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Conclusion Given the way today's students want information, career centers must develop some outreach programming to remain viable on campus. While it raises the critical issues of staffing, budget and time constraints, there are ways to expand our outreach efforts without severe impact. By assessing the programming needs of students on your specific campus and exploring cost reduction measures such as student staffing and multi-use materials, you can create an impressive outreach program that will provide just in time information to students when and where they will find it beneficial.  相似文献   

The results of an experimental study investigating the influence of problem familiarity on learning in a problem-based psychology course are presented. Participants worked with either a familiar or an unfamiliar version of the same problem. The following measurements were taken (1) a measure of problem quality as perceived by students, (2) number of explanations of the problem put forward by the students while discussing it, (3) quality of learning issues derived from the discussion, (4) amount of time spent on self-study, and (5) the amount of knowledge acquired as indicated by a test. The results demonstrate that participants in the familiar problem condition perceived the problem to be of higher quality than the participants in the unfamiliar problem condition. No significant differences in learning were found. The findings do suggest, however, that problems may be improved by making them more relevant to the everyday experience of students.  相似文献   

Relationships between graduate education and academic research are intuitively accepted, but have been given limited examination. Using concepts suggested by Merton and Hagstrom, this study developed measures of recognition and association to assess student awareness of ambient research in their departments. Usefulness of campus research for the respondent's own work was explored in terms of the kinds of utility and its relative importance compared to other resources. A mailed survey of a sample of Ph.D. recipients in 18 departments from a major research university brought a 68% usable return, 470 subjects. Findings show a high level of research awareness, about 70%. The major utilities of research for doctoral students are identified as the theoretical leads and basic data sources.  相似文献   

James Trier 《Interchange》2002,33(3):237-260
The thesis of this paper is that it is a productive venture to introduce preservice students to social theories that are typically not a part of teacher preparation programs. Examples of these theories are those associated with terms such as habitus, the carnivalesque, power / knowledge, seduction, detournement, the spectacle,la perruque, (the wig), and the art of making do,as well as others. In this paper, I describe a project that involved exploring the theory of habitus to problematize the tendency of preservice students to not think in terms of relations between what goes on in the classroom and what goes on in society. I introduced habitus by having preservice students read selected print materials and by having them view, analyze, and respond in writing to popular school films. Students also analyzed their experiences in classrooms in terms of habitus, making a connection between theory and practice.  相似文献   

On the assumption that colleges need a theory which specifies what they should be trying to do and how they should do it, two popular theories of this sort are described. Bundle of knowledge theory rests on the idea that education should impart pieces of knowledge which can be assessed by behavioral criteria with methods based on established principles of learning. Developmental stage theory holds that education should help students move through a sequence of general stages towards maturity. A third theory called component theory, is then sketched, in which the idea of general stages is disputed and the idea of component abilities of intellectual processes substituted. This theory has implications which are similar to those of stage theory if it is combined with certain moral assumptions about the goals of college education, namely that its purpose is to help students form and pursue life plans which are both rational and just.  相似文献   

The question of education in India cannot be properly discussed without referring to its socio-linguistic context. This paper provides background information on the linguistic profile of India. The term minorities in the Indian context is defined, and the protection offered to linguistic minorities in the Indian Constitution is examined. A discussion of language policy in Indian education follows in which the recommendations of the different education commissions are analysed. The important issues covered include: the number of languages that are taught, the medium of instruction, and the educational policies regarding speakers of minority languages. The article also discusses different language movements and their impact on Indian education.
Zusammenfassung Die Frage der Bildung in Indien kann ohne einen Bezug zum sozial-linguistischen Kontext nicht hinreichend diskutiert werden. Dieser Artikel liefert Hintergrundinformationen zum linguistischen Profil Indiens. Der Begriff Minderheiten wird im Zusammenhang mit Indien definiert und der den Sprachminderheiten in der indischen Verfassung zugestandene Schutz untersucht. Anschließend wird die Sprachpolitik im indischen Bildungssystem angesprochen und die Empfehlungen unterschiedlicher Bildungskommissionen werden analysiert. Die wesentlichen abgehandelten Themen beinhalten folgende Bereiche: die Anzahl der unterrichteten Sprachen, die Unterrichtssprache und die Bildungspolitik hinsichtlich der Sprachminderheiten. Der Artikel befaßt sich außerdem mit unterschiedlichen Sprachbewegungen und ihrem Einfluß auf die indische Bildung.

Resumen La cuestión de educación en la India no podrá discutirse adecuadamente sin hacer referencia a su contexto sociolingüístico. Este trabajo provee informaciones de fondo sobre el perfil lingüistico de la India. Define el término de minorias en el contexto indio y examina la protección que la Constitución de la India ofrece a las minorías lingüísticas. A ello se agrega una discusión de la política lingüística en la educación india, en la que se analizan las recomendaciones de las diferentes comisiones de educación. Fntre otras cosas, los puntos tratados son: el número de lenguas que se enseñan, el medio de instrucción, y las políticas de educación referentes a las personas que hablan lenguuas minoritarias. El artículo también trata los diferentes movimientos lingüísticos y sus impactos en la educación en la India.

Résumé On ne peut vraiment débattre la question de l'éducation en Inde sans la replacer dans son contexts socio-linguistique. Cet article fournit une information de base sur le profil linguistique de l'Inde. Il y définit le terme de minorités dans le contexte de ce pays et étudie la protection que la Constitution indienne assure aux minorités linguistiques. Il s'ensuit un exposé de la politique linguistique dans l'enseignement de ce pays, incluant une analyse des recommandations des différentes commissions pédagogiques. Les points essentiels traités portent sur le nombre de langues enseignées, la langue d'enseignement et les politiques pédagogiques touchant les locuteurs de langues minoritaires. L'article analyse enfin les différents mouvements linguistiques et leur influence sur l'éducation en Inde.

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This study investigated, in the context of mathematical problem solving by secondary school students, the nature of the visual schemata which Johnson (1987) hypothesises mediate between logical propositional structures and rich specific visual images. Four groups of grade 10 students were studied, representing all combinations of high and low operational ability in mathematics (equivalent to Johnson's logical propositional structures) and high and low vividness of visual imagery (corresponding to Johnson's rich images). The results suggested first, that success at problem solving was related to logical operational ability, but not to vividness of visual imagery. Second, a variety of visually based strategies were used during problem solving which differed in their level of generality and abstraction, and use of these strategies appeared related to either logical operational ability or vividness of visual imagery, depending on their level of abstraction. The results supported Presmeg's (1992b) continuum of abstraction of image schemata.Throughout the paper, the first High or Low denotes logical operational ability, and the second, vividness of visual imagery.  相似文献   

This article summarizes some of the findings and recommendations of a research project focusing on the nature and needs of refugee students in Canadian schools. The school performance of refugee students is examined under the following headings: immigration regulations; initial identification, assessment, placement and monitoring; unaccompanied youngsters; at risk students; academic needs; the conflict of cultures. In particular, the article discusses the changing role of the school in the light of recent immigration trends. Many of the findings are applicable to other national settings.
Zusammenfassung Dieser Artikel faßt einige der Ergebnisse und Empfehlungen eines Forschungsprojekts zusammen, das sich auf die Natur und die Bedürfnisse von Flüchtlingskindern in kanadischen Schulen konzentriert. Die Schulleistung der Flüchtlingskinder wird unter den folgenden Überschriften untersucht: Immigrationsvorschriften, ursprüngliche Identifizierung, Bewertung, Plazierung und Beobachtung, unbegleitete Schüler, Risiko studenten, akademische Bedürfnisse, der Konflikt der Kulturen. Der Artikel diskutiert im besonderen die sich ändernde Rolle der Schule hinsichtlich jüngster Immigrationstrends. Viele der Ergebnisse lassen sich auch auf andere nationale Gegebenheiten anwenden.

Resumen Este artículo compendia algunos de los resultados y recomendaciones referentes a un proyecto de investigación que enfoca la naturaleza y las necesidades de estudiantes refugiados, en escuelas canadienses. El desempeño escolar de estudiantes refugiados se estudia bajo los siguientes aspectos: regulaciones de inmigración, identificación inicial, evaluación, colocación y asesoramiento; menores no acompañados, estudiantes de riesgo, necesidades académicas y el conflicto entre las culturas. En particular, el artículo trata del cambio que experimenta el papel de la escuela en vista de las tendencias de inmigración recientes. Muchos de estos resultados son aplicables a las circunstancias reinantes en otras naciones.

Résumé Cet article présente un résumé des résultats et recommandations d'un travail de recherche, qui s'est penché sur les caractéristiques et les besoins de jeunes réfugiés fréquentant les écoles canadiennes. Les résultats scolaires de ces jeunes réfugiés sont étudiés par rapport aux critères suivants: réglementation de l'immigration; identification initiale, répartition, placement et suivi; mineurs non accompagnés; écoliers à risque; besoins intellectuels; conflits culturels. L'article examine en particulier l'évolution du rôle de l'école par rapport aux tendances apparues récemment dans la politique d'immigration. Nombre de ces résultats peuvent être appliqués à d'autres contextes nationaux.

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This article presents examples that illustrate how teachers use childrens literature in the teaching of mathematics. The examples are related to four curriculum ideologies that have influenced mathematics education in the USA for the last 75 years. It discusses why it is relevant to help teachers understand the ideological positions that influence their use of childrens literature during mathematics instruction, summarizes the four ideological positions, and presents results of a study of how teachers ideological positions relate to their use of childrens literature in the teaching of mathematics. The study examines two research questionsCan an instructional tool be developed that will highlight for teachers the different ways in which they and others use childrens literature to teach mathematics? and Can that instructional tool stimulate teacher discussion and reflection about their own beliefs and the ideological nature of the instructional environment in which they learned (as students) and teach (as teachers)? Study results indicate that both questions can be answered in the affirmative.  相似文献   

Randle W. Nelsen 《Interchange》1981,12(2-3):229-242
Summary In sum, through our projects these two students, the other 17 students, and myself, were making sociology of education relevant to our emerging personhood — to the person we are always becoming. It became less an abstract course title and more something we engaged in as part and parcel of our lives. In effect, we were beginning to develop a more community-oriented education by attempting to overcome what Jim Harding (1978, pp. 287–289) has characterized as the self-defeating polarizations of form and content of learning, of theory and practice, of political and personal matters.For me, there is no turning back. I do not think I'll ever again feel comfortable in a learning environment that is not moving toward the less-structured end of the continuum. Such an environment will not eliminate the hidden curriculum of institutional sexism, racism, and class bias which permeates this society and its schools at all levels. But as the data from this research indicate, constructing such an environment in your own classroom can make a difference — can be a long beginning step toward bringing inequities grounded in gender, ethnic, and socio-economic differences out of hiding. Then, and only then, can people openly acknowledge these differences and work on keeping some of the most destructive consequences that flow from them from being transmitted as miseducation from generation to generation.  相似文献   

Fifty-five college women enrolled in competency-based, humanistic or self-directed education programs completed their California Personality Inventory and listed five reasons for selecting their program. CPI results indicated that self-directed students scored lower than other students on the Femininity Scale (p.001). Using Chickering's seven vectors of change as a framework, the study found competency-based students identifying purpose and competence, humanistic students identifying inter-personal relationships and integrity, and self-directed student identifying autonomy and purpose as reasons for enrolling in their nontraditional programs. The study used these results to question the mythology that adherents to different programs are of different personality types and to argue that differences in perceptions of purpose in education distinguish students in the three programs.  相似文献   

This study examined the possibility that notonly women, but also men, face what Hall and Sandler(1982) call chilling behaviors when theyare students in a major considered nontraditional oratypical for their sex. The population for this studywas all upper-level students (N = 1,992) in accounting,education, engineering, and nursing at a publicuniversity in the mid-South. A random sample of females and males, or a total of 426 junior and seniorfull-time and part-time students in these majors, wasmailed a survey about chilling practices in their major.Analysis of variance was used to clarify the relationships between the independent variablesof students' sex and academic discipline and theinteraction of students' sex and academic discipline andthe dependent variable of perception of practices in their major. The findings indicated that,regardless of their sex, students in these majors didnot perceive practices in their major to bechilling. However, there was a differencein perceptions as a function of major. Both education andnursing students perceived a warmerenvironment in their major than did accounting andengineering students. The pattern was the same for bothfemales and males since there was no interaction of sex andacademic discipline.  相似文献   

This study looks at the relationships between a number of personal and social characteristics of a random sample of 254 urban citizens from the Twin Cities and their satisfaction with a University. Most of the urban citizens had considerable university related experiences, and they believed that faculty and students are sincere and hardworking. Most were satisfied with different facets of University life, endorsed the broad principle of campus freedom of expression, but were generally opposed to the goals of students when they used more active methods of dissent. Citizens' satisfaction with the University was heavily related to their perception of campus life as it related to the ideological criteria of Work Ethic and Americanism.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with how undergraduate students in their first abstract algebra course learn the concept of group isomorphism. To probe the students' thinking, we interviewed them while they were working on tasks involving various aspects of isomorphism. Here are some of the observations that emerged from analysis of the interviews. First, students show a strong need for canonical, unique, step-by-step procedures and tend to get stuck of having to deal with some degrees of freedom in their choices. Second, students exhibit various degrees of personification and localization in their language, as in I can find a function that takes every element of G to every element of G vs. there exists a function from G to G. Third, when having to deal with a list of properties, students choose first the properties they perceive as simpler; however, it turns out that their choice depends on the type of the task and the type of complexity involved. That is, in tasks involving groups in general, students mostly prefer to work with properties which aresyntactically simple, whereas in tasks involving specific groups, students prefer properties which arecomputationally simpler.  相似文献   

Although most discussions of postsecondary assessment focus on students' knowledge and skills, these cannot be fully understood without assessing the wasy they are influenced by other aspects of postsecondary education. These aspects are described in a map consisting of 20 points which depicts the flow of students through institutions and experiences from precollege to adulthood. Consideration of the map identifies areas where better assessments and models are needed, particularly the areas of adult learners, graduate and professional education, and the characteristics and plans of college seniors.  相似文献   

A number of recommendations to improve undergraduate education have been put forth in the higher education literature. However, we maintain that the implementation of these recommendations at our colleges and universities is unlikely if norms or group standards of appropriate and inappropriate behavior do not support these recommendations. Consequently, this study investigated the normative support for 6 selected recommendations to improve undergraduate education at teaching-oriented colleges. Results indicate support for 3 of the 6 recommendations: systematic program of advisement, providing students with prompt, formative feedback on assignments, and fostering an egalitarian classroom climate. These are the same recommendations supported by norms at higher education institutions that are more focused toward research and graduate education. The implications suggest that the normative structure that supports teaching improvement efforts may be more similar among various institutions than previous research might have indicated.  相似文献   

The two concepts law and theory are among the most important elements of the nature of science. They represent both the tools and products of science itself. Unfortunately, the variable meanings and use of these terms in general discourse and in other school disciplines results in much confusion with respect to their proper application in a science context. The project included the design of a six-part model definition for law and theory based on a review of the literature of the philosophy of science with special reference to biology. These model definitions were then compared with those provided in a range of U.S. secondary school biology textbooks. The majority of all current major U.S. secondary school biology texts were reviewed and analyzed with respect to how the concepts of law and theory were defined and applied, in an attempt to determine whether students and teachers using such texts would gain an accurate impression of these terms and the distinction between them. This study focuses on biology instruction since a life science course is completed as a graduation requirement by virtually all U.S. high school students and as such serves as a widely shared educational experience across the nation. The term law is rarely defined in any text but various laws such as those found in genetics are frequently included as examples. The term theory is frequently defined but with a wide range of completeness of the definitions. Only rarely are theories in biology included as examples.  相似文献   

One of the main differences between novice and expert problem solving in physics is that novices mostly construct problem representations from objects and events in the experimental situation, whereas experts construct representations closer to theoretical terms and entities. A main difficulty in physics is in interrelating these two levels, i.e. in modelling. Relatively little research has been done on this problem, most work in AI, psychology and physics education having concentrated on how students use representations in problem solving, rather than on the complex process of how they construct them. We present a study that aims to explore how students construct models for energy storage, transformation and transfers in simple experimental situations involving electricity and mechanics. The study involved detailed analysis of problem solving dialogues produced by pairs of students, and AI modelling of these processes. We present successively more refined models that are capable of generating ideal solutions, solutions for individual students for a single task, then models for individuals across different tasks. The students' construction of energy models can be modelled in terms of the simplest process of modelling — establishing term to term relations between elements of the object/event world and the theory/model world, with underlying linear causal reasoning. Nevertheless, our model is unable to take into account more sophisticated modelling processes in students. In conclusion we therefore describe future work on the development of a new model that could take such processes into account.1. CHENE = CHaîne ENErgetique, or Energy Chain. (In French Chêne also means oak).2. Throughout the rest of the paper we use the following simple notation in order to avoid possible confusion between modelling as a process performed by the students, in the domain of physics, and AI modelling of the former modelling process: students' modelling in physics = modelling SP ; AI modelling (of modelling SP ) = modelling AI .3. It has not been necessary to use more sophisticated strategies at the stage of our work reported here. The next system, modelCHENE, will directly address this issue.4. Note that what we refer to in this context as problem solving may in another context be viewed as construction of a qualitative representation for subsequent quantitative problem solving.5. The protocols indicate that students use this as a kind of anchor in their reasoning-some students returning to it in order to resolve impasses. As the current problem solver provides no mechanism for handling impasses we cannot model the reuse of information in any meaningful way.6. We are grateful to an anonymous reviewer for this example.7. This provides the minimum distinction for our initial needs.8. Though there is a difficult step in deciding that the moving object really is the last unassigned object-since that requires setting aside any need to assign roles to, for example, connecting strings etc.9. At the moment we have to provide psCHENE with slightly different rulesets: providing rules with priorities would be more convenient.  相似文献   

The way in which the government defines financial need does not always account for the individual decisions families make when sending a student to college. Many students who do not qualify for federal financial aid must still pay for part of their educational expenses, and need a part-time job in order to do so. The Job Location and Development (JLD) program was designed to help these students find the employment they need, to pick up where federal work study leaves off. Since 1979, the MU Career Center and the Office of Student Financial Aid at the University of Missouri–Columbia have together operated a JLD program on campus that, since its inception, has helped more than 25,000 students find employment while in school. Those employment opportunities serve to not only assist students in funding their education, but also to provide students the opportunity to learn about themselves—their strengths and weaknesses, their career interests, perhaps what major they ought to choose—as well as valuable skills they can use after graduation.  相似文献   

Interviews with forty six undergraduate students enrolled in either first or third year of a Bachelor of Education explored how they conceptualised and undertook an essay writing task. The conceptual structure of their essays was analysed using the SOLO Taxonomy. Comparisons between students who wrote essays of differing levels of complexity revealed that there were major differences between students at every stage of the essay writing process. Compared to students writing essays with simple conceptual structures, students writing more complex essays engaged in processes of reconstruction rather than knowledge telling, put more effort into finding references, used organisational systems for integrating their notes according to topics or themes, built arguments rather than presented information when structuring and drafting their essays, were concerned with improving ideas and arguments as well as mechanics when revising their essays, had a more sophisticated understanding of the concepts underlying the assessment criteria, and expected and received higher grades. The results suggest a developmental process in underlying conceptualisations of both the body of knowledge forming the content of the essay, and the essay writing processes themselves. As such, attempts to improve students' essay writing skills need to shift from a focus on discrete skills to an emphasis on the relationship between students' understanding of the content and their ability to write about it. As part of the writing process, students need help building understandings representing the body of knowledge they are writing about, and this help needs to be geared to their current level of operation.  相似文献   

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