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《幼儿园工作规程》中指出:"要创设与教育相适应的良好环境,为幼儿提供活动和表现能力的机会和条件。"班级环境创设是幼儿园不可或缺的教育资源,而班级自然角恰恰也是教师在创设班级环境时常常忽略的边角环境教育资源,班级自然角是幼儿认识自然的窗口,幼儿在自然角探索生命、获得新知,这正是创设自然角的价值所在。教师应尝试用利用自然角创设出多元的、学习的、实验的环境让幼儿在与自然角对话、互动中获取多种经验和生命情感体验,有效地、最大限度地焕发出自然角的教育价值。然而,自然角环境如何创设,如何将一成不变的自然角活动变为有利的教学资源,也是教师一直研究的问题。  相似文献   

<正>自然角作为区域活动的重要形式,也是幼儿启蒙教育的途径之一。为了能充分展现教育功能,老师必须将自然角融入课程规划中。本文对幼儿园自然角区域的创设与使用进行了简单的分析。在《幼儿园教育指导纲要》中指出:引导学生对周边现象与事物特性、规律、变化拥有探究欲望与兴致。鉴于此,在幼儿园教学中,必须为其创设自然角,为幼儿提供更多的接触机会。怎样创设并使用自然角,让自然角区域进入幼儿生活,就成了幼儿园必须考虑的方面。  相似文献   

曹芳 《教师》2012,(27):112-113
自然角是幼儿认识自然的窗口,孩子们在这里探索生命、获得新知,这正是自然角的价值所在。经观察,当前自然角的创设和指导存在一些问题。作者从幼儿园自然角创设的具体内容入手,探讨自然角活动的指导策略,让幼儿在与自然角对话、互动中获取多种经验和生命情感体验,有效地、最大限度地焕发出自然角的教育价值。  相似文献   

朱勤 《考试周刊》2011,(45):230-231
在幼儿园,自然角每班都有,但是常常存在着这样一种现象:自然角的存在变成了环境创设的一种形式,对自然角中的现象和问题却熟视无睹,幼儿对自然角兴趣缺乏。本文根据幼儿园自然角的创设和利用的现状,以幼儿与自然角之间的关系,自然角对幼儿的重要性作为出发点,进一步深入分析幼儿园应如何创设和利用,以让幼儿对自然角感兴趣的方法措施。  相似文献   

作为班级环境的重要组成部分,自然角是幼儿园课程建设中不可或缺的资源。从关注教师转向关注幼儿,从自然角的创设、管理、收获三阶段来谈让幼儿成为自然角环境创设和管理主体的小策略,让自然角真正成为幼儿学习、思考和探索的环境。  相似文献   

自然角是幼儿自助探索大自然的有利场所,是幼儿教师引导幼儿认识大自然的理想环境。但是,当下幼儿园自然角的创设与管理存在一定的问题,幼儿园教师应当根据《指南》和《纲要》,结合不同年龄段的幼儿,制订不同年龄段幼儿对自然角认识的方案,并注重幼儿园自然角的长效管理机制。本文结合当下幼儿园自然角存在的问题,针对幼儿园大班自然角的创设与管理进行分析。  相似文献   

幼儿园的自然角是幼儿的主要活动区之一,是他们观察和研究动植物的重要场所。查找我园在自然角创设和管理中存在的问题,并通过不断地实践和探索,让自然角满足不同年龄段幼儿的探索需求,彰显幼儿在自然角活动中的主体地位,让自然角发挥更大的教育功能,真正促进幼儿的发展。  相似文献   

程玲 《早期教育》2012,(1):49-52
自然角将大自然引入幼儿生活,弥补了幼儿活动时间和空间的局限,是幼儿身边的实验室和深入探究的场所。本文就目前自然角创设中存在的问题,分析其不利于幼儿探究学习的原因。在实践研究的基础上,从遵循幼儿特点、感知幼儿需要、追随幼儿探究过程出发,提出创设适宜的、支持性的、动态性的探究环境的策略,以帮助幼儿真正在自然角的探究中获得发...  相似文献   

自然角活动作为幼儿园课程的组成部分,可以让幼儿从中得到真实体验、获得直接经验,萌发观察与探索的兴趣。文章就目前自然角创设中存在的问题,探讨其不利于幼儿自主探究学习的原因;认为应当在实践的基础上遵循幼儿特点、感知幼儿需要、追随幼儿探究的过程;提出在自然角中通过自主创设、自主管理和自主探究的策略,从而促进幼儿自主学习能力的发展。  相似文献   

自然角是班级区域环境中的常规区域,也是科学教育和科学活动的延伸,幼儿能在自然角中通过观察、探究、操作、交流获得知识、情感等多方面的发展。然而,在幼儿园中存在对自然角内涵价值定位不清,忽视自然角的作用,将自然角与幼儿一日生活割裂的现象。为此,,本文重新梳理自然角的内涵和价值,探究当前自然角存在的问题,并提出创设适宜幼儿发...  相似文献   

区域是幼儿园环境的重要组成部分,在班级里我们会根据幼儿的年龄特点和兴趣爱好,开辟多种多样的区角,"阅读区"是必不可少的一角。利用好阅读区,既可激发幼儿说的兴趣,又可有效地发展幼儿的语言,达到事半功倍的效果。但随着多样区域活动的开展,孩子们更加喜欢形形色色的玩具,对阅读区不太感兴趣了,因此要努力创设幼儿感兴趣的阅读区,让幼儿在区域中快乐的阅读,并加强对幼儿在区域中阅读的指导策略,发挥阅读区的教育价值。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of using children's literature to promote mathematics learning. Fifty-seven kindergarteners were randomly assigned to either a control group or an experimental group. The experimental group received mathematics related storybook reading and discussion time and played with mathematics materials that were related to the storybook content during free play. The control group had ordinary storybook reading time and played with mathematics materials unrelated to the storybook content. The Learning Readiness Test and the Early Mathematics Achievement Test were administered. Four mathematics tasks were also given to compare the mathematics achievement of the two groups. The children's choice of favorite corners, the time spent, and the number of children who played in the mathematics corner were investigated also to measure children's disposition toward doing mathematics. The results showed that more children in the experimental group liked the mathematics comer, chose mathematics tasks, and spent more time in the mathematics corner. Furthermore, the experimental group did significantly better than the control group in the classification, number combination, and shape tasks, and there were qualitative differences in the content analysis.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Thesurfacetexturesteelsheetshavebeenextensivelyusedinautomobileindustryfortheirgoodformabilityandpaintingperformance.Asknown,thereexistesfrictionbetweenthesheetandmodelduringstamping.Whenthesheetisdeformedintoaworkpiece,theprocessofsheet…  相似文献   

This qualitative case study explored how an infant teacher provided meaningful learning experiences for infants through play and the teacher’s educational rationale behind these experiences. Findings were based on multiple sources of data, including classroom observations (natural observation and videotaped observation) for approximately 12 weeks and a teacher interview. The findings confirmed that infant play is critical for infant learning and development and portrayed the process through which the infant teacher created play spaces for infants and supported infants’ play through both pre-planned, teacher-directed, intentional activities, and child-initiated, emerging play activities. Our study highlighted that the designing of infant play and the learning process needs to be flexible and based on careful observation and reflection in order to meet the rapidly changing needs and interests of a group of infants as well as individual infants.  相似文献   

幼儿各阶段绘画能力的培养与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
幼儿学习绘画的出发点,应建立在有利于其身心健康发展的基础上,以培养幼儿的观察力、想象力、对美的感受力和表现美的能力,让幼儿发挥想象力,学会运用笔及色彩表现自己的情感世界。  相似文献   

语言是文化的载体。一定的语言以一定的文化为灵魂。一定的文化也以一定的语言结构为依托。应注重学习英语语言中所蕴含的文化前景知识。  相似文献   

游戏治疗是通过解决情绪问题来增强儿童适应性行为的一种有效方式,家长在其过程中有着重要的作用。在幼儿游戏治疗中,家长需要根据情况采取不同的介入方式和指导策略。在间接介入指导中,家长应积极配合治疗师,跟进治疗,观察幼儿行为,适度给予孩子鼓励和支持。在直接介入指导中,可采用玩偶会谈和故事讲述等方式进行干预。家长明确自己的角色和职责定位,端正治疗心态,掌握一定的治疗技巧,有助于矫正并预防孩子的一些行为、情绪问题。  相似文献   

Play behaviors of African American 4-year-olds from impoverished families were observed naturalistically. Children's free play was videotaped in Head Start classrooms over several weeks in the playhouse, block corner, and outside play yard. Play was categorized into cognitive play types—functional, constructive, and pretend play. Children most frequently engaged in functional play. Contrary to Smilansky's findings, impoverished children also engaged in pretend play. This play type was high in quality (object use, number of participants, and subtypes of pretense exhibited) but low in quantity (number and duration of play episodes) compared to other types of play. These findings are discussed in the context of theories of pretend play.  相似文献   

This article investigated the interplay of 12-month-old infants’ perception of affordances for locomotion and their ability to respond to the mention of hidden objects. In Experiment I, a toy was hidden in an ottoman that was placed on a cabinet out of infants’ reach. Infants were more likely to look at, point to or approach the ottoman when there were stairs leading to it than when there were none. The stairs did not help infants respond by highlighting the target corner of the room (Experiment II) or by boosting their engagement with the study events (Experiment III). This suggests that infants’ perception of the accessibility of the hiding location influences their ability to respond to speech about absent things.  相似文献   

75 infants (mean age 15 months) were observed 3 times in the Strange Situation with their professional caregivers, mothers, and fathers. Sensitivity of these attachment figures to the infant's signals during free play, as well as a number of day-care characteristics, were assessed. Attachment classification distribution of infant-caregiver dyads did not differ significantly from infant-mother or infant-father attachment classification distributions. The quality of infant-caregiver attachment was independent of both infant-mother and infant-father attachments. About 10% of the infants had 3 insecure attachments. Professional caregivers observed with more than 1 infant did not have similar types of attachment classifications to all infants with whom they were observed. Infants who were securely attached to their professional caregivers spent more hours per week in day-care, and came from a middle-class background. Their caregivers appeared to be younger and more sensitive during free play than caregivers with whom the infants developed an insecure relationship.  相似文献   

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