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通过文献资料调研对英国的反足球暴力立法进行研究,分析英国历年来的相关立法,找出它们之间的变迁和沿革关系,从横向、纵向两方面对相关立法的主要内容进行总结。作者对英国反足球观众暴力立法进行研究,就是为了借鉴他们的经验和做法,加强对我国足球观众暴力问题的打击和控制力度,尽快制定出适合我国国情的反足球观众暴力法律。1.英国的足球观众暴力问题(1)英国的足球观众暴力的历史与现状自从现代足球运动13世纪在英格兰诞生以来,足球观众暴力问题就一直与它相伴相生。(2)足球观众暴力事件与英国的相关立法2002年,世界杯预选赛期间,为了避…  相似文献   

体育赛事球场观众暴力由来已久,但是法律机构以英国理事会在近一二十年才对体育暴力进行立法规制,其中以《足球观众法》和《足球骚乱法》最为重要.采用案例分析、比较分析和逻辑分析法等,对两部法律的内容以及适用进行系统地阐述,并分析二者的关系及具体适用,旨在根据英国经验为我国足球体育赛事观众暴力相关立法提供参考.  相似文献   

国内外反球场观众暴力的立法   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
石岩 《体育学刊》2004,11(2):14-17
采用文献资料和访谈,探讨国内外反球场观众暴力立法的有关问题,结果表明:为了遏制球场观众的暴力行为,意大利、英国等国家纷纷出台相应的专门性法律,并在防范和控制足球观众暴力上取得了较好的效果;面对近年来我国球场上经常发生的球迷闹事事件,依法治理是根本,目前应该借鉴国外反球场观众暴力立法的经验.加快我国反球场观众暴力立法的进程。  相似文献   

英国在规制足球流氓暴力行为方面拥有丰富的经验和相对完备的立法.从中英两国足球反暴力安全立法的对比性研究出发,总结了足球反暴力在立法领域的成功经验,在此基础上提出完善我国足球安全法律法规的建议,以期加快中国足球反暴力安全立法的进程.  相似文献   

欧洲球场观众暴力问题的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
球场观众暴力一直伴随着足球。英国不仅是现代足球的鼻祖,而且也是球场观众暴力、足球流氓的传统发源地。1960年以来,球场观众暴力在英国和其它欧洲国家的发展与蔓延,引起了一些学者的关注与研究。首先介绍了欧洲球场观众暴力的简要历史,然后重点通报了英国在球场观众暴力问题研究上所做的工作、主要理论和其它欧洲国家的研究状况。为我国今后在球场观众暴力方面的进一步研究提供参考。  相似文献   

欧盟对足球观众暴力的规制起源于海瑟尔惨案,海瑟尔球场惨案是欧盟防控足球观众暴力过程中的一个标志性的事件。欧盟反足球观众暴力的重要措施分为两种,即不具有法律效力的措施和具有法律效力的措施。在两者之中,前者是后者的基础,后者是前者的保障。  相似文献   

可将观众暴力分为有赖于比赛的观众暴力和发生于场外的观众暴力。有赖于比赛的观众暴力有观众闯入球场,观众向场内掷物,观众和选手对打,观众和观众互殴等形式。选手在打斗时,双方地位基本平等,大致属于公平竞赛;而当选手打观众及观众打观众时,双方势力严重不对等,只能说是恃强凌弱。可将发生于场外的观众暴力分为庆祝之骚乱和失败之骚乱,这两种骚乱也都有可能是政治骚乱。足球流氓是作为精巧技术的场外暴力:大家精心设计运动项目,以让球迷产生情绪上的共鸣以及群体性的团结;流氓精心设计流氓暴力,以让打斗帮助他们产生共鸣并加强团结。对足球流氓而言,情境化的技巧既是他们行为的关键,也是流氓行为魅力的来源。足球暴力最早在20世纪早期出现在英格兰。现在,足球暴力遍布世界了;但那些最暴力的骚乱,反倒远离英国足球流氓的行为轨道。足球暴力还与看台的形式、交通方式有关。大众商业娱乐时代同时也是表演者统治的时代;无论是朋克的社会技术,还是足球流氓的社会技术,都是观众反抗演员/选手以进入行动中心的方式。  相似文献   

我国男子足球职业联赛球场观众暴力问题的研究   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
黄竹杭  石岩 《体育科学》2002,22(6):51-53
采用文献资料法对我国男子足球联赛8年来球场观众暴力问题进行研究,结果表明:(1)我国男子足球职业联赛观众暴力行为有逐年上升的趋势;(2)足球观众暴力从表面上看与裁判员的判罚有直接关系。但实际上是多种因素综合作用的结果;(3)遏制足球观众暴力,关键要做好对广大球迷的教育与疏导工作,同时警方应进一步加强球场的安全保卫工作;(4)要学习足球先进国家在防范与治理球场观众暴力方面的经验。  相似文献   

球场观众暴力的理论阐释和因素分析   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
球场观众暴力已经逐渐成为我国的一个社会问题。基于集群行为理论阐释球场观众暴力的成因,并介绍了国外球场观众暴力的社会心理模型及其因素分析。研究认为,球场观众暴力是一种集群行为;球场观众暴力具有正面和负面双重效应;球场观众暴力受多种相关因素共同影响。另外,社会安全阀理论对于我们正确理解和更好控制球场观众暴力有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

球场观众暴力的发展趋势、研究进展与遏制策略   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
石岩  王莹  赵阳  李晓彪  周洁 《体育科学》2007,27(1):24-40
采用文献资料调研、逻辑分析、访谈、现场研究、问卷调查及数理统计等方法,对球场观众暴力问题进行研究。结果表明,国外球场观众暴力呈现出地域蔓延化、行为多样化、领导组织化与危害严重化的趋势;我国球场观众暴力有向场外蔓延、暴力主体低龄化、表现形式多样化及危害严重化的趋势。国外球场观众暴力理论主要从行为、心理与社会3个方面提出;我国球场观众暴力研究带有明显的“事件驱动”特征,表现出研究思路模式化、研究内容专题化、理论基础专一化、研究主体多学科化度研究方法单一化的特点。提出应对球场观众暴力采用“遏制”手段而非“控制”。球场观众暴力应对策略以欧洲国家的一般性举措和司法控制两个方面为主;我国可以采用源头预防、过程控制与末端治理的遏制模式。国外足球流氓问题属于球场观众暴力的最高阶段;我国球场观众暴力事件以暴力主体年轻化和“面子”心理等一般因素为主导,存在独特的观众言语攻击现象和“袭警”现象。球场观众暴力相关立法工作成为我国反球场观众暴力工作必要且可行的举措。我国球场观众暴力研究应坚持走本土化与国际化相结合的道路,创建有中国特色的球场观众暴力研究学派。  相似文献   

Football hooliganism is a subculture in which ‘us-them’ boundaries are constructed, sharpened and contested both within and between participating groups. Applying Charles Tilly's concept of collective violence, I argue that a historical analysis of violence surrounding football in Britain between 1863 and 1989 indicates that football hooliganism is best viewed as a violent ritual triggered by similar processes to the coordinated destruction of international conflict. I then pose two questions that often plague students of collective violence: what causes variations in the level and form of violence over time, and how and why do participants vacillate between peaceful and violent social interactions? Adopting a relational approach, I argue that a small number of causal mechanisms such as nationalism have served to activate us-them boundaries which create, escalate and sustain variations in violence. By refocusing on the social interactions of hooligans rather than their identity, this paper seeks to renew opportunities for inter-disciplinary research into the social significance of violence at football matches.  相似文献   

Rather than hooliganism per se, violence here is examined both in its totality and the extent to which the history of football violence in Israel has been subject to a fluctuating social, political and economic context. Initially, footballers were ‘the usual suspect’ as violence was often incited by the players on the pitch. For political reasons, the Israel Football Association (IFA) was practically helpless. Over time, violent incidents on the pitch decreased as a change in the pattern of violence took place. Due to an increasing commodification of Israeli football, players and spectators switched places. The crowd was now ‘the usual suspect’ and later, due to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, ethnicity-nationality became the major trigger for violent actions in Israeli football.  相似文献   

第29届奥运会现场观众管理之研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用文献资料调研等方法,以第29届奥运会及其观众群体作为研究视点,在二者之间建立起一种“社会心理联系”,将北京奥运观众群体作为研究对象,拟从体育观众研究一般概述奥运观众组织的策略与技术和奥运观众培养的途径等3个方面进行初步的探索。  相似文献   

Following the seminal works of Norbert Elias, with regard to the ‘civilising process’, modern sports are generally considered by the scientific community as being, on the one hand, a privileged means that has long facilitated and contributed to ‘the control and learning of the self-control of impulses’ and, on the other, as a political device, which has facilitated, by penetrating into the private sphere in a restrained and play-oriented fashion, the state's monopoly of violence. They are also considered to have facilitated the socio-genesis of modern states. But is this link so evident that this ‘new’ social configuration can be considered a new tool at the service of violence control? Acceptance is so strong that one can almost forget the contradictions, at least the questions, which can and should emerge from this proposition. It should in fact face up to criticism on a certain number of concrete points: definition of violence, rejection of the long-term view, sport be strictly considered in the light of the pacification of habits and social control, hooliganism, etc. This introductory article presents a series of reflections which aim to enrich Elias's theory by underlining both its accuracy and its weak points.  相似文献   

If there is one phenomenon which highlights the lack of role distance of certain sport actors, it is obviously hooliganism. In the mid-1980s, Norbert Elias and Eric Dunning became interested in the role played by modern sports in the ‘civilising process’ and, analysing the violence of sport crowds, introduced a culturalist interpretation of the actions. They were considered to be the work of members of the ‘rough working class’, who were less advanced in the ‘civilising process’ and had still not achieved sufficient self-control. In these groups, characterised by social functioning in the form of a segmentary bond, violence was thought to be a traditional way of resolving conflicts, a significant aspect and essential part of their ethos. This is an over-determined interpretation of the violence of sports crowds which naturalises and socialises this violence. This vision poses a problem, that of the negation of any logic on the part of the actors involved. This viewpoint leads us to consider violence as a social product and a ‘practical accomplishment’, the result of the way in which supporters interpret and live in the world that surrounds them, and, as such, it is the individual and collective motives and purposes that should be investigated.  相似文献   

对英格兰足球流氓暴力行为产生原因的研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
足球流氓暴力行为已经成为世界性的社会问题 ,同时也成为国际体育社会学界的重点研究课题。英格兰是世界最严重的足球流氓暴力行为的发生地之一 ,英格兰足球流氓暴力行为有次数众多、暴力严重、种类繁多、无处不在等 4个特点 ;西方体育社会学界对足球流氓暴力行为的产生主要有酗酒等 5种解释 ,但是这 5种解释似乎都不能真正成为主要原因 ,对产生世界性足球流氓暴力行为的真正原因需要进行多学科、多维度深入的研究。  相似文献   

球场观众暴力形成机制及要素分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
仲达 《体育学刊》2005,12(6):39-41
对球场观众暴力行为及发生特征进行思考.球场观众暴力属于一种集群行为,它是社会环境、文化背景、时代根源以及个体的社会心理承受力等一系列因素的综合效应.研究球场暴力产生的原因和机制,才能找到解决球场暴力问题的方法.  相似文献   

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