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The symbolist use of Epiphany in Ulyssess is James Joyce’s inheritance and development of Aquinas’ three aesthetic principles --"Wholeness, harmony and radiance". On the one hand, Joyce makes his readers realize the brief experience which, whether it is trivial or momentous, impinged on a person with the light of a sudden revelation of truth about life. On the other hand, he employs Aquinas’s three principles to guide the readers to understand the whole structure and connotations of the novel.  相似文献   

李恩庆  黄淞  王丽娟 《海外英语》2013,(9X):193-195
As probably the most misread writer of the 20th century, D. H. Lawrence was not only a great novelist, but also a great poet, who should have shared the same importance as W. B. Yeats and T. S. Eliot."Bavarian Gentians"is one of his masterpieces, which was written in the last few months of his life along with some other poems on death, heaven and hell, including The Ship of Death, Glory of Darkness and Song of Death. The mythological poem, a bit mystic and surreal, embodies the view of Lawrence on death. This paper is trying to give a brief analysis on the images and theme of the poem.  相似文献   

Thomas Nashe‘s Spring is a lyric poem extracted from his comedy “Will Summer‘s Testament”. It is a poem of iambic pentameter. The whole poem is made up of three stanzas. Simple and plain as its language is , it is the language of common speech of his own time, ingeniously chosen, refined, modified and heightened. The author‘s use of a combination of alliteration, mediate and end rhyme in its rhyme scheme makes the poem read as smoothly and briskly as singing a song. His arrangement of four rhythm or beating schemes in a single poem makes the poem confirm to no conventional pattern. His employment of many rhetorical devices makes the poem vivid, imaginative and peffecdve.  相似文献   

韩静  胡文莉 《海外英语》2012,(13):173-174
Oscar Wilde’s poems are rarely researched in China,especially his last famous poem The Ballad of Reading Gaol which focuses on the story of the execution of a convict for the brutal murder of his wife and shows Wilde’s meditating on betrayal and the need for prison reform.This paper attempts to discuss the betrayal of form,content and theme in the poem through the brief analysis of the text to give a better appreciation of the thematic and artistic values.  相似文献   

孙小静 《海外英语》2011,(8):314-316
John Donne is the representative of the metaphysical in the literary history. Song and Sonnets are love poems which express Donne’s love outlook and his attitude towards woman. In Song and Sonnets, the most well-known poems are: "Song" ("Go and Catch a Falling Star"), "The Flea," "The Sun Rising" and "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning." This paper divides his love poetry into three kinds. Through close reading, on one hand, we can understand him and his poems better; on the other hand we can explore his love outlook better.  相似文献   

胡燕 《海外英语》2011,(7):234-235
Nathaniel Hawthorne was one of the well-known romantic novelists of the 19th century in American literature.Most of his works emphasized on the morality.Symbolism is one of the most important writing skills of literature,which endows the concrete images with abstract meanings to enlighten the reader’s imagination and to express a deeper meaning.He was once claimed as the pioneer of symbolism in American literature.He usually used symbolism in his works to analyze the "sin" of the humankind that is an eternal topic for us humankind.This paper mainly focuses on the analysis of the symbolism used in The Scarlet Letter,Hawthorne’s masterpiece.The Scarlet Letter is a novel with numerous symbolisms,which leaves deep imaginable and mysterious impression on people.The scene in the novel,the "A" is full of symbolism meanings.This paper mainly uses comprising and contrast,analogy to support the writer’s ideas.  相似文献   

林雅琴 《海外英语》2014,(5):195-196
William Wordsworth is best known for his poem,The Daffodils.This paper traces the origin of daffodils in Greek mythology,the four important facts in Wordsworth’s life and the poetic theories implied in his poem The Daffodils.The most important part shall be the appreciation and analysis of the poem.During this course,readers may find it difficult to understand Wordsworth’s poetic theories of Romanticism.However this is made easier by asking and answering questions and by comparing Chinese and English Romantic poems.  相似文献   

William Blake is the British famous painter in the period of the end of 18th century and the beginning of 19th century,He is also one of the most complicated and most special poets in the British literature history.He is also acknowledged as a religious visionary and mystic and one of the leading figure of the Romantic movement.His well-known poem "the lamb" is one in the colletion named Songs of Innocence.Through this poem,the poet sees the life with the child’s pure eyesight and a very world with love,kindness,compassion and happiness is described in it.The author will introduce this poet and analyze his poem "the lamb" with the three "s" literary approach in this paper.Three "s" means sense,sight and sound.  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to reveal the complexity of the character of Hamlet in shakespeare‘s tragedy-Hamlet and the importance of the role that his pretense of lumacy plays in the plot.The different sides of his personality are revealed by the analysis of some of Hamlet‘s behavior.The argument is also established that the hero‘s pretense of lunacy is a device in the plot which allows the full display of the character‘s complexity.  相似文献   

高虹 《海外英语》2011,(11):275-276
James Joyce is one of the greatest pioneers of Modern novel history.The Dead is the most famous story in his early short story collection Dubliners,and is widely recognized as one of the finest short stories in the English language.This study tries to analyze the hero Gabriel’s mind change:from "living dead" to "reviving after death" from his epiphany,indicating that there is merely a delicate line between the two:death is the end of life as well as the beginning of a new life for death actually carries within itself a new life.  相似文献   

《梦游天姥吟留别》是唐代著名诗人李白的代表作品之一,也是新版中职语文教材拓展模块中选编的文章。此诗以"梦"为主线,一方面,通过作者在梦中神游天姥山的所见所闻、所思所想,展现出了作者对于奸佞当道的腐败政治的愤恨,另一方面,作者也表达了对于自由光明的人生态度的追求向往。此外,从诗歌中也不难看出,作者本人的思想是"儒"、"道"交互的,这不但在潜移默化中影响了其世界观、人生观、价值观的形成发展,而且直接作用于诗歌谋篇布局的创作思路和表现手法。因此,对这首诗歌的写作背景、文本解读、思想分析就显得十分必要。  相似文献   

唐圭璋先生一生致力于钻研词学,他的词学思想既发轫于前人,又独有创新,归纳如下:一方面,词的创作旨法上,主张雅、婉、厚、亮,注重词的谋篇布局、用词下字,强调词作的真情实感以及音乐性;另一方面,词学研究方法上,重视运用“知人论世”的批评方法,文献意识很强,主张品读优秀的选本,用现代的科学方法进行词学研究,做到实事求是。  相似文献   

贾岛的人生有两个核心追求,一是应举,二是苦吟.前人对这两点论述较多,但是把这两点分别同其早年长时间的佛徒生涯放在—起考虑,就会发现这段经历对其应举与苦吟产生的不同影响.一方面,曾多年为僧的贾岛为何久困科场而执著不悔?原因在于诗名成为他新的信仰;另一方面,多年的佛门生活使贾岛可以把一种坚忍的苦行精神转移到诗歌的创作之中,这是苦吟习惯出现的根源.蛄论是在贾岛的人生历程中,应举是表层的现实追求.苦吟是深层的精神信仰,这两点决定了贾岛由僧还俗、终生苦吟不辍的独特人生道路.  相似文献   

贾岛的人生有两个核心追求,一是应举,二是苦吟。前人对这两点论述较多,但是把这两点分别同其早年长时间的佛徒生涯放在一起考虑,就会发现这段经历对其应举与苦吟产生的不同影响.一方面,曾多年为僧的贾岛为何久困科场而执著不悔?原因在于诗名成为他新的信仰;另一方面,多年的佛门生活使贾岛可以把一种坚忍的苦行精神转移到诗歌的创作之中,这是苦吟习惯出现的根源。结论是在贾岛的人生历程中,应举是表层的现实追求,苦吟是深层的精神信仰,这两点决定了贾岛由僧还俗、终生苦吟不辍的独特人生道路。  相似文献   

词人姜夔作为布衣寒士,身世漂泊。其词中隐含了飘零怀归之情:一方面悲戚的飘零之感导致词人的怀归之情。另外一方面,乡愁和恋情成为词人怀归之情的载体。同时叉体现了中国古代文人的共通的寒士之悲,这种情感脉络影响了姜夔词的创作。  相似文献   

《未选之路》是20世纪著名诗人罗伯特·弗罗斯特的经典之作,这首小诗几乎家喻户晓,作者用平实的语言道出深刻的哲理,于平实中见深刻,给人耳目一新之感,诗人可谓独具匠心。运用文体学理论,可以对本诗的格律,用词,句法,重复等方面予以分析,总结出其精妙之处。  相似文献   

嵇康为人就是一首诗,具有非凡的美学魅力。他的诗则长于用兴,歌咏生命的自由,是庄玄意境进入诗歌领域并获得成功的绝妙之作;其《忧愤诗》抒发忧愤与抗议,历来被看作悔疚自责实是误读,特为辨明。  相似文献   

In these lines, Lord Tennyson might well have been writing of himself, and the title of the poem from which they are taken, “The Poet of Love,” readily applies to him, for he sang always “a song of undying love, multiplying truth on truth.” That he considered love the all-pervading influence of life is easily deduced from the fact that poem after poem of his has for its theme the immortality of love and its power “to shape or shatter a life till the life shall have fled.” To question whether or not he was the type of writer to deal adequately with the subject is hardly worthwhile since his poems bear silent witness to his artistic ability. Tennyson could have written “as one who loved his fellowmen” since understanding and sympathy such as he has shown in treating with the subject of love are qualities of one whose heart and mind were mellowed by the emotion itself. Love is, as Tennyson himself said in a poem, a more ideal artist than all.  相似文献   

简要介绍了苏轼的生平和思想历程,重点突出其在磨难和贬谪中不失远大抱负和豪迈胸襟,及被贬黄州时游假赤壁,写真文章,表达对祖国壮丽河山的热爱和建功立业的志向。文章从欣赏的笔调指出其《大江东去》乃为突出其艺术成就,赞美其语言造诣登峰造极,表现手法不同凡响,怀古言志独辟蹊径。  相似文献   

陶渊明继承了"化"的庄学精神,对他后来的田园诗有着深刻的影响。"化"是人与自然的浑然一体,是精神的自由解放。同时"化"在陶渊明的多首田园诗作中都有体现。王维深受老庄影响,又是禅宗的信徒,有"诗佛"之称,故其在诗作中常显现"空"来达到一种独特的审美意境。他们都将自然美的魅力与心的逍遥和自由结合,从而造就了山水田园诗歌言有尽而意无穷的美妙境界。他们都讲究"游心"的旷达和"空"的意境,但并没有身心寂灭,而是于自然山水间悟人生之道,达到心灵与自然的沟通,实现精神的自由。  相似文献   

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