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Any complex activity, such as course design, which involves group work must be managed. In universities, where academics are not always familiar with managing, it is often unsystematic. A modest attention to management can help a project, and may pay dividends in the avoidance of waste, conflict, overruns of time or budget or other potential disasters. The author presents a comprehensive framework for the various aspects of managing that may be needed and offers an extended checklist.  相似文献   

公路线形设计是公路设计的主要工作,既繁琐又要求细致,对于一个设计院的路线设计人员来说,常常采用简捷、实用的软件系统代替繁重的脑力和体力劳动,而在学校的教学中,第一次让学生做公路路线设计是要求手绘的,但是让学生掌握纬地道路辅助设计系统的应用,可以在外业勘测实习和道桥专业毕业设计中节省大量时间,掌握了这项技能,对学生毕业后走向工作岗位有很大的帮助。本文介绍了应用纬地道路辅助设计系统软件在公路路线设计中的一些体会和认识。  相似文献   

This paper argues that early childhood education and care (ECEC) has a legitimate aspiration to be a ‘caring profession’ like others such as nursing or social work, defined by a moral purpose. For example, practitioners often draw on an ethic of care as evidence of their professionalism. However, the discourse of professionalism in England completely excludes the ethical vocabulary of care. Nevertheless, it necessarily depends on gendered dispositions towards emotional labour, often promoted by training programmes as ‘professional’ demeanours. Taking control of the professionalisation agenda therefore requires practitioners to demonstrate a critical understanding of their practice as ‘emotion work’. At the same time, reconceptualising practice within a political ethic of care may allow the workforce, and new trainees in particular, to champion ‘caring’ as a sustainable element of professional work, expressed not only in maternal, dyadic key‐working but in advocacy for care as a social principle.  相似文献   

Stress is a concept which is much talked about but little understood. We are exposed to it every day of our lives and our response to it often determines the quality of our life and health. Hans Selye (1976), the acknowledged father of stress research, defines stress as the nonspecific response of the body to any demand and a stressor as an agent which produces stress at any time. The stressor may be a demánd for physical activity or an environmental exposure to potential toxins such as heat or noise. It may be an emotional difficulty that produces distorted perceptions of ordinary circumstances or the psychological impact of such significant events as the death of a loved one. Social stressors may arise out of an individual's work, family roles or interpersonal relationships with others.  相似文献   


Many social work educators have expressed a commitment to including information aboutdiverse populations in their teaching yet this is often easier said than done. Limited class time is available to cover many important issues and in spite of the best of intentions, diversity issues often receive inadequate attention. In particular, content on Native American people is often left out of the social work curriculum. Specific recommendations are made about how social work educators can teach students to work effectively with Native people. Suggestions on what content should be taught, how it can be taught, and where it can be integrated into the social work curriculum are included.  相似文献   

It is often thought that bookwork is likely to be hampered by an accompaniment of television, or more simply of music. Others allege that television reduces the time that is spent with books or writing. It is helpful, therefore, to use a very large survey sample to find out how many people do perform intellectual homework, and how many of these do so with television (or musical) accompaniment. It is clear that doing homework, and doing so with television or musical accompaniment, is a widespread experience, especially among young teenagers. Several statements outlining possible advantages or disadvantages were put to respondents, to record their agreement or disagreement. There was no overwhelming endorsement of disadvantages of an information‐noisy work environment, especially among young teenagers. There is substantial evidence that people believe that the possible competition for one's attention from television or music distracts other potentially disturbing individuals, or that it can act as a kind of ‘sensory screen’.  相似文献   

In the ‘dual’ system of vocational training, working in company represents the major part of training. At the workplace, apprentices are expected to acquire the typical skills of their profession but, at the same time, to contribute to the production of the company. For this reason apprentices are expected to carry out activities on their own from early on in their training and to ask for help only when they need it. Learning to ask questions and to seek help appropriately is, therefore, an important competence for learners to acquire during vocational training, just as it is important for the company to offer the learner every opportunity to ask for help when needed. In this study, we used mobile phones to follow at a distance 19 apprentices in car mechanics at the workplace. We then analyzed a corpus of approximately 77 hours of work, in search of all questions and requests they addressed during this time. Data show that requests for information are twice as frequent as requests for assistance (i.e. intervention or physical help) and that all together, requests are introduced more often by more advanced apprentices than by those in the early stages of their training. These findings are linked with the facts that: a) bringing apprentices to be autonomous early in their work is a deciding factor of the philosophy of work in many of the enterprises training apprentices, b) more advanced apprentices are given more complex tasks to work on, c) more advanced apprentices work more is often undertaken in collaboration with an expert car mechanics and d) questions and requests for help are more likely to be addressed when working collaboratively than when working alone. These findings are interpreted as evidences of a natural regulation which takes place at the workplace between the learner’s engagement and the workplace affordances.  相似文献   

Learning algebra is difficult for many students in part because of an emphasis on the memorization of abstract rules. Algebraic reasoners across expertise levels often rely on perceptual-motor strategies to make these rules meaningful and memorable. However, in many cases, rules are provided as patterns to be memorized verbally, with little overt perceptual support. Although most work on concreteness focuses on conceptual support through examples or analogies, here we consider notational concreteness—perceptual-motor supports that provide access into the dynamic structure of a representation itself. We hypothesize that perceptual support may be maximally beneficial as an initial scaffold to learning so that later static symbol use may be interpreted using a dynamic perspective. This hypothesis meshes with other findings using concrete analogies or examples, which often find that fading these supports over time leads to stronger learning outcomes. In an experiment exploring this hypothesis, we compared gains from the fading out of dynamic concrete physical motion of symbols during instruction with the introduction of motion over the course of instruction. In line with our theoretical perspective, concreteness fading led to significantly better achievement than concreteness introduction after Day 2 of the intervention.  相似文献   

This study concentrates on the work of special education teachers in mainstream education in Finland, where these professionals work with children from various classes, usually in a separate room. The research reported in this article by Marjatta Takala of the University of Helsinki, Raija Pirttimaa of the University of Oulu and Minna Törmänen, who is studying for her PhD at the University of Helsinki, involved sending a questionnaire to 133 special education teachers and undertaking observations. The work of the special education teachers was revealed to consist of three elements: teaching, consulting and background work. Teaching, often focusing on giving support to children who had challenges in the main academic subjects, was realised in small groups, in co‐operative or individual settings. Consultation mainly concerned co‐operation and discussion. Behavioural challenges needed a targeted approach. The main problems experienced by the teachers were the lack of time for consultation and co‐operation, an unclear work profile and too much work. The work of special education teachers was partly inclusive, but also entailed segregative elements. The authors discuss the potential for promoting further steps towards inclusion as well as possible changes in organising special educational provision at school level.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of teachers’ administrative workloads on their ability to undertake class instruction preparation and feedback on students’ homework. It is often mistakenly thought that teachers conduct administrative work efficiently and effectively. To investigate this misconception this study, using an instrumental variable method, demonstrates that teachers’ administrative workload carries an opportunity cost of instructional activities. Teachers with greater administrative workloads are less likely to spend time on instructional preparation and providing feedback on students’ assignments. The author’s findings are dependent upon whether the school is public or private, and are only significant for public schools. The author’s findings highlight that teachers’ demands for a reduction of their administrative workload to allow them to perform essential instructional duties are justified.  相似文献   

Designing electronic collaborative learning environments   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
Electronic collaborative learning environments for learning and working are in vogue. Designers design them according to their own constructivist interpretations of what collaborative learning is and what it should achieve. Educators employ them with different educational approaches and in diverse situations to achieve different ends. Students use them, sometimes very enthusiastically, but often in a perfunctory way. Finally, researchers study them and—as is usually the case when apples and oranges are compared—find no conclusive evidence as to whether or not they work, where they do or do not work, when they do or do not work and, most importantly, why, they do or do not work. This contribution presents an affordance framework for such collaborative learning environments; an interaction design procedure for designing, developing, and implementing them; and an educational affordance approach to the use of tasks in those environments. It also presents the results of three projects dealing with these three issues.  相似文献   

In this review we synthesize findings from 9 separate professional development initiatives conducted by the Philadelphia Education Fund in concert with the School District of Philadelphia with the aim of understanding why such initiatives achieve only partial implementation at the school level. We identify a cluster of policies and structures that have the effect of depleting or preventing the formation of social capital among staff in a school building. Evaluations from these initiatives show that entrenched policies and practices converge to prevent or break up the norms, networks, and social trust required for reforms to take root. Specifically, program implementation is often frustrated by the frequent turnover and lack of support from principals, the disruption of faculty teams, and union work rules that increase rates of teacher transfers and limit time for faculty to meet and work together. The solitary nature of teachers' work is reinforced through these practices--a phenomenon that inhibits the creation of a culture of reflection and renewal that is desperately needed in inner-city schools.  相似文献   

This article explores how individualized teaching methods, such as the use of work plans, create new student strategies in Norwegian lower secondary classrooms. Work plans, which are frequently set up as instructional tools in Norwegian classrooms, outline different types of tasks and requirements that the students are supposed to do during a specific period of time, normally two or three weeks. The current analyses shed light on what strategies girls and boys use when they approach work plans. Analyses of video observations and interviews with 93 students indicate that while girls tend to complete their plan during the first week or distribute the tasks evenly throughout the period, boys either finish the plan during the first week or postpone their work until the last few days. These findings suggest that the use of work plans might give some students, often low-achieving boys, too much responsibility for their own learning.  相似文献   

Research on motivation for learning (or achievement motivation) has flourished in the past 30 years. Social-cognitive theories dominate the field and have provided many insights, but have been criticised for relying on a traditional methodological base and lacking contextualisation and embeddedness in individual experience. In the current ‘learning age’, sustaining motivation for (often formal/academic) learning across the life span is increasingly expected, but understanding the persistence of such learning across life is not well understood. Much of the work on motivation for learning is quantitative, employing questionnaires, brief interviews or experimental manipulations. Longitudinal, qualitative research is sparse, though a necessary counterpoint that can provide contextualised and alternative accounts of motivation through time and across culture. This paper presents a case study applying self-efficacy research, the lifespan theory of control and transitions theory to an individual’s learning trajectory.  相似文献   

进入新世纪,异军突起的高职高专院校往往处于刚刚成立、转制或升格不久的新兴时期,当前工作重点主要放在适应社会发展需求的教学改革、基础建设、应用研究和学生工作上,统战工作往往是处于起步和探索阶段,加强和改进高职高专院校统战工作就显得更为艰巨。高职高专统战工作作为高校统战工作有机的组成部分,如何适应新形势新任务的要求,构建规范高效的统战工作模式,这是统战工作面临的一个重要课题,文章就建立高职高专统战工作模式从七个方面谈了一些认识和思考。  相似文献   

This article examines the affective nature of day‐to‐day primary school headship. The author points to differences in the kinds of tasks that heads do each day and suggests that these determine their prevailing feelings. A distinction is made between work that merely keeps the school operating and work that helps the head to shape the school. It is argued that the former provides few satisfactions for heads, while satisfactions gained from the latter are often transient. Spending time with children is an aspect of ‘personal work’ that provides heads with their most deeply felt satisfactions. One effect of the government's reforms is to intensify those features of heads’ work that offer little emotional sustenance, while eroding those that do  相似文献   

From 1996 to 1999, an inclusive early special educational model was studied in 13 ordinary kindergartens in Finland. The kindergartens received an additional staff member (a special teacher) to handle special educational issues. The work of these special teachers and the views of the staff were studied. The special teachers' duties consisted of six main tasks, the most often mentioned being general and special educational work and consultation with adults. The staff were generally satisfied with the new system. They received assistance and learnt new ways of working. However, the special teacher did not have enough time to meet all the needs that existed in kindergartens. This experimental model is now a permanent system.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to propose an elective social work course as a means of better preparing social workers entering practice in healthcare to meet the challenges of promoting health and reducing health disparities in minority and underserved communities. Course offerings specifically targeting health or medical social work training vary widely. The additional training provided at places of employment and through continuing education after the master's degree is often inadequate for competently addressing the issues clinicians face in practice.  相似文献   

加强企业内部控制,是企业最基础性的工作,也是企业能够长期生存和发展的保证。有关企业经营决策的失败、会计信息失真、违法经营等情况,在很大程度上都可以归结为企业内部控制制度的缺失或失效。因此,每个企业都应当重视内部控制,经常分析内部控制存在的问题,并提出相应的对策,加强内部控制。  相似文献   

With work currently being undertaken on formulating Australia's first national curriculum, now seems an opportune time to review the current state of play with regard to how well inclusivity is being represented in the developing documentation. An accurate understanding of “what is” is often the first step in preparing for “what may be” on a much broader scale. Accordingly, this essay addresses three matters, and does so by way of engaging in interpretive documentary analysis. First, the notion of inclusivity in education per se is introduced, and the concept itself defined. Second, an examination is undertaken of how the various state jurisdictions currently interpret the notion of inclusivity. Third, consideration is given to the work presently being undertaken on inclusivity as it relates to the national curriculum.  相似文献   

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