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Where members of governing bodies of universities stand in relation to their institution’s annual reports is discussed in the broader context of trends in university governance. Data were collected from members of the governing councils of New Zealand’s eight universities using questionnaire surveys in 1993 and 2001. During this interval, a marked improvement in the quality of these institutions’ reports occurred (Coy, D. and Dixon, K. (2004). British Accounting Review 3, 679–106). Issues explored include information used to govern and the equivocal roles of council members juxtaposed as they are between university participants and stakeholders. They are cast as strategic decision makers, holders of university senior management and other participants to account, and annual report publishers, and so publicly accountable persons. Findings include that annual reports provide valuable information for members to make decisions and hold their universities accountable; and that some shortcomings discerned by members in report qualitative characteristics and contents persist, despite seeming to be within the discretion of councils to address. Speculations about why this might be so are advanced, including for further investigation; and other suggestions for further research are put forward.  相似文献   

When Geoffrey Sherington and I set out on our project on the Australian Public University, which culminated in Sydney: The Making of a Public University (2012), we wanted to move away from the emphasis of conventional institutional history on chancellors, vice-chancellors and governing councils in order to explore the university as a social institution. Using the theoretical and methodological approach of social history, we studied how students, academics, researchers, philanthropists along with the university's governing body were all important characters in the creation and development of Australia's first university. This essay explores some of the influences in this approach, especially the relationship between oral history and women's history and the history of administration in the story of educational institutions such as universities, and examines the methodological challenges for historical analysis of bringing together these approaches.  相似文献   

John Israel, guest editor for this issue of Chinese Education, is well known for his extensive work on the youth movement in China in the 1930s and 1940s. For the past several years he has been researching and writing about the history of Southwest Associated University (Lianda), an institution established in Kunming, Yunnan, in 1938 by amalgamating three of China's major universities that had moved to the southwest in reaction to the Japanese invasion. One of those universities, Qinghua, is the subject of the following pages. Professor Israel selected the documents that we have translated for this issue of CED from a larger work, and he has written an introduction analyzing them and putting them in the context from which they came.  相似文献   

School districts within the USA face ever-decreasing autonomy in rendering decisions regarding instruction, curriculum and the leading and managing of schools at the local level due to the ever-increasing accountability measures implemented by district, state and federal governments. This study investigates a joint university–school district partnership designed to develop turnaround administrators by exploring the tensions between autonomy and accountability. The findings indicate that mandates force educators to find new spaces that are contextually appropriate and effective in exercising their autonomy and accountability within a conceptual model for partnerships between schools, districts, universities and the governing bodies that regulate them.  相似文献   

This paper uses poststructuralist theories of governmentality, agency, consumption and Barry’s (2001) concept of Technological Societies, as a heuristic framework to trace the role of online education technologies in the instantiation of subjectification processes within contemporary Australian universities. This case study of the unintended effects of the adoption and usage of an online educational technology (WebFreedom) for online examinations in an Australian university setting is analysed using poststructuralist theories of governmentality, agency and consumption. The analysis demonstrates how techniques of governing the learning practices of students via online educational technologies intersect with the agentive capacity of students who are relocated as consumers in the higher education marketplace. In particular the paper focuses on the production of unintended localized online examination behaviours resulting in a form of ‘subterranean ethics’ or cheating in online exams. The results from this case study raise critical questions concerning the ways in which both students and tertiary educators are constituted within neoliberal governmental thought, as well as the ways in which students produce themselves in practice as autonomous agents and educational consumers within tertiary education. Suggestions on the focus of future research in the area are discussed.  相似文献   

叶蒙菁 《海外英语》2014,(12):17-17
性情乖戾的医生这部电视剧讲述了豪斯医生(休·劳瑞饰)的故事。作为一位聪明的诊断专家.豪斯医生解决了大多数普通医生无法弄懂的奇怪医学难题。他的背后有一支令人难以置信并让人艳羡的医学团队,包括卡梅伦医生(詹妮弗·莫里森饰)、幅尔曼医生(奥马尔·爱普斯饰)和蔡斯医生(杰西·斯宾塞饰)。但是豪斯医生并不是普通电视剧里的医生:他总是拄着拐杖,脾气乖戾,待人不善,指责身边的每个人(包括他的病人)。甚至在治好他父母之前的每集里。他几乎都要将他们折腾致死。那为什么他却如此受欢迎呢?  相似文献   

Richard Teese 《Interchange》1996,27(2):199-211
Academic Discourse is a contemporary study of the language of teaching in the Arts faculties of France in the mid-1960s. It was originally published asRapport pédagogique et communication (1965). Carried out during a time of mounting tension, it captures the breakdown in the social assumptions governing teaching practice in French universities. This empirical study of how students use academic language in their essays and exams brings out the implicit cultural expectations underlying scholastic success and the social functions served by the traditional pedagogical regime of the French university.  相似文献   

In 1949–50 Canadian professors, reacting to historically low salaries and inadequate pensions, founded the Canadian Association of University Teachers. Although its early concerns were economic, by the late 1950s the interest of the organization was spreading to issues of academic freedom and tenure and, related to it, university government. Having opened a national office in Ottawa, the CAUT soon championed an increased role for professors in governing their institutions. The bookA Place of Liberty (Whalley, 1964) eloquently made the claim for faculty empowerment. This movement also gained strength from the shortage of qualified staff in the 1960s and the resulting need of universities to improve terms and conditions of employment. Although faculty involvement in governance grew, by the mid-1970s many faculty members were embracing faculty unionization. This initiative had for years repelled most professors because it seemed unprofessional. However, deteriorating finances created a condition in which especially junior staff turned to faculty unions for protection. Not all Canadian universities became unionized. In spite of dire warnings about the effects of unionization, it does not seem that unionized universities today offer less scope for faculty participation in governance than the non-unionized.  相似文献   

In the early 1970s the Danish Parliament passed legislation which radically altered the governing structure of Danish universities. Professorial rule was abolished and replaced by democratically elected boards and councils composed of students, faculty, and technical and administrative personel. This new governing structure has now been in place for over a decade.This article describes the causes that brought about the legislation and then analyzes the ways in which Danish academics have responded and adapted to the new system. It points to the problems which have arisen in reconciling the governing structure within each institution to the need for national educational planning and co-ordination. The research, which is based on a series of three interview trips over a five year period, emphasizes the interpersonal aspects of the causes, responses and adaptations to democratization.  相似文献   

高校党委书记在高校治理中有着重要的地位与作用。借助高阶理论,基于我国中部某省省属公办本科高校党委书记任职经历和对高校章程实施情况开展专项督导的相关数据,实证分析高校党委书记的任职经历对其任职高校治理水平的影响。研究表明:地方高校党委书记的任职经历中,时任年龄、是否担任过校长、是否有海外经历、曾任副校级岗位个数对其任职高校的治理水平无明显影响;党委书记从上一层次高校调入的高校比党委书记从同一层次或低一层次高校调入的高校治理水平高;党委书记从高等教育系统内提拔的高校比党委书记从系统外调入的高校治理水平高;党委书记曾任职的单位越多,其所在高校治理水平的评分越低。研究结论对于提升我国地方高校治理水平与高校党委书记队伍建设具有积极的实践意义。  相似文献   

This article presents recent reform processes in Japanese higher education, concerning the tensions emerging within the system regarding ‘excellence’ and ‘diversity’. The article particularly focuses on how Japanese universities have reacted to the recent ‘competition’ and ‘differentiation’ policy promoted by the government, drawing on recent survey results conducted with academic managers at Japanese universities. It is interesting to examine the case of Japan, a historically diversified and differentiated national system, which has been changing rapidly with recent national ‘top-down’ policy reforms, followed by more recent and new bottom-up institutional initiatives. The study shows that universities are trying to achieve excellence, fulfilling different functions at the same time, aspiring to be excellent in teaching, research and social contribution without having institutional capacity to meet these expectations. Appropriate internal governance and external mediation mechanisms need to be created at the institutional level to manage diversification of the higher education system as a whole.  相似文献   

The English further education (FE) sector caters for young learners who are regularly defined as at risk due to a range of economic and social challenges, as transitions from youth to adulthood become more protracted, and inequalities amongst young people and between generations persist and deepen. At a time when policy places increasing responsibilities on governors and leaders to balance college performance and cost-effectiveness against FE’s long-standing social justice mission, this article analyses how this tension plays out through the discursive construction of young learners by two English college governing boards. We use a critical discourse analysis approach to connect how young learners are ‘talked into being’ through the micro-level processes of governing within the wider context in which college governing operates. We argue that, despite a wider drive for governors to interact with learners, their understanding of learners is dominated by data, through which young learners in particular are constituted as a risk rather than at risk. We explore the discursive constructions of young learners that ensue in this data-dominated context, and the social practices governing boards use to manage the risks posed by young learners. We highlight the different positionings of governors and college senior managers within these constitutive practices, arguing that the ways young learners are discursively constructed is revealing of a central tension in college governing practices—that between the high-performing and the socially just college.  相似文献   

大学治理结构包括外部治理结构和内部治理结构,随社会政治、经济、文化等制度的变革而演进。第三次科技革命引发深刻社会变革,对大学治理结构提出了新的要求,并使这一问题开始受到学术研究领域的理性关注。我国公立大学治理结构存在明显问题,在外部治理结构和内部治理结构方面存在某些失当之处。公立大学应立足我国现实国情,遵循大学治理结构历史演进的基本规律,借鉴世界著名大学业已实现的先进治理模式和我国国有企业治理结构的成功经验,构建具有中国特色的现代大学治理结构。  相似文献   

Ludwig Wittgenstein was a reclusive and enigmatic philosopher, writing his most significant work off campus in remote locations. He also held a chair in the Philosophy Department at Cambridge, and is one of the university’s most recognized even if, as Ray Monk says (1990, 401), ‘reluctant professors’ of philosophy. Paradoxically, although Wittgenstein often showed contempt for the atmosphere at Cambridge and for academic philosophy in particular, it is hard to conceive of him making his significant contributions without considerable support from his academic colleagues, his research fellowship and later teaching career at Cambridge. It is this conflicted relationship we explore, between the revolutionary thinker and his base within an educational institution. Starting from a brief biographical sketch of Wittgenstein’s academic life at Cambridge, including his involvement as a student and faculty member in the Moral Sciences Club, we look at how he reconceived the role of philosophy throughout this period of creative antagonism. Throughout his work, from the early Tractatus to his ‘Lecture of Ethics’, and again later in his Philosophical Investigations, Wittgenstein drew a boundary between empirical science and philosophy: the latter defined as an investigation of language and the limits of meaning. Seldom at home at the university, he was also at odds with his chosen field, offering a therapeutic approach that allows readers ‘to stop doing philosophy when they want to’ (PI §132). We conclude our investigation of Wittgenstein’s relationship with the university and academic philosophy with insights from Pierre Hadot on philosophical inquiry as a vital part of the bios, a form of life that is the life-blood of academia. Hadot offers insights on Wittgenstein’s self-limiting narratives as a crucial aspect of what makes universities such important and enduring institutions, in spite of the vitriolic criticism they draw from iconic members like Wittgenstein.  相似文献   

Major developments in organisational theory have witnessed the emergence of several models of organisational effectiveness (OE) and change (Keeley 1978; Hannan & Freeman 1977; Miles & Cameron 1982). The integrative competing values framework suggests organisations adopt uniquely effective approaches reflecting their needs at different stages in their life cycle by addressing varying degrees of emphasis on systems resource, human relations, internal process, and rational goal orientations (Cameron & Whetten 1981; Quinn & Rohrbaugh 1983; Quinn & Cameron 1983). This coincided with, and complemented, the growing recognition of the importance of developing systematic means for organisational speciation (McKelvey 1975, 1982; Muchinsky & Morrow 1980) and using the resulting taxonomies emerging from these studies to underpin theory building and further research.The ongoing challenge of this era is, therefore, to continue to test and extend construct space and explore organisational typologies in line with these theoretical and empirical developments in order to provide practical utility for decision makers. Indeed, this was the impetus for large scale OE research programs involving higher educational institutions in both Australia and the U.K.This paper first briefly reviews highlights of the developments emerging from the Australian programs over a number of years. Framed in this context, the paper then summarises the study program in the U.K. aimed at further cross-cultural exploration of OE dimensions. Of particular interest was their usefulness in predicting and fleshing out a taxonomy of U.K. higher educational institutions, namely classical (red brick) universities, former polytechnics and colleges of advanced technology, and 60's greenfield universities.The results reinforced life cycle and resource dependency theory underpinning the competing values framework based explanations for inherent and systematic differences between these archetypes (Quinn & Rohrbaugh 1983; Lysons 1993). However, further research directions are also suggested.  相似文献   

This paper presents research from a small-scale study analysing how graduates and alumni feature in the strategic plans of all Irish universities (n?=?7). The data suggest that the word ‘graduate’ is used to describe the work of the university as an enabler for the graduate, to prepare for the employment to acquire key skills, towards a foundation of ‘graduateness’ such as reflective thinking, moral reasoning and lifelong learning aligning with the institution’s key performance indicators. In contrast, ‘alumni’ are featured related to alumnus/alumna success. Irish Higher Education Institutions view alumni as a key enabler to contribute to the university’s mission and vision: through giving, both of their time and philanthropic donations. Based on the strategic plan discourse, the role of alumni in Irish universities suggests a similar trend, relying on alumni as an internal stakeholder with an external ability to offer value to the institution.  相似文献   

At current rates, almost all U.S. public universities could reach a point of zero state subsidy within the next fifty years. What is a public university without public funding? In this essay, Kathleen Knight Abowitz considers the future of public universities, drawing upon the analysis provided in John Dewey's Democracy and Education. Knight Abowitz conducts an initial institutional analysis through two broad prisms: that of the political landscape that authorizes universities as public institutions, and that of the present political–economic context of public education in general and public universities in particular. Dewey's conception of democratic education is then explored; his arguments regarding aims, experience, thinking, and social intelligence provide important tools for imagining the democratic futures of public universities today.  相似文献   

China’s key science and technology universities are modelled on the French école Polytechnique. As such, they are utilitarian institutions, rooted in the concept of cultivating manpower for society’s economic progress, and tending to ignore the development of the individual. As China’s elite higher education system took in a rapidly increasing number of students in the recent massification process, China’s key science and technology universities underwent reform to become more comprehensive in curricular offerings and more research-oriented in function. The authors have uncovered an interesting phenomenon: Despite repeated discussion in academic circles, this transformation was never actually a conscious strategic choice for universities. Only when the Chinese government launched a program of higher education “massification” did universities develop their own unique reform strategies in a move to become more comprehensive and more research oriented. The authors have adopted a multi-stream analysis framework to describe and analyze three case study universities: University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), and Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University (NWAFU). It was found that Chinese universities already have quite a high level of autonomy, but that the government still has the power to make strategic decisions. Each university’s decision-making mechanism has been an independent process within the constraints of the political economic structure over this period, and policy-making has combined top-down and bottom-up processes.  相似文献   

This paper presents a contingency theory of approaches to teaching in Higher Education adopted by university academics who teach heterogeneous student cohorts within a changing university context. The study is located within the substantive context of academics within Australian universities who teach within the broad field of management studies. Orthodox grounded theory is employed to generate a contingency typology comprised of four separate teaching approaches: Distancing, Adapting, Clarifying, and Relating. The model demonstrates how academics utilise a variety of teaching approaches to address their ‘main concern’, namely maintaining their professional competence within the context of a rapidly changing university landscape and significantly heterogeneous groups of students. We have labelled this process ‘Maintaining Competence’. This model stresses the importance of the twin forces of structure and individual agency in determining teaching approaches. It emphasises the value of analysing what academics actually do in the classroom situation, rather than concentrating on normative assumptions of what they should do in terms of best practice.  相似文献   

The Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) has been a successful and popular initial teacher education (ITE) programme since the 1950s, with the masters level PGCE being successfully embedded within universities in England since 2007 and having high levels of student satisfaction. Recent White Papers, policy and reviews have undermined the academic award in ITE, however, favouring school-led initial teacher training and the minimum, essential professional award. Located within the Secondary ITE phase in two English universities, this article presents the value of studying education and the academic award at pre-service level via key stakeholder perceptions from interviews with teacher–educators and student–teachers within a case study. Findings highlight improvements to student–teachers’ knowledge and practice; enjoyment in working at a higher academic level; improvements to the ITE programme overall, including student–teacher support and student–teachers’ articulation of knowledge and practice; and enhanced opportunities for employability, career advancement and gaining a Master’s degree.  相似文献   

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