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With China's growing economy and its more extensive exchange with the world in trade, culture and education, more and more people in the world are learning Chinese. It is in this context that the first World Chinese Conference, with the theme of “Chinese Development in the Context of Cultural Diversity”, opened on July 20 in Beijing, attracting some 600 participants from the globe.  相似文献   

Suzhou-style embroidery is known as the most famous of the four major embroidery styles of China. Over the sweep of history, thisembroidery genre has been nurtured in the context of cultural richness in waterside towns of southeast China and continued to evolve thanks to sldll perfection by generations of female embroiderers. Time-honored cultural traditions developed by scholars, poets and painters have enriched aesthetics, craftsmanship and coloring of the embroidery genre, endowing it with unique characteristics and enduring artistic appeals and helping to bring it with worldwide reputation.  相似文献   

Wenzhou, located in the southeast province of Zhejiang, is known as a "hometown of craftsmanship", with such distinctive folk craft arts as Ou-style embroidery, Huangyang wood carving and fine-patterned paper carving. Ou-style embroidery is indigenous to the valley of the Ou River in Wenzhou, celebrated as a unique craft art of Zhejiang. This type of embroidery is highly decorative with distinctive local characteristics.  相似文献   

Hefang Street in Hangzhou, capital city of southeast Zhejiang Province, is full of hustle and bustle, with a multitude of shops and crowds of visitors. Walk around the street corner and you will get to a quiet alley named "Anrong Alley" where Chen Shuiqin's embroidery studio is based. In this two-storey building, I met Ms. Chen and her disciples Yu Zhiyin and Jin Jiahong. They were embroidering on cloth attentively. The small studio was almost occupied by embroidery screens. On the window side is a row of wooden embroidery frames. Several girls coming to learn embroidery skills from different places around the country were busy with their works.  相似文献   

<正>In recent years,China has organized more than 200 cultural and arts festivals of various scales in some 50 countries across the world.These cultural exchange events,with diverse forms and rich contents,aim to present a scenario of  相似文献   

China is an ancient civilization whose written history dates back more than 5, 000 years. Australia is a young and dynamic nation whose rich aboriginal traditions co-exist with different cultures, religions and ethnicities from across the world. Based on this background, the exchange of cultural years in each other's country is of far-reaching importance.  相似文献   

Ren Huixian is a respectable name in the embroidery circle of Suzhou. She was a master embroiderer with both moral and artistic perfection and was granted with such titles of honor as Handicraft Master of China and Expert of Outstanding Contribution by the State Council. From the remaining pictures of her, we can see an elegant and beautiful lady with peaceful and confident appearance, which betrays her 70 years of successful artistic career.  相似文献   

While four Chinese large sculptures featuring the theme of "peace and friendship" arrived in Washington DC, New Jersey, Atlanta and Kansas respectively, four American sculptures with the same theme were shipped to China and set in Beljing, Shanghai, Foshan and Changchun respectively. This ambitious cultural exchange event, in celebration of the 30th anniversary ot Chino-US diplomatic ties, aimed to promote peace and friendship through art and express Chinese people's value highlighting harmony and their sincere expectation for o more peaceful world.  相似文献   

My curiosity about three master artists of Suzhou embroidery, Shen Shou, Yang Shouyu and Ren Huixian, were satisfied in the library of Suzhou Embroidery Research Institute. Publications and references reviewed these master artists' remarkable accomplishments in the art of Suzhou embroidery.  相似文献   

"Birds Perching at Winter Sweet" is an exquisite embroidery work, The work features a vigorous and straight trunk of the winter sweet, shone by plum blossoms and with a pair of birds perching at the branches. The embroidered work was based on one of the ink paintings by Emperor Huizong of the Northern Song Dynasty [960-1127] which is now collected in the Palace Museum in Taipei. The emperor is an accomplished artist skilled in painting and calligraphy.  相似文献   

In 2004 a forum on the innovation of Suzhou-style embroidery was held in the city of Suzhou, attracting some 50 celebrated artists, scientists and scholars from home and abroad. Nobel Laureate and famous physicist Tsung-Dao Lee delivered an important presentation as the forum's honorary president, noting that "Culture will not sustain without innovation. Suzhou-style embroidery will see infinite vitality by making innovative breakthroughs". His speech triggered intensive discussions among participants and enormous comments online. The forum has had continued impacts on the development of Suzhou-style embroidery in the new century.  相似文献   

MAO Zedong,a leadingstatesman and ideologistof the twentieth century,rarely went abroad when overseeingaffairs of state in China.He had,nevertheless,a broad knowledge ofmany foreign ideas and civilizations,and saw the wisdom in the ex-change of ideas between China andother countries.He personally in-volved himself in many of theseprojects to further the world’sknowledge of China,her relation-ships with the outside world,mod-  相似文献   

The history of Yunjin, or cloud embroidery, can date back to the Southern Dynasty (about 1600 years ago). This genre of embroidery developed fast during the Song-Yuan period and flourished during the Ming-Qing period. It is so named because cloud patterns were often applied. In 417 AD, the East Jin Dynasty established an official agency in Nanjing to administer embroidery production and circulation.  相似文献   

The Chinese embroidery art has a long history. Statistics show that 5500 years ago in the Liaoning area there appeared a beautiful embroidery type called "Wei Embroidery", which's stitched on fur apparels. And prior to the Shang Dynasty, about 16 to 11 B.C., Chinese embroidery artisans and versatile home ladies used their hands creating countless pieces of beautiful embroidery works on silk textures. Colorful Chu embroidery, solemn and unsophisticated Han embroidery, gorgeous and luxury Tang embroidery,  相似文献   

At Dusseldorf Fashion Exposition in Germany in 1996, the only invited Chinese designer Hu Xiaodan captured attention of world top designers with his creative and exquisite production of Forbidden City attires and was considered the world‘s most avant-garde designer of the year. For the first time,Chinese national flag was raised at this world-class exposition to honor the accomplishments of Chinese designers and fashion creations.  相似文献   

The history of embroidered costumes in China dates back to remote past. The extant oldest embroidery ever unearthed was made in the Shang Dynasly [c. 16th centuryc. 11 th century]. In ethnicity-dwelled areas in southwest China, including Guizhou, Yunan, Guangxi and Hunan, embroidery skills are still handed down in original forms and in a matriarchic manner. Local ethnic girls learn embroider/ skills from their mothers, making embroidered clothes not only for themselves but also for their children in the future. Their delicate and exquisite embroidery fabrics have considerably enriched folk arts of China.  相似文献   

Dear readers,In the new round of reform and open-doorpolicy, culture along withpofitics, economy, society and environment, constitute five key ingredientsfor China's national construction. The last 30 years have witnessed how the first round of open-doorpohcy enableda wider learning from the world, resulting in the present-day better-off of Chinese people. One has therefore reason to believe that a wider and further exchange of ideas,  相似文献   

French conservationists initiated the concept of"architecture, city and landscape heritage conservation zone" in 1983, putting historic quarters with cultural richness and natural landscapes with historical significance under protection, in following years, practices pertaining to the protection of urban cultural landscapes were gradually conducted in many countries around the world.  相似文献   

Embroidery is a distinctive folk art of China that dates back to ancient times.Embroiders stitch various patterns and characters with needles on silk and cloth fabrics,creating unique pieces of art.There are many embroidery styles in China,among which Miao people’s dragon-patterned embroidery  相似文献   

A 36-person delegation from the US President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanity paid an official visit to China from June 5 to 13 at the invitation of Chinese Cultural Ministry. On June 10, the delegation attended a seminar on the conservation of world heritage sites in Suitcase House in Commune by the Great Wall,a resort hotel in the suburb of Beijing.At the seminar Shan Jixiang,Director-General of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage of China,delivered a presentation on the trends of cultural heritage conservation in China as wall as China-US exchange and cooperation in the field of cultural heritage conservation.  相似文献   

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