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A central goal of science education reform is for students to participate in scientific sense making rather than to merely acquire science facts. However, even in classrooms utilizing reform-based pedagogies, students are typically allowed to construct knowledge only insofar as they construct expected knowledge. In this report and reflection, we use activity theory to demonstrate how this pervasive tension between learning correct ideas and constructing one’s own ideas often results in unacknowledged slippage between competing activity systems within reform efforts. We use an analogy to the domain of spelling to introduce invented science—a framework for describing the activity of science learning that reduces this slippage by giving knowledge construction true priority over the canon. We describe the origins and purposes of invented spelling to theorize the nature of learning in invented science. We conclude by articulating the theoretical and practical implications of this analogy for science teaching and learning.  相似文献   

In higher education research, theoretical approaches stressing isomorphism dominate the discourse on how higher education institutions ‘behave’ in their higher education and research systems. We argue that research should address both instances of similarity and differences. Using theoretical notions from institutionalism and the branding/marketing literature, and focusing on how UK universities are different and similar in their welcome addresses—as expressions of the institutions’ images—we are able to offer a balanced view of patterns of similarities and differences as well as share findings of patterns over time (2005–2015). Using quantitative and qualitative content analysis, our findings show overall high levels of homogeneity of images across the universities. But younger and less prestigious institutions were (both in 2005 and 2015) more inclined to show distinctive images.  相似文献   

In his influential 1960 paper ‘The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences’, Eugene P. Wigner raises the question of why something that was developed without concern for empirical facts—mathematics—should turn out to be so powerful in explaining facts about the natural world. Recent philosophy of science has developed ‘Wigner’s puzzle’ in two different directions: First, in relation to the supposed indispensability of mathematical facts to particular scientific explanations and, secondly, in connection with the idea that aesthetic criteria track theoretical desiderata such as empirical success. An important aspect of Wigner’s article has, however, been overlooked in these debates: his worries about the underdetermination of physical theories by mathematical frameworks. The present paper argues that, by restoring this aspect of Wigner’s argument to its proper place, Wigner’s puzzle may become an instructive case study for the teaching of core issues in the philosophy of science and its history.  相似文献   

庄子之情是复杂的。他首先表现为无情,即无虚情、无私情、无偏情;但庄子又不是真无情,他追求真情与至情;也正因为真情与至情,使得庄子在无情的现实中痛苦不堪,结果是庄子以理化情,再次强调无情;但是这里的无情最终指向的却还是情———如何摆脱痛苦,获得"至乐",所以道是有情却无情,道是无情却有情。  相似文献   

邓小平的实践观是邓小平理论的哲学基础,解放思想,实事求是是其实践观的核心内容。他创造性地回答了“什么是社会主义”以及“怎样建设社会主义”的问题,由此形成了社会主义本质理论和生产力理论。而贯穿其中的最鲜明特点就是坚持实践第一的原则,体现了求实性、创造性、人民性的特点,丰富和发展了马克思主义实践观。  相似文献   

从实然来看,证据是能够被人们认识和感知的,是实实在在存在的“东西”。实际运用看,证据具有真实和虚假的双重性质关联,证据的价值在于运用,证据不一定都为真。从实务中考察,规律性是证据的性质属性,存在性是证据的物质属性,信息性是证据的特征属性,证据材料就是证据。证据是渗透着案件事实红线的客观存在,当这些客观存在被运用于证明的时候,就成为了证据。  相似文献   

False Equivalency: Think Tank References on Education in the News Media   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
This study explores the use and presentation of information and research on education by the news media. Using content analysis, this study compares four types of think tanks—contract research, academic, advocacy, and mixed academic and advocacy—and shows how the news media represented each one as a source of research, facts, and figures on education. The findings from this study show that the news media presented all the think tanks as credible sources of research, facts, and figures on education, regardless of the extent to which each think tank emphasized policy and political advocacy over the professional norms of academic research.  相似文献   


It is difficult to teach science without implying, in a broad sense, that physicalism is true. This is a problem for teachers, regardless of whether they accept or reject physicalism, as well as for students. Physicalism‐‐it used to be called materialism‐‐is not a single doctrine, but a family of doctrines. Six of these are described and it is argued that they are not logically favoured by science. Since alternative metaphysical schemes exist (e.g. Whitehead's) which are consistent with scientific facts, evidence which supports a scientific theory over rivals, even decisively, does not have the logical power to decide in favour of physicalism. Science teaching's insinuation of physicalism can be avoided by deliberately stressing such uncontroversial features of science as: the unfinished nature of research; the use of idealizations in scientific theories; how all scientific theories at best only approach the truth; and that older theories are now known to be, strictly, false, although they still fit the facts to some degree.  相似文献   

In this paper, Sarah Stitzlein considers the consequences of honesty on our democracy, especially for citizens' ability to engage in civic inquiry together as they face shared problems. Honesty is a key component of a well-functioning democracy; it develops trust and fosters the sorts of relationships among citizens that enable civic dialogue and reasoning. Post-truth attitudes and truth decay pose serious obstacles to good civic reasoning as citizens struggle to draw clear distinctions between fact and opinion, weigh personal beliefs and emotions over facts, and increasingly distrust traditionally respected sources of information. Stitzlein employs a Deweyan pragmatist account of truth and a distinctly social account of democracy to build a case for foregrounding honesty in the development of citizens. She describes how schools can employ communities of inquiry to cultivate habits of honesty within citizenship education. She explains how a better democracy — one grounded in a wider understanding of social life and relationships — might head off the temptation to be dishonest for self-serving reasons, focusing on how dishonesty jeopardizes our relationships to each other as citizens and our ability to engage in civic reasoning together to fulfill shared goals.  相似文献   

In the US and elsewhere, creationist groups have challenged the mandatory science curriculum because it introduces the theory of evolution as the true story of biodiversity. This paper disaggregates this challenge in two distinctive levels. On the substantive level, creationists claim that Darwinian evolution is not value-neutral, as most scientists portray it, but it works as a philosophically-loaded theory that amounts to naturalism, which is a comprehensive doctrine that undermines traditional theism. Creationists then contend that its exclusive teaching violates the liberal promise of religious neutrality. To restore metaphysical fairness, they propose to include non-naturalistic theories into the official curriculum as a way of balance. On the epistemic level, creationists criticise liberal institutions—from courts of justice to educational boards and executive officials—that demarcate science in a way in which supernatural hypotheses can never compete for the best factual explanation. Under the guise of a purely methodological naturalism, they argue, liberals are opting for a cognitive filter that is biased against the belief that God intervenes in cosmic history. To restore epistemological fairness, they propose that theories that suggest supernatural agency should be rehabilitated and eventually included in the science curriculum. In these two distinct levels, the creationist claim is advanced as a logical implication of political liberalism's purported commitment to religious impartiality.  相似文献   

In this essay, Jennifer Morton discusses educators as central examples of agents who engage in ideal and nonideal ways of thinking. The educator, as a representative of the political community, is tasked with two aims. The first is nurturing students with the skills and knowledge they need for the world as they will find it. In pursuing this goal, the educator is assuming certain social facts, some of them unjust, that constitute the present nonideal world. The second aim is civic — educating future citizens. Insofar as the educator is involved in pursuing this goal, his or her role is to work at making certain future social facts true, in the hope of making the future slightly more ideal. Morton argues that if we think of these two aims instrumentally, they can come into conflict. She does not suggest a resolution to this conflict, but rather develops an alternative expressive account of the civic role of the educator. Ideal thinking by educators, Morton maintains, should be thought of as constituting an expression of respect toward their fellow citizens here and now. Ultimately, she argues that this expressive component of the educator's job is crucial to the educator's role in the political community.  相似文献   

文章提出:至今,关于如何办好中国的开放大学的探究可以归结为两大课题,即围绕一个理论研究的主题——中国的开放大学究竟应该"姓"什么,以及针对一个实践探索的难题——办好中国的开放大学究竟应该"做"什么。文章认为:办好开放大学,电大以及电大的奥鹏,肩负"姓"什么和"做"什么两大课题研究和探索的重任,要在开放大学顶层设计的框架下,"摸着石子过河",完成与开放大学的接轨、转轨和并轨;要在办好开放大学的进程中,转型当好开放大学建设的旗手。  相似文献   

Although it is often taken for granted that eugenics is odious, exactly what makes it so is far from obvious. The existence of considerable interpretative flexibility is evident in the disparate policy lessons for contemporary reproductive genetics (or “reprogenetics”) that have been derived from essentially the same set of historical facts. In this paper, I will show how different—indeed, diametrically-opposed—morals have been drawn from the history of eugenics and link these contrasting messages both to different underlying conceptions of what constitutes the central wrong of eugenics and differing degrees of enthusiasm for reprogenetic technologies. I will then argue that, for several reasons, the history of eugenics simply cannot provide the kind of direct guidance that many participants in current debates would like. Although the history does have implications for policy, the insights to be gleaned are both subtle and indirect.  相似文献   

由于教育学没有创造出关于教育世界的新知识,因此教育学对于教育世界本无话可说。无话可说却非要说些什么,由此教育学的陈述体系表现出各种与严肃理论不相符的话语风格。这些话语风格包括:(1)说得对却说不准,具体表现为同义反复、含混用词和用“真正的X”来分辨真伪。这种只说对的、不说准的思维方式越来越不顾及教育学理论应该承担的理论功能,更不顾及教育学应有的理论品性。(2)重解释和宣传、轻逻辑论证,具体表现为夸大其辞、自相矛盾和口号体。教育学对所提出的教育主张、原则、方式方法在说理时缺少足够的逻辑论证,教育学文本中很容易充斥过度的解释、冗余的说明和武断的规定,这使得教育学表现出话语风格缺陷。(3)把“历史事实”说成“逻辑必然”、把“应然”说成“实然”。如果教育的世界真是这样,缘何有那么多针对教育的批判,缘何有那么多的教育改革呢?这样的教育学是一种“不讲实情、只讲善意”的教育学。(4)顾左右而言他--大谈理论基础和实践成果而不是自身。这不是科学范式的成功,而是科学范式的失败。(5)习惯性地将问题倒推。教育学所提出的教育原则等规范并不彻底,只是将问题倒推一次罢了。对于教育学自身的元研究也是如此。教育学陈述体系的缺陷只是表层现象,究其根本乃是学术内容的问题。  相似文献   

Knowing about the axiomatic aspects of mathematics, Wittgenstein asked the more fundamental question: ‘But then what does the peculiar inexorability of mathematics consist in?’. He answers the question partially by saying: ‘Then do you want to say that “being true” means: being usable (or useful)? — No, not that; but that it can't be said of the series of natural numbers — any more than of our language —that it is true, but: that it is usable, and, above all, it is used’. Here it will be demonstrated that there is another aspect ‘to be said of the series of natural numbers’, besides the mere fact that they are used or usable, namely a biological one, as has been suggested, though not explicated, by Piaget.  相似文献   

This article investigates the mechanisms that govern the processes of inclusion and exclusion of knowledges. It draws on three cases from Swedish classrooms about how energy is created as an area of knowledge. We are interested in how knowledge is made valid and legitimate in a school context, and in defining and finding tools to identify structures that govern potential meanings in a certain situation. To do this we develop a theoretical model that explains the preconditions for meaning. The purpose is to understand why certain knowledges are legitimated in the classroom and to explain how this happens. The analysis is based on participatory observations in classrooms, audio recordings of students engaged in group projects, educational materials, and the students' own work. The apparatuses of the school offer a wide range of possible meanings concerning energy. At the same time there are forces evolved in the school practice that effectively sift out what counts as values from what counts as facts and valid knowledge. These forces create a certain order and certain effects for what counts as truth. The article investigates the nature of the correlations between the different preconditions identified that makes one discourse more likely and “true” than another.  相似文献   

On the premise that profession does not know where it stands in regard to the developing body of knowledge in the many subdisciplinary and subprofessional aspects of sport and physical education, it is recommended that an inventory of scientific finding arranged as ordered generalizations be developed to help the field's many professional practitioners — be it as teacher, coaches, performers, scholars and researchers, superviosor, or administrators. This paper discusses the 20th century development of the field. Based on this development, the discussion will consider what a comprehensive taxonomy of the profession's knowledge base should include, how a plan was formulated for an inventory of scientific finding and how that inventory would be constructed, why a systems approach is needed now to consolidate the evolving profession's future status and what is needed as the profession develops in the next few years. A concluding statement explains that this golden opportunity to achieve true professional status must be exploited very soon or it may never be available again.  相似文献   

Semiotics is the study of signs addressing their action, usage, communication and signification (meaning). Edusemiotics—educational semiotics—is a recently developed direction in educational theory that takes semiotics as its foundational philosophy and explores the philosophical specifics of semiotics in educational contexts. As a novel theoretical field of inquiry, it is complemented by research known under the banner ‘semiotics in education’, which is largely an applied enterprise. In this respect edusemiotics is a new conceptual framework for both theoretical and empirical studies. Edusemiotics has also been given the status of being a new branch of theoretical semiotics and it was launched as such at the 12th World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies in September 2014 at the New Bulgarian University in Sofia. The article presents ‘semiosis’ as the action of signs across culture AND nature and posits ‘learning’ in terms of developing semiotic consciousness and semiotic competence. Semiosis is a process and as such it defies the Cartesian philosophy of substance-dualism that still informs the culture of education. The paper focuses specifically on university education permeated by disciplinary boundaries and the fragmentation of knowledge grounded in objective science inherited from modernity. Where is semiotics as the science of signs (or relations) in the context of academic culture? The authors conclude by affirming the transdisciplinary character of semiotics and edusemiotics and specify the distinctive focal points of transdisciplinary knowledge afforded by edusemiotics.  相似文献   

邓小平理论有着鲜明的时代特征和理论特色.这一特色贯穿在解放思想、实事求是、从实际出发、走自己的路这一马克思主义的思想路线之中.邓小平理论凝结着邓小平本人巨大的政治勇气和理论勇气,表现出他彻底的唯物主义者的世界观和方法论;邓小平理论凝聚着邓小平尊重实践、尊重人民群众首创精神的实践探索勇气;邓小平理论充满了实事求是、与时俱进的时代精神.  相似文献   

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