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本文旨在研究非英语专业学生英语写作中词汇僵化现象的影响因素并提出具体改善措施,提高学生英语写作能力。通过错误分析及使用SPSS软件的方法,对西北农林科技大学二年级金融133(28)和园林133(27)共55名学生两学期的期末英语作文进行分析,发现存在中式英语、动词形式、拼写、搭配、名词和代词的数及词性六大错误类型,这些错误均与词汇紧密相连。母语干扰,发音错误和词对词的翻译、记忆方法都不同程度导致词汇僵化,教师应在课堂上采用情景教学法和认知反馈法,学生应结合国际音标法IPA和语音学,采取分类联想记忆法、词缀记忆法记忆单词和短语,避免母语干扰和词对词的翻译,通过语境法习得语义。本论文为中介语词汇僵化提供了一项实证研究,对正确应对词汇僵化现象、指导英语教学有一定借鉴作用。  相似文献   

中介语错误及其“僵化”问题   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
介于第一语言与目标语之间自成体系的语言被称为“中介语”。中介语错误是二语学习过程中不可避免的现象,是二语学习者在学习过程中采取的一种策略。而中介语错误的僵化则是二语学习者在其中介语中保留的某些偏离目标语规范的错误用法和认识以及中介语发展进程的停滞。分析探究中介语错误的本质,有助于二语教师决定对待学习者所犯的错误采取何种态度并有效地避免中介语错误僵化。通过分析中介语及其僵化错误,提出在课堂上大量使用目标语、“教师话语”、“外国人话语”、帮助学生自我纠正、有效施行补救工作等几点实践性建议。  相似文献   

英语专业学生网络自主阅读互评模式结合现有成熟网络平台,针对英语错误僵化问题,以输入假说和输出假说为理论基础,引入错误分析方式,建立了基于网络的任务型阅读小组,将英语阅读、写作、评阅、修改、纠正、错误分析等一系列活动融为一体,进行为期一年的实验。通过分析实验结果,验证该模式可以用来消除和缓解语言错误僵化问题,对英语教学具有实践性意义。  相似文献   

词汇僵化是外语学习过程中难以避免的问题。关于其形成的机制众说纷纭,至今没有一个统一的认识。词汇僵化错误具体表现在音韵、形态音位、句法与语义四个方面。从理论上讲,僵化一旦形成就无法从根本上得到根除,但采用有效的手段尽量减少语言产出中的僵化并非决无可能性。本文通过实证研究验证了使用纠错式反馈引导学习者自行纠正课外作文中的僵化错误可以有效减少语言产出中的词汇僵化现象的假设。  相似文献   

词汇僵化——音韵错误剖析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
词汇僵化是外语学习中难以克服的语言错误现象。僵化错误分别体现在词汇的音韵、形态、句法和语义方面。本文集中讨论词汇音韵错误的形成机制和表现形式。语际转移、音韵普遍现象以及过度推广等因素共同作用导致中介语的音韵错误,具体表现形式有五种:省音现象、加音现象、替代现象、重音位置错误和过度精确现象。  相似文献   

在对应用对比分析和错误分析的定义、发展过程的分析的基础上,对其进行批判性探索,并在5所不同类型的高校做调研,对学生在语言上的错误进行分类、分析和探究错误原因,得出三个主要的具体原因,即套用句型错误、母语干扰、规则僵化,并最终通过错误分析对教学进行指导,得到有益的启示。  相似文献   

杜军 《宜宾学院学报》2005,5(8):111-113
对外语学习者语言僵化现象,特别是错误僵化现象笔者将其成因分为内因、外因两大类,其中各有分述,各种原因相互作用构成错综复杂的错误僵化成因图。在陈述其形成原因的基础上。提出了最优化输入。可理解性输出。“意识论”作用,目的语文化输入,改良学习环境措施以避免错误僵化。  相似文献   

僵化是外语学习中的一个普遍现象,根据僵化的性质可将僵化分为暂时性僵化和永久性僵化.引起僵化的原因包括内在和外在两种.克服僵化的对策包括从激发学习者的内在学习动机、克服母语负迁移作用、端正学习者对待语言错误的态度、改善语言输入环境及采取有效的学习策略和交际策略等.  相似文献   

语言僵化现象是外语学习中的常见现象,也是制约学习者目的语水平提高的主要因素之一。通过对一个理工科高校两个年级约100名非英语专业大学生的问卷调查和测试发现,其语法错误僵化现象不仅分布广泛,而且比较严重。而母语在语法错误僵化的产生中起着极其重要的作用。无论是语际错误还是语内错误的出现都与母语的迁移有关。这些发现为今后的英语教学实践提供了理论指导意义。  相似文献   

吕佳 《辽宁教育》2014,(3):62-64
如今的小数数学课堂中,教师面对学生的错误时,僵化回避、亲自纠正、放任自由的现象少了.因为我们知道“课堂应是向未知方向挺进的旅程,随时都有可能发现意外的通道和美丽的图景”(教育家叶澜).“谁不考虑尝试错误,不允许学生犯错,就将错过最富有成效的学习时刻”(心理学家盖耶).  相似文献   

以MATLAB高级语言为工具展示了光学教程中经典演示实验,并基于它的GUI界面和绘图底层函数将干涉图样直观的反映出来.通过人机互动可方便的给出干涉图样的变化规律,解释光学现象的实质,进而节省实验操作时间,提高课堂教学效率.  相似文献   

Retroactive cue interference refers to situations in which a target cue X is paired with an outcome in phase 1 and a nontarget cue Z is paired with the same outcome in phase 2, with less subsequent responding to X being seen as a result of the phase 2 training. Two conditioned suppression experiments with rats were conducted to determine whether retroactive cue interference is similarly modulated by a manipulation that influences retroactive outcome interference (e.g., extinction). Both experiments used an ABC renewal-like design in which phase 1 training, phase 2 training, and testing each occurred in different contexts. Experiment 1 found that training the target association in multiple contexts without altering the number of training trials during phase 1 decreased retroactive cue interference (i.e., increased responding consistent with the target association). Experiment 2 found that training the interfering association in multiple contexts without altering the number of interference trials during phase 2 increased retroactive cue interference (i.e., decreased responding consistent with the target association). The possibility of similar mechanisms underlying cue interference and outcome interference is discussed.  相似文献   

对于频率为几十赫兹的液体表面声波(Surface Acoustic Wave,SAW),提出了一种激光干涉测量方法.实验上得到了表面声波不同振幅下的激光干涉图样,并对干涉条纹的强度分布情况进行了理论分析.结果表明:出现此图样以及缺级现象是由于低频液体表面波对激光干涉图样的衍射调制的结果.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of associating unique contextual cues with an interpolated learning task on retroactive interference in long-term memory. Rats were originally trained in a two-bar operant chamber with an auditory conditional discrimination stimulus. During interpolated learning, which occurred in either the original or a new context, some rats were trained on a probability learning task that did not include the auditory stimuli present during original learning. Subsequent retraining on the original conditional discrimination task in the original context showed that (1) significant retroactive interference occurs in rats, and (2) the presence of unique contextual cues during interpolated learning significantly reduces this interference. These results extend the conditions under which the susceptibility to retroactive interference can be altered by contextual cues.  相似文献   

Rats were trained in 8- and 12-arm radial mazes. Each trial began with a study phase (forced choices of 4 arms). The trial ended after a 2-h delay in a test phase consisting of free choices among 8 arms; choices of the 4 arms not yet visited were correct (rewarded). Proactive interference (PI) was induced by an interference phase that occurred on some days 2 or 3 h prior to the study phase. In the PI-repetition condition, the interference phase consisted of forced choices of the 8 arms that were later presented in the study and test phases; in the PI-nonrepetition condition, the interference consisted of forced choices of the 4 arms that were correct during the test phase. Test-phase performance was most accurate in the No PI (single-trial) condition and least accurate in the PI-repetition condition. A second experiment showed that repetitions per se were not responsible for the PI; when the interference phase consisted only of choices of the same 4 arms later presented in the study phase, no PI was observed. These findings suggest two sources of PI. One source, measured by the difference between No PI and PI-nonrepetition conditions, appears to be a difficulty in discriminating the temporal order of visits to arms in the interference and study phases. The other source of PI, measured by the difference between the nonrepetition and repetition conditions, remains to be identified; some possibilities are discussed.  相似文献   

将压电陶瓷片固定在迈克尔逊干涉仪的移动镜上,当加在压电陶瓷片上的驱动直流电压增加时,引起压电陶瓷的微小伸长进而引起移动镜的移动,引起光屏上干涉条纹环数目的变化;用线阵CCD(charge coupled device)作为光电传感器件捕捉干涉条纹的光强信号,再将电信号进行模数转换,采取USB接口与微机接口,用C++语言编写程序设计了一种新型的条纹自动计数软件,将这种计数方法与压电系数的测量结合起来,可以自动得出其压电系数.  相似文献   

光栅衍射的计算机模拟演示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在计算机上模拟演示光栅衍射、双缝衍射、单缝衍射、多缝干涉和双缝干涉。  相似文献   

文章对于非英语专业公共英语一次测试中作文部分出现的误差进行了归类分析,查找出误差的根源在于母语干扰、目的语内部结构的影响。提出在英语写作教学中应正确对待错误,并运用必要的纠错策略帮助学生写出纯正地道的英语作文。  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained to match temporal (2 and 8 sec of keylight) and color (red and green) samples to vertical and horizontal comparison stimuli. In Experiment 1, samples that were associated with the same correct comparison stimulus displayed similar retention functions; and there was no significant choose-short effect following temporal samples. This finding was replicated in Phase 1 of Experiment 2 for birds maintained on the many-to-one mapping, and it was also obtained in birds that had been switched to a one-to-one mapping by changing the comparison stimuli following color samples. However, in Phase 2 of Experiment 2, when the one-to-one mapping was produced by changing the comparison stimuli following temporal samples, a significant choose-short effect was observed. In Experiment 3, intratrial interference tests gave evidence of temporal summation effects when either temporal presamples or color presamples preceded temporal targets. This occurred even though these interference tests followed delay tests that failed to reveal significant choose-short effects. The absence of significant choose-short effects in Experiment 1 and in Phase 1 of Experiment 2 indicates that temporal samples are not retrospectively and analogically coded when temporal and nontemporal samples are mapped onto the same set of comparisons The interference test results suggest that the temporal summation effect arises from nonmemorial properties of the timing system and is independent of the memory code being used  相似文献   

Three experiments tested whether events taking place before a rat has access to a target taste, sucrose, can proactively interfere with the acquisition of a sucrose aversion when sucrose is followed by a lithium chloride injection. Using a serial overshadowing procedure with various delays before lithium injection, proactive interference by a taste (Experiments 1 and 3) and by a novel context (Experiment 2) was found following two conditioning sessions, but not after a single conditioning session. Conversely, overshadowing by a taste given after the target was detectable after a single conditioning trial (Experiment 3) and, thus, indicated that retroactive interference involves a process different from that producing proactive interference. A simulation confirmed that the results are consistent with a modified Rescorla and Wagner (1972) interpretation of Revusky??s (1971) concurrent interference theory of delay learning.  相似文献   

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