automated manner. Extraction, concentration, and purification of viruses have been demonstrated in smaller volumes of samples and reagents, with no need for specialized training or complex machinery. Recent devices show the ability to function independently and efficiently to provide rapid, automated sample preparation as well as the detection of viral samples with high efficiency. In this review, methods of microfluidic sample preparation for the isolation and purification of viral samples are discussed, limitations of current systems are summarized, and potential advances are identified.  相似文献   

何瑜  王雪  钟书华  朱晶晶  向莹 《科教文汇》2012,(24):137-138
分析化学设计实验的目的是培养学生合理并综合运用分析化学知识,解决遇到的实际问题,提升学生分析化学的综合能力和技能。该文探讨了设计性分析化学实验项目选择时的改革和探索。  相似文献   

The separation of simple organic substances by distribution between two immiscible phases is a traditional technique in preparative and analytical chemistry. Latterly, the method has been extended to cover the increasingly important field of polymers—especially those of biological importance—and the micro constituents of cells. By appropriate choice of phases the method can be made highly selective, and it is particularly valuable for the treatment of labile substances that may be irreversibly damaged by conventional methods.  相似文献   

Exosomes, nanosized membrane-bound vesicles released by cells, play roles in cell signaling, immunology, virology, and oncology. Their study, however, has been hampered by difficulty in isolation and quantification due to their size and the complexity of biological samples. Conventional approaches to improved isolation require specialized equipment and extensive sample preparation time. Therefore, isolation and detection methods of exosomes will benefit biological and clinical studies. Here, we report a microfluidic platform for inline exosome isolation and fluorescent detection using inertial manipulation of antibody-coated exosome capture beads from biological fluids.  相似文献   

This systematic review presents the latest trends in salivary research and its applications in health and disease. Among the large number of analytes present in saliva, many are affected by diverse physiological and pathological conditions. Further, the non-invasive, easy and cost-effective collection methods prompt an interest in evaluating its diagnostic or prognostic utility. Accumulating data over the past two decades indicates towards the possible utility of saliva to monitor overall health, diagnose and treat various oral or systemic disorders and drug monitoring. Advances in saliva based systems biology has also contributed towards identification of several biomarkers, development of diverse salivary diagnostic kits and other sensitive analytical techniques. However, its utilization should be carefully evaluated in relation to standardization of pre-analytical and analytical variables, such as collection and storage methods, analyte circadian variation, sample recovery, prevention of sample contamination and analytical procedures. In spite of all these challenges, there is an escalating evolution of knowledge with the use of this biological matrix.Key words: saliva, non-invasive, biological markers, drug monitoring, oral health  相似文献   

佘稳 《中国科技纵横》2014,(14):229-230
介绍了采用DDS-70电气伺服振动三轴试验装置测定海底浅层饱和砂性土液化动力特性参数试验过程中出现的若干问题,如土样制备过程中问题、土样成分及包含物对试验影响、试验中轴向振动应力施加常见问题、土样重塑试验对试验结果影响,以及对试验数据结果的可靠性进行分析。  相似文献   

Optical chromatography involves the elegant combination of opposing optical and fluid drag forces on colloidal samples within microfluidic environments to both measure analytical differences and fractionate injected samples. Particles that encounter the focused laser beam are trapped axially along the beam and are pushed upstream from the laser focal point to rest at a point where the optical and fluid forces on the particle balance. In our recent devices particles are pushed into a region of lower microfluidic flow, where they can be retained and fractionated. Because optical and fluid forces on a particle are sensitive to differences in the physical and chemical properties of a sample, separations are possible. An optical chromatography beam focused to completely fill a fluid channel is operated as an optically tunable filter for the separation of inorganic, polymeric, and biological particle samples. We demonstrate this technique coupled with an advanced microfluidic platform and show how it can be used as an effective method to fractionate particles from an injected multicomponent sample. Our advanced three-stage microfluidic design accommodates three lasers simultaneously to effectively create a sequential cascade optical chromatographic separation system.  相似文献   

Quality in laboratory has huge impact on diagnosis and patient management as 80–90% of all diagnosis is made on the basis of laboratory tests. Monitoring of quality indicators covering the critical areas of pre-analytical, analytical and post-analytical phases like sample misidentification, sample rejection, random and systemic errors, critical value reporting and TATs have a significant impact on performance of laboratory. This study was conducted in diagnostic laboratories receiving approximately 42,562 samples for clinical chemistry, hematology and serology. The list of quality indicators was developed for the steps of total testing process for which errors are frequent and improvements are possible. The trend was observed for all the QI before and after sensitisation of the staff over the period of 12 months. Incomplete test requisition form received in the lab was the most poor quality indicator observed (7.89%), followed by sample rejection rate (4.91%). Most significant improvement was found in pre- and post-analytical phase after sensitisation of staff but did not have much impact on analytical phase. Use of quality indicators to assess and monitor the quality system of the clinical laboratory services is extremely valuable tool in keeping the total testing process under control in a systematic and transparent way.  相似文献   

周清  温金莲  黄晓文 《科教文汇》2011,(12):101-102
实验教学在整个分析化学教学过程中占有重要的地位。"开放式实验教学"模式重在吸引学生主动参与实践活动,培养解决实际问题的能力,从而达到提高综合素质的目的。通过"开放式实验教学",建立由基础性实验——综合性实验——研究性实验构成的立体、多层次实验教学体系,是分析化学实验教学改革的一个重要方向。  相似文献   

IntroductionMoving average (MA) is one possible way to use patient results for analytical quality control in medical laboratories. The aims of this study were to: (1) implement previously optimized MA procedures for 10 clinical chemistry analytes into the laboratory information system (LIS); (2) monitor their performance as a real-time quality control tool, and (3) define an algorithm for MA alarm management in a small-volume laboratory to suit the specific laboratory.Materials and methodsMoving average alarms were monitored and analysed over a period of 6 months on all patient results (total of 73,059) obtained for 10 clinical chemistry parameters. The optimal MA procedures were selected previously using an already described technique called the bias detection simulation method, considering the ability of bias detection the size of total allowable error as the key parameter for optimization.ResultsDuring 6 months, 17 MA alarms were registered, which is 0.023% of the total number of generated MA values. In 65% of cases, their cause was of pre-analytical origin, in 12% of analytical origin, and in 23% the cause was not found. The highest alarm rate was determined on sodium (0.10%), and the lowest on calcium and chloride.ConclusionsThis paper showed that even in a small-volume laboratory, previously optimized MA procedures could be successfully implemented in the LIS and used for continuous quality control. Review of patient results, re-analysis of samples from the stable period, analysis of internal quality control samples and assessment of the analyser malfunctions and maintenance log have been proposed for the algorithm for managing MA alarms.  相似文献   

In the clinical laboratory setting, interferences can be a significant source of laboratory errors with potential to cause serious harm for the patient. After hemolysis, lipemia is the most frequent endogenous interference that can influence results of various laboratory methods by several mechanisms. The most common preanalytical cause of lipemic samples is inadequate time of blood sampling after the meal or parenteral administration of synthetic lipid emulsions. Although the best way of detecting the degree of lipemia is measuring lipemic index on analytical platforms, laboratory experts should be aware of its problems, like false positive results and lack of standardization between manufacturers. Unlike for other interferences, lipemia can be removed and measurement can be done in a clear sample. However, a protocol for removing lipids from the sample has to be chosen carefully, since it is dependent on the analytes that have to be determined. Investigation of lipemia interference is an obligation of manufacturers of laboratory reagents; however, several literature findings report lack of verification of the declared data. Moreover, the acceptance criteria currently used by the most manufacturers are not based on biological variation and need to be revised. Written procedures for detection of lipemia, removing lipemia interference and reporting results from lipemic samples should be available to laboratory staff in order to standardize the procedure, reduce errors and increase patient safety.  相似文献   

基础化学是我国医学专业学生必修的重要基础理论课,在医学教育中占有重要的地位。笔者根据自身的教学经历,针对医学专业学生的特点和教学中普遍存在的问题进行了讨论,提出了提高医学专业学生基础化学教学质量的几点措施。  相似文献   

基础化学是我国医学专业学生必修的重要基础理论课,在医学教育中占有重要的地位。笔者根据自身的教学经历,针对医学专业学生的特点和教学中普遍存在的问题进行了讨论,提出了提高医学专业学生基础化学教学质量的几点措施。  相似文献   

樊浩 《现代情报》2011,31(9):173-177
本文以ISI Web of Science数据库(SCI-EXPANDED,SSCI,CPCI-S)1986-2010年所收录的主题为"医学情报"的研究文献作为分析样本,从文献计量学角度,借助最新的信息可视化软件CitespaceⅡ绘制知识图谱,分析国际医学情报研究的发展演进、研究热点和前沿,预测未来医学情报研究的趋势,为国内医学情报研究和学科发展规划提供参考依据。  相似文献   

钟云红 《大众科技》2011,(12):89-90
正确而熟练地掌握试样的称量方法是分析化学实验中最基本的操作技能之一。熟练地掌握分析天平的使用,并能根据不同的称量对象和不同的天平类型,采用相应的称量方法和操作步骤。针对机械天平,主要涉及三种常用的称量方法,其中最常用的是递减称量法。  相似文献   

二维码技术应用于医学检验技术专业的分析化学实验课程中,对比于传统的分析化学实验,教学方法得以优化和改进,可以提高学生自主学习的能力,熟练掌握实验技巧,增强学习兴趣,为医学检验培养应用型人才。  相似文献   

Cell-cell interactions play a key role in regeneration, differentiation, and basic tissue function taking place under physiological shear forces. However, current solutions to mimic such interactions by micro-patterning cells within microfluidic devices have low resolution, high fabrication complexity, and are limited to one or two cell types. Here, we present a microfluidic platform capable of laminar patterning of any biotin-labeled peptide using streptavidin-based surface chemistry. The design permits the generation of arbitrary cell patterns from heterogeneous mixtures in microfluidic devices. We demonstrate the robust co-patterning of α-CD24, α-ASGPR-1, and α-Tie2 antibodies for rapid isolation and co-patterning of mixtures of hepatocytes and endothelial cells. In addition to one-step isolation and patterning, our design permits step-wise patterning of multiple cell types and empty spaces to create complex cellular geometries in vitro. In conclusion, we developed a microfluidic device that permits the generation of perfusable tissue-like patterns in microfluidic devices by directly injecting complex cell mixtures such as differentiated stem cells or tissue digests with minimal sample preparation.  相似文献   

Mucopolysaccharidoses, a group of inherited disorders are associated with defects in glycosaminoglycan metabolism. Thus, assessment of urinary glycosaminoglycan is used as a screening test for mucopolysaccharidoses. The detection methods range from qualitative spot tests to quantification using metachromatic dyes. In our laboratory we optimized a spectrophotometric quantitative method using a metachromatic dye, dimethylmethylene blue. Heparan sulfate was used for quantification. The glycosaminoglycan–dye complex showed a marked shift in color with increase in concentration. The color complex was quantified at 520 nm. The method was linear from 10–89 mg/L. An age matched normal range was obtained in 177 healthy individuals, grouped in 8 different age groups from neonates to adults. Urinary glycosaminoglycan concentration varied distinctly amongst the study population wherein the lowest range in healthy neonates was more than 3 times the upper limit of healthy adults. Urine samples from 10 patients with mucopolysaccharidoses were also included in the study for clinical validation. The method qualified both analytical and clinical validation and was found to be simple, robust and ideal to be offered as a screening test for mucopplysaccharidoses in a routine clinical chemistry laboratory.  相似文献   

舒馨 《大众科技》2011,(12):182-183
介绍了一个具有可推广性的分析化学研究型教学实验一分光光度法测定八角中总黄酮含量。该实验涉及分析化学、有机化学、无机化学、天然药物化学领域的知识与操作,有助于巩固学生原有的知识与实验技能,培养学生分析问题、解决问题的能力。推荐该实验作为本科生的分析化学研究型教学实验。  相似文献   

A comprehensive study involving numerical analysis and experimental validation of temperature transients within a microchamber was performed for thermocycling operation in an integrated centrifugal microfluidic platform for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification. Controlled heating and cooling of biological samples are essential processes in many sample preparation and detection steps for micro-total analysis systems. Specifically, the PCR process relies on highly controllable and uniform heating of nucleic acid samples for successful and efficient amplification. In these miniaturized systems, the heating process is often performed more rapidly, making the temperature control more difficult, and adding complexity to the integrated hardware system. To gain further insight into the complex temperature profiles within the PCR microchamber, numerical simulations using computational fluid dynamics and computational heat transfer were performed. The designed integrated centrifugal microfluidics platform utilizes thermoelectrics for ice-valving and thermocycling for PCR amplification. Embedded micro-thermocouples were used to record the static and dynamic thermal responses in the experiments. The data collected was subsequently used for computational validation of the numerical predictions for the system response during thermocycling, and these simulations were found to be in agreement with the experimental data to within ∼97%. When thermal contact resistance values were incorporated in the simulations, the numerical predictions were found to be in agreement with the experimental data to within ∼99.9%. This in-depth numerical modeling and experimental validation of a complex single-sided heating platform provide insights into hardware and system design for multi-layered polymer microfluidic systems. In addition, the biological capability along with the practical feasibility of the integrated system is demonstrated by successfully performing PCR amplification of a Group B Streptococcus gene.  相似文献   

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