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This paper describes a study of the determinants of the rate, direction and scale of inventive and innovative activity in the chemical industry over the period 1830–1980. Statistical data are interpreted in the light of case study material in three major sectors: dyestuffs, plastics and pharmaceuticals. Theories of technical change and economic growth, particularly those of Schmookler and Schmpeter, are examined in relation to this material on the chemical industry. The findings suggest that the importance of “demand pull” and “discovery push” factors, and the validity of Schmookler's and Schumpeter's theories, vary over an industry's life cycle.  相似文献   

In this paper the patenting activity of the international pharmaceutical industry in London between 1900 and 1966 is analysed. Although patent data as a measure of industrial activity is not without defects it can be used both as an adjunct to and as a surrogate for more conventional yardsticks such as concentration ratios, sales statistics and so on. The results indicate that patenting activity can be used as both an absolute and relative indicator of an industry's pace of technological change. They help pinpoint the international distribution of pharmaceutical research and development. If analysed by product or process they can aid in the understanding of why an industry's competitive behaviour is or is not primarily one of price rivalry. Finally, they illustrate the continuing role of the individual inventor.  相似文献   

This paper deals with some methodological issues related to the recording and measurement of international transfers of technology by technological balances of payments. Because technology can circulate internationally under many guises, in the form of goods, services or scientific and technical information it is necessary to define the international transfer of technology, as part of the overall circulation of technology. Furthermore it appears that technological balances of payments include other components beside the technology payments linked to international transfers strictly speaking. But conversely there exist technology transfers which are not recorded at all. Section 2 of the article is devoted to definition and interpretation issues so as to ascertain to what extent technological balances of payments correspond to international transfers of technology. Section 3 examines how technology transfers, once recorded, are measured. Measurement problems cover three issues: the transfer price, the economic value of technology transferred and the national significance of the flows recorded. These issues are examined with reference to the technology market and the firm's behaviour at the international level. Special features of technology as an intangible asset explain the ways in which it is traded and particularly the extent of intra-firm transfers taking place inside the multinational enterprises: this may eventually be related to the “transactional approach” to the multinational enterprises. Recent trends in international technology payments as well as international direct investments are then examined. In conclusion, the article provides some recommendations concerning the possible improvement and interpretation of technological balance of payments as a partial indicator of the international diffusion of technology.  相似文献   

The so-called technological balance of payments has been widely and controversially discussed as an indicator of a country's performance in innovative activity and its role in the international transfer of technology. The main virtue of data on technological payments is usually ascribed to the fact that they are related to the output of innovative activity rather than to the input. And output indicators of innovative activity are in great demand in research on technical change, but in notoriously short supply.This paper examines the explanatory power of the technological balance of payments in the case of the West German economy. The drawbacks of West German data on the patents and licences account are discussed in detail. Then the patterns by industry and by country of the technological balance of payments are analyzed. Regarded across industries, a positive relationship is found between receipts — but not for payments — on patents and licences, on the one hand, and domestic R&D intensity, on the other. Technological payments seem to be closely related to foreign direct investment. For example, the bulk of payments to abroad is done by affiliates of foreign companies, to which only a very small fraction of receipts accrue. Taken together, there is no simple relationship between the technological balance of payments position and the innovativeness of countries. It would, therefore, be misleading to interprete the overall large deficit of the West German patents and licences account as an indicator of technological weakness. Furthermore, changes in the balance, particularly in recent years, suggest an increasing improvement.  相似文献   

为帮助新晋企业和设计者研发电子体温计产品和申请相关专利,从统计指标和技术发展角度分析截至2020年6月全球电子体温计专利情况;并界定电子体温计高价值专利标准,通过专利地图和技术功效矩阵对相关专利进行可视化分析。研究结果表明:(1)电子体温计专利申请以发明专利为主要类型,专利申请数量处于快速增长阶段,但专利失效问题严重。(2)中国和日本同为电子体温计专利申请大国,但日本企业占据行业主导地位;此外,区域经济发展与其电子体温计专利申请相互促进。(3)电子体温计的两个主要发展方向是内部元件提高测温精度且缩短测量时间、外观造型吸引用户购买且方便使用。最后,提出电子体温计未来应当向智能化方向发展,成为大健康产业链的一环,并分别从企业和政府角度提出人才、技术和知识产权保护,以及标准和评价体系等方面的相关对策建议。  相似文献   

The research reported in this article was carried out as part of a larger prefect investigating the impact of the US Space Program on the American economy. The author describes the influence of governmental programs in space and defense on the growth of the computer and semiconductor industries. Three types of economic impacts are analyzed: the role of the federal government in financing research and development; the importance of the government as a market, particularly in the early stages of an industry's growth; and the extent to which government policy encouraged the entrance of new firms and permitted the survival of companies that might otherwise have failed. The paper also deals with the contribution of Defense and NASA to the acceleration of technological changes and the development of specialized manpower on which the progress of the industry largely depended.The author concludes that large government programs can play an essential role in the growth of high technology industries. The significance of space-defense programs for US semiconductor and computer firms can only be perceived by reviewing each type of impact-economic, technological and manpower. The government's early R & D support, assured demand during startup periods, encouragement of competition, acceleration of technological progress and its facilitating of professional mobility, are the separate impacts which together greatly aided US firms in their rise to a dominant position in the world semiconductor and computer industries.  相似文献   

王学东  汪园 《现代情报》2017,37(9):144-149
作为以创新为主导的知识技术密集型产业,战略性新兴产业究其本质是创新驱动型产业。在创新过程中,专利作为一种标准化、客观化的文献,在一定程度上代表了区域科研成果转化的潜力,是衡量领域技术创新的合理指标。因此本文基于专利数据统计和分析的视角,以武汉地区为研究对象,对七大战略性新兴产业之一的信息技术产业的专利申请态势、专利申请人、以及专利法律状态的相关指标进行了量化分析,来展示专利视角的武汉市信息技术产业的创新现状。最后对量化数据所体现的创新现状进行总结分析。结论表明,武汉市信息技术产业有着较强的创新能力和水平。但其产业创新主体规模小、创新成果较为集中,且合作创新程度偏低,这些问题不利于创新资源和创新活动的交流传递,从而会限制区域产业的创新发展,需在今后的产业创新发展中重点改善。  相似文献   

Benoît Godin 《Research Policy》2004,33(8):1217-1229
High technology is a concept much in vogue in OECD countries, for it is a symbol of an “advanced” economy. This paper looks at why and how the concept and its indicator acquired such fame. It explains that the reason has to do with the fact that the indicator emerged in the context of debates on the competitiveness of countries and their efforts to maintain or improve their positions in world trade. The first part looks at the early statistics behind the indicator (R&D/sales), statistics developed in official analyses of industrial R&D surveys before the 1950s. The second part traces the evolution of the R&D/sales ratio in the 1960s through its use as an indicator of research or technological intensity. The third part discusses the internationalization of the indicator via the OECD.  相似文献   

利用微观企业数据,通过技术创新的投入指标、产出指标、效率指标和基于DEA的Maluquist生产率分解指标,对我国不同所有制企业的技术创新能力进行分行业测度。研究发现:(1)私营企业在大多数行业中的技术创新投入和产出处于优势;国有企业在垄断竞争行业的研发投入和产出相对较多,但在竞争性行业却很少;外资企业和港澳台企业的技术创新投入和产出刚好与国有企业相反。(2)港澳台企业、集体企业、外资企业和私营企业在竞争性行业的创新效率远高于国有企业,不同所有制企业在垄断竞争行业中的创新效率差异不明显。(3)竞争性行业中公有制企业"技术追赶"效应略好于非公有制企业,"技术创新"效应略逊于非公有制企业;在垄断竞争行业在公有制企业和非公有制企业的"技术追赶"效应和"技术创新"效应的差异不明显。  相似文献   

于晶晶  谭思明 《现代情报》2010,30(7):155-158
专利组合分析评价指标体系主要由表征企业专利活动的数量类指标、表征企业专利的经济价值和技术价值的质量类指标和最后通过各指标加权得出的综合类指标三部分构成。本文运用专利组合分析评价指标体系对我国收款机领域专利申请量排名前20位的各企业的技术竞争力的评估过程进行详细地阐述,充分分析我国收款机行业目前的竞争情况,并对企业的发展战略提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

Foreign patenting in the U.S. has been considered to be a useful technology indicator in comparisons between countries. In order to shed light on this topic, this paper will try to explain foreign patenting in the U.S. by way of data for one country - Norway.A crucial question is what role is played by exports in explaining the foreign patent activity. Is the U.S. patenting just an indicator of the export performance, or is it the other way around; that technology - measured by foreign patent activity - is an important trade explanatory variable.The first part of this paper deals with the relationship between Norwegian U.S. patenting and export to the U.S. by way of time-series analysis on data from 1883 to 1980. Then some more detailed analysis are done on industry-level data from 1920 and from 1960–1980. An hypothesis is further tested for the possible relationship between foreign U.S. patenting and the international business-cycles. Finally a detailed but tentative analysis is done on firm-level data for the years 1969–1980.The results lend partial support to the assumption that foreign U.S. patent activity reflects innovative activity in the country where the patents originated. A major advantage in using foreign patenting in the U.S. as a technology indicator, is that this type of data in general seems to be of a higher quality than domestic patent data.  相似文献   

以五大发展理念为基本维度构建经济高质量发展指标体系,并从投入、环境、产出三个维度构建了科技服务业指标体系,采用2012—2019年的相关数据,运用GRA模型分析科技服务业助推经济高质量发展的影响因素,并基于CRITIC权重法构建科技服务业助推经济高质量发展的助推效应指数,探究科技服务业三个维度影响因素的助推效应及其变化趋势。研究结果表明,科技服务业各指标与经济高质量发展相关指标的关联性较强,科技服务业对经济高质量发展具有较好的助推作用;科技服务业对我国经济高质量发展的助推效应不断增强,同时综合助推效应指数的变化趋势与投入助推效应指数高度吻合,且投入助推效应指数是促进综合助推效应指数正向增长的核心指标,环境助推效应指数和产出助推效应指数是综合助推效应指数保持稳定变化的基础性指标。结合研究结论提出了进一步增强科技服务业助推我国经济高质量发展的能力和效应的优化路径。  相似文献   

杨淇蘥 《中国科技信息》2011,(16):208-209,207
创新是新时代的主题,专利是科技创新的源泉,而专利指标是反映创新过程的重要指标。本文以贵州省专利数据为例,借用专利密度指数、有效专利、发明专利等具体指标,通过与全国和西部十二省区专利数据的比较分析,以及对贵州省专利分类的不同情况、地区分布和领域分布,分别研究分析了贵州省科技创新能力,最后小结了存在的问题,提出改进措施。  相似文献   

在建筑领域中,门禁系统的安全性要求越来越高,相关企业和学者对门禁系统安全技术的研究也越来越多,但是研究内容主要为具体的门禁技术。随着技术竞争日趋激烈,为了从战略上宏观把握技术革新的方向,企业需要开展专利战略方面的研究,而其关键就是专利分析。技术生命周期分析是专利分析的一个重要组成部分,而专利指标法和S曲线数学模型法是分析生命周期的两种重要方法。本文把专利指标法和 S曲线数学模型法结合起来,分析了门禁系统安全技术的生命周期,揭示了我国门禁系统安全技术现在的发展情况和未来的发展趋势。最后为相关企业提供了相应的专利策略。  相似文献   

从区域经济发展维度,运用协整检验方法测算分析人工智能产业对国内区域经济发展的实际影响。研究结果表明:无论从短期还是长期看,人工智能产业对国内区域经济均具有强大的影响,而城市,特别是超大城市通过强大的科技资源聚集效应,进一步提高地区经济发展中的生产自动化和智能化程度,同时越来越多的资本替代劳动促进了全要素生产率提升,推动区域经济高质量发展;国内各区域经济的蓬勃发展促进了人工智能产业良性发展,但人工智能发展进一步扩大了各区域的经济发展差异。最后,为推动人工智能产业促进区域经济高质量发展,提出进一步为人工智能发展营造良好创新环境、加强人工智能产业关键技术自主创新,加大人工智能教育投入、培养和壮大人工智能领域人才队伍,促进人工智能融合行业应用、发挥人工智能技术对新型商业模式发展驱动作用等政策建议。  相似文献   

   专利创新作为助推行业转型升级和价值再造的战略工具之一,其布局及演化历来备受各国关注。随着全球产业链、价值链及供应链格局演变,供应链专利数量呈指数级增长,成为供应链创新的风向标和指示器。本文选取中国、美国、日本、德国、韩国供应链专利数据作为研究对象,深度挖掘1990—2016年共27年供应链专利数据池,从合作创新、空间结构、技术主题三方面,采用定量和可视化方法分析网络特征及演化路径。研究发现:(1)供应链专利创新网络演变过程与全球产业发展轨迹高度一致,计算/推算/计数、通信技术、输送/包装/贮存等为供应链专利申请热点,也是各国专利技术必争之地。(2)供应链合作创新网络不断趋于成熟,异质性社区结构逐渐凸显,各国亟须消除锁定效应,增强产学研协同创新规模。(3)供应链专利空间网络规模逐渐扩大,但空间布局不均衡,各国多以本国跨区合作为主,跨国合作为副,跨国合作多以美日韩三国间合作居多。(4)中国供应链创新专利规模增大,但产学研协同创新模式尚未真正发挥作用,技术主题布局与我国优势产业发展尚不匹配,亟须顶层设计供应链专利布局。  相似文献   

王海芸  刘杨 《科学学研究》2020,38(6):1018-1027
科技与金融深度融合发展对于提升区域整体科技创新能力、助推经济转型升级意义重大。本文从科技金融的概念内涵出发,构建了包含5个一级指标、19个二级指标的科技金融综合指数指标体系,以及5个投入指标、3个产出指标的科技金融效率指标体系,并以2014-2017年数据为基础,测度了中国30个省(市、自治区)的科技金融发展水平和科技金融发展效率。然后,利用波士顿矩阵模型分析了中国30个省(市、自治区)科技金融发展水平和效率之间的关系,将我国科技金融发展分为“高-高型”、“高-低型”、“低-高型”和“低-低型” 四种模式,并探讨了每一类模式的不同特征。最后,本文就四种发展模式分别提出针对性建议,旨在为提升我国区域科技金融发展水平提供决策参考。  相似文献   

全面采集智能机器人领域的专利文献,对智能机器人领域的全球专利申请态势、主要研发机构、热点技术及核心专利进行统计分析;在此基础上,对国内及广东省智能机器人领域的专利申请态势、主要研发机构及专利类型进行统计,并结合内容分析法、对比分析法,采用定量与定性相结合的方法,对广东省智能机器人产业的创新环境、行业标准基础、技术研发水平进行分析。在揭示广东省智能机器人产业技术现状、预测产业技术发展趋势的基础上提出相关对策建议,为政府有关管理部门和相关科研人员把握智能机器人产业技术现状、科学研判发展趋势、制定相关政策提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper provides a general background of the characteristics of the Japanese economy that relate to its use of technology to promote economic growth. We do not consider the common view that Japan just catching up with the technological level of other industrialized countries explains its remarkable rate of post-war economic growth. Rather we argue that the effective importation of technology requires complementary resources of management, skilled labor, capital, and domestic R&D as well as public to facilitate the transfer of technology. Japan has such complementary resources and public policies. The first part of the paper describes the process of technology importation and current concerns in Japan about dependence on imported technology. The second part of the paper describes Japan's domestic R&D effort and its major reliance on private sector R&D, supplemented, however, with government intervention in selected industries. The third part of the paper examines the institutional settings that had the significant impacts on Japan's introduction of new technology. These institutional factors include 1) post-war economic growth and changes in industry structure, 2) the character of competition, 3) the business group and 4) characteristics and organization in the supply of labor.  相似文献   

基于专利分析方法和技术轨迹理论,以人工智能产业组织为研究对象,采用定性分析的方式,从人工智能核心技术、专利引用网络和专业商业化三个维度,对我国人工智能产业技术创新路径进行了识别和对比分析。通过对比我国与发达国家的人工智能产业技术创新路径,分析了我国人工智能产业目前的发展阶段和瓶颈。数据分析表明,我国人工智能产业尽管发展迅速,但相比发达国家,仍然处于知识引入到知识输出转型阶段。进而推出结论:我国人工智能产业处于基础型研究向应用型模式转变阶段,需要深入加强自主技术创新。  相似文献   

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