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胡萍 《惠州学院学报》1997,17(2):100-103
“领导”是指领导活动,它是指领导者在一定环境为实现即定的目标,对被领导者进行统御和指引的行为过程。在这里“领导”含有领导者、被领导者、环境三要素。我在这里着重想阐述的是领导者如何率领被领导者实现预定目标的过程,说明领导是有管理“人”的性质。而作为领导者如何运用客观规律调动“人”的主动性,更快更好地达到预定目标是整个管理活动的关键所在。毛泽东同志说:“领导者的责任主要是出主意,用干部两件事。”在这里,“用干部”也就是用人.用才。古今中外,有远见的领导者都懂得人才的重要,都把举贤,用贤,育贤作为自己…  相似文献   

俄国十月革命的胜利,给当时领导中国资产阶级民主革命的孙中山以巨大的影响。最突出的表现是,使他由“效法欧美”转而“以俄为师”,学习和运用十月革命的经验,重新明确了中国民族民主革命的目标、对象、任务和动力,逐步实现了“革命战略”思想的根本性转变。  相似文献   

“无为而治”是中国古代管理文化的精髓,“超级领导”则是西方现代一种新的领导思潮。基于“无为而治”思想和超级领导理论,领导活动的最高境界应是在以“道”的辩证思维进行“有为”的超级领导、以“法自然”的思想实现超级领导的“无为”本质这一思想境界的基础上.从建设“无为而治”的超级领导文化、提高领导活动各主体的“领导”能力、塑造超级领导的“自组织”结构等方面进行努力,进而实现“无为而无不为”的自然领导状态。  相似文献   

孔子管理思想极其丰富,但概括起来不外“修已”和“安人”两个方面.修已是讲求自我修养,即提高个人道德、文化方面的素养;安人则是治国安民之道.修已和安人是相互联系、相互影响的,自身修养提高了,有道德、有能力,就有了治国安民的条件和本领.因此孔子把“修已”作为治国平天下的前提条件.孔子认为管理工作的成败关键在领导,他引用古圣王的话说:“百姓有过,在于一人”,“朕躬有罪,无以万方,万方有罪,罪在朕躬”(《论语·尧曰》下引《论语》只注篇名).由此可见领导者在管理中的重要作用,领导者要实现管理目标、担当治国平天下的重任,必须加强自身道德修养.领导的道德修养水平与领导威信密切相关,只有道德修养水平高的人才能赢得威信.所谓领导威信,  相似文献   

1999年被财富杂志誉为“世纪经理”的杰克·韦尔奇有一句名言:“我们要多一点领导,少一点管理。”  相似文献   

被人们称为“全球第一CEO”的美国通用电气公司前首席执行官杰克·韦尔奇曾有句名言“所有的管理都是围绕‘自信’展开的。”凭着这种自信,在担任通用电气公司首席执行官的20年中,韦尔奇显示了非凡的领导才能,创造了20世纪的商业奇迹。韦尔奇的自信,与他所受的家庭  相似文献   

这里说的“领导”不是泛指,是我们学校一个 人的绰号。 他在学校青年志愿者中队当队长,成绩好,人 也能干。但是我们这些队员就是看不惯他,觉得他 这人太那个点了。就拿去血液中心那件事来说吧! 那天中午12点半在校门口集合,太阳挺好 的,大家心情也不错。大家到齐后,“领导”就准备 给志愿者发帽子。他手上拎了20顶帽子,他先一 顶一顶翻看,里里外外看了个仔细,我们都不知道  相似文献   

美国通用电器公司总裁杰克·韦尔奇是20世纪最杰出的CEO(首席执行盲)之一,被誉为“经理人中的骄傲”、“经理人中的榜样”。  相似文献   

坚持中国共产党的全面领导,最根本的是坚持和维护党中央权威和集中统一领导,这是马克思主义政治权威理论的当代体现,是实现“两大奇迹”的关键所在.从历史维度看,这是中国共产党的百年历史重要经验总结.从现实维度看,这是应对百年未有之大变局、统筹中华民族伟大复兴战略全局、坚持和加强党的全面领导的迫切需要.从文化维度看,坚持和维护...  相似文献   

在社会基层组织中,往往有这样的情况:同是思想政治工作领导者,用同样的方式,讲同样的道理,作用于同样的对象,其效果的差异却很大.例如,发动群众加班完成某一项任务,某领导讲了一大堆加班如何必要的道理,同时暗示大家干完后会有“某些好处”,但群众意见很大.另外的领导去讲了同样的道理,群众立即动了起来,劲头也很足;又如,某同志思想上有“疙瘩”,情绪不高.某领导给其做思想工作,却出现了“话不投机半句多”的尴尬局面.另外的领导找其谈心,时间不长,话语不多,却使对方有“柳暗花明”之感,豁然开朗;再如,某领导在处理或解决某一具体问题时,下属出于无奈,暂时屈从照办,但心底里却暗生怨恨之意.另外的领导处理或解决同一问题,却使下属口服心服.为什么会出现这样的情况?其中原因固然很多,但领导影响力的大与小、强与弱,不能说不是一个主要原因.作为一个思想政治工作领导者,要实现领导功能,必须有较强的领导影响力.  相似文献   

Servant leadership is a leadership style complementary to a lifestyle of recovery from a substance use disorder. Across the country, thousands of students in recovery from substance use disorders are pursuing higher education. Support for students in recovery is increasing, primarily through collegiate recovery programs (CRP) that are being implemented to support student recovery, education and personal development. Servant leadership has been used successfully by many business, organizations, religions, and educational systems. In the 1960s, Robert Greenleaf brought new attention to the concept when he began writing about his observations and experiences in the business world. According to Greenleaf, many businesses and organizations had lost sight of their role and responsibility to serve others. The main philosophy of servant leadership is service to others, and through service, others will look to the one serving for leadership. This article is intended to share elements of servant leadership and how these elements can be implemented into a CRP to promote and foster the growth and development of students in recovery.  相似文献   

德国首相俾斯麦一贯以其"大陆政策"著称,而事实上,他对德国的海外殖民扩张也起到了关键的作用.俾斯麦改变了其最初反对海外殖民扩张的态度,在他的领导下,德国于19世纪后半期迅速建立起庞大的海外殖民帝国,对后来欧洲乃至整个世界的政治格局产生了深远的影响.  相似文献   

Ronald Welch’s novels featuring the military adventures of the young men of the Carey family were first published between 1954 and 1976 and have recently been reissued. They were uniquely representative of historical military adventure for children in the Britain of this period; and were the last example of a vigorous century-old genre in respectable children’s publishing, particularly intended for boy readers, which honoured warrior virtues and regarded war as a crucible of male character. Children’s fiction since then has generally shied away from depicting soldiering. Where it has done it has focused mainly on the First World War and shown soldiers largely as victims. Welch’s work melds a model of heroic military adventure, inherited from the previous century, with a perception of the horrors of twentieth-century war derived from two world wars and his own experience of professional soldiering. While significantly amending the notion of war and soldiering as a heroic adventure, which he inherited from his predecessors, his work nevertheless retains the idea of combat as a character-forming male experience and implicitly offers military virtues as a model of manhood. While the attitudes expressed in his work were rejected by his publishers towards the end of his career, his views were perhaps an expression of more widely held beliefs at the time. And, for some of his original readers, the republication of his books is seen as a welcome re-affirmation of old values.  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》1999,12(3):237-244
Universities have been criticised for not operating efficiently and productively enough. One suggestion has been to transfer business leadership and management models to the University administration. Today, universities need more leadership to create shared values and joint goals for the whole organization. Otherwise the increased demands cannot be met. Leadership needs, however, to be adapted to the knowledge intensive nature of these organizations, direct copying of business models does not work. In the future the solutions created in academic organizations may even show the way to the business world.  相似文献   

T.E.劳伦斯是二十世纪英国坛上的军人作家,因其成功地领导阿拉伯部族反抗土耳其帝国的统治,被誉为“阿拉伯的劳伦斯”。他以此为题材创作的《智慧的七大支柱》获得“伟大的现代史诗”的称誉。该书在报道军事行动的同时,还生动地描述了阿拉伯的历史、宗教以及风土人情。此外,他在翻译、学评论等方面也卓有建树。他对阿拉伯自由事业所表现出的忠诚和成名以后急流勇退、隐身行伍的做法成为一直吸引西方世界的“劳伦斯之谜”。  相似文献   

情商指情绪、情感智力的高低,它与领导力(领导能力)之间的关系,越来越被世界各国不同领域的专家们所重视,成为现代社会的一个热门话题。世界进入21世纪后,那种完全靠权力为主要力量,并通过权力进行控制、指挥、协调来体现能力的时代已经不复存在,则转而强调情感领导、魅力领导。领导者对其下属的影响力的来源主要的不是靠权力,而是情感,靠以高尚的情感鼓励人、激励人,这是文明时代的民主领导的主要力量。  相似文献   

The Systemic Change Model for Leadership, Inclusion, and Mentoring (SLIM) concentrates on systemic changes occurring in child care organizations where the director builds caring, consistent relationships with the total system and empowers the staff and others through leadership. The model recognizes the importance of focusing on system changes by the organization's director. Leadership qualities related to concepts used in business organizations are included in the training. A mentoring program will help the director focus on his or her leadership capabilities in moving the organization to change. An important collaboration component of the model is working with inclusion of children with special needs. Included in the model are: collaboration components, systemic change, director leadership role, business model related to child care, mentoring, and inclusion of children with special needs.  相似文献   

<阿尔弗瑞德·普鲁弗洛克的情歌>是T.S.艾略特早期的优秀作品,奠定了他作为现代派诗歌领袖的地位.这首诗通过大量象征手法的运用,展现出现代西方社会空虚迷惘的生存状态,隐晦地表达了诗人对于现代人回归本性,张扬生命的期望,同时也确定了诗人今后的创作方向和表现主题.  相似文献   

目标:学习世界著名企业家的经营之道。想一想:你们国家最富有的人是谁?他们是如何致富的?你听说过卡洛斯·斯利姆吗,你对他有哪些了解?你们国家有哪些商业大亨?  相似文献   

德性伦理是一种关注个人道德认识和道德修养,立足于个人道德品质的提高,并以实现主体自我完善和自我发展为终极目标的道德。德性伦理要求校长成为德性领导,校长德性领导应注重在真正的"人的意义世界"中展开其领导行为;要慎用权力、以德服人,重视道德领导的价值;应成为学习型领导者,并自觉提升自身领导力。  相似文献   

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