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新媒体时代,新闻传播方式、编辑形式、采集方式等发生了变化,纸媒记者在采编工作中面临着内容编辑方式、传播技术、新闻传播模式方面的挑战,很多记者在采编工作中积极调整工作思维,提升自身专业素养,但是采编工作中依然存在很多问题,比如记者思想落后、新闻内容质量低、不注重融媒体建设等,这些都影响了纸媒发展。因此新媒体时代下纸媒记者应转变工作思维,做好角色的调整,运用新媒体技术提升新闻时效、打造高质量新闻、提升新闻编辑水平等,为走好新媒体时代新闻采编之路创造有利条件。  相似文献   

靖鸣 《新闻传播》2005,(9):42-44
新闻工作从采访到编辑,每一个环节都离不开新闻敏感,新闻敏感贯穿于新闻传播活动的始终,具体表现在记者的采访和写作过程中,以及编辑的选择稿件,修改稿件,组织稿件,组织版面(节目)等等。大量的新闻实践也充分说明,不仅在记者的发现,捕捉新闻和表达新闻事实的诸环节需要新闻敏感,  相似文献   

随着信息时代的快速到来,记者与编辑等工作将面临着巨大的挑战,公众对新闻报纸也有了更高的要求。目前,记者的视觉思维与编辑在报纸的销量与质量中起到尤为重要的作用。这要求编辑与记者要对视觉思维有独特的认知。而视觉思维,俗称形象思维,在报纸传播新闻资讯的过程中,具有直观性与感知性,也是最为基础的阅读方式。提高对报纸编辑的创新,利用视觉思维来进行新闻资讯的视觉传播,如版式设计、新闻摄影、美术设计、图片编辑等。  相似文献   

记者是各类新闻事件发生之后当事人和新闻信息的直接接触人,因此在新闻的编辑和传播中起到了非常重要的作用.想要做一名合格的记者需要开阔自己的视野,具备丰富的新闻采访和编辑才能以及缜密的思维.本文分析了记者编辑创新能力的重要作用,并研究了如何培养记者的编辑创新能力.  相似文献   

当下移动聚合类新媒体已经勇立新媒体潮头。以"今日头条"为代表的移动聚合类新媒体全面颠覆了传统媒体的新闻信息生产模式。它们依靠强烈的互联网思维、海量的大数据和以受众为中心的理念,重塑了新闻信息生产的模式。在新闻线索上向受众"索取",在新闻采写上坚持不用一个记者,在新闻编辑上力求千人千面,在新闻评论上完全由受众主导。它们全新的新闻生产模式可以说是技术带来的革命,并将继续前行,引领新闻生产模式的变革实践。  相似文献   

随着时代发展与科技的不断进步,在信息化时代的影响之下,传统的编辑新闻并不符合现阶段的时代需求,而媒体融合已然成为媒体行业顺应时代发展的必要发展之路.而在此过程中,编辑记者也要改变传统固有思维和观念,发挥其职能与作用,顺应媒体融合的趋势,充分地让自身价值得到体现.本文阐述了媒体融合对记者编辑实践的影响,并对媒体融合的过程中编辑记者的应对策略,希望对我国媒体行业的发展进步提供参考.  相似文献   

新闻编辑记者的新闻敏感性主要表现在,眼尖、鼻灵、腿勤、有心、用心等多个方面。提高新闻编辑记者的新闻敏感性需要做到,培养记者对信息的分析能力、拓展新闻编辑记者的知识领域、培养记者的新闻发现意识。  相似文献   

新闻创新,不言而喻,是指编辑记者在采制新闻的过程中抛开旧有的思想,摒弃以前或现在的那些编辑记者们常用的结构方式、切入角度等等,寻找新的报道方法,使采制的新闻不拘泥于传统,生动活泼,富有新意,与众不同,并且让受众乐于接受。创新的核心就是创新思维。没有创新思维就没有创新活动。创新思维可以锻炼我们的新闻工作者有一种同中求异的习惯,掌握捕捉独家话题的技巧。  相似文献   

<正>新闻编辑将记者采集的原始素材经过筛选、加工,最终编辑成为高质量的、完整的、与新闻宣传和表达思想相符合的新闻组合,这个过程为新闻编辑的再创作过程。新闻编辑的再创作是新闻创作的关键环节,新闻编辑如何进行再创作是个重要的课题,基于此笔者结合工作实践,从以下几个方面对新闻编辑的再创作进行了全面探析。  相似文献   

我1994年7月大学毕业后进入工人日报社。13年的新闻采编工作使我认识到,要做一个称职的编辑、记者,应该努力追求四种境界。那就是一思维创新我所跑的行业,相对静态,平时新闻少,一旦有新闻又是重大新闻,各家新闻媒体都争相报道,容易雷同。记者如果不寻求突破,不仅自己在行业里不受重视,还影响其所在媒体的形象。因此,搞好新闻报道,记者的思维创新很重要,是做"老"记者保持活力的源泉。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 对国内外情报分析模型的研究成果进行述评,梳理不同类型模型的特点与优长,旨在透析情报分析模型的本质,为后续的情报分析研究提供借鉴与参考。[方法/过程] 根据模型的侧重点不同,将其分为基于流程的情报分析模型、基于结构的情报分析模型以及基于综合的情报分析模型,分别进行综述。[结果/结论] 分析发现基于流程的情报分析模型多从情报周期、任务解决流程、认知流程的不同侧面归纳情报分析的流程化特点;基于结构的情报分析模型关注任务、数据、方法技术等要素;基于综合的情报分析模型重在工程化思维与融合思维的应用。  相似文献   

建立学习型竞争情报系统的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从系统的共同愿景、对竞争情报的心智模式、统一的情报价值观、团队学习及系统思考等角度出发,论述建立学习型竞争情报系统的构想。  相似文献   


Online course delivery can be a dynamic learning experience where information is used to shape and extend thinking. The challenge is creating a virtual classroom that combines evocative resources with tasks that enhance and stimulate student learning. New models are needed to reflect the changing learning environment that began with the advent of the Web. Librarians are experts in locating learning materials across the electronic landscape. They construct resource-based assignments that promote understanding of content and develop independent thinking skills. They bring a context for resource-rich learning environments and the necessary support mechanisms to ensure learners gain information literacy skills. This paper outlines how librarians can contribute to new course design models that maximize the effective use of online resources in support of student learning.  相似文献   

While all scholars want the value of their work to be recognised by their peers, the relentless pressure to publish on those seeking tenure or promotion tends to result in a low risk, stick with the mainstream approach to research and publication. Academics opt to stay within the parameters (hereafter referred to as “the box”) of safe research, repeatedly returning to the same models, topics and theories. This is understandable, but could one consequence be that only a modest number of publications in e-government and e-democracy stand out for their originality, creative or innovative thinking? In this paper, the reasons why there seem to be so few breakthrough papers are explored. It is argued that there is a need for more original thinking. A number of ideas and actions that may help to support and develop such thinking are proposed.  相似文献   


Since the controversial 2004 Super Bowl halftime show with Janet Jackson, local TV general managers have been under pressure to identify and control indecent network programming—programming they do not originate yet can be fined for by the FCC. The purpose of this study was to see what local station general managers were thinking about this issue, and to see how moral reasoning may contribute to their thinking. Most of the 217 managers surveyed tended to apply moral reasoning principles consistent with lower levels of established normative models. The results demonstrate the potential of directly applying moral reasoning theory to the practice of gatekeeping.  相似文献   

Government information librarians value instruction as a way to promote their collections and meet their users’ information needs. Government information librarians must choose the most appropriate model for their audience and for the relevant learning outcomes in each instruction session they teach. This article discusses three models for teaching government information (traditional, information cycle, and critical thinking models) and identifies learning outcomes described in the Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education that are associated with each model.  相似文献   

To prepare for the real world, business students need to be able to monitor, analyze and interpret date and their sources, and this may best be accomplished through the development of a cooperative assignment and workshop with the college library. Utilizing active learning techniques, the marriage of critical thinking and information retrieval in an undergraduate business program is integrated into a typically quantitative course offering. An instructional services librarian and a business faculty member collaborate to create an assignment designed to help students gain confidence in using print and automated resources and understand applications of particular business models while furthering their critical thinking abilities. This article presents a model assignment, outlines a library workshop, and offers an evaluation of the project.  相似文献   

Digital preservation is a complex field that is rapidly maturing and increasingly focusing on content as well as the human element of digital preservation. This conceptual article examines a number of digital preservation models meeting a variety of needs created by different communities. Given the guidance these models have afforded digital preservation, considering the present, and looking to the future, this article proposes a tri-partite model for thinking about digital preservation in an era of robust community involvement: the Digital Preservation Triad. The Triad focuses on 1) Management, including elements relating to documentation and human resources; 2) Technology; and 3) Content.  相似文献   

媒介融合趋势下的知识生产   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着信息、通讯技术的迅猛发展,互联网、手机等新媒体开始崛起,与报刊、广播、电视等传统媒体构成一种多向竞争、交融互渗的媒介生态。媒介融合为知识生产、传播注入了新内涵。传媒技术改进会导致知识形态、思维模式和接受方式的变化。针对媒介融合的发展趋势,研究者需要多学科的视野,跨越多个领域的话语界限,全方位地审视信息社会的媒介实践。  相似文献   

图书馆科学文化传播引论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
图书馆开展科学文化传播是建设创新型国家的战略需求,是图书馆创新服务模式的延伸与拓展。本文从国内外科学文化传播形势、图书馆科学文化传播工作面临重要的发展时期和国内图书馆科学文化传播工作专题调研等方面,综合论述了图书馆科学文化传播的国内外发展环境,思考归纳了目前国内图书馆科学文化传播的三种传播模式,并通过案例分析,着重于传播体系、机制建设、能力建设和队伍建设等方面,提出国家科学图书馆科学文化传播体系发展的基本框架与构想。  相似文献   

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