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多年的高等学校英语应用能力考试翻译阅卷情况体现了学生在翻译过程中存在语言基础知识较差、语境意识欠缺、缺乏必要的翻译技巧以及汉语表达能力不强等问题。为了提高学生的翻译能力和英语语言的综合运用能力,教师应重视翻译教学,并运用恰当的教学方法努力提高学生的语言学习基础;注重英汉语言差异,注意培养学生的语境意识;传授必要的翻译理论和技巧;重视和加强学生的汉语文化修养。  相似文献   

借鉴国内外释意理论在翻译实践和翻译教学应用中的经验;通过实施引导学生通过语言符号和自己的认知补充对原文意思做出解释;利用"释意"打破词对词翻译的思维定势、程序化翻译过程等措施;改变大学英语翻译教学只关注语言问题,忽略译者思维过程现状;促进大学生英汉语言转换能力发展。  相似文献   

翻译既是语言的翻译,更是化的翻译。但翻译中的化总是要通过语言的转换才能再现,因此,化对比必须基于语言对比之上。“英汉语言化比较与翻译”即“英汉翻译语言化对比研究”,是英汉语言对比研究与英汉化对比研究的合而为一,它既是英汉翻译研究的基本途径之一,也是英汉翻译方向硕士研究生的基础科目和培养方向之一。  相似文献   

英语专业本科翻译教学应重在实践、功效,应通过英汉两种语言的差异对比与语言能力的提高两个维度来培养学生的翻译能力。英汉两种语言使用中的对比是翻译教学的核心,它包括语言宏观结构比较和英汉文化比较,旨在指明翻译时思维转化的大方向;语言能力的培养则使学生能自如地传意并进一步达到“精致化”、“以人为本”,激发学生的主观能动性。  相似文献   

如今的高职英语教学着重培养学生听、说、读、写能力的训练和培养,却忽视了翻译能力及基本素养的培养,更谈不上将基础的翻译技巧渗透在日常教学中。本文以自己的教学实践为例,浅谈如何从教材及其教材配套练习中适宜渗透翻译练习的实例,对学生输入相对丰富,有趣的翻译练习,巩固学生所学知识,促进英汉语言对比,提高翻译及写作水平,在翻译练习的语言转化中体会语言、文化差别,培养学生的跨文化交际意识。  相似文献   

顾红兵 《考试周刊》2011,(51):108-111
长期以来,我国的英语教学普遍强调提高学生语用交际能力的重要性,故将教学重点放在听说方面,而对于翻译能力的培养却很少提及。因此,翻译教学在英语教学中一直未能得到足够的重视,甚至被忽视,这样直接导致了学生的翻译能力及英语语言综合运用能力的低下。从语言发展的内在规律来看,"听、说、读、写、译"五项语言基本技能是紧密相联的。实践也证明,如果把翻译教学适当地融入到外语教学中去,那么在一定程度上,既可以培养学生"译"的能力,又可以使"听、说、读、写"四项语言基本技能得到有效的锻炼和提高,从而全面提高学生的语言综合运用能力。  相似文献   

语篇分析自诞生以来,日益受到语言学家的关注,其研究成果逐渐被引入到翻译教学与实践中。将语篇分析理论引入翻译教学能有效地提高学生翻译能力,帮助学生掌握英汉语言转化的规律,强化其在实践中灵活运用英语的能力。  相似文献   

李黎 《考试周刊》2013,(66):73-73
"模拟"翻译教学模式的本质是将翻译实践更好地融入翻译教学,这有利于提高学生的语言运用能力。  相似文献   

陶李春 《海外英语》2012,(15):146-147
翻译教学不仅传授和讲解语言知识及翻译技巧,而且注重培养学生的双语双文化意识。双语双文化意识是学生翻译能力的核心要素,是胜任翻译任务的必备素质。教师应当从翻译课程设置、翻译教学方法、翻译教材选择等方面入手,加强英汉语言对比转换,拓展文化对比学习,不断提升学生的双语双文化意识,积极引导学生成为"真正意义上的文化人"。  相似文献   

形合、意合是英汉语言最本质的区别之一,而翻译技巧的运用本身就是建立在两种语言对比的基础之上,因此,本文从英汉语言形合意合的差异入手,探讨几种常用的翻译技巧教学.  相似文献   

This article shows us some of the problems of the domination of the ex-colonial languages for intellectual life in Africa. The author notes that English serves fundamentally the interests of those for whom it is both an export commodity and a language of conquest and domination. He argues that there is no compelling reason for adopting a foreign language as a national one. On the contrary, there is ample evidence that such linguistic imposition does more harm than good. When a language is artificially imposed, students are rarely able to master it sufficiently to work comfortably in it. Not only do they fail to acquire proficiency in the foreign language; they also lose proficiency in their own languages, becoming twice disadvantaged. The author sees dependency on a foreign language, like other forms of dependency, as a liability that a nation can ill afford. He quotes Ali Mazrui who raises the question: Will Africa ever effectively "take off" when it is so tightly held hostage to the languages of the former imperial masters?  相似文献   

This article shows us some of the problems of the domination of the ex-colonial languages for intellectual life in Africa. The author notes that English serves fundamentally the interests of those for whom it is both an export commodity and a language of conquest and domination. He argues that there is no compelling reason for adopting a foreign language as a national one. On the contrary, there is ample evidence that such linguistic imposition does more harm than good. When a language is artificially imposed, students are rarely able to master it sufficiently to work comfortably in it. Not only do they fail to acquire proficiency in the foreign language; they also lose proficiency in their own languages, becoming twice disadvantaged. The author sees dependency on a foreign language, like other forms of dependency, as a liability that a nation can ill afford. He quotes Ali Mazrui who raises the question: Will Africa ever effectively "take off" when it is so tightly held hostage to the languages of the former imperial masters?  相似文献   

Three common assumptions concerning bilingual children’s language proficiency are: (1) their proficiency in two languages is usually unbalanced; (2) low socioeconomic status (SES) indicates low proficiency in both languages; and (3) encouraging parents to speak some societal language at home will promote its development. Examining the vocabulary scores of 282 bilingual Singaporean kindergartners (167 Chinese, 70 Malay, and 45 Tamil), the current study found that these young children were evenly divided among four language profiles: strong in ethnic language (Chinese, Malay or Tamil) or English, strong in both languages, or weak in both. Children with high proficiency in both languages were proportionally represented in the low, middle and high SES groups, demonstrating the achievability of strong vocabulary in two languages for children of different SES. However, low SES children were most at risk for low proficiency in both languages, although many achieved high proficiency in ethnic language or both. Middle and high SES children were most likely to demonstrate low ethnic language with high English proficiency. Children mostly exposed to one language from different sources generally showed strength in that language. Children exposed to both languages at home were most likely to show low proficiency in both languages, although plenty of children exposed to both languages developed high proficiency in English or both. These results affirm previous findings that SES and home language exposure influence bilingual children’s proficiency. Implications include the importance of teachers assessing bilingual children’s proficiency in both languages and collaborating with parents to develop bilingual children’s vocabulary.  相似文献   

陶永菊 《海外英语》2014,(15):152+154
Translation is formally a process of language transferring but in essence a process of intercultural communication. Translation serves as a bridge of communication between people from different cultures. Language, culture and communication form the basis of translation. Successful translation requires proficiency in languages and complete understanding two relevant cultures.This paper elaborates on five common cultural obstacles hindering CE translation: cultural differences, cultural conflicts, culturalloaded words or expressions, cultural defaults, and cultural images and then gives corresponding translation solutions.  相似文献   

在语言学习过程中,许多语言学习者在达到一定程度之后,便出现相对的瓶颈期,无论怎么样努力都不能使自己习得的外语水平有所提高,被称为石化现象。该文立足于研究者们提出的石化现象解释理论模式,结合语言与文化的关系与语言的不断变化发展,进一步分析石化现象产生的文化原因及语言客观原因,从而提高语言习得者的语言习得效率。  相似文献   

本指出了译界所存在的对翻译实质认识上的“误区”,认为翻译研究不应只是定位在对双语转换的研究上。中以实例说明多语转换不仅有存在的合理性,而且也促进了世界各大、小语种优秀化的互动交流;同时也指出了多语转换过程中可能出现的“译事之难”。中认为,多语转换研究应成为翻译理论研究的重要组成部分;译论研究应共同商讨、努力探索多语转换现象以发现多语转换原则。  相似文献   

汉、英两语量词丰富、用法灵活,具很强的生命力。因汉、英民族的思维方式、表达习惯和文化成因不同,量词的结构及其蕴含存在诸多差异。基于对汉、英量词差异的认识,通过量词定名回顾和语用举例分析,提出采用适当且有效的方法英译不同语境中的汉语量词的建议,认为只有进行汉、英量词的比较和翻译实践,才可能真正实现汉英两语及其文化的对等交流。  相似文献   

由于不同民族之间的社会文化不尽相同,英汉两种语言隐喻的喻体有同有异.本文拟就英文报刊中隐喻现象同汉语中的隐喻现象进行比较,并在此基础上探讨翻译的途径.  相似文献   

在西语中介词的作用是十分重要的,它就象建筑中的水泥,缝纫中的针线,把本来不相关的词连在一起,组成一个具有相对独立意义的词组或短语。在英俄语中有许多意义相近的介词(或前置词),通过实例进行对比分析,希望能对学习这两门外语的学生有所帮助。  相似文献   

汉、英两语量词丰富,用法灵活,具很强的生命力。因汉、英民族的思维方式、表达习惯和文化成因不同,量词的结构及其蕴含存在诸多差异。本文基于汉、英量词差异的认识,通过量词定名回顾和语用举例分析,提出采用适当且有效的方法英译不同语境中的汉语量词的建议,进而强调:进行汉、英量词的比较和翻译实践,才可能真正实现汉英两语及其文化的对等交流。  相似文献   

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