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目的:观察运动员在系统训练过程中服用丙酮酸肌酸、肌酸和肉碱时身体成分及运动能力的不同影响.方法:36名国家青年篮球队退动员,随机分为安慰剂组、丙酮酸肌酸组、肌酸组和肉碱组.正常训练同时持续6周服用营养补剂和安慰剂,实验前、后进行身体成分测试和运动能力测试.结果:在系统训练中使用丙酮酸肌酸可以明显减少运动员的脂肪,降低体脂百分数;能够明显增加运动员肌肉重量和去脂体重;明显提高运动员运动能力.男运动员在系统训练中使用肌酸和丙酮酸肌酸,可以减少身体脂肪,但使用丙酮酸肌酸减少脂肪的幅度更大;同时,使用丙酮酸肌酸还能够明显增加肌肉重量;在系统训练中使用丙酮酸肌酸比肌酸更能提高运动能力且没有副反应.女运动员在训练中使用肉碱和丙酮酸肌酸均能减少身体脂肪、提高运动能力,丙酮酸肌酸的效果更明显.结论:在系统训练中使用丙酮酸肌酸比肌酸和肉碱更能减少运动员身体脂肪、增加肌肉重量,提高运动能力.  相似文献   

对无系统运动训练史的健康青年男性(肥胖组8人,对照组9人)进行65%VO2max负荷强度的功率自行车有氧运动,监测运动过程中受试者心率、血压、RPE及RQ等生理指标和血糖、血清TG、FFA及GH等生化指标的变化,分析有氧运动过程中肥胖者与常人是否存在生理代谢上的差异.研究发现,肥胖组安静时和运动中的心率和血压水平显著高于对照组,易出现运动疲劳;运动中RQ和血糖浓度显著高于对照组,而血清TG和FFA浓度增长幅度低于对照组;GH对运动的反应较为迟钝.结果提示肥胖者体能下降,脂肪氧化供能能力降低.  相似文献   

肥胖男青年对两种强度有氧运动的生理代谢反应比较   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的:分析两种强度有氧运动过程中机体能源物质动员的特点,为制定减肥运动处方提供理论依据。方法:8名无系统运动训练史的非继发性肥胖男青年进行40%和65%V。O2max强度有氧运动,监测运动过程中受试者HR、血压及RPE等生理指标和血清GLU、TG、FFA及GH等生化指标的变化。结果:40%V。O2max有氧运动过程中HR、收缩压、RPE及血清GLU水平显著低于(舒张压显著高于)65%V。O2max有氧运动;血清GH水平有降低趋势;血清TG、FFA水平显著高于65%V。O2max有氧运动。40%V。O2max有氧运动过程中,脂肪动员程度较大,随着运动强度的增加,机体糖代谢加强,脂代谢减弱。结论:肥胖者宜采用40%V。O2max有氧运动进行减肥健身锻炼,不仅能更大程度地动员脂肪供能,而且相对不易疲劳,主观体力感觉也易于接受。  相似文献   

丙酮酸补充对有氧运动能力和心血管功能的影响(综述)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
丙酮酸是一种新型的,安全有效的膳食补充剂。已有的研究提示:丙酮酸可能在提高有氧运动能力、改善运动情绪和疲劳感觉有明显的效果;在改善心血管功能上也可能有一定的作用。丙酮酸的作用机制尚不清楚。推荐剂量条件下,丙酮酸长期使用的实际作用效果、性别差异、训练水平和训练方式对其作用效果的影响尚未见报道。  相似文献   

丙酮酸补充对游泳大鼠脂肪代谢的影响及机理研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究目的:以游泳大鼠为研究对象,通过检测其补充丙酮酸过程中身体成分和脂肪代谢的变化,探讨丙酮酸补充对游泳大鼠脂肪代谢的影响度机理。研究方法:将雄性Wistar大鼠38只随机分为4组(安慰剂对照组、运动组对照、补充丙酮酸对照组和补充丙酮酸运动组)。采用沉淀法测定大鼠血清LDL-C和HDL-C水平;酶法测定血清TC和TG;比色法测定血清LPS、LPL和HL。结果:4周丙酮酸补充可明显减缓游泳大鼠体重和体脂增长速度,明显降低大鼠血清TC水平及游泳大鼠血清LDL-C水平。同时,丙酮酸补充可明显提高游泳大鼠血清LPL含量,江一定程度地降低其血清HL水平。结论:丙酮酸补充可在一定程度上减慢游泳大鼠体重和体脂的增长速度,加快其能量代谢速度;可能会通过影响游泳大鼠脂肪代谢相关调控酶水平,使其血脂水平下降,进而影响其脂肪代谢过程。  相似文献   

艾灸缓解运动性疲劳的临床观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:观察艾灸疗法对运动员运动性疲劳恢复的临床疗效.方法:共观察运动性疲劳运动员90例,随机分为三组,每组30例,治疗一周,分别对治疗前后的疲劳主观感觉评分(RPE)值以及实验室指标的变化进行纪录,经统计学处理,进行治疗前后组内及组间对照.结果:艾灸气海对运动员运动后疲劳主观感觉评分、心率、反应时、血清肌酸激酶(CK)活性、尿素氮(BUN)浓度、血红蛋白(Hb)浓度均有良好的改善作用,艾灸百会可以改善运动员运动后疲劳主观感觉评分、心率、反应时、血清肌酸激酶(CK)活性.结论:艾灸疗法对改善运动员运动性疲劳有良好疗效.  相似文献   

对不同运动负荷方案下的心率及RPE效度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:分析男子在不同运动负荷方案下,Borg的公式HR=RPEx10(心率=主观感觉运动负荷等级×10)估算出的心率是否可靠,验证RPE值是否与心率表现出高度相关,为提高RPE(主观感觉运动负荷评估表)评价的有效性与客观性提供一定依据。方法:测定7名在校体育学院男生的最大耗氧量,自行车递增负荷运动以及恒定负荷运动中各等级负荷末1 min心率、耗氧量、呼吸频率和RPE值等指标。结果:在递增负荷运动中,受试对象评定RPE等级的估算心率其特点呈现低负荷及中、高负荷时偏低,最大负荷时偏高的特点,并且,中、高负荷及最大负荷运动时RPE估算心率值与实测心率值有显著差异(P>0.05)。在恒定负荷运动中,受试对象的RPE估算心率值呈现整体偏低的特点。RPE与心率、呼吸频率,呼吸商、摄氧量等几项指标相关系数远远低于文献记录的相关系数0.80~0.90,且呼吸频率与RPE值的相关性高于心率。结论:公式HR=RPEx10得出的估算心率值,在男子进行递增负荷运动时可能不够准确,而在恒定负荷运动中估算效果更佳。在采用不同评价方式评价RPE时,估算心率与实际心率之差值幅度随评价时间延长而递增。呼吸频率与心率相比,在反映RPE指标时可能...  相似文献   

目的研究消除体力疲劳及促恢复类营养品对运动员运动能力的影响及个性化营养补充的机制,为高效运动营养品的筛选提供实验依据.方法采用双盲、自身对照法对12名武术专业健康男性大学生在进行1 h的定量负荷运动后0 min-5 min内分别个体化补充高或低浓度的两种抗疲劳、促进恢复运动饮料,60min后进行12 min跑体能测试.结果补充D1、D2、D3、D4运动饮料对受试者血糖应答在补充后30min-60 min之间最明显,而且,高浓度与低浓度之间比较有显著性差异;受试者分别补充D1、D2、D3、D4运动饮料的后主观体力感觉(RPE)之间比较无显著性差异;补充高浓度饮料后心率恢复快于低浓度(P<0.05),而两种饮料之间无显著性差异;受试者分别补充D1、D2、D3、D4运动饮料后进行12 min跑体能测试,试验结果显示,D1、D2、D3、D4运动饮料之间比较均无显著性差异.结论定量负荷运动后,个体化补充强力恢复冲剂和全能恢复冲剂均能促进运动后血糖应答和心率的恢复,且高浓度的作用强于低浓度,但两种冲剂之间未见有显著性差异.  相似文献   

运用心率遥测等方法,对受试者BODYJAM运动中心率及其变化特征进行分析.结果表明:BoDYJAM运动中心率区间范围和变化特征都非常符合健身负荷的锻炼标准,BODYJAM是一套强度适宜的运动方式.BODYJAM运动中有背景音乐,加上运动时多数是集体完成,运动者由于主观上的兴奋导致主观感觉和客观运动量不太一致,因此用RPE来反映运动强度存在误差.  相似文献   

采用RPE评分、运动成绩测试、心肺功能测试及心脏内分泌激素放射免疫法检测等方法对运动员心脏功能进行跟踪观察。结果表明:(1)穴位离子导入能明显改善运动员的主观感觉,提高专项成绩,改善心肺功能,降低无氧闲心率,提高有氧耐力,推迟心源性运动性疲劳的发生;(2)穴位离子导入可改善运动员心脏神经肽ET和CGRP的分泌,使之向更有利于适应运动负荷的方向发展。结论是:(1)心源性运动性疲劳的发生与多因素相关;(2)穴位离子导入能多环节、多层面地保护心肌和改善心脏功能,从而延缓疲劳产生和促进疲劳消除。  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of caffeine, co-ingested with a high fat meal, on perceptual and metabolic responses during incremental (Experiment 1) and endurance (Experiment 2) exercise performance. Trained participants performed three constant-load cycling tests at approximately 73% of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) for 30 min at 20 degrees C (Experiment 1, n = 8) and to the limit of tolerance at 10 degrees C (Experiment 2, n = 10). The 30 min constant-load exercise in Experiment 1 was followed by incremental exercise (15 W . min-1) to fatigue. Four hours before the first test, the participants consumed a 90% carbohydrate meal (control trial); in the remaining two tests, the participants consumed a 90% fat meal with (fat + caffeine trial) and without (fat-only trial) caffeine. Caffeine and placebo were randomly assigned and ingested 1 h before exercise. In both experiments, ratings of perceived leg exertion were significantly lower during the fat + caffeine than fat-only trial (Experiment 1: P < 0.001; Experiment 2: P < 0.01). Ratings of perceived breathlessness were significantly lower in Experiment 1 (P < 0.01) and heart rate higher in Experiment 2 (P < 0.001) on the fat + caffeine than fat-only trial. In the two experiments, oxygen uptake, ventilation, blood [glucose], [lactate] and plasma [glycerol] were significantly higher on the fat + caffeine than fat-only trial. In Experiment 2, plasma [free fatty acids], blood [pyruvate] and the [lactate]:[pyruvate] ratio were significantly higher on the fat + caffeine than fat-only trial. Time to exhaustion during incremental exercise (Experiment 1: control: 4.9, s = 1.8 min; fat-only: 5.0, s = 2.2 min; fat + caffeine: 5.0, s = 2.2 min; P > 0.05) and constant-load exercise (Experiment 2: control: 116 (88 - 145) min; fat-only: 122 (96 - 144) min; fat + caffeine: 127 (107 - 176) min; P > 0.05) was not different between the fat-only and fat + caffeine trials. In conclusion, while a number of metabolic responses were increased during exercise after caffeine ingestion, perception of effort was reduced and this may be attributed to the direct stimulatory effect of caffeine on the central nervous system. However, this caffeine-induced reduction in effort perception did not improve exercise performance.  相似文献   

The effects of antioxidant diet supplements on blood lactate concentration and on the aerobic and anaerobic thresholds and their adaptations to training were analysed. Fifteen amateur male athletes were randomly assigned to either a placebo group or an antioxidant-supplemented group (90 days supplementation with 500 mg x day(-1) of vitamin E and 30 mg x day(-1) of beta-carotene, and the last 15 days also with 1 g x day(-1) of vitamin C). Before and after the antioxidant supplements, the sportsmen performed a maximal exercise test on a cycle ergometer and maximal and submaximal physiological parameters were assessed together with blood lactate concentration. Maximal oxygen uptake (VO(2max)), maximal blood lactate concentration, and the maximal workload attained rose significantly in both groups after the 3 months of training. At the end of the study, maximal blood lactate concentration was lower in the group that took supplements than in the placebo group. The percentage of VO(2max) attained at the anaerobic threshold rose significantly in both groups after 3 months of training, although the final value in the supplemented group was higher than that in the placebo group. Antioxidant diet supplements induced lower increases in blood lactate concentration after a maximal exercise test and could improve the efficiency in which aerobic energy is obtained.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine the acute effects of resting, aerobic exercise practised alone, and aerobic exercise with active video games (AVG), on complex reaction time (CRT) and the post-exercise acute rate of perceived exertion (RPE) in young healthy adults. The experimental group was composed of 92 healthy young adults, 78 males and 13 females (age M?=?21.9?±?2.7 years) who completed two sessions, A and B. In session A, participants rode 30?min on an ergometer, while in session B they exercised for 30?min on an ergometer while playing an AVG on a Wii. The control group was composed of 30 young adults, 26 males and 4 females (age M?=?21.4?±?2.9 years) who rested for 30?min. In each session, a CRT task was performed before and after exercising or resting, and post-exercise global RPE was noted. Repeated measures general linear model (GLM) and Wilcoxon tests were performed. (1) Both aerobic exercise alone and aerobic exercise combined with AVG improved CRT, while resting did not; (2) aerobic exercise combined with AVG did not improve CRT more than aerobic exercise only; and (3) RPE was lower after aerobic exercise combined with AVG compared with aerobic exercise only. In young adults, exercise produces acute benefits on CRT, and practising exercise with AVG helps to decrease RPE.  相似文献   


The current study examined the effect of acute caffeine ingestion on mean and peak power production, fatigue index and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) during upper body and lower body Wingate anaerobic test (WANT) performance. Using a double-blind design, 22 males undertook one upper body and one lower body WANT, 60?min following ingestion of caffeine (5?mg*kg?1) and one upper body and one lower body WANT following ingestion of placebo (5?mg*kg?1 Dextrose). Peak power was significantly higher (P?=?.001) following caffeine ingestion in both upper and lower body WANT. Peak power and mean power was also significantly higher during lower body, compared to upper body WANTs irrespective of substance ingested. However, caffeine ingestion did not enhance mean power neither in upper nor lower-body WANT. There were no significant differences in mean fatigue index as a consequence of substance ingested or mode of exercise (all P?>?0.05). For RPE there was also a significant substance ingested X mode interaction (P?=?.001) where there were no differences in RPE between caffeine and placebo conditions in lower body WANTs but significantly lower RPE during upper body WANT in the presence of caffeine compared to placebo (P?=?.014). This is the first study to compare the effects of caffeine ingestion on upper and lower body 30-second WANT performance and suggests that caffeine ingestion in the dose of 5?mg*kg?1 ingested 60?min prior to exercise significantly enhances peak power when data from upper and lower body WANTs are combined.  相似文献   

有氧运动对肥胖大鼠心肌脂肪酸代谢干预作用的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 观察肥胖大鼠心肌型脂肪酸结合蛋白(H-FABP)含量的变化,探索有氧运动对肥胖大鼠心肌脂肪酸代谢的干预作用.方法 SD雄性大鼠给予6周的高脂饮食建造肥胖模型,造模成功的大鼠随机分为肥胖对照组和肥胖运动组,肥胖运动组进行12周的有氧耐力运动后测定大鼠心脏重量指数,使用铜显色法测定心肌游离脂肪酸(FFA)浓度,应用Western-Blot方法检测心肌型脂肪酸结合蛋白含量.结果 肥胖对照组大鼠心脏重量指数、FFA浓度较肥胖运动组明显增加,差异非常显著(P<0.01).肥胖运动组大鼠心脏H-FABP蛋白含量较对照组明显增加,差异显著(P<0.05).结论 高脂饮食诱导肥胖大鼠存在左室肥厚,有氧运动减缓了肥胖大鼠左室肥厚的进展,使心肌FFA浓度降低,可能与H-FABP蛋白表达增加调节了心肌的脂肪酸代谢有关.  相似文献   

丙酮酸和二羟丙酮都是糖代谢过程中的三碳化合物。长期丙酮酸和二羟丙酮补充可以降低体脂和延缓体重获得,这种变化可能与体脂消耗和热量损失上升有关。丙酮酸和二羟丙酮补充也可以改善胰岛素敏感性和降低高胆固醇膳食所致的血浆胆固醇水平。另外,长期丙酮酸和二羟丙酮补充还可以提高有氧耐力成绩,其机制可能与血糖利用率增加因而节省肌糖元有关。长期补充丙酮酸和二羟丙酮可有利于疾病预防和提高运动成绩。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effects of caffeine ingestion on a ‘preloaded’ protocol that involved cycling for 2?min at a constant rate of 100% maximal power output immediately followed by a 1-min ‘all-out’ effort. Eleven male cyclists completed a ramp test to measure maximal power output. On two other occasions, the participants ingested caffeine (5?mg?·?kg?1) or placebo in a randomized, double-blind procedure. All tests were conducted on the participants' own bicycles using a Kingcycle? test rig. Ratings of perceived exertion (RPE; 6–20 Borg scale) were lower in the caffeine trial by approximately 1 RPE point at 30, 60 and 120?s during the constant rate phase of the preloaded test (P?<0.05). The mean power output during the all-out effort was increased following caffeine ingestion compared with placebo (794±164 vs 750±163?W; P?=?0.05). Blood lactate concentration 4, 5 and 6?min after exercise was also significantly higher by approximately 1?mmol?·?l?1 in the caffeine trial (P?<0.05). These results suggest that high-intensity cycling performance can be increased following moderate caffeine ingestion and that this improvement may be related to a reduction in RPE and an elevation in blood lactate concentration.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effects of caffeine ingestion on a 'preloaded' protocol that involved cycling for 2 min at a constant rate of 100% maximal power output immediately followed by a 1-min 'all-out' effort. Eleven male cyclists completed a ramp test to measure maximal power output. On two other occasions, the participants ingested caffeine (5 mg. kg(-1)) or placebo in a randomized, double-blind procedure. All tests were conducted on the participants' own bicycles using a Kingcycle test rig. Ratings of perceived exertion (RPE; 6-20 Borg scale) were lower in the caffeine trial by approximately 1 RPE point at 30, 60 and 120 s during the constant rate phase of the preloaded test (P <0.05). The mean power output during the all-out effort was increased following caffeine ingestion compared with placebo (794+/-164 vs 750+/-163 W; P=0.05). Blood lactate concentration 4, 5 and 6 min after exercise was also significantly higher by approximately 1 mmol. l(-1) in the caffeine trial (P <0.05). These results suggest that high-intensity cycling performance can be increased following moderate caffeine ingestion and that this improvement may be related to a reduction in RPE and an elevation in blood lactate concentration.  相似文献   

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