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The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) launched in 2009 a major effort to promote international cooperation and scientific innovation: the Visiting Professorship Program for Senior International Scientists and the Fellowship Program for Young International Scientists. As part of the Academy's long endeavor to attract foreign researchers, both programs received hundreds of appfications from abroad. In 2009, 159 professors and 55 young scholars were selected.  相似文献   

The Albert Einstein Visiting Professorship of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) is designed to enhance the development of its leading scientists.raise the innovation abilities of its staff and strengthen their contacts and exchanges with scientific elites around the world.  相似文献   

We have formulated theguiding principles forrunning the ChineseAcademy of Sciences (CAS) duringthe new era in the course of the pi-lot implementation of the Knowl-edge Innovation Program (KIP). Toapply these principles to the letter,an enlarged session of the CPC Lead-ing Party Cadres Group at CASheld in the summer of 2002 set forththe Academys future developmentstrategy. At the current enlargedsession, the Leading Party CadresGroup has made a penetrating studyof the strategy and dec…  相似文献   

A novel laser facility, named SG-Ⅱ (Shenguang, or Divine Light), has recently passed the appraisal of a panel of experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China Academy of Engineering Physics, and State High-tech Development Program (National 863 Program).  相似文献   

基于青年科技人才需求特征的激励机制探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
在建设创新型国家及实施《国家中长期人才发展规划纲要》的时代背景下,本文结合中科院实施"创新2020"的总体规划,通过对青年科技人才需求特征的分析,借鉴相关激励理论,着重探讨了个人发展空间、研究氛围、团队科研项目和经济收入这4个需求因素对青年科技人才的激励作用,并对建立与完善青年科技人才的激励机制提出了探索性的建议。  相似文献   

由于历史原因,中科院法律主体性质从《中国科学院暂行组织章程(草案)》开始就存在着模糊的倾向。现有法律主体性质的制度性确认,缺失基础性的法律内涵,使得中科院法律主体性质稳定性和权威性不足,从而难以满足中科院治理体系现代化的客观需求。因此,从应然和实然的角度,建议尽快通过专门性立法确认法律主体性质,设立专门性国立科研机构法人主体,以及明确行政管理授权等方面重构中科院法律主体性质。  相似文献   

The Partner Group on Colloid and Interface Science is based on the International Joint Laboratory, established in the former Beijing Institute of Photographic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and was incorporated into the Center for Molecular Science of the Institute of Chemistry, CAS in 1999. The Partner Group aims at research on molecular assembly of biomimetic membranes and the synthesis of nano-structured materials by way of training younger Chinese scientists and making use of the advanced facilities in Germany. Both sides cooperate closely in sectors in which they have a common interest to push forward the development of related sciences in China. The group leader, Li Junbai, has received many awards and has obtained much financial support inside China. On the German side, the Partner Group is hosting or participating in several research and development projects commissioned by the Max Planck Society and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). The Partner Group has thus secured goo  相似文献   

The 2004 annual work conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) is held at an important moment. It comes when formulation of the State Mediumand Long-term Plan for the Development of Science and Technology (S&T) has begun in an all-round way and when the seventh year has just begun for the trial implementation of our Knowledge Innovation Program (KIP) and we are working hard to plan the development of CAS in the future. Here is the theme of our conference:  相似文献   

2010年,按照国务院常务会议要求,中科院认真开展了知识创新工程评估工作,形成了《知识创新工程(1998—2010年)评估报告》。本文介绍了知识创新工程评估的方法,包括评估的逻辑模型、指标体系以及主要评估模块的具体评价方法。重点介绍了针对评估对象特点的评估模型选择,系统的评估组织和环节设计及基于客观事实与数据的自评估方法。  相似文献   

In order to promote the national capability in S&T innovation in an all-round way, the Party's Central Committee and the State Council made a key decision of great strategic significance to initiate a pilot project for the national Knowledge Innovation Program (KIP) at CAS in 1998. This signifies a new stage for the buildup of a national knowledge innovation system and a new era for the development of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).  相似文献   

As their first plenary meetings in the new century, the 11th General Assembly of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Sixth General Assembly of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) were convened in Beijing from May 28 to June 1. A total of 490 CAS members and three foreign members attended the CAS conference.  相似文献   

文章以"十二五"期间受中科院青年创新促进会支持并已晋升为正高级专业技术岗位的优秀青年人才为研究对象,比较其与"十二五"期间通过中科院"百人计划"引进并到岗且到岗时年龄不满35岁(含)的海外青年人才,在基金项目支持、主要青年人才计划资助以及顶级期刊科研论文产出等方面的数据,分析国内本土优秀青年科技人才的成长情况,探讨影响本土优秀青年科技人才成长的主要因素及加强本土青年科技人才培养的建议举措。  相似文献   

The Fourth Presidium of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) was elected at the 11th CAS General Assembly held from May 28 to June 1, 2002, in Beijing.  相似文献   

This article gives a systematic and comprehensive summary of the marine research results ac complished by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) with the support of the National High-tech Research and Development Program during the period of the Ninth Five-year Plan (1996 - 2000). It includes achievements in the exploitation of marine resources, protection of the marine environment, reduction of marine disasters and the safeguarding of national marine sovereignty.  相似文献   

The 10~(th) CAS Award for International Scientific Cooperation goes to climatologist CHEN Deliang from the University of Gothenburg,physicist Earl Ward Plummer from Louisiana State University,and chemist Shavkat Salikhov from the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

A total of 556 members from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) recently selected China's top 10 news events of scientific and technological progress for the year 2001. The selection was jointly organized by Science Times, and the Academic Divisions of both CAS and CAE.  相似文献   

在举国上下全面学习苏联的氛围中,自1954年起,数百位苏联科学技术专家陆续来到中国科学院,以院长顾问、学科专家等不同身份,指导、规划中国科学院的制度设计和科研组织工作,并开展了大量科研合作与交流项目。论文依据中国科学院档案等原始文献,着重对这一时期苏联专家在中国科学院早期发展中的角色与作用做出历史的叙述。并以此为切入点,对中苏两国科学院在上世纪50年代这一独特阶段中的交流与合作关系作出基本评估,指出在中国科学院的苏联专家,其工作性质和职责范围以及在华地位,是一个逐渐弱化的过程;而这一变化,除受到两国不同阶段意识形态变化、中共高层对苏政策调整的影响之外,还与合作与交流中双方利益的冲突与调适有关。  相似文献   

We present evidence on productivity improvement experienced by the research institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) after its implementation of the Knowledge Innovation Program (KIP). Using a balanced panel of data on R&D inputs and outputs of 59 research institutes in CAS, we analyze the productivity, technological and efficiency changes from 1997 to 2005. We document that the CAS research institutes have a productivity growth of 12.5% from 1998 to 2005, which can be further decomposed into 8.8% attributed to technological progress and 3.3% to efficiency improvement. Results of regional analysis show that institutes in Beijing and Shanghai, performed better than institutes in other regions during the same period.  相似文献   

With an objective to establish a highly innovative research contingent,CAS has Iaunched a number of talent-recruitment and training schemes sinece the initiation of its Knowledge Innovation Program in 1998,namely,Engaging Outstanding Overseas Talents,Overseas Review Experts,Overseas Supervisors for Doctoral Candidates,Fund for Overseas Outstanding Scholars,Academic Seminars,Einstein Visiting Professorship,and Research Fellowship for International Young Researchers.  相似文献   

"黑土地保护与利用科技创新工程(黑土粮仓)"战略性先导科技专项(A类)是中国科学院实施"黑土粮仓"科技会战,深入贯彻落实习近平总书记关于"把黑土地用好养好"系列指示精神的核心抓手。该专项立足国家粮食安全战略目标,针对东北黑土地保护与利用面临的关键科学技术难题,根据问题导向、创新引领和示范带动的思路,以"目标清、可考核、用得上、有影响、推得开、留得下"为原则,开展黑土地保护与利用的核心技术攻关和区域适宜性模式示范,致力于形成用好养好黑土地的系统解决方案,服务国家粮食安全产业带建设和现代农业发展。  相似文献   

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