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学校决策离不开教育目标,没有目标的决策就失去了意义。作为一个学校领导者,首选应对本单位、本部门的发展前景做到心中有数,设计一个清晰的蓝图。如五年中期规划、三年近期规划和一年的具体规划等等。我们根据我校在某些方面存在着不适应现代教育发展要求的一些具体情况,制定了五年发展规划,进行了大胆设想和决策。主要实施“一二三四五”工程。即一年内让校园大变样;两年内跃上一个新台阶即创建国家级绿色学校,三年内有两个新突破(率先启用外教和扩建校舍450m^2);四年内建立校园网;五年内力争还清所有欠款。  相似文献   

学校发展规划是近年来西方中小学教育改革的一个热点,它源于1977年英国"学校效能"研究,其根本目的就是改善学校管理、提高学校的效能。学校发展规划的制订过程应该体现学校管理者对学校未来发展的新思考与新探索,一个科  相似文献   

大学发展规划:自身行动的纲领   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着大学办学自主权的扩大,学校之间的竞争日趋激烈,大学如何设计自己的未来就成了决定学校生存和发展的重大问题。笔者认为制订大学发展规划时,需要梳理以下问题:第一,要认识为什么要制订发展规划;第二,一份完整的大学发展规划应该包含哪些最基本的内容;第三,掌握如何去制订发展规划。  相似文献   

西方学校文化研究的兴起与关注学校管理效能有关。在较短时间里,西方学校文化研究在以下几个方面取得了较大成绩:一是厘清了学校文化的概念;二是编制了数量繁多的学校文化测量问卷,用以测量学校文化的特征,区分不同学校之间的文化差异;三是揭示了学校文化与学校管理效能、学生发展和教师职业发展之间的关系;四是确定了优秀学校文化的特征,为塑造学校文化提供了可操作的建议。这些研究对于我国学者从事学校文化研究和建设具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

学校文化工程目标:有效整合优化学校文化元素;规划学校发展战略;塑造学校个性形象为学校文化的系统运营提供了制度保障和执行标准。  相似文献   

论学校心理学的中国化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
学校心理学的中国化有两层含义:一是中国必须引进学校心理学;二是我国的学校心理学必须有中国特色,必须适合中国的国情和教育状况。引进西方学校心理学很必要,建立和发展具有中国特色的学校心理学更加必要,在此基础上,根据我国学校和教师的情况,在中小学逐步普及学校心理学工作。  相似文献   

家庭参与是涉及学校治理结构变革的重要问题,家庭逐渐成为学校变革的要素和酵母。家庭参与学校教育一直以来是西方学校管理的主要实践兴奋点,是西方社会结构与社会文化变迁的侧影。不同国家与地区在学校变革的进程中,主要通过在法律权益方面保障家庭参与权、构建家庭参与学校教育的不同层级框架以及建立家庭参与的组织机构三个层面推进学校治理结构与学校制度的创新发展。  相似文献   

学校发展规划以提高学校的管理效率为出发点,通过明确学校的办学思路,改善学校办学条件,从而有组织、有计划、有步骤地提高学校教育教学质量.本文主要对英国中小学学校发展规划的内容进行研究,从三个方面去论述:一是英国中小学学校发展规划的内容结构;二是学校发展规划的核心内容;三是学校发展规划的辅助内容.  相似文献   

学校发展规划是实现学校持续发展的重要途径和手段.制定一个立足学校和符合时代特点的规划,对于学校的发展具有重大意义.近年来,我们在学校发展规划的科学制定和有效实施上进行了探索,深刻认识到:只有拿着一份属于自己学校的发展规划,才能实现最好的发展.  相似文献   

学校发展规划是主动把握学校高质量发展的重要手段。当前,我国学校发展规划还存在学校规划的工具功利倾向较重、办学自主空间不足、规划专业能力不够、规划的实证性分析偏弱以及缺乏有效跟进督促等问题。改进现代学校发展规划可采取以下策略:学校要结合时代背景和学校发展真实需求,准确定位各利益方在规划中的角色,明确和规范学校发展规划的程序,并且建立维护学校规划持续落实的机制。  相似文献   

相对于中国现有的中小学学校管理模式来说,学校发展规划(SDP)是一种新的学校管理理念与实践."西发项目"在西部五省项目校推行了SDP理念及其制定与实施,其对校长、教师、学生、社区、家长与学校管理产生了什么影响呢?本研究采用问卷调查与田野调查的方法收集资料,来评估SDP对学校利益相关者所产生的影响.研究分析发现,SDP对项目学校的管理理念和行动产生了影响,也激起了家长与社区参与学校管理的想法与行动.个案分析发现SDP本土化的推行具有与资源捆绑的倾向,利益相关者更多的看重SDP所能带来的利益,而不强调其观念的变革.现行的政府教育行政管理模式在很大程度上影响了SDP的执行.  相似文献   

为了改进求解大规模约束条件的半定规划问题的方法.首先通过经典的二次正则法,将一般的半定规划问题(SDP)的标准形式进行形式的转化.然后通过研究转化后问题的最优性条件,给出了求解一般的半定规划问题的正则化算法及其收敛性证明.在实际中,处理大规模约束条件的半定规划问题(SDP)时,该方法表现出很好的性能.  相似文献   

The current study, based on all births in Sweden from 1983 to 1991 ( N  =   654,707), explored the processes underlying the association between smoking during pregnancy (SDP) and offspring school grades and mathematic proficiency at age 15. The analyses compared relatives who varied in their exposure to SDP and who varied in their genetic relatedness. Although SDP was statistically associated with academic achievement (AA) when comparing unrelated individuals, the results suggest that SDP does not cause poorer academic performance, as full siblings differentially exposed to SDP did not differ in their academic scores. The pattern of results suggests that genetic factors shared by parents and their offspring help explain why offspring exposed to SDP have lower levels of AA.  相似文献   

James Comer's educational philosophy and his ideas for school reform place child development and human relationships at the center of school change. These ideas, and the School Development Program (SDP) that he founded in 1968, have had considerable influence on school reform and school improvement strategies in the United States and abroad. The notion of creating and maintaining a caring and supportive community, in which the climate of the school supports the total development of the child, is fast becoming a universal aspect of school reform. Many schools across the country are now placing a greater focus on the nature and quality of their climate and on changing climate factors to enhance the development of their students. The result of this progression is that traditional evaluations comparing Comer SDP schools with other schools as non-SDP controls are no longer effective as an approach to studying SDP effects. A more meaningful and practical form of evaluation must now be utilized to pay closer attention to the quality of SDP implementation, the relationships between faithful replication of the SDP process and intervening and distal outcomes, and the varied contextual factors that can facilitate or restrain implementation.  相似文献   

This article brings together stories of how the School Development Program (SDP) is working at three different high schools. West Mecklenburg and Myers Park in Charlotte, North Carolina, and Timberland High School in Berkeley County, South Carolina, all had to reexamine their educational programs as well as the entire school environment when new groups of at-risk students transferred into the schools. The SDP provided a means of bringing all members of the various school communities together--parents, students, teachers, and administrators--to manage appropriate changes. The processes of team formation, committee work, and collaboration with the community are described as well as the various scheduling changes and new academic programs that were created to address student needs. The cumulative growth of experience with the SDP through personal contacts, national training events, and interdistrict consultation is also emphasized.  相似文献   

对参与“学校发展计划”项目的贫困地区的农村中小学校进行调查研究,了解这些中小学校与其所隶属的社区的互动关系,结果表明,已经实施“学校发展计划”的学校与未实施的学校对比,学校与社区的互动关系存在着较显著的差异。学校融入社区,赢得社区的支持、协作和帮助是学校获得良好发展的保证;此外,学校主动了解社区、创设让社区组织和个人了解学校的机会、向社区提供服务是学校存在的价值体现。同时提出了改善学校与社区关系的策略。  相似文献   

This study reports on an intervention involving massage, yoga and relaxation delivered to young children with emotional and behavioural difficulties. Children (n = 126) were invited to participate in the Self‐discovery Programme (SDP) with parental consent. A total of 107 children aged 8–11 years completed the SDP and all measures. Children were allocated to a Control (n = 54) or Intervention (n = 53) group. The results indicate that children in the Intervention group showed improvements in self‐confidence, social confidence, communication and contributions in class. Children in the Intervention group were noted by teachers to use skills learned on the SDP during the school day.  相似文献   


There is a continuing debate about the contribution of sport and sport for development and peace (SDP) to both the theory and practice of social justice. At the same time the policy world is showing strong indications that it is seeking politically smarter ways of understanding what it means to foster social justice, development, and inclusive peace processes. This position statement is committed to sport actively being seen to be playing a part in addressing the challenges that face humanity in the 21st century. The proposition is that sport and SDP are served well by a capability approach (CA) as a framework that enables the construction of the common good. The article considers a CA for social justice prior to a discussion of sport, capability, and the common good, which positions sport as a resource of hope in fostering politically smarter cultural relations.  相似文献   

Since the mid 1990s, reading instruction has changed and so has the School Development Program's (SDP) Essentials of Literacy (EOL) process. Beginning as a teaching suggestion at one New Haven, Connecticut school, Lincoln Bassett, EOL became a pilot project at Davis Street School in New Haven for the 1996-1997 school year and continues to be an implemented model in that school. Due to the results the program yielded at Davis, it was expanded to several other schools in the district and, for the last 4 years, has been the district's accepted intervention model.  相似文献   

For more than 3 decades, researchers have catalogued, described, and analyzed educational program implementation. As a result of this tradition, current wisdom and conventions of sound practice now recognize the value of studying implementation, both as a subject of interest in its own right and as a source of useful information about program impact as well. In this article, the authors focus attention on the relationship between meaningful program implementation and their capacity to assess the impact of James P. Comer's School Development Program (SDP) in a large-scale study. The evaluation of the SDP under discussion, which was initially designed to assess variability in implementation and impact, ultimately examined only implementation-and not by choice, but rather by necessity-because the introduction of the SDP as a viable reform strategy had either stopped altogether or had progressed at a much more leisurely pace than planned. The authors outline the many facets of implementation that had slowed down or gone awry, and they describe subsequent studies that benefited from their experiences with this first SDP study. Although field-driven realities will always play a deservedly central role in the evaluation of school-based programs, the authors offer a set of recommendations to funders and policymakers about how implementation challenges might be better anticipated and managed.  相似文献   

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