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Stress, coping, and adjustment in female adolescent incest victims   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Although previous literature on incest has dealt extensively with the nature, parameters, and effects of such abuse, it has not focused on the role of coping in the psychological adjustment of victims. Forty-five female adolescent incest victims in treatment completed questionnaires regarding their current adjustment, characteristics of their molest, their perceptions of the stressful aspects of the molestations, how they appraised the molestations, and how they coped with the fact that it occurred. The majority of the girls in this study had been sexually abused by a father figure (82%). The coping strategies of wishful thinking and tension reduction, the lack of maternal support at the time of reporting, and appraisals of threat and "holding self back" accounted for 70% of the variance in self-reported distress. The coping strategies of detachment, seeking social support and appraisal of hold self back accounted for 38% of the variance in adolescent's global psychopathology as rated by their therapists. In light of these findings, the implications of the need to address appraisals and coping efforts in research and therapy with incest victims was emphasized.  相似文献   

Twenty-seven incest victims, aged 12-18, responded to their experiences with self-destructive behaviors such as substance abuse, suicide attempts, perfectionism, isolation, or depression in attempts to alleviate stress or assert some control over helplessness created by the incest. Therapy focused on the premise that such adolescent behaviors are logical and predictable survival responses rather than simply clues to sexual abuse. Treatment goals included establishing trust, helping the victim re-define his or her role in the incest, view destructive behaviors as predictable responses, and understand that present behaviors are a continuation of these past survival responses. Such self-awareness encourages the adolescent to better manage or discontinue now inappropriate behaviors.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to examine whether personality characteristics, locus of control orientation, and self-esteem were protective against depression among female adolescent victims of maltreatment and to examine whether the presence of these characteristics was related to the age of the victim when maltreatment began. Thirty-three maltreated adolescent females and a comparison group of 112 nonmaltreated female adolescents were administered a questionnaire containing scales measuring locus of control orientation, self-esteem, and depression. Results revealed that personality characteristics interacted with maltreatment status in predicting depression, suggesting that they are protective factors. Results also revealed that adolescents who first experienced maltreatment during childhood were significantly less likely than those who first experienced maltreatment during adolescence to have these protective personality characteristics.  相似文献   

This research examined links among academic ability, social-perspective coordination, and friendship quality, within the context of gifted adolescents’ friendships. The sample consisted of 120 early adolescents (59 girls, 61 boys), 81 of whom were identified as gifted. Academic ability, sex, and grade significantly predicted social-perspective coordination (an indicator of psychosocial maturity) in multiple regression analyses. Social-perspective coordination, perceptions (self-concept) of ability to make and keep friends, academic ability, sex, and grade predicted perceptions of the overall quality of friendships. Being a female, seventh grader, or adolescent not identified as gifted, significantly predicted higher friendship quality. Social-perspective coordination and self-concept based on having a close friend predicted higher levels of friendship quality for the gifted participants.  相似文献   

Incest by cousins has not been well documented compared with sibling incest. The purpose of this study was to describe the features of incest by cousins and siblings presenting to a sexual assault center and to differentiate cases of abusive behavior from normal sexual exploration. Four criteria were considered indicative of abusive behavior: (1) age difference of greater than or equal to 5 years between victim and perpetrator; (2) use of force, threat, or authority by abuser; (3) attempted penile penetration; and (4) documented injury in victim. Of 831 sexually abused children less than 14 years of age evaluated for sexual assault complaints, 49 cases of cousin incest (5.9%) and 35 cases of sibling incest (4.2%) were identified. A total of 54 male cousins abused 8 boys and 41 girls; brothers abused 3 boys and 32 girls. The victims' median age was 5 years for cousins and 7 years for siblings. The perpetrators' mean age was 16.2 years for cousins and 15.5 years for siblings, with only 16 (19%) of all perpetrators being greater than 16 years old. Of the perpetrators, 66 (79%) were greater than or equal to 5 years older than their victims. All 18 victims with age differences of less than 5 years met one or more of the other abusive criteria. A similar pattern of adolescent perpetrators having abusive sexual contact with young children was demonstrated by analysis of cousin incest and sibling incest in this study. Appropriate case management requires understanding of normal sexual experimentation and recognition of the abusive nature of these cases.  相似文献   

The maltreatment of adolescents   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Official reports of maltreatment involving adolescent victims were compared to those involving younger children in a representative sample of protective services' reports drawn from New York State in 1985. Specific case characteristics, including age, gender, ethnicity of the victim, and source of report, are described and their relation to case substantiation is examined. Analyses revealed that adolescents represent a substantial proportion of all victims of official child maltreatment reports. The impact of age on substantiation varied as a function of the type of maltreatment, where for adolescents sexual abuse reports were more likely to be substantiated, while neglect and physical abuse reports were less likely to be substantiated. Reports involving adolescents were significantly more likely to involve a female victim. Significant gender differences in substantiation rate were found only for sexual abuse reports involving adolescents. White children were also found to be under-represented in this sample, while blacks were over-represented relative to their numbers in the population. The impact of minority status on substantiation was significant for neglect and physical abuse reports involving children. The majority of adolescent reports came from mandated sources, which had a significantly higher substantiation rate than reports from non-mandated sources.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of older brother-younger sister incest from the perspective of the women who experienced it in childhood or adolescent years. Dynamics in the families-of-origin were also explored, as these related or contributed to the effects from the incest. Seventeen women were interviewed, using an in-depth, semi-structured interview. Four self-report objective instruments were also administered that measure dynamics in the family-of-origin and symptomatology that is often associated with the effects of trauma. Interview and objective data were analyzed by systematically organizing the women's perceptions and conceptualizations into common themes. All of the women's families of origin were described as dysfunctional. Common effects reported included mistrust of men and women, chronic low or negative self-esteem, sexual response difficulties, and intrusive thoughts of the incest. Women regarded individual therapy, talking with supportive family and friends, and validating themselves as victims at the time of the incest as ways in which they have helped themselves to deal with the effects of the incest. These results have important implications for therapy, including serious consideration of the impact and contribution of this kind of incest on reported symptomatology, and on emerging issues and conflicts in the therapeutic process.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that how one cognitively appraises his or her victimization experience will influence one's psychological adjustment. In this study, content analysis was conducted on the explanations given for their molestation by 84 female adolescent incest victims. The relationship of these explanations with measures of self-esteem and depression was examined. No relationship was found between self-esteem or depression scores and whether or not subjects found some meaning or explanation for their being molested. However, the type of attribution was related to self-esteem and depression, with subjects significantly more depressed and having lower self-esteem if they attributed the molestation as due to something about self (internal attribution) versus some reason external to self (external attribution). Subjects making internal attributions were more likely to have experienced intercourse.  相似文献   

ObjectiveResearch investigating the impact of child sexual abuse (CSA) in community samples of adolescents has been limited. This study aims to identify sexual abuse among ethnically diverse high school adolescents of both genders and evaluate their psycho-emotional consequences.MethodThrough the use of self-report instruments, a sample of 223 Latino and European American 16–19-year-old high school students were identified as either victims of CSA or as nonabused. The emotional impact of sexual abuse was also investigated among these ethnically diverse adolescent males and females.ResultsInitial findings revealed that those adolescents who gave inconsistent responses to CSA assessments questions were much more similar in patterns of psychological distress to CSA victims compared to nonabused teenagers. Prevalence analyses revealed that females (45%) were nearly two times more likely to report CSA than males (24%). Latinos (44%) were significantly more likely to experience CSA compared to European Americans (27%), and Latinas (54%) had the highest prevalence overall. Other findings indicated substantial differences in type of perpetrator. While female victims of CSA identified male perpetrators in 91.9% of cases, male victims of CSA identified female perpetrators in 52.9% of cases. Consistent with past research, sexually abused adolescents reported significantly greater psychological distress than their nonabused peers, regardless of gender or ethnic group. Gender differences emerged with females reporting greater psychological symptoms, but these differences were substantially reduced when CSA was controlled. European Americans reported greater anxious arousal symptoms compared to Latinos.ConclusionsOur findings suggest that the prevalence of CSA among adolescents is higher than existing research has noted for both males and females and particularly higher for Latinos compared to European Americans. Perpetration by females upon males may also be higher than research has noted. Our findings also revealed many ethnic and gender similarities and fewer differences in the psychological impact and circumstances of sexual abuse in this diverse sample of adolescents.Practice implicationsThe high prevalence of CSA among adolescent males and particularly Latinas emphasize the need to intervene on a community level and with parents for both prevention and intervention regarding issues of sexual victimization. The numbers of female perpetrators, especially when boys are the targets of abuse, may be higher than previously imagined and thus must be assessed tactfully and thoroughly. This study found that adolescents who reported CSA inconsistently had similar symptoms as those with confirmed CSA and therefore warrant greater attention and more persistent intervention. When treating victims of CSA, the Trauma Symptom Inventory (TSI) is effective in identifying specific areas of emotional distress to treat in sexually abused ethnically diverse male and female adolescents. Culturally relevant prevention efforts are needed for ethnically diverse children of both genders.  相似文献   

Two surveys studied the inadequacies of professional assistance given to incest victims. In the investigation 130 professionals and 50 adult women victimized as children were interviewed. With respect to young, recent victims, the assistance given was hampered by institutional distrust, the inability of individual professionals to stop the ongoing incest, as well as the frequent breaking off of contact by the young girls themselves. The professionals who helped adult, former incest victims were hampered by shortcomings in knowledge and skills as well as their own emotional resistance. On the average, these adult victims consulted 3.5 professionals over many years. The "long march through the consultation rooms" and the various complaints of the women regarding the professionals are described. In conclusion, recommendations for improvement in assisting incest victims are suggested.  相似文献   

Gender differences associated with the development of adolescents' sense of general self-concept (confidence and self-worth) and emotional stability (calmness, freedom from anxiety, and depression) were investigated using a sample of 655 adolescents (mean age 16 years). Relationships with parents were important for males' emotional stability but not females' and so this finding challenges the belief that adolescent males are more concerned with establishing independence from parents than females. The research also challenges the notion that adolescent boys are less interested in close personal peer relationships than girls. Same sex and opposite sex peer relationships were more influential in the formation of adolescents' emotional stability than parental relationships. A reciprocal relationship was revealed between general self-concept and emotional stability. Comparing these results with results obtained on the same students 18 months previously (aged 14.5 years), demonstrates that adolescents increasingly transfer their emotional attachment from parents to peers in a process called individuation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The primary aim of the current study was to examine the contributions of sexual abuse, physical abuse, family cohesion, and conflict in predicting the psychological functioning of adolescents. Additional analyses were conducted to determine whether adolescent victims of child sexual abuse and physical abuse perceive their family environments as more conflictual and less cohesive than nonabused adolescents. METHOD: Participants were 131 male and female adolescents, ages 16 years to 18 years, receiving services at a residential vocational training program. Participants completed well established psychological assessment tools to assess abuse history, family environment characteristics, and current adjustment. RESULTS: Physically abused adolescent females perceived their family environments as more conflictual and less cohesive than females without physical abuse, and sexually abused females perceived their family environments as more conflictual and less cohesive than females without sexual abuse. Physically abused adolescent males reported more conflict than males without physical abuse, but did not differ with regard to cohesion. Adolescent males with and without a sexual abuse history did not differ on the family dimensions. Multiple regression analyses revealed that both conflict and cohesion, in addition to a history of sexual and physical abuse, predicted depression and distress. Separate analyses by gender revealed these variables differentially impact adjustment in male and female adolescents. Results of a power analysis indicated sufficient power to detect these differences. CONCLUSIONS: Findings indicate that in addition to child sexual abuse and physical abuse, family conflict and cohesion are risk factors for the development of psychological distress and depression in adolescence. Implications for treatment and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Women with a history of father-daughter incest as children often report difficulty in parenting their own children. This study examined the self-reported parenting experience and practices of women who were incest victims as children. Since many incest victims are also children of alcoholics, we compared their reports of parenting with those of women whose fathers were alcoholic but not sexually abusive, and to women who had no known risk during their childhood. The findigns were that incest survivors reported significantly less confidence and less sense of control as parents than nonrisk mothers. In addition, they reported significantly less support in the parental partnership with their spouses, and reported being less consistent and organized, and making fewer maturity demands on their children. The findings are discussed in terms of the incest survivor's sense of inefficacy and loss of control, the potential of the marital relationship to buffer the adverse effects of growing up in the dysfunctional, incestuous family, and future research directions.  相似文献   

Grandfather-granddaughter incest accounts for about 10% of all reported cases of intrafamilial childhood sexual abuse. In a sample of 10 such cases, all referrals came from mothers fo the child victims; six of these mothers had themselves been abused in childhood by the perpetrator. For eight of the 10 perpetrators, multiple child sexual victims were identified in a pattern that suggests facultative pedohphilia. Ony two of the 18 grandchildren sexually abused by the 10 grandfathers were asymptomatic at the time of report. Grandchild victims from chaotic families showed educational and behavioral symptoms; those from stable families exhibited fears and phobias. Eight of the 18 grandchildren were victimized by multiple perpetrators. The results cast doubt on the assumption that grandparent incest is a benign form of abuse and indicate that there is some justification for the fears expressed by adult incest victims about visitation between their children and the father-perpetrator.  相似文献   

Art is an expression of the child's inner reality. Drawings by child victims of incest might be expected to differ from drawings by other children presenting at a child psychiatry clinic. This study compares drawings by child victims of incest with drawings by children referred to the University of Arizona Child Psychiatry Clinic for nonsexual issues. Each drawing was rated on 15 dimensions, including sexualization of the figure, degree of dependency, quality of ego defenses, and adequacy of impulse control. Child victims of incest were judged to have more poorly developed impulse controls and a defensive structure which emphasized repression. These children were also significantly more variable than their counterparts in the degree to which they expressed sexual features in the drawings, but were less variable in their rated maturity and in the rated adequacy of their ability to use sublimation as a defense against anxiety.  相似文献   

Understanding the pathways and circumstances of juvenile sexual offending is of utmost importance. However, juvenile sexual offenders (JSO) represent an especially diverse group of individuals, and several categorizations have been proposed to obtain more homogeneous subgroups. Victim age-based and family relation-based categorizations are particularly promising because they seem theoretically and clinically relevant. Empirical results however are still inconsistent, and most studies have not considered these two dimensions jointly. The first goal of this study was to further examine the value of subgrouping JSO according to the age of their victim. A second goal was to determine the supplementary value, if any, of considering sibling incest. Based on a sample of 351 male JSO, it was first confirmed that sexual abuse of children was more strongly related to asociality (social skill deficits) than sexual abuse of peers, the latter being more closely associated with antisociality (general delinquency). The relevance of considering mixed-type JSO (with both child and peer victims) separately was also confirmed. More importantly, multivariate statistical analyses demonstrated that adding sibling incest to the equation was useful. JSO of intra-familial child were significantly more likely to have been victimized during their own childhood compared to JSO with extra-familial victims. Nevertheless, adolescents who had committed sibling incest obtained middle ground results on most variables (except for crime severity), suggesting that they constitute a distinct but not extreme, subgroup. This study confirmed the utility of using both the age and the family relation with the victim in characterizing juvenile sexual offending.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Three groups of girls who were sexually abused (by either brothers, fathers, or stepfathers) were compared. The purpose was to identify the differing characteristics of the abuse, the family environments, and the psychosocial distress of these children. METHOD: Seventy-two girls aged between 5 and 16 were assigned to one of the three groups. Subjects were matched between groups on the basis of their actual age. Children completed measures of traumatic stress; their mothers completed the Child Behavior Checklist-Parent Report Form (CBCL) and other self-report questionnaires on family characteristics. Workers in child protective services completed information regarding the nature and severity of the abuse. RESULTS: Results suggested few differences in the characteristics of sexual abuse between the three groups. However, penetration was much more frequent in the sibling incest group (70.8%) than in the stepfather incest (27.3%) or father incest (34.8%) groups. Ninety percent of the victims of fathers and brothers manifested clinically-significant distress on at least one measure, whereas 63.6% of stepfather victims did. Compared with father and stepfather perpetrators, brothers were raised in families with more children and more alcohol abuse. CONCLUSIONS: The authors conclude that the characteristics of brother-sister incest and its associated psychosocial distress did not differ from the characteristics of father-daughter incest These findings suggest that theoretical models and clinical practices should be adjusted accordingly and that sibling incest should not necessarily be construed as less severe or harmful than father-daughter incest.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore homophobic bullying in Portugal, including its forms, prevalence, and consequences, and to verify whether parental and social support moderated the effects of homophobic bullying for victims. An online questionnaire was completed by 211 female and male students, aged 12 to 20 years. Results showed that psychological violence prevailed, male students were more often victims than female students were, and lesbian, gay, and bisexual adolescents were victims more often than their heterosexual peers were. The emotional impact on victims was higher when social support was low, including suicidal ideation and school difficulties. Furthermore, a main effect of parental support was found for emotional and behavioral distress indices experienced by adolescents.  相似文献   

Previous studies often document that Black and Latinx adolescents demonstrate considerable positive self-concept despite their low academic achievement. We critically reviewed two common psychological explanations for this paradoxical phenomenon: selective devaluation hypothesis (lower value placed in schoolwork protects their self-concept) and external attribution hypothesis (external attribution of poor achievement protects their self-concept). For a deeper understanding of Black and Latinx youth’s development of self-concept as racially or ethnically influenced process, we revisited these hypotheses with consideration of explanatory mediator (i.e., academic value) and moderator (i.e., perceived school fairness), based on nationally representative longitudinal data of Black, Latinx, and White 10th graders (n ≅ 12,920, 50.5% female). Contrary to the selective devaluation hypothesis, we found that Black and Latinx youth placed greater value in schoolwork than White adolescents. Contrary to the external attribution hypothesis, self-concept was similarly related to previous achievement between Black and White adolescents and more closely related among Latinx adolescents. Based on the results, we proposed three alternative hypotheses that might better explain the process of developing academic self-concept among Black and Latinx youth.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine changes in self-concept and self-efficacy during the childbearing year among adolescent mothers (defined as young mothers up to age 20) who were involved in a behavioral intervention. Subjects included a sample of 282 urban, pregnant adolescents (94% African American, 4% white, 2% other). The Tennessee Self-Concept Scale (TSCS) was used to measure self-concept. A scale to measure the self-efficacy of the adolescent mother during the childbearing year was developed and evaluated. Questionnaires were administered during intake for prenatal care and in the postpartum period. In the larger study, the intervention was a peer-centered, mastery modeling intervention designed to increase self-efficacy, improve self-concept, and improve long- and short-term perinatal outcomes. The results in this portion of the data showed that self-concept increased significantly for young women in the experimental group but did not change significantly for young women in the control group. Changes were noted in the TSCS for overall self-concept as well as for several subscores, including identity, self-satisfaction, behavior, the personal self, the family self, and the social self. However, differences between groups did not reach significance once age, parity, site, and time were accounted for, except on TSCS subscales of identity and personal self. Between intake for prenatal care and postpartum, self-efficacy changed significantly for both the experimental and the control groups. Both groups increased in self-efficacy for labor and delivery and decreased in self-efficacy for infant care. In this group of mostly African American teens, peer support and small group care demonstrated positive effects on self-concept. Professional and peer interactions were equally associated in intervention and nonintervention groups with regard to self-efficacy.  相似文献   

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