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In the context of tertiary education, the paper explores the nature of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) negotiation process and obligation framework, with examples, considers whether GATS is needed to support a country’s “export education” and what a country could do to protect its tertiary education system from the impact of a GATS involvement. Various effects of participation are discussed, including the illustrative case of New Zealand where, due to an early locked-in GATS involvement and subsequent changes of government and direction, tertiary education operates along disparate national (collaborative) and supranational (competitive) policy roadways. How can, or should, the tension be resolved?  相似文献   

中国是多灾之国,各种灾害特别是重大灾害一直是危及民生与国家正常发展的重大风险因素。在日益严重的灾害面前,应当将灾情视为重要的国情并加以认真考量,将举国减灾扩展为举国防灾减灾,并作为综合国力的重要方面提升到国家战略层面,用战略思维来指导全国的防灾减灾行动,同时明确追求灾害损失最小化的防灾减灾目标、战略步骤与关键性措施。经过30—40年的努力,使中国从多灾之国转变成富有安全感的现代化强国,并对全球灾害的治理做出应有的贡献。  相似文献   

中国是制造大国,却又是品牌小国,我们的经济严重失衡。中国的企业要真正走向世界,必须制定并实施有效的品牌经营战略。企业既要创造品牌比较优势,又要将它转化为品牌竞争优势,并依靠以知识产权为主体的法律体系,缔造品牌的国际成长空间。  相似文献   

知识经济是以科学技术为根本推动力的经济。发展中国家要想缩小与发达国家的差距,就要缩小技术差距与知识差距,这需要有一个良好的技术创新和知识经济发展的空间。建国以来,我国已初步形成了国家创新体系。从当前国际竞争压力和国内经济发展的角度来看,迫切需要国家创新体系发挥重要作用。但我国的国家创新体系尚存在一些缺陷和不足之处。从我国当前的现实出发,应当积极创建和完善国家创新体系,契合知识经济的发展。  相似文献   

Simon McGrath 《Compare》2002,32(3):349-363
A number of trends have led development cooperation agencies to embrace the idea of becoming 'knowledge agencies', more efficient and effective users of knowledge both internally and in their work with their recipients/partners. At the same time, agencies have become fascinated with the role that knowledge can play in national development strategies. This paper seeks to highlight some of the unresolved tensions that emerge from this new agency area of interest. In so doing, it will focus on the case of the Department for International Development (DFID), the British development cooperation agency. In common with many other agencies, DFID has been developing its own policy for better internal knowledge management. At the same time, through its research strategy and support to the Global Development Network, DFID is developing its own theory/practice of how it should support partner countries' knowledge generation and dissemination. Through an analysis of key DFID texts, supported by interviews and reflections on participation in virtual and real discussion forums, this paper suggests a number of challenges for DFID's knowledge strategy.  相似文献   



This study was originally prepared for the African Inter-Ministerial Conference on Literacy (September 2007) with the objective of analysing the costs of successful adult literacy programmes run both by government ministries, as well as international and national non-governmental organisations.


This study aims to increase the evidence base available on costs by examining adult literacy programme costs in the context of operational details and budgeting processes. It was intended to add to the limited amount of data currently available, and to provide broad recommendations regarding the calculation of costs.


In addition to estimates relating to costing currently available in the published literature, details of nine successful adult literacy programmes were obtained through a combination of web-searches, documentation received from organisers in response to an open-ended e-mail questionnaire and telephone calls. These are described, together with a presentation of their cost structure and our calculation of their unit costs. Particular attention was paid to ‘hidden’ costs in terms of central or provincial government costs, to contributions by NGOs and other partners and to in-kind contributions in examining the new empirical data.


Information from this study suggests that a realistic estimate of the costs of making an adult literate would be a minimum of US$100, the maximum estimate currently stated in LIFE documents. Despite an up to fivefold variation in unit costs with little obvious reason for this, the large diversity in modalities, objectives and target audience of the programmes explains much of the wide range in unit costs remarked upon by other authors.


We believe that it would be premature for any country to pre-define the appropriate costing structures, and what is an allowable range of unit costs, based on this information. Recommendations are made for what factors should be taken into account when calculating unit costs. Each country should consider making an inventory of the large scale programmes that exist or are being developed as a preliminary step to deciding whether or not it is appropriate to impose a costing framework or proposing a specific range of unit costs. However, there is a demonstrable need for more general agreement about the components that should be considered in any costing of an adult literacy programme.


This study contributes to the evidence base for developing a framework for analysing and allocating the costs of non-formal adult education projects in a manner to facilitate future planning.  相似文献   

In this case study, we use a consensus model as a framework for examining the professional development component of a standards-based reform effort initiated by a school district in the United States. We describe the district's actions, analyze the extent of adherence to the model, and identify reasons for what occurred. Although administrators intended to adopt key design principles of effective professional development, specific implementation strategies undermined and contradicted these principles. Their response to increasing bureaucratic controls at the state and national levels translated into increased regulation and control at the district and school levels, which paradoxically restricted the very attributes they sought to enhance.  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,环境问题日趋严重,而国家行政管理的局限和传统法律制度(包括实体法和程序法)的缺失,已无力为环境公益提供有效保护,因此有必要借鉴西方国家比较健全的公益诉讼模式,在传统法律制度的基础上,进行制度创新———建立具有中国特色的环境公益诉讼制度。构建我国的环境公益诉讼制度,首先要在实体法上创设环境权,然后在诉讼法上放宽现行民事、行政诉讼法中规定的原告资格,扩大民事、行政诉讼的案件范围,并采取各种合理、有效的保障措施。  相似文献   

The AIDS epidemic presents a complex of issues that require global answers, involving entire societies. The only sustainable solution is to include all sectors of society in a multidisciplinary collaboration, within which the formal education system plays a key role in delivering a comprehensive response to the disease at the national level. Moreover, in order to be effective, governments must work in collaboration with parents, religious leaders, and community members. This article describes eight key issues that must be addressed to establish a successful HIV/AIDS education curriculum. It also provides examples of best practices from three countries. First, HIV education in schools should adopt a human rights perspective and address stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV (PLHIV). Second, gender issues should be fully integrated into messages about the disease and the whole community should be sensitized on this topic. Third, national curricula must be designed in respect of religious perspectives; the most successful ones will include religious leaders in the process. Fourth, the language and content used in designing education materials for schools must be culturally sensitive, as local traditions can influence the transmission of HIV; those developing curricula should explore the best ways to incorporate positive traditions into formal education initiatives. Fifth, governments are responsible for providing comprehensive and adapted messages about the disease to children and youth in school settings; they must develop a national strategic policy on it and establish specific measures established to protect PLHIV. Sixth, the family plays the primary role in providing information to children on sexuality and HIV-related issues, even if parents and children sometimes find it hard to talk about. Parents must be informed so they can play a more active role in educating their children in this area. Seventh, teachers and administrators are central to effective HIV education; as they often complement parents’ roles, they need to be trained at pre- and in-service levels on these issues, including sexuality. Finally, children and young adults should learn about sexuality and HIV and AIDS at various stages throughout their development. It is crucial to adapt the content to the age and knowledge level of the target group.  相似文献   

在我国的各级各类学校普遍开展和加强民族团结教育,是党和国家在新形势下为了维护祖国统一和民族团结,作出的一项重大战略决策。加强民族团结教育具有十分重大的战略意义,各级各类学校都应该突出民族团结教育的重点内容,切实采取一系列行之有效的教学方法,从而使这一工作真正做到卓有成效。  相似文献   

梁启超、蔡元培围绕救亡图强的时代任务,积极培育新人、改造国民,努力构建民族新文化,在培养什么样的人和怎样培养人的问题上,形成了许多颇为一致的教育思想,共同为中国教育和社会进步做出了巨大贡献。  相似文献   

People living with HIV/AIDS will likely require services from mental health professionals to address the complex psychosocial effects of the illness. In the United States, counseling students are not likely to be well prepared to serve clients affected by HIV/AIDS, and little is known about their HIV-related knowledge and attitudes. The present study assessed the moral development, HIV/AIDS knowledge, and attitudes toward HIV/AIDS among a national sample of counseling students in the United States. Results indicated that students held biases toward people living with HIV/AIDS and that their attitudes toward HIV/AIDS were inversely related to their level of moral development.  相似文献   

In common with universities in the United Kingdom, Canada and NewZealand, increasing numbers of Australian universities have established offshore education partnerships, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region. More than one-third of international students currently enrolled in Australian university courses study at a campus in their home country or somewhere other than in Australia (IDP 2002). Suchpartnerships, also assumed under the rubric of ‘transnational education’ and ‘franchising’, add additional challenges, complexities and risks to the roles of international education managers and administrators. Using convergent interviews and case studies, this paper identifies and examines the critical success factors for the successful establishment and development of relationships between Australian universities and their international partners. Critical among these are the development of effective communication structures and frameworks, the building of mutual trust, and the encouragement and demonstration of commitment between relationship partners.  相似文献   

海岸带地区经济发达、人口聚居,但日益加剧的开发利用活动严重影.响了海岸带的生态平衡,导致环境恶化、资源破坏和灾害频发,海岸带地区的环境问题已成为全人类共同关注的问题。近年来,我国也开始重视海岸带综合管理工作,但是目前管理中的环境法律问题仍比较突出。针对当前我国海岸带管理中的环境立法现状及其不足,我们应该借鉴国外相关经验教训,立足我国国情,完善我国海岸带综合管理中的环境立法。  相似文献   

中美国家助学贷款制度比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
始于1999年的中国国家助学贷款,目前正面临着前所未有的考验,中国国家助学贷款将何去何从?这是摆在我国政府面前的一项艰巨任务。而美国的国家助学贷款经过长期的发展日臻成熟,取得了政府、银行和学生的“三赢”。通过中美国家助学贷款制度的相互比较,吸取美国在此方面比较成熟的经验,结合中国的实际,制定出“三赢”的中国国家助学贷款制度  相似文献   

我国是后发型现代化国家,经济相对落后,实现教育现代化要较多地考虑经济因素,考虑社会现代化和工业发展的要求。但是教育的对象是人,因此它不能仅仅作为实现社会现代化和发展经济的工具,而应该考虑人的发展。一方面注重为社会和经济发展服务,另一方面要顾及人的素质的提高。随着经济差距的缩小,后者会越来越受到重视。这就是我国教育现代化的内涵所在。要实现教育现代化必然要吸收西方国家先进的教育理论和教育经验,同时也要考虑我国的文化传统,也即面临民族化或本土化与国际化的矛盾。我国现代教育体系建立在学习先进国家的基础上,而且要进一步实现现代化离不开国际化,但是在学习的同时一定要结合自己国家的民族性和国情需要。总之,教育现代化就是古今中外融合基础上的创新。  相似文献   

在新世纪,民族问题依然是关系到我国民族团结、社会稳定、国家统一和经济发展的重大问题。在党中央的正确领导下,我们国家对民族问题的认识和处理是成功的,但也应该看到,影响民族团结和民族关系稳定的因素还不同程度地存在,在一些地区一些问题上还比较突出,要认真对策。必须继续深入地在干部群众中强化中国特色的社会主义民族理论的宣传教育。  相似文献   

科学发展观与高等职业教育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
科学发展观是我国长期发展实践的经验总结和理论概括。我国高等职业教育的发展,从一个侧面证明了科学发展观的正确性,同时也揭示了高等职业教育近年迅速发展的原因。高等职业教育发展贯彻科学发展观,首先要落实在办学定位上,包括办学目标定位、办学形式定位和办学发展战略定位。人才培养是高等学校的根本办学任务。因此,培养高技能人才是高职院校贯彻科学发展观的出发点和落脚点。  相似文献   

Links between the development of social understanding and social processes are considered, in the context of data on the development of causal reasoning and argument in conflict, drawn from a longitudinal study of 50 children observed in conversation with their mothers, siblings, and friends at 33 and 47 months of age. Children showed powers of causal reasoning before they were 3 years, capabilities that showed rapid developmental change; their interest in cause was particularly focussed on psychological causality and social action. The contexts of disputes were especially important. Differences were found in children’s arguments with their mothers, siblings, and friends, with more ‘other-oriented’ reasoning shown with friends. It is argued that the data support Vygotskyan ideas on the significance of social interaction in developmental advance, that the pragmatics of what children and their partners are trying to do must be taken into account in considering what children may be learning in interactions, and that ‘social competence’ should not be treated as an individual within-child trait, but that we should move towards a ‘relationships’ approach to the development of social understanding.  相似文献   

While AIDS was neither the initial nor the sole factor, it had a profound impact on the development of school-based sex education policy and practice in 1980s Ireland. Attempts to introduce a national programme of sex education on foot of increasing rates of crisis pregnancy pre-date the AIDS era, but these efforts had been vociferously opposed by conservative Catholic interests. The fear generated by AIDS prompted a shift in what political theorist, John Kingdon terms, the 'national mood' that? coupled with the singular determination of then Minister for Education, Mary O’Rourke, who faced down intense opposition from conservative groups and the Catholic Bishops, created the conditions needed to introduce the AIDS Education Resource – a forerunner to the Relationships and Sexuality Education programme – in post-primary schools throughout Ireland in October 1990.  相似文献   

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